How to Honor Your Body and Live Heaven on Earth

Having spent the last 30 years assisting women in healing themselves on all levels and at all life stages, I’ve come to see that our bodies are the true altars—the most sacred places in our lives. Without flourishingly healthy bodies, nothing else matters, not even wealth. Yet some of you still take your bodies for granted, instead of deliberately pay loving attention to them.

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What is a Holistic Dentist?

Why You Need a Holistic Dentist

Oral health is crucial for your overall health. And poor oral health is a risk factor for (and may indicate the presence of) chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. I don’t get regular annual health check-ups or disease screenings, but I do get my teeth cleaned twice per year! That said, the […]

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Staying optimally hydrated

What Is Optimal Hydration?

Optimal hydration is crucial to maintaining every organ and system in your body. Insufficient hydration can have an adverse effect on how your body functions. For example, even a 2% drop in optimal hydration can lead to cloudy thinking and fatigue. Water is an essential component of every cell in your body. For example, the […]

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