Many women approach menopause with the desire to take only “natural” hormones to help alleviate their symptoms. This causes quite a bit of confusion and miscommunication between doctors and their patients. That’s because all hormones can be marketed as “natural” or “plant-based,” and many pharmaceutical companies are capitalizing on women’s quest for “natural” hormone replacement therapy by marketing proprietary hormone products in this manner.
The problem is, while many of these hormonal molecules may have been derived from plant sources, most are not even close to being anything like human female hormones, nor do they perform as such in the body. Many proprietary HRT options marketed as “plant-based” and “natural” as well as purely yam-based creams fall into this category. Moreover, they are often not effectively converted or used in the body and sometimes have actions that are more deleterious than the symptoms they purport to quell or stave off.
What’s the Difference Between Natural and Bioidentical Hormones?
All hormones are “natural.” But what most women mean when they say they want natural hormones is that they are interested in using bioidentical hormones. The distinction is that bioidentical hormones are identical in their molecular shape, makeup, and structure to hormones made in the human body. This is what makes bioidentical hormones the perfect “keys” to unlock the body’s receptor sites. In other words, it’s the shape of the molecule not the source.
Today most women know that the “hormone” Premarin, which is marketed as Prempro when combined with the synthetic progestin Provera, is not bioidentical. My colleague, the late Dr. Joel Hargrove, used to say, “Premarin is a natural hormone if your native food is hay!” That’s because it’s made from conjugated mare urine. Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) does not occur naturally in nature. It is used as a substitute for bioidentical progesterone. Pharmaceutical companies do this because they cannot patent a naturally occurring hormone!
If you are in doubt as to whether a particular product offered to you by prescription is bioidentical, check the label. If it lists “esterified estrogens,” “progestins,” or “progestogens,” the product is not bioidentical. You can also do a search on to learn more about any pharmaceutical you are considering.
Why Bioidentical Hormones Work Better
Our hormones are comprised of a solid steroid base (cholesterol), decorated with “arms,” “legs,” and “tails” pinned on here and there. These attachments are what turn hormones into specialized molecules, allowing them to plug into receptor molecules throughout the body, turning on and off much of the cellular behavior that makes us tick.
When we take HRT that doesn’t fit the original design that our cells have evolved to recognize, the end result simply may not feel or act quite right. Hence, all those side effects, ranging from annoying and uncomfortable to downright dangerous, can occur.
Bioidentical hormones, on the other hand, duplicate the structure of our hormones exactly as they are found in our bodies. This is why they work better in our bodies.
Which Bioidentical Hormones Should You Take?
The molecules naturally produced in the human female body for which we most often seek replacement include:
- Estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3)
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- DHEA, an adrenal precursor to testosterone.
These truly “natural” hormones are available by prescription. Estradiol is available as Estrace pills, Estrace vaginal cream, or transdermals as the Vivelle Dot, and the Climera patch. Pharmaceutical companies have been able to patent the delivery system on these hormones, though the hormone itself is still bioidentical. Estriol is available only through formulary pharmacies. Most women do fine with just estradiol plus or minus some progesterone. And sometimes a bit of testosterone, which is available by prescription as AndroGel.
What is the Best Natural Progesterone Cream?
Many women are confused about the use of progesterone creams, particularly regarding the efficacy of yam-based or other plant-based creams. Unlike soy and flax, which contain plant-based adaptogenic estrogens (phytoestrogens) that convert into usable forms in the body, wild yam (Dioscorea barbasco) cannot be converted into progesterone in the body.
The conversion can occur in a laboratory setting, however; therefore, wild yam is sometimes used to synthesize the progesterone found in progesterone creams. Some progesterone creams are yam-based, but the active ingredient is not the wild yam itself but the USP progesterone that has been added.
For this reason, while the body may absorb wild yam extract through the skin, which may then confer mild effects on menopausal symptoms, results of research on oral and topical applications of wild yam extract have not detected a significant change in progesterone levels in the blood.
If you want the beneficial effects of bioidentical progesterone, make sure the ingredients on the label include United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) progesterone. USP progesterone is available in over-the-counter 2% creams as well as by prescription. Choices for prescription-based bioidentical progesterone include Crinone Vaginal Gel in 4% or 8% concentration or in an oral micronized form such as Prometrium capsules.
How to Talk to Your Doctor
I have receive letters and comments from many women who have taken the initiative to offer their health care providers information on bioidentical hormones. If you want to use bioidentical hormones as hormone replacement therapy, here are the salient points to know and share with your doctor about bioidentical hormones:
- They have been prescribed by doctors for many years.
- They are readily available through formulary pharmacies.
- They are easily titrated to suit a woman’s individual needs.
- They are readily absorbed and utilized.
- They are safe and effective.
Many formulary pharmacists work in partnership with physicians to provide individualized hormone-replacement solutions. You may want to call a local formulary pharmacy to consult with a knowledgeable pharmacist to develop your customized plan.
Additional Resources on Bioidentical Hormones
For information about compounded hormones or to locate a pharmacy that provides individualized prescriptions, visit the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding.
American Hormones, Inc., founded by Erika T. Schwartz, M.D., renowned expert in the field of natural hormones, offers concierge medical services, including high-quality pharmaceutical-grade hormones shipped nationwide and internationally. The website has extensive information on bioidentical hormones.
There are also many books that you can consult. My books, The Wisdom of Menopause and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom provide in-depth information.
I also recommend reading The 30-Day Natural Hormone Plan, by Erika Schwartz, M.D.; New Menopausal Years, The Wise Woman Way: Alternative Approaches for Women 30–90, by Susun S. Weed; and TCM: A Woman’s Guide to a Trouble-Free Menopause, by Nan Lu, O.M.D., L.Ac., with Ellen Schaplowsky.
Why Bioidentical Hormones Could Be Banned in the Near Future
If you are reading this blog, you are most likely interested in natural hormones and other therapies as a way of maintaining your health. Perhaps you have used some or all of the bioidentical hormones I mention above. And maybe you even prefer these proven therapies over prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications to treat illnesses.
If so, here is something you need to know: On July 9, 2020, the FDA announced that bioidentical hormones are a “public health concern” and that a “ban is likely.” This statement could not be more false. All estrogens—bioidentical included—that bind to the alpha estrogen receptor (and testosterone too when converted) can act as growth promoters in estrogen-sensitive tissue, including breast and uterine tissue. This is why some women prefer herbal approaches instead. However, bioidentical hormones have long been found to be safer and more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts. In fact, a review of the studies found that compounded bioidentical hormone therapy (cBHT) is associated with lower risks of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease and is more effective than synthetic or animal-derived hormones. And there are many women who have comfortably stayed on low doses of bioidentical hormones for years with great results.
So, why would the FDA issue this statement? The FDA statement came one day after the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) published a review of the “clinical utility” for cBHT. And, it may not surprise you to learn that the NASEM study titled “Clinical Utility of Treating Patients with Compounded ‘Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy’”—was sponsored by none other than the FDA itself.
In its review, the NASEM committee acknowledged that many women expressed a distinct preference for compounded bioidentical hormones. Yet, the committee recommended only allowing cBHT to be prescribed under very specific circumstances, such as a documented allergy to an FDA-approved BHT product. In addition, the committee said that just because a patient prefers to use bioidentical hormones, that alone is not enough to justify their use. In other words, the only way you will be able to get cBHT is if there is no other FDA-approved drug option. And, in the slim chance you are approved for cBHT, the dosage cannot exceed FDA-approved product dosages, even though dosing of compounded hormones is very different than the one-size-fits-all dosages of drugs.
The committee also recommended that the FDA Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) review select hormones for addition to the “Difficult to Compound” list, including estradiol, estrone, progesterone, estriol, testosterone, and the pellet dosage form of these. When an item is placed on the “Difficult to Compound” list, it can no longer be made at compounding pharmacies.
Finally, the committee recommends increased oversight of “traditional” pharmacies by the federal government and the State Boards of Pharmacy to ensure quality standards for every cBHT preparation dispensed.
Why Are These Restrictions Happening Now?
The FDA has always had the authority to regulate the substances used in making compounded drugs. However, until now, the agency has chosen to leave oversight to the states. But in 2020, the FDA decided to regulate substances used in compounding. By doing this the FDA is, in effect, regulating the practices of medicine and pharmacy rather than regulating the drugs being prescribed and sold. In my opinion, this is a huge overreach of power, and it waves a big red flag for me during this time of increasing government control over our bodies and our lives.
Further, the committee’s calling for the “education” of health care providers and pharmacists who currently prescribe, compound, and dispense cBHT is nothing more than a thinly veiled threat against these practitioners, who will be forced to practice medicine the way Big Government and Big Pharma dictate or they risk losing their licenses and practices.
And as of September 5, 2020 it appears that the FDA is on a mission to ban other compounded natural therapies as well, including homeopathic remedies and natural substances, such as curcumin, that have been proven safe and effective for decades!
When the government or its appointed “authorities” limit your abilty to obtain and use natural substances that are proven safe, it is nothing less than a full-fledged attack on your health and your health freedom. But it doesn’t stop there. These same agencies at both the federal and state levels are restricting medical practitioners from even discussing natural therapies with their patients and the public, including therapies that may reduce the severity and length of COVID-19 symptoms. Yet every time you go to the pharmacy, they try to give you a flu vaccine. In fact, for years legislators have been trying to pass new “informed consent” laws allowing children as young as 11 years old to decide for themselves whether to receive non-mandatory vaccines without parental consent or knowledge. This includes flu, HPV and the COVID-19 shots. We should all be outraged by this!
What You Can Do to Protect Your Health Freedom
Frankly, I trust Mother Nature’s millions of years of wisdom much more than I trust 50 years of biochemical wizardry from Big Pharma. If you feel the same way and want to be able to preserve your freedom of choice when it comes to your body and your health and stop the powers that be from banning bioidentical hormones and other safe, natural therapies (and restricting your doctor from even giving you advice about them), one of the best things you can do is contact your senator and state representatives. Another thing you can do is join Millions Against Medical Mandates, an organization fighting for your rights to medical freedom and bodily autonomy. The Children’s Health Defense is another wonderful organization founded and run by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Have you tried bioidentical hormones? What was your experience? Do you think the FDA is wrong in banning bioidentical hormones? Leave your comments below.
For years of comfort & cycles, “Estrodiol” has served me well then local doctor 2 years. Ago,
Took me off Estrodiol. Because I take Prednisone for COPD issues, I now have developed Osteoporosis!! Which I understand would have been prevented if I’d have continued on Estrdiol!!!
Dear Dr. Northrop
I so enjoyed reading your article and have been an educational journey when I first started with my menopausal experience. Long story short, had been on the “pill” for years as a young woman and beyond. My mistake. I ended up with severe menopausal symptoms, in fact all of them, couldn’t sleep for more than 1/2 hour without a severe hot flash, not to mention constant insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, depression, mood swings, you name it, I had it. So in desperation went to an OBGYN, and she put me on another “birth control pill” she thought would help. My symptoms got worse. Left there, discouraged and angry. She didn’t have a clue. Read all I could on bio identicals mainly from blogs from Europe. Started to see the light. Found a naturopathic clinic and after a couple doctors and the right cream prescription, I was in heaven. Within two weeks, my symptoms were nearly gone. Slept 3 hours in a row, then more. Lost weight, and felt amazing. Now about 52, I was happy, healthy and sane. I am now 62, still on the same bio identical cream and happy. So, as I am a basic miracle, I owe it all to bio identicals! My body is happy and I am happy. I cannot live without them. So in closing, I post many things on X about the Big Pharma attack on our rights. It is very obvious and many many people need to understand just how evil and controlling they are. We must fight against this. Thanks for all you do. Speaking up and educating is the key. Thanks again.
What cream prescriptions did you try and which one worked for you? What form of hormones are in the cream?
I became menopausal about 10 yrs ago. I am 60. I went thru a lot prior to menopause as I took low estrin at age35 and developed DVT. Was on blood thinners for 2.5 yrs and hemorrhaged. I had blood transfusions, and I was still hemorrhaging. What cause the stopping of that was PROMETRIUM. I began taking them at age 38. I would go between 100 to 200 mg. I take the brand name which can be quite costly. I am allergic to a lot. I tried to come off of them, but my body came back with elevated B/P. This was at the same time as I was going thru a lot. I tried for a few years to come off. During this time I lost both parents. It was decided by my doctor and I that I would stay on at 200 mg. I have never been on estrogen other than the synthetic which caused the DVT. Well I also found out that I have MTHFR and that was a contributing factor to the DVT.
It has been a hard road that I have been on. The doctors just want to put you on more drugs and they do not know the side effects of what they do to you. They get upset when you do not want to go on drugs as I have seen the side effect on myself and on other family members.
While I do not want to be on prometrium forever–given the cost and a few other issues. I do understand that it is helpful.
I’m 54 years old and am about five years into menopause. The transition into peri & menopause was fairly easy for me and currently I’m energetic, strong, and healthy. I am not on any medications and only take supplements. I exercise and eat mostly paleo and keto. I typically intermittent fast unless I’m hungry. So overall, I feel good. Is there a reason I would need to consider hormone therapy? I see so much info about this but am always wondering if this is really relevant for me?
About 15 years ago, when I first began going into menopause, I found a wonderful brand of USP estriol and progesterone that were available on Amazon. The company that sold them was called Doctors’ Natural Therapy. I used these creams for years and they really made life bearable, keeping the menopausal symptoms at bay. Then, out of the blue, the creams disappeared and I read that the Government prohibited Doctors’ Natural Therapy from making and selling the creams. I think the pharmaceutical industry is afraid of the competition. Nowadays, I have Premarin cream (which is really hard core and makes me feel strange) but I don’t use it. I still order the bioidentical creams from Amazon. I like the wild yam cream, too, and even thought there is no scientific evidence that it is effective at replacing estrogen or progesterone, it makes me feel very good, eliminates symptoms of menopause and helps me sleep soundly. I would be lost without these products and hope they don’t ban them. That would be a terrible injustice.
I am 60 years old and have only gone a few months without a period about 5 years ago, my blood tests done FSH did show I was in menopause about 5 years ago, I am on BHRT, estradiol patch and vag cream, test transdermal and progesterone 100 mg days 15-28, still having vag bleeding 7 days usually beginning day 29. My GYN has done endometrial biopsy and was ok, wants to do D&C and ablation due to vag bleeding. Do you feel this is necessary? I would really rather not have done unless really needed. I was thinking the BHRT was reason for vag bleeding. Thank you.
Sounds like my story and my ablation did not work. I did also quit BHRT due to bleeding and getting off helped. I’m at a loss right now, trying to figure out how to move forward.
My doctor wants to do a D and C because of thickening of my uterine lining after an ultrasound check. Ive asked her if she could do anything else and see if the uterine lining takes care of itself. She said she would and is doing a biopsy next month instead. She said you cant catch all the cancer with just a biopsy, but will honor my request. She said too much estrogen caused my lining to thicken- I had “period – bleeding for 6 days a few months ago, haven’t bled since. I was hoping to take progesterone only and see if that helped. Endometrial cancer runs in my family so it’s scary trying to figure this out. Ive been on Bioidentical hormones for 9 years and am 65 -menopause at 52. ha anyone had a similar experience as me?
After a lot of time and energy in taking care of my post menopausal health I found a medication treatment plan that has served me well for 10 years. It includes Armour Thyroid, vitamin D3, supplemental herbal Estrovan and Andover cream, 2%. Now my newly assigned PCP has refused to write for the Androgel. I have been looking for a practioner for several weeks but cannot avoid these high priced women’s healthcare cottage industries. Can you help me??
Look up Glow Natural Wellness; the Healthy Hormone Club.
Look up functional medicine doctors to see if you can find one that will help you.
My mother is 73. She would like to start using the bioidentical hormones. ( troches)
Please advise. She had no current symptoms. The only advantage I see is to protect her bones.
Thank You!
Men are given erectile dysfunction drugs, plus testosterone and testosterone enhancing supplements (Nugenix, etc), given the green light, a pat on the back, and are declared kings when their sex lives are restored, while us women are told we are just depressed and offered anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs, it is truly sexist
hide sooner than later
Yes,I took bioidentical hormones and they made a TREMENDOUS difference in my life. I felt like I was losing my mind. I was depressed, crying and couldn’t sleep. As soon as I started taking the hormones, I started feeling better. After a month, I was my old self! They would be doing women a terrible injustice if they banned them!
What Bioidentical hormones do/ did you take?
At age 66 are bio-identical hormones of any benefit, if no HRT ever taken? I was menopausal age 52.
I became menopausal at 52 also and still greatly benefit from bioidentical creams (and also wild yam cream alone) at age 68.
I came across this while researching bioidentical hormone teplacement therapy. Based on everything that I am reading, it is scary for me to try anything, BHRT or HRT. I am a healthy, energetic 58 yr old woman who works out 6 days a week. I do cardio and strength training, feel better than when I was 26 yr old, even though I was healthy and slim then. I am into healthy lifestyle, hope to continue so without any hormone therapies.
I felt the same as you until my female organs, the uterus and both ovaries were removed at the age of 40. Since surgery, i have suffered horribly and my health has been compromised.
The ovaries do not only function as reproductive/sex organs. They are enodcrine organs that function throughout life.
This was my experience. I have been on a continuous journey since advocating for myself to get the best bioidentical HRT. It’s been 10 years.
My FSH started increasing and my integrative doc is having me try progesterone (pulsed) – it is a generic form of prometrium (I see that it is bio-identical, but perhaps not really). The first 10 days or so I found it really was a nice sleep aid, at 100mg a night (which perhaps is higher than we wanted but I’m trying to avoid cost of compounding pharmacy for lower dose), but on day 13, and then 14 (with 200mg dose) I started waking in the middle of the night, and several times a night. Has anyone had that experience? progesterone contributing to sleep disruption? It’s possible it could be something else (eg, taking less mag glycinate at night, which is a mainstay for me, and also taking less pregnenolone than I was, at night). Thanks.
So sorry to read that so many women are being bullied by their doctors re HRT. I am 83 healthy and very active. I never went through menopause as started on conventional HRT when aged 48. I continue to have my periods by taking progesterone only for the last two weeks of my cycle. I reasoned there might be some benefit in the loss and replacement of fresh blood. When I started HRT there was no micronised progesterone and how I suffered. Now I take Estrofem 2mg continuously and Progeffik for 14 days. I also take DHEA and Pregnenolone. I have not been able to get my hands on testosterone or growth hormone which we oldies all need but which the medical establishment doesn’t want us to have. Perhaps the possibility of vigorous, healthy oldies in not on their agenda!
I have lived mostly in third world countries and so far have no access to a specialist on the subject. I have managed to do the research and get these drugs without prescription. If an informed doctor is not willing to subscribe bioidentical HRT then try changing you doctor to an old and disillusioned GP like the one I have now who is happy to prescribe the HRT I want just to get rid of me!
Who does your treatment
I’ve discussed this method with an old school male GP, it is an unorthodox way to force periods, even if they come on heavy once a year I agree there is some benefit for those of us who still have a uterus, progesterone is key, although estrogen dominance is an issue. Testosterone troches affected my GI, so perhaps the gel is the way to go.
I’ve always respected your advise until just now when I see you recommending Robert Kennedy Jr. So disappointing.
What a small minded person you are, GROW UP!!!
I respect and admire Robert Kennedy Jr in his efforts to expose the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.
Me too. The Kennedys are not perfect, BUT to contemplate what that family has done fir the democrat voters, only to be betrayed by the very same people they helped and helped greatly. It’s criminal to me.
yes, someone needs to take a stand against the pharm industry. I may not agree w his politics, but appreciate his courage. Looks like next, we need to get a warrior leader to fight the atrocities of the FDA.
Why is that?
That is actually why I respect her tremendously
As a nurse practitioner, I was placed on patches, creams, pills for menopause. I still felt awful. It was not until i started pellets that I felt back to my self ( a younger version).
I have been fighting for the care of women’ s health and happiness ever since. Five years ago I went into the Wellness area for that purpose.
Pellets? Can you please tell us more details? Thanks!
I am very happy being on bioidentical hormones. I take progesterone daily, estradiol daily , and a shot of testo every 14 days. Before this regimen, I was having very uncomfortable hot flashes, not able to sleep, and crying for no reason. I have none of those things going on after taking the above protocol. The only thing I can not stand is having to get a mammogram yearly. They are still acting insane with the covid crap.
For my experience, I have just always let my providers know that my choice is not to have a mammogram, whenever I get the reminder call I am due for it, and my choice has been honored, I am 74 and have only had 4 mammograms in my life, and none at all in the last 20 years.
I am lucky I guess that no medical office has tried to change my perspective, choices, and my right to medical freedom – so far anyway. I do have grave concerns though with what is happening in the medical/pharmaceutical corporate industry wit what I have seen since 2020.
We have to do our best to stand strong and to support each other
My dr keeps pushing me to get a hysterectomy because he doesn’t want to keep me on compounded hormone treatment. I had a d & c because of thicked lining but no cancer & no problems after. I will be 64 & don’t want a hysterectomy & told him never! I said lower my dose a little since my hot flashes are rare so he did for now. Not trusting this guy anymore
Julie, you need to get a new doctor!!! Of course your doctor is a male. Time to find a good female doctor who will understand that having a hysterectomy is a bad thing for women. Please do not do anything to your uterus until you have spoken to at least three other doctors, preferably female.
shall we leaveour uterusthen, if it 95% cancer ridden, Linda. . ? How did you get so wise?
Don’t get one!
I am 64 and on bioidentical hormones for test. est and prog. My test and prog levels are good. My est levels remain very low. Why do I absorb test and prog so well but not estrogen?
Most doctors are giving women synthetic (non-bioidentical) hormones, which just eliminate the symptoms, but it’s doing nothing to replace the hormones you have lost. HRT boosts our immune system since it replaces the hormones we lost. Without our hormones, we die. I had a good read. Thank you for sharing it.
I am 74 years old. My frustration is making this a rant, so will be as brief as possible. I had a TOTAL hysterectomy in the 80’s and did wonderful on HRT. Then the big scare came and I was taken off as so many others but still seemed to do okay for awhile. I noticed signs that made me see my doctor. Informed due to the time being off HRT My Doctor refused (2005) to give me any after the HRT was again approved. Reasoning I would have a Heart Attack or Stroke. Because I suddenly have lost all energy and certain I am losing my mind and my quality of life is ebbing away I am on a quest to save it. I am a very healthy, intelligent and active woman. I live alone and personally was able to keep my home and yard maintained. I have three e-commerce business of which I sell my handmade couture clothing and jewelry designs to name just a few and have no energy of focus or ambition most days to function. The good Lord has made this shell of my body keep going this long but to my dismay and utter disbelief I AM FINDING THERE IS NOTHING AVAILABLE OR NO PROTOCOL (OF MY AGE BRACKET) TO KEEP AND MAINTAIN MY NECESSARY FUNCTIONS BACK THAT MENOPAUSE IS STEALING AWAY. TO TAKE ANY AVENUES OF TREATMENT OFF THE MARKET IS WRONG. GUESS THE NEW GENERATION OF MEN HAVE NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE MASS “PMS” IN THE FEMALE POPULATION. Any suggestions or directions for me would be beyond any expression of gratitude. I am going to find something to take and hope I am not committing suicide in what I find.
Hi Linda,
I’m 70 yrs old and TIRED.
I am very active, have horses and dogs and live an out door life. I am an optimist and just wish I could enjoy my active life the way I did just a short time ago.
I totally identified with your letter. If you find a solution….would you be kind enough to pass it on to me?
Thank you. Allyson
Hi there ,like many women in postmenopause we have the same issues, and scare.
I do not rest from finding and to keep it short all I can say is that 2 bioidentical hormones called Pregnenolone and DHEA give me more relief on low doses ( I take drops) from amazon, until you find the desired effect.Pregnenolone is more for mind and DHEA for adrenals, but please read what women say about them as the word of mouth is much stronger.I personally take 3 drops of Pregnenolone and 3 drops of DHEA also take red clover 40 mg.
Good luck!
I took topical bioidentical progesterone for years….I’ve been switched to oral bioidentical progesterone..(100 mgs at bedtime) Since starting with this change, I’ve noticed that I have orange urine sometimes. (I noticed the orange color on collected tissue from throughout the night in the toilet….I “go” 2-5 times a night.) Just wondered if the orange color is normal with the oral progesterone.
Thanks, Debbie Smith
I started on hrt in the mid 1990s. I was 45. I started menopause. I was having hot flashes every 15 min. I wld be ivercome with heat and flooded with sweat, panic attacks, depression. I cldnt sleep, i cldnt have sex my vagina dried up so bad it hurt. I was miserable. I wanted to kill myself. A friend if mine had gone to a seminar about hormone replacement. I had been to my dr who tried me on premarin. I hated it. You know bug pharma makes hormone replacement. It is made from horse piss. It is. I decided to try the hrt made from plant extracts. Heaven! Now the government wants to take it away. My hormones. The thing that makes my life worth living. Im 73 now and am extremely healthy. Dont take thus life saving option from me.
Is there a good BHRT provider online? I do not live near a physician that can do this and the ones I have tried are HORRIBLE. I have been on BHRT for over a year and my levels are all over the place. I gained 30 lbs since being on it and ready to call it quits. Please help!
Yes- look up Glow Natural. I am using them online and so far am very happy with their customer service. It’s top notch. Hopeful the hormones continue to bring equilibrium as well!
Is there anywhere safe to get them online? I have to travel too far to see a doctor for mine.
Barbara Hoffman
has you tube videos and products that may help you….check her out…..good luck ~ j ~
I began to investigate hormone replacement therapy after experiencing odd emotional and body reactions as I transitioned through menopause. Dr. Northrup’s guidance about overall lifestyle changes was valuable, coupled with exploring bio identical hormones. As I have aged they need to be adjusted. Bioidenrical hormones, however seem to be the key to my emotional and physical well-being!
Does Dr Northrup “see” patents online or via zoom? I had BHRT Biote pellets and that Dr also had me on Thyroid medication. I had a reaction with the thyroid meds…
looking for another Dr to prescribe creams, consults …
THANK YOU!! I had a DVT with my first pregnancy 23 years ago! Due to the DVT I was unable to take the pill and therefore the endometriosis I had spread fairly rapidly causing the need for a complete hysterectomy and bilateral oopherectomy at the age of 35. I have since only bed. Allowed to take the lowest dose of the Vu Elle dot and I have the worst hot flashes and prior never had a weight problem! I’m definitely going to try these!
I have been on BHRT for many years now with great success. It saved me from a hellish menopause and, in general, I am a healthy woman. Now at the age of 63, I have a new specialist who is trying to convince me that I need to completely come off BHRT because of the risks. My intention was to stay on as long as my GYN and my body thought it beneficial, but I’m trying to find specific research about how long a woman should stay on BHRT. I’d appreciate any experience or knowledge you have. Thank you!
Read the book Oestrogen Matters by Dr Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris, PhD. They address this topic, and say you should be able to safely stay on HRT for the rest of your life. However, he advocates mostly for HRT, not BHRT. Lots of good info!
hi, i read through all the comments on this site and am glad i did. Still i wonder and feel ive been rather uninformed for many years. I am 71, 6 months ago had a total hysterectomy and a lumpectomy, tests saying i had the her2 gene. I have had major colon surgery (24″ of colon removed, mostly tansverse colon) emergency appendectomy with a 4″ ballooned appendix. In all these situations including the hysterectomy with ovaries taken(they were in no problem shape) I do NOT metastize (who knows, maybe someday?) However……
Conception had been difficult, only one child, and periods stopped when I was 41. Have always had some manner of fibroids. After 2 years of nearly daily bleeding I saw the GYN. Thus my 2 recent surgeries. Both cancer scores came back between stage 1-1 1/2.
Ive never had a hot flash. Could tell though within 3 days that losing my ovaries made a big problem come to be…….Now yes there is weight gain, memory fog, and horrible moods. Oh my poor husband.
Im thinking I need ALL of the bio identical hormones!! My hubby has Parkinsons Disease. We live very rurally on an Indian Reserve, the NP there goes STRICTLY by California Medical board guidelines and tells me if I get counseling this will have me handlying the mood issues.
Sorry to have you read this long explanation! Where do I start with the creams? Am happy to use OTC preps as we a so remote. Or whatever, but cannot travel to specialized doctors. Help please. Any advice appreciated. 🙂
Without strong healthy happy females, the keystone of society is disabled. This is a war and the enemy uses these tactics. God bless you Dr N. Glad you are standing up again publicly. I am a psychotherapist with a spiritual bent, and I forwarded your interview with Catherine Edwards to those of my clients who could tolerate their therapist coming out with that information. Many of them are perimenopausal and I recommended your site. Thank you what you are doing! We are all in this together.
thank you very nice website article
I just started taking Bioidentical Hormones. I don’t think my body agree’s with them. Im 56 and kind of desperate for a boost in my estrogen! Is there any other way to boost estrogen? My buckets very empty so Im looking for something I can do with that works well
I am tired of being told that Bioidentical hormones are bad. I was giving a full Hysterectomy for no reason at 51 . My whole life became a nightmare .the Htr hormones made sick i went from 125 lbs to 250lbs i never had weighted more than 120 lbs .I couldnt think i couldnt eat I couldnt use the restroom my hair was falling out. Then i found at person studying Biodentical hormones . so I tried them, I stared to fill like myself. there is noway i would ever go back. A horse is a horse not human
What bioidentical hormones are you using?
Is Climara bioidentical or from animal source?
I currently use over the counter USP standardized bioidentical estrogen, progesterone and DHEA creams purchased off Amazon. I am completely satisfied with the results, which have been dramatic. I am 60 and entered post menopause at the advanced age of 57, I guess I’m a late bloomer, haha.
I would not take either synthetic horse estrogens and other Big Pharma drugs such as Premarin nor would I go for compounding pharmacy versions of these as bioidentical cHRT.
Here’s why: in the first case, the dangers and dissatisfactions of the Big Pharma patent drug approach is well known by women – even if it is not acknowledged by medical practitioners or the FDA.
In the second case, what is less well understood by the public is that meaningful oversight of the contents of compounded preparations does not exist. Investigative reports of many of the largest compounding pharmacies has revealed shoddy practices are endemic to nearly all of the pharmacies’ Bioidentical HRT products. When these products were subjected to spectrographic analysis, most of the samples revealed ingredient substitutions and omissions and multiple problems with non-standardized dosages of the progestin to estrogen ratios and levels, some exceeding by factors of 100% and others far too low. Unopposed estrogen is very dangerous, as is too much of either progesterone or estrogen. In all cases, the consumer simply doesn’t really know what she is getting.
Lack of oversight has not been good for this industry or for the consumer. It appears that compounding bioidentical HRT is merely an expensive, dangerous and unnecessary alternative to over the counter creams.
We aren’t getting anything special – it’s a marketing ploy. Much much better to get to know your own body, buy inexpensive and standardized over the counter creams, start with a tiny dose and very slowly work your way up, as I did. Don’t fall for the compounding boondoggle, it’s not good science and it very likely isn’t safe. Please don’t take my word for it. Look into it yourself.
Great point @ Leslie landberg! Please provide the list of brand and hormones you are buying from Amazon. I tried the compounding bioidentical HRT and did not do anything for me.
Hi. I am interested in purchasing these hormones at Amazon as I cannot afford to get prescriptions and my regular medical doctor is against bioidenticals. How do you know how much to take of each hormone?
Dear Leslie,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am encouraged by it. May I please ask of the products you are currently using and having success with? It would be greatly appreciated.
Terri Escobar
Which products are you using? That would be very helpful to know (if permitted by this website’s moderator).
I have used estriol and progesterone purchased from Amazon over the years and they work great. They are far superior to the Premarin cream that a doctor once prescribed for me.
I am 66, and about 5 years ago had a partial hysterectomy. Still have uterus for some reason?. Don’t believe my gynecologist should have taken out my ovaries? Said I had a cyst which was false. Anyway just had my hormones checked by a naturopath. She says my estrogen & testosterone are below normal. Progesterone is normal? Will be trying BHRT.
Pls. Dr. Northrup I have been researching for a couple of years to find a safe bioidentical hrt dr. In San Diego ca. My zip is 92071 . Do you know of one you can recomend who doesn’t charge an arm and a leg (so to say) there is none in my insurance plan. I can’t afford a large amount. When my hrt was reduced because of age, appox 61yrs at the time. I lost my mojo. I miss it. I’m tired. Not my self.
Dr. Northrup, please respond to these questions, they are important. I have been on BHRT for 3 years the OB/GYN requires a mammogram and I’m looking for other ways to do this without the OB/GYN and the mammogram. I would love not to have to have these but they work. The doc is super expensive, but it’s worth my sleep and my brain function. He charges $2000 a year for his services. I know there has to be alternatives. I am moving to Crystal River, Florida, so need someone there, maybe Ocala, Fl? That’s close enough. Anyway, we hope you have someone respond. We are women in NEED. Thank you!
I think Dr Don Colbert has a practice in FL. If he takes more patients, he would be a great option.
I am so happy to try the estrodol, testosterin and the progesterine in a pill combo. I just started 1 day ago, but i can say that I slept so great last night. I think I am going to enjoy it. I did have a very vivid dream l ast night but i survived. I have been so mean to my husband of 35 years recently. I even hit him/kicked him. I am not a violent person. i am ashamed of myself. My mother in law said it was due to estrogen. I think I was on overload. My male ob-gyn prescribed estrogen and told me also that this is just getting older. Well, her just retired and I changed to a female doctor and she was so much more positive to help me. She said we will try several things to see what works best for me. I wanted to hug her. I am definitely going to send here bouquet of flowers. All women need to do their own research. I told my new doctor that I am willing to work for my hormones if my insurance did not cover them. my insurance did cover the pills so Thank God!!!!! I have noticed lately also that I am getting forgetful/foggy. I hope this helps with that too. I also have totally lost my sex drive. I have been married 35 years and it is causing problems in the bedroom for sure. I feel so sorry for my husband but I am trying to improve our sex life. I am just so happy to know about this. I am feeling so much better. Lord Thank You.
Sandra, I know this is 2 yrs old, but curious as to what pill you are taking that combines these 3 hormones? is it from a compounding pharmacy? or what? thank you!
🙂 Kim
HI, I’ve been experiencing perimenopause for about 2or 3 years. I’m 51 now, and I’ve been having an average of maybe 3 light periods a year, for the last 2 years. I recently went from March to Oct. without a period. Should I talk to my Dr. about the bioidentical creams at this time?
Hi Dr. Northrup,
I will be 58 years old in January, I have been on Bio-identical hormones for six years. Stokes run very high in our family is it safe for me to stay on the Bio-identical hormones or should I go off of them because of my family history.
My mother had two massive stokes at 58 years old and she lost siblings and her mother from strokes.
Thank you, Julia
I too have a high risk of strokes and I’m almost 59 and thinking of getting off my bio-identical hormones too. I’ve been one for 5 year and I just don’t like the risk factors looming over my head. Did you stop?
Which of these are non-animal sourced and cruelty-free? The obscene horrors and slaughter visited upon the horses used for Premarin, for example, are 100% unacceptable on every level to me. I will NOT be using any such products.
Dr Northrup, your post regarding FDA and bioidentical hormones etc from 2020 was fascinating reading, particularly the last sentence about FDA approving a covid 19 vaccination….I am 56 years old with Factor V Leiden and a history of PE, and DVT clots. I have always been told I cannot take any hormones due to blood clots. Having suffered for 5 years now with debilitating menopause symptoms I am at my wits end. I have discovered a compound Pharmacist near us who has helped me with a full day saliva test which we are awaiting results on. What are your thoughts with regard to hormones and blood clot history? Many thanks
I like the plain Wild Yam Cream from Piping Rock. Works great and I sleep like a baby.
Hello. I had a partial hysterectomy in April and I was doing fine up until about 3 weeks ago. My BP went up and my heart started racing. I was put on BP meds but it didn’t help. Made my heart race more. I have read where progesterone may help and I have been using Now Progesterone. I actually used Ona’s progesterone up to my surgery.
Anybody here has a similar experience and could tell me what you used. Should I add bioidentical estradiol and what brand is recommended. Thank you
I take OTC magnesium taurate as it is proven to help with cardiovascular health. When my daughter had pre-eclampsia …out of the blue high blood pressure in late pregnancy they delivered the baby and immediately put her on an IV of magnesium taurate so it must be good!
I have endometriosis and I have had the most luck with bioidentical progesterone (prometrium). I had a hysterectomy 3 months ago but both my Naprotechnology Surgeon and my integrative care physician both agree I should continue to cycle my bioidentical progesterone regardless and that is exactly what I do. My cycle was like clock work before my hysterectomy so that I what I still continue to follow. I take it the second half of my cycle. I still have one ovary so bioidentical progesterone is all I take at the moment. I don’t plan on stopping. My insurance doesn’t cover it but it is more than worth it to pay out of pocket for better quality of life.
I am a 58-year-old post-menopausal woman recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. I wish I had opted bioidentical treatment as I am now finding myself in a bone-fragile position. I don’t know if bioidenticals are recommended at my age and this far post-menopause, but I would like to be able to choose!
I’m 75 & take NO Pharmaceuticals.
I do use Bioidentical Hormones for many years. My bones are strong & I’m in excellent health.
What age did you start taking them?
Which bio identical are you using.
What are you using? Suggestions?
I will be 75 years young this year. I have been on BioIdentical Hormones & progesterone since I had a complete hysterectomy at age 52. I feel great & look great! My doctor is having me go to a specialist to get my hormones checked out. I have no intentions of getting off my meds, they work! My bones are strong & I feel great!
Cheryl, can you share where you get your bio-identical hormones from and what form they’re in (creams, oral, pellets)? I’m spending a ton of money right now on bio-identical pellet insertion. It has helped a great deal but looking for a cheaper solution. I’d be grateful for any information you can give!
It’s interesting to know that pharmacy compounding can also com into play when it comes to getting a bioidentical hormone replacement treatment. A friend of mine is starting to look into holistic medicine and is planning to look for ways to avoid diseases as much as possible. Perhaps hormone replacement would be something she should consult a doctor about soon.
I am 53 and have been on bio identical hormones since my total abdominal hysterectomy 7 years ago.
I am debating on taking them as I have read several times and articles that they should not be taken longer then 5 years due to a substantial increased risk of cancer, strokes, blood clots and heart disease.
I have been taking for five years a bio- identical hormone replacement. I’m starting to forget things. My heart was racing so , I think I’m going to back off of some of the dose I’m taking. My fave started to break out too. Never does usually. I am concerned. My doctor just quit and another has taken her place. Weird. Don’t blame her. I need to read some too.
Hello I had full hysterectomy I managed to beg for an oestrogen patch I am 39 had my surgery aged 37 I have struggled with weight gain hair loss depression brain fog and more, my doctors don’t care at all they all have the same attitude I am in Ireland I was wondering how do u know what to buy and amounts to use I wld gladly buy the products I have no energy I feel like life is over mentally it’s horrendous
I am just another reader and I sympathize with your struggle. In this article there is a recommended dose of estradiol patch from the Mayo Clinic ( in Minnesota, USA-not Mayo Ireland!). Do you have a choice of physician? You’ve got to keep pushing and insisting that you need an estradiol patch. I found these clinics, as well, if you just can’t get anywhere with the health service.
It is just criminal to take your uterus and ovaries and not give you hormone replacement. 1 mg of bioidentical, transdermal testosterone can also boost your mood and desire. Don’t give up, Claire!
I hope you’ve found help by now. I’m wondering if that’s part of what happened to Sinead O’Conner. She had a hysterectomy and no hormone replacement, from what I’ve read she said. I lived in Ireland fifty years ago and women’s health was cruel at that time. I pray it’s gotten better but why bioidentical hormones weren’t offered to her I don’t know. I’d like to know more about that as she was a very public case of a hysterectomy that appears, from what we know and we can’t be sure of course, to have been missing the proper follow up. She spoke a bit about it.
Thank you for this very informative article !
I have been on bioidenticals since I was 48 and am now 60. I have no menopause symptoms at this time and have stayed on them primarily for my bones as I have osteopenia. Should I stop using them?
NO! Hormones are anti-aging. Hormones protect your bones! Do not go off hormones unless a certified biodentical doctor has tested and advised you to stop. Hormones are not just for menopause, they are for life! Dr. Christiane Northrup is a trustworthy source and she is telling us that hormones are the key to health and longevity.
Agreed. Suzanne Somers has also had a myriad of interviews/books regarding bioidentical hormones. I’m reading her books now which led me to researching and now I have found Dr. Northrup’s site. We should be able to replace our hormones naturally. Big Pharma and the 1%er bureaucrats are trying to reduce the population which is why they are trying to ban natural alternatives. They want people either buying dangerous pharmaceuticals or they want people dead.
At age 51 my hormone levels zeroed out and my doc and I found a local naturopath who did pellets (my HMO doesn’t do bioidentical). I couldn’t believe how that changed my life! The veil of depression lifted, my youthful energy came back as well as my sex drive! I’ve been on them for 12 years and see no reason to go off.
My new gyn is telling me that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that “hormone replacement therapy, regardless of mode of administration, can have increased risks for heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, dementia with extended use beyond 60. ACOG recommends against ‘bioidentical hormones’.”
Ummm… the same could be said for human-manufactured hormones at any age.
The issue here is *quality of life* and is sorely missed by doctors that are supposedly caring for us, their patients (how paternal of them).
Well, I’ll take my chances with:
Stronger sex drive
Better mental clarity
Decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression
Increased sense of wellbeing
Improved ability to lose fat and build muscle
Thicker hair growth
Healthier skin
Reduced bloating
More energy during the day
Ability to sleep more soundly at night
Fewer hot flashes and night sweats
Yaas! Thank you for your inspiring, empowering testimony! (Big hugs)
They all say that- it’s BS! Balancing your hormones keeps you from having estrogen dominance which is a major cause of female cancers and it helps keep your cholesterol from sky rocketing. And like you said, the quality of life is just so worth it!
What about the progesterone causing breast cancer?
Sometimes I think Dr’s think we are stupid or something. I recently had a new dr not wanting to give me my hormones because of blood clot and cancer increased risk. I countered her with “excuse me but I’m 44. If I still had my ovaries I would be making said hormones on my own. Giving me bioidentical hormones is not giving me MORE hormones that are increasing any risk for me…’s just getting me out of having NONE! Which btw is MUCH more risk for lots of things.” She had no retort for that.
Yeah, doctors are dumb only because they have all been indoctrinated never to think forcthemselves or question anything. HRT is dangerous when it is conjugated horse crap, when it creates imbalances or when you just don’t have enough. And BTW 90% of hysterectomies and 75% of cesareans are completely unnecessary. They just want us sick and dead because it makes them money.
I just received my climate patches after a 4year struggle with symptoms.
Hi. I’ve been doing bio identical HRT pellets along with oral progesterone since mid 2016. I’m 55 now. The dark hair growth on my face, arms and now I’m seeing on my breast is quite disconcerting. The hair on my arms is quite manly and it’s embarrassing. You are very similar in age, treatment etc., to me, have you experienced this excessive dark growth? What can be done to reduce it/ combat it?
I’m not a dr., but sounds like Possibly too much Testosterone? Imbalance.
This happened with previous Pellets.
After emailing my gynecologist to request information on bioidentical hormones for vaginal thinning and dryness, she sent me off to do some reading. I came across Dr. Northrup’s post and am horrified to know that Big Everything is in charge. Big Ag controls the food supply, and the Medical-Industrial complex controls our health. I was recently talking with my husband about going off the grid of medical insurance and self-funding our future health care needs. That’s a scary prospect, but isn’t sticking with the powers that be equally frightening? Let’s all pitch in by writing to our representatives.
Agreed. I sent my letter. Thank you, Dr. Northrup!
You are such a gem and my mother, sister and I adore you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I use bioidentical hormone replacement creams every night before bed and they have improved the quality of my life tremendously! At age 57, I began having a chronic pain in my right ovary and also started gaining weight that I could not lose even though I am highly active and typically adhere to a healthy diet. Thankfully, my OB-GYN honored my request to try the bioidentical hormones rather than synthetic. Unfortunately, they are not covered by my insurance plan, but after specifically testing my hormone levels, a local compounding pharmacy mixed up the perfect blend of bioidentical hormones that first and foremost healed my aching ovary, but also gave me a higher energy level and reversed my weight gain issues. Please help spread the word that decisions regarding our personal health choices should remain between us and our doctors. Too many regulations serve only a few rather than the common good of many regardless of the topic.
Thank you for speaking out against government overreach, medical mandates and forcing treatments on people, as well as silencing and constricting medical professionals.
Are pellets bioidentical
Yes they are.
Do you have a HRT Dr in Chandler, AZ that you can recommend? I was on pellets for 5 years and felt great. I started spotting and it just wouldn’t stop. Once that started my Dr started to mess with the dosage of pellets and now its been 6 straight months of spotting. I am done with them. She tried oral compounded capsules but I had a full blown period (major cramps, like back labor) for a week. I stopped taking everything so I am sure I will need someone STAT. I just had an ultrasound to make sure nothing else is going on, no results yet. I am going to be 58 and felt so good for these past few years and now I am miserable.
Are you taking only estrogen, without bioidentical progesterone? It sounds like you are only on estrogen… Thus, perhaps, estrogens dominant… Which would explain your symptoms. Perhaps talk to your doctor about balancing your estrogen with progesterone.
Please see my comment. I think you should avoid pellets and compounding pharmacies and go with OTC creams from Amazon instead. Go slow and figure out your dosages by trial and error using DHEA and progesterone to start and maybe adding estrogen to the mix if you need it. DHEA is turned into significant amounts of estrogen in the body, so you have to be very careful not to take too much.
Learn your body instead of relying solely on doctors. The side effects and symptoms can guide you to your correct dosage. Testing is somewhat helpful but due to constant daily and weekly fluctuations, is of limited help. I did get a blood test to start and discovered I was basically making zero sex hormones of any sort! So I’m my case I don’t think I fluctuate much haha.
I also supplement with arachadonic acid, walnuts, bone broth, vitD, K, B complex, zinc, cal/mag, potassium and selenium and DIM to assist in scavenging the unwanted and dangerous by products of hormone metabolism, which has helped rid me of the minor remaining hot flashes, heart racing, anxiety etc which I believe are unwanted minor side effects caused by the creams themselves.
I’m a very indépendant person who does a ton of my own research. This is my current approach and my hair is growing back, I’ve seen a 60 to 70% reversal of my vaginal atrophy, which was a very advanced case, in just one month.l and just so many other beneficial results. I would say if you aren’t getting good results with compounding it is likely due to poor quality control at the pharmacy, unfortunately this seems to be the rule rather than the exception for this industry. I have been buying on Amazon and using very small measured amounts and over the course of two months gradually increased the dose to full strength.
Do the cream help with keeping your skin supple ?
Can you share the brand you purchase from Amazon? Have you noticed and weight gain or loss from adding hormones?
Leslie Landberg, our past experiences are the same. Please share brands, etc. of the creams you buy on Amazon. Thanks in Advance.
I agree Leslie! I too went to Amazon and looked up biodentical creams. I tried the BiEst 2.5 mg. first and found the dose to be too powerful! I felt like I was in my 20’s again and wanted to drag my husband into the bedroom every chance I got! Not that he would have minded. I used the progesterone too. So then I went to the Estriol 5.0 and started slower with measuring pea sizes out on my finger. Started with one, then worked my way up, then quit because of all the scare tactics and stories. I’m starting up again tomorrow. I’d rather be a guinea pig and feel good. Then feel like the walking dead and can’t remember crap…that’s not living so, you might as well be dead. You need twice the amount of progesterone to the estrogen. For anyone who asked, if you go to Amazon and you get the 2.5 BiEst, the 25 max goes with it. If you want weaker and go with the Estriol 5.0, the 50 max goes with that. Use 3 weeks on, 1 week off…read the reviews! Best of luck to ya’ll. Like Leslie said, work your way up slowly, listen to your body. I do almost all those supplements she listed too, plus a few others. I’m also going to get the DIM. Thanks Leslie for your review, you gave me the courage to give it another try. I’m 67 and also had my hormone levels checked…they were very low as one could expect at age 67. My endocrinologist, who doesn’t know what he’s doing keeps me in a semi-state of hypothyroidism, looked at the numbers and said they’re alright, most women don’t have any at your age. Wonder how he’d feel if I removed his testicles….hmmm.
Thank you for your (and Leslie’s) outstanding comment! Incredibly helpful.
I had the same thing happen to me. When they tested my estrogen it was off the charts. 457. Unknown as to why. I had an ultrasound that showed uterine fibroids. I stopped estrogen for a month and the bleeding stopped. I am now back on estrogen but at a lower dose.
Thank you Dr Northrup for your insight and experience. I will be acting upon it.
I have used bioidentical hormones for years and they have carried me through some very rough times with endometriosis, menopause, and post menopausal issues. If I had not had good alternative doctors and access to bioidenticals, I would have already had multiple surgeries and mulitiple drugs. I appreciate your informing us of what is happening at the FDA and will write the letters you suggested.
I am 77 years old and cannot sleep naturally and the doctor put me on a drug called klonopin….but I have been on it for over a year…and I want to wean off of it as it a benzo and addictive….I live on Long Island and no one will give me hormones because of my age and I know that is the problem……I also developed fecal incontinence and last year I was fine……I think it might be the klonopin……HELP
Look up bioidentical progesterone cream on Amazon. Or use magnesium glycinate for sleep. Not can be found on Amazon,
Look into using progesterone cream. Not Progestin which is synthetic, but natural progesterone cream that you can find at a health food store. Make sure it has no parabens in it, and it should say USP approved. I know Dr. Northrup says that Emerita Pro-gest is a good one. I’ve been taking that particular one for years for my sleep. I’m 57 years old, and I’ll never stop using it.
I am all confused ! is progesterone the right thing to use in menopause and after ? isnt it wild yam estrogen ? What is then the difference between wild yam cream and a progesterone cream ? are those two BIH ? thank you.
Trista, our bodies cannot convert wild yam into progesterone which is why progesterone cream is the same thing, but it has been converted in a lab making it easy for our bodies to absorb it. The conversion is already done for us.
Trista, I forgot to mention, but progesterone keeps our bones strong in menopause and beyond.
Are these creams good for keeping skin smooth and supple?
Know of a doctor on staten Island that could probably help you.
I would like to add a comment. I live in the UK . Our NHS system (National Health System here in the United Kingdom) does not approve of Bio Identical Hormones. The NHS is married to the pharmaceutical companies. It’s all about making money here.
Briefly, I did much research on the BIH. Bought various Dr Lee various books on Amazon. Been on Hormone cream called Serenity Progesterone for about 4 years from Wellsprings. Absolutely brilliant for my Menopause.
USA women must fight this ban. Women MUST have the right to choose. Dr Lee did a lot research on BIH and helped 100’s of women through the menopause.
I have had to self – diagnose which is NOT the way to go. I have studied all the books. There is no Doctor I can go to here in the UK. London is the nearest for me. 100’s of miles away. Private Doctors in the UK cost a small fortune. I would like to find an affordable Doctor who i could talk to and discuss my menopause with.
Everybody is on HRT in UK. There is no choice unless you have plenty of money.
I have been on HRT bio identical estradiol and testosterone since my hysterectomy that was 34 years ago. They have been wonderful. I feel like I am 35 years old and look 20 years younger. I would never want to be without them!
Can I ask what you use? I was on pellets for 10.5 years and felt great. Have been off them for one and a half years and been using cream and hate it. I feel awful. Am considering going back to the pellets. Thanks.
I am considering going to a doctor for pellets now and I am just curious as to why you ever went off of the pellets? Thanks, Kevin
Are you taking only estrogen, without bioidentical progesterone? It sounds like you are only on estrogen… Thus, perhaps, estrogens dominant… Which would explain your symptoms. Perhaps talk to your doctor about balancing your estrogen with progesterone.
I have had great success with “Troches”. They are a compounded soft lozenge that you place between your gums or under your tongue where they melt. I am 68 years old and have been on Bio-identical hormones since menopause at age 55. I currently take Estradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone. I have the heath and physical appearance of a fit, healthy person in their 40s, I credit the Estrogen with the fact that my vagina is well lubricated and the tissue is strong. I credit the testosterone for the taut condition of my skin and muscle, a healthy sex drive and strong immune system . I exercise at a high level five days a week. I plan to take these hormones for the rest of my life . If they become unavailable in the U.S. , I will seek them elsewhere. They are so important to my health and well being, I will do whatever it takes to keep taking them.
Perfectly agree! You go girl!
I’m so glad I read this far in the comments. I am 69 and have also used troches/lozenges since I was 53. My internist prescribes after bloodwork to check hormone levels, then through a Compunding Pharmacy. Same as you, all the benefits of good health, strong bones, sex drive, good skin,
look younger. The main reason I started was I felt like I was mentally losing it: anxiety, impatience, irritability, depression. My primary care PA recommended looking into BIHs instead of going on an antidepressant. I am so thankful to her. It worked immediately, I felt like my normal self with all these other benefits. I plan on staying on these indefinitely.
Do you mind if I ask what exactly you are taking and in what form (pill, cream etc)?
Which bioidentical hormone/s are in the pellets?
You recommended taking Prometrium capsules, you said that Prometrium is bio identical, BUT WHY does it say it’s a PROGESTIN right on the label? How can a product be called bio identical when it is progestin, synthetic?
This was a great article to find. My sister told me to get on them ASAP, and I came home (to SC), found the closest OBGYN was 30 minutes away in GA, made my apt in October 2019 with the plan to go on them January. Had my blood checked, I had untraceable amounts of estradiol and below the low for testosterone for women – and got pelleted THAT DAY with bio identicals. Ouch. It hurt for 3 days, but over the next 3 weeks MY LIFE CHANGED! First thing I noticed – no more racing thoughts. I started sleeping harder. Sex life came up from zero. Hot flashes went away, but I feel like they came back – although I can’t figure out if that was because we had an extra long summer … I probably need some thyroid regulation for my thermostat. It’s pricey – $400 and it lasts 3-4 months for most women. And progesterone and DIM along side it – another approx $80 a month. So that’s a lot. BUT quality of life went up so much, My sister figured out about $3.00 a day – I can give up $3.00 a day for living without irritability, loving thoughts back, sleeping better, no racing thoughts … almost like I went from heavily ADHD in my brain – to being calm and able to ‘read the room’ … I just know that this is not something I want to live without. BUT – I say I could probably do without this because I forget what it feels like to be on the roller coaster of racing emotions and thoughts, up down up down … awful! This feels so natural, like how humans should be, I forget and think I could live without bios – until they where off and I’m back where I started. So it’s not like a drug, it’s so natural you think you’re like this all the time until it starts wearing off. For any woman suffering with out of control negative emotions and racing thoughts – along with everything else, I say try this. Also – L-theanine helped cut that last bit of anxiety in the pit of the stomach (Bio-identicals helped me strongly with anxiety to begin with) … 200mg of L-theanine with my coffee in the am, and I don’t have to take it all the time, just when I start feeling anxious about stuff. I currently don’t take DHEA, but after reading this article, I think I will add that and natural thyroid supplements back in to my diet. Happy New Years to the women on here wondering about it or on it! Make it a great year and put 2020 behind us!
Hello, I am also in the GA area. Can you let me know what doc did you go see??
I could not afford the Pellets and my gyno said that with my workout schedule, I would burn through the hormones in less than two months. I find the “Troches” work fine. Also, I get estrogen, progesterone and Testosterone in one in dose. I like the idea that I have a consistent dose in my system at all times. I do not like the idea of it “wearing off” and feeling symptoms before getting another dose. I am 68 and feel like a healthy 40 year old. I live in Kennesaw, Georgia and go to wonderful gyno in Cartersville. Not sure if this site will allow me to recommend a specific doctor. Be aware of “Concierge practices” unless you are willing to fork out a lot of money to join the all inclusive club they offer. My Medicare and supplemental insurance covers my visits to my gyno and all tests. I have to pay out of pocket for the Troches. They run about $50 per month from a compounding pharmacy. Do your research because the price can vary quite a bit between pharmacies.
Same story. I’m 69 and been on troches for 16 years. So many benefits although I just increased my dosage and have had more intense dreams lately. My sleep isn’t good either, but that could be age related. Other than that I love the benefits of strong bones, skin, mental health, sex drive, etc.
obviously this committee is made up of men who have no understanding of how important it is for women to have access to the biodentical hormones or any other natural remedy. I’m so mad I could spit!
I am in Canada and I have been using Bioidentical hormones for a few years and I don’t know what I would do without them. I can truly say I don’t think I could function on a daily basis. I am a single Full time working mom of an 11 year old and I don’t feel I could manage my job or even parenting if I weren’t on them. Perimenopause has been horrible for me. I still struggle on the hormones because it’s challenging to get the right balance but I’m so much better than without. So many women suffering needlessly because many Doctors won’t prescribe them. I know many women who in their 40’s and 50’s no longer work because of debilitating hormonal symptoms. I would be so distraught if they banned them.
I’m in Canada. Any tips Kathy on what has worked for you?
I’m from Canada as well. What brand of hormones are you taking?
BIOVEA is available in Canada, no duty & you pay in Canadian $.
Love this co. for Estriol & Progesterone Creams.
I’m from Canada too. I found the Emerita cream they mention in above posts on They have free shipping to Canada over $50. I’ll give it a try first. I have ordered other things and have no issues with it arriving.
I too am interested in what other people are actually using vs just buying something blindly.
I refuse to take Premarin and the like because it is made from mares (female horses) who are forced to have foals and then the foals are killed so the mares can urinate the by-product and get pregnant again. How disgusting! I’m certainly not a vegetarian, but an animal giving its life should be respected.
I’m 70…I’ve had a bioidentical pellet for the last 6 years. This is wonderful!! The liquid drops under my tongue helped but not even comparable. I researched and found a doctor who believes is hrt.
I lost weight, started weight training to keep fit, ride my horse, and have a GREAT sex life!
Shame on big pharma and fda, and a lot of doctors who are sell outs!!!
I feel wonderful and my medical exams show my blood work as a very healthy woman!
I don’t take any other meds except thyroid.. natural pig thyroid, not pharma’s man made!
Thank you Dr! Great article!
Th I have been on cream bio hormones that are not absorbing into my system. Increase after increase thinking about lozenge or pellet.
Hi, Sheryl
Can you please recommend me your Dr?
I need help on this
I’m taking troches/lozenges with all 3 hormones in one. Aren’t the pellets for only one hormone? Which one/s do you take? Sounds like you’re getting all the benefits from the pellet. Just curious because I thought of switching.
I like that you said I could contact a local, knowledgeable pharmacist to help me create a customized plan for taking bioidentical hormones. Because of my menopause, I have low libido, which is causing a strain on my marriage. I’ve read about how DHEA could help with my dilemma, so thanks for this tip!
I have been on bio-identical hormone treatment for about 20 years, I am now 64. Nothing worked for me after a hysterectomy at age 42 until I tried bio hormones. My doctor had me stop the oral pill at age 55 but I continued the vaginal suppository. I feel that it has truly helped with all the problems with vaginal issues after menopause. I have not had any medical problems to date. I have it compounded through a phramacy.
I started taking bijuva 6 months ago. I received a letter In the mail saying that my medication is not going to be covered in August and that I need to talk to my doctor about finding another medication to take. This makes me upset because I feel great on it and it’s working for my symptoms I’m going to write the letter and I hope everybody does the same.
I had a total hysterectomy 19yrs ago (age 30) and I’ve tried every hormone replacement available… and I mean ALL of them. I had pellets placed the 2nd of June and in 3 months gained 25lbs, went up a bra size, and was completely miserable…heaviest I’ve ever been in my life!! ZERO sex drive, which I was assured would be better with the testosterone…no such luck…I’d rather be thin with hot flashes than chubby and not feeling attractive!! What do I do??
Dr Northrup,
I have used them and became very ill. I believe the dose was way to high for me. I am very confused about whether I need hormone replacement. I have all my female organs still, was forced into no longer having periods. My doctors way of dealing with my extreme PMS. I was on birth control pills everyday until I no longer had cycles. Mentally and emotionally I felt better than I had in a long time, so I didn’t question it. I have a high risk of stomach and colon cancer in my family And have been advised to never take hormone replacement. I have no idea if I’ll grow old gracefully and healthy or not.
How do I find out what I need, if anything?
Is it ok to do Estriol and progesterone cream? Do you have to have Estradiol cream?
I have been very happy and grateful for my BHRT. I started with patches and creams at age 40 when menopause started early with horrific hot flashes and cold chills that were debilitating until my doctor got me on BHRT. I am now 55. About 8 years ago I started using pellets and creams. I have felt and looked much younger than my age with lots of energy until I recently had to wean off of them for a hysterectomy. I was shocked at how much worse I felt during this period of time and know that I never want to be without them. I started taking them again and slowly getting my levels back to a place where I feel good again. Thank you for educating people and leading us to stand for our rights to take care of our bodies the way we desire.
I am 60 years young and have been on BiEst 80:20 for one year. I love it. Prior my hair was thinning, I was gaining weight and the hot flashes and vaginal dryness were terrible. Unfortunately, the physician who prescribed this for me has left the practice. My new doctor wants to take me off of them completely. The doctor feels that I’ve been on them too long. I’m healthy, workout, eat well and my thyroid test, blood work, pap and mamo have come back normal. I think the doctor is getting conventional hormones confused with bio-identical compounded formulas. This is now stressing me out. Probably time to find a new doctor. Has anyone had this happen?
My doctor is very supportive of me using HRT as long as I need to. I would definitely look for another doctor if you want to continue taking them.
There are a lot of doctors who have “anti-aging” practices, look for a place like that because they do HRT.
I am 47, and have just had a blood test declaring me as post-menopausal. I have had very little in the way of symptoms, other than not having menstruated for a year now and a slight thinning of hair. Do I still need to take any hormones for other reasons? ie to prevent hair loss, ageing to quickly etc? Or do I just let it be?
I am 72 years old and have been taking BHRT for 20 years. Originally, because my menopausal symptoms were fierce and no alternative treatments helped. Gratefully, my gynecologist prescribed them and they worked then, and now. Except for osteoporosis my health is excellent and I’ve refused to take bisphosphonate therapy due to the side effects. A couple of years ago, when my gynecologist became concerned about the length of time I’ve been on BHRT and started to wean me off, my bone levels immediately fell through the floor. By returning to the original treatment, my bone levels again stabilized.
Now, however, I’m seeking another gynecologist in NYC who is integrative and prescribes BHRT (My gyno has retired.). If anyone can recommend, please let me know.
Dr Robert Hoffman—excellent integrative MD in NYC.
His name is Ronald Hoffman, not Robert. Sorry for the confusion.
thank you!
Dr. Northrup,
I have been prescribed bioidentical hormones for about 5 years, used progesterone creams for about 10 years. As of Feb of this year, I had a full mastectomy for breast cancer; afterwards, ct and bone scans showed that no metastasis of the cancer. it was estrogen/progesterone positive; Her2 Negative; Mammaprint test showed it was a slow grower, chemo would not be effective; They got all the cancer; blood tests just a month ago showed no cancer detected; Both my naturopath and primary doc said to stay on progesterone, which I am; but did stop my estradiol/estriol prescription. I am just now, 8 months later, starting to have night sweats and hot flashes. Is there some research I can go to, of when or how I can have estriol after having cancer? I understand it’s a weaker estrogen and cancer protective. Both my docs understand bioidentical hormones and I would like to take the research to them. Thank you.
I am a Breast Caner Survivor also. I have been taking Vagifem 10 mcg, it is a tiny tablet suppository that repairs the vaginal tissue and does not increase estrodial in the body because it is not systemic. It is only absorbed vaginally. The protocol is 1 tablet insert a day for 14 days – then twice a week for the rest of your life. That helped me tremendously with dryness and pain. I was also on Testosterone Cypionate injections. Unfortunately, I was off of it due to insurance issues and the generic Yuvefem did not work on me and reversed my condition to worse than it was before.
I was taking injectable Testosterone Cypionate at the time as well. The physician who was prescribing the Testosterone had retired and I couldn’t find anyone else who will prescribe. I have not had intercourse in 4 years. It is driving me crazy and my husband also. I have been combing the web for Testosterone Cypionate.
The problem is that I cannot afford a ‘Wellness Physician’. The Physician’s who will prescribe the Testosterone do not accept insurance.
There is an article in the Journal of Endocrinology that did a clinical trial for Women with Breast Cancer on AI Inhibitors (Tamoxifen) with Testosterone Suppositories – 300 ml – once a day for 14 days (like the Vagifem) and then 3 times a week for life. It worked – all the women on the leg of the trial that received the Testosterone Suppository had a complete reversal of symptoms and were able to resume normal sexual function.
The end result – They stated that ‘Testosterone for Women should be looked into more’. It is so unfair.
Hope this helps!
Hi BJ Sandusky
Curious to learn how your journey has been since you posted 3 years ago… I too am in the same boat as you – I’m not on any cBHRT yet — but I am trying to find people who have had BC and like you it was taken out and all gone – – I’m also desperate to find out if I can go on cBHRT and feel ME again!
Question: Can you use unopposed estriol cream without complications of endometrial hyperplasia?
Thank you.
Read “can I speak to the hormone lady” book
I used bio identical hormone therapy from 52 to 62 years and it was a lifesaver in terms of health, energy and stamina during and just after menopause. I am now 68.
So are you still on bhrt and if not, why did you stop? Thanks, Kevin
Thank you for sending. I am feeling like we all need to learn how to grow/harvest/create our own natural bioidenticals. I think humanity is just starting to wake up to the loss of liberty that seems to be staring us all in the face.
I started Bioidentical back in 2001. Be happy with taken my hormones this way and I do believe it is a safe way. Many doctors have argued with me why I take theses and not the horse waste that’s in the other stuff until it was recalled because of cancer in some women. Feeling very upset as FDA wants to tell me what my body needs. No we have to fight this. If this any thing we can do please post. I will talk to my Doctor this week and see what she says about this and see what can be done. It’s my life and my body I thought!!!!
Hey, Chris,
I just personalized my letter to “Decision Maker” and added my experience prescribing bioidentical hormones over 30 years under your tutelage for my beginning years. Thanks for your help in this effort.
Dr Northrup, I have been on Bioidentical HRT for 11 years. I cannot imagine life without it!! I recently was diagnosed with DCIS stage “0”, from my annual mammogram. I had the surgery and all was removed with great margins. I am 75 years old, and this is my first cancer. The first thing out of the mouths of the Doctors when they learn of my HRT is “stop the estrogen”. They don’t want to listen to any defense of the BioIdenticals. I need to find some credible printed material showing the safe effects of the HRT in reference to Breast Cancer. I have Estradiol and Progesterone/Testos. Compounded creams, trans dermal.
Also, I gave one of your books to my 50 year old daughter, (she is a scientist) and she is now using the Bioidenticals. Can you direct me please. I am fighting this info battle alone over here!!
Ann D
Following…I am newly diagnosed and 63. Really wish we could get answers here.
I am 72 and have been taking bio identical hormones for over 20 years. I have no health problems, am a normal weight, I sleep well, and my bone scans show only slight bone loss, not qualifying as osteopenia. I had a hysterectomy 23 years ago. I was one of MD that, ” We might as well take your ovaries while we are in there.” So I was suddenly in menopause. My doctors told me my body would just adjust to it. But I suffered hot flashes, vaginal pain and dryness, headaches, night sweats, for two years before I realized I needed hormone replacement and was able to find a doctor who would help me. When I began replacing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, the symptoms disappeared. I’ve been taking them ever since. At some point I read about taking hormones on a cyclical routine, mimicking the natural ebb and flow of progesterone and estrogen levels throughout each month, and that seemed to wrk even better. (Thank you Suzanne Sommers for your books on health and longevity and especially on hormone replacement.). I feel sad and angry for those women who have to struggle for good information on this topic and also for my mother who had a hysterectomy when I was 10 years old. I believe her depression and eventual death from cancer may have been related to what was probably an unnecessary radical surgery. It’s time for women and to require that their doctors keep up to date on this topic and that bio identical hormones be covered by insurance and Medicare.
Hi Dr. Northrup, I’ve read your books for years along with others. I didn’t do well on Prometrium, wild yam cream, or much else. I ended up having a hysterectomy saving my ovaries. Did Vivelle dot for a short time afterwards and then nothing. Depression sank in like something I’ve never had in my life. Fast forward 14 years. Hot flashes that were so excruciating I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally make enough to try BHRT from the fancy places. What a great choice! By the second night I had no more hot flashes on Progesterone 200 mg. Started Testosterone on day 3. Really great stuff! Lots of benefits! Started Estrogen a week later and felt ok for a week then felt awful and gained weight. Went off the estrogen and felt better. Next month tried a smaller dose of estrogen and still felt like crap. I had nill estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. Now with only minimal estrogen I have 325 in estrogen. My guess is the testosterone converted to estrogen. So now on only progesterone and testosterone. I feel great! Ate like a pig last weekend and am losing some weight even so. Normally just looking at a fry would make me gain 3 pounds. I’m in my second month of this. BP is now normal, I sleep great, sex is great, hair is getting softer. Loving it all so far! Thanks for your books! Let’s get some legislation out there ladies to make BHRT safe and affordable to all!
It’s good to know that bioidentical hormone therapy works better than hormonal replacement because they duplicate our hormones’ structure so our cells would recognize it, which means less unfavorable side effects. Since I’m already nearing my 50s, I’ve been thinking of taking hormone replacement. With what you’ve said, I’ll try to look for bioidentical hormone creams in the market. Thanks!
I am 62, and have been happily on hormones for 10 years. I am presently using the generic of Vivelle Dot .25 twice a week and every three months for three weeks I am taking Progesterone 200mg. That is mainly the only time I get a somewhat decent night sleep (I also gain weight), the Dr. told me to take them everyday — I choose not to, because I don’t want to gain weight. A friend sent me to your website, and said to see about bio-identical progesterone. That way I get sleep, and also I don’t gain weight. Any information would be of help. I haven’t been tested for levels since the beginning.
Bio progesterone makes me gain weight too. I also get horrific headaches from it
How do you know if you need hormones?
In my case, I had debilitating symptoms that were alleviated by HRT.
I have been taking bio-identical creams for over 10 yrs. as well. I’m 63 and feeling well. However, I have noticed if I lay off the creams.a week I feel palpitations and restless. Looks like I should continue with the creams. Any advice is welcome. Thanks
Hi, I’m 69 yrs. I had a tiny estrogen positive, HER negative breast cancer this year, which was surgically removed. If my primary doctor will give me a script for bioidentical hormones, what do I ask her for? Is the formula you suggest for everyone, or does she have to do bloodwork ?
I’m clueless. The only thing I have taken is estriol cream. I don’t take any meds yet.
How do I find a doctor to help me? Thanks
I love being on bioidentical hormones. However, I’m almost out, I had to stop seeing my prescribing doc due to COVID, husband retiring, and no insurance either till November. In other words, money is tight as this is out-of-pocket. What to do? I’m worried about lack of lubrication and I’m not sleeping well again which hasn’t happened in years. “Could be pandemic/life changes too. Should I stop cold turkey? Do you answer these comments?
I am taking 100mg Prometrium at night for 14 days and the 14 days I am off I can’t sleep and I am back to the ADD brain fog and mood swings. Can it be taken 21 days instead of 14? I want it BACK!!! Also any tips for breast tenderness on it?
I take progesterone every day, but if you still have a period I think they do it this way. I can’t imagine going off for one day.
I have been on BHT, for about a year. I am 69, and suffered with severe vaginal atrophy.
I used , Premarin, Intrarosa, and many other “remedies”, nothing has improved my life like BHT… please don’t take these away, they are the best thing on the market! I am a miracle, that can firmly attest to that.
Have you had break thru bleeding or spotting?
Hi is it possible to use BHT to help with PMDD symptoms? I do not want to go on birth control or low dose anti depressants.
I second this question. Very interested in estrogen therapy for PMDD continued with low dose progesterone for protection of of endometrial lining. I second that I would muuuuuuccchhhh rather try this before something like Yaz or an SSRI.
I cannot fathom why I had to ask for someone to test my hormone levels for TEN years before my sister told me to check out bio identicals/the pellet … it is a game changer for me, 55 years old with such bad ADHD and anxiety, plus couldn’t sleep at night. Not to mention hot flashes so bad, I couldn’t even think about wearing anything but shorts and no sleeve t-shirts… I began in October of last year and I am on my 3rd pellet. When they start to fade, I get anxious, my mind starts spiraling and it’s just horrible! I’ve begun taking L-theanine as well, one in the morning with my coffee and one in the evening with my progesterone. I literally have calm, I can read the room before I speak, I have little to no anxiety (and I still have teens and early twenties kids at home) and boy oh boy, I wish I could have the last ten years back to do over – I’d be a different person and my kids would probably be different also. EXCELLENT experience for me. Thanks!
Where did you find your dr? I’m looking and so confused. What kind of dr. Are you using?
Dr. Dean Jones in Denver is excellent for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.
His site:
I found my doctor( for bioidentical hormone pellet) replacement therapy at a Women’s Care center in Florida. They do hormone pellets as well as have obstetricians and gynecologists. The hormone pellets I’m taking are manufactured by
SottoPelle( The progesterone I’m prescribed is made at a compounding pharmacy. I use one squirt under my tongue daily. My doctor told me they can’t give you progesterone in pellet form because the pellet would have to be too large to go under your skin. The pellets are time released and my blood is checked often to make sure that the prescription for the pellets is correct and that I don’t have too much or too little. I found out that my hormones had flat lined when I went to the clinic to get a blood test to check out my female hormones. They checked my pituitary hormone which is also called FSH, my testosterone, my Estradiol also known as estrogen, my DHEA, and my thyroid which is also called TSH. For DHEA I use a cream that I rub (one pump) on my underarms, inside of thighs and stomach every day for 25 days and then 5 days off. It’s made by Life-flo and is called DHEA Plus. I get it on Amazon.I only get pellets for estradiol(estrogen), testosterone. and FSH(pituitary).(I’m 67)
I have heard a doctor say that you can ONLY start hormones up to 10 years after your last period otherwise it is too risky. Do you agree? My doctor just started me 2 months ago on Estrogen and Progesterone (bioidentical) and my last period was 11 years ago. Should I get off of them?
No you can stay on them for several years. The 10 year is for when you actually start. One needs to START within 10 years. But stop after.
Your answer is confusing. Are you saying that you can start taking the hormones within 10 years of your last period. And that if you do, you can keep taking them for another 10 yrs? Or you can start taking with 10 years but must stop at the end of that same 10 years following your last period?
I started BHRT before I was fully menopausal (with progesterone). I have been using estrogen, progesterone and testosterone cream for 20 years now and I am fine. I don’t think I could live without it.
You still did not answer my question, which was: Can I take both “Bi-est”, the first two estrogens mentioned AND
progesterone at the same time of day? I’ll take the two together tonight as a test to find out whether it is safe,
however you must have come across some women with the same question, so please answer it when you get
the opportunity. Thank you. Charlotte Callens, Ph.D. (in Human Development). Licensed Psychologist (practicing
by Skype at this time)
I tried the bio identical pellets 2 years ago because of my osteoporosis. After 2 months I started to get a period which I havent had one in 10 years. The doctor upped my progesterone but that didn’t help I bleed for 2 months he suggested I see a obgyn which I did. We found out that I have endometrium, curettage. Went back to the other doctor and decided to wait 6 months before trying anything else. 6 months later we tried the bioidentical hormones in a cream at a very low dosage, after a couple of weeks I started spotting so I quit using the cream. I would love to find something that would work for me to help with libido and osteoporosis. I am 61 years. I do weight bearing exercises twice a week I’m on a low carb diet I do take lots of vitamins. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Look up the Wiley protocol and cycle hormones to induce a period. You don’t have to use her system but maybe allow a bleed to think your lining out would work.
Leave out the estrogen and try just the progesterone and testosterone, and DHEA. You may be really sensitive to estrogen like me.
i’m just now trying the progero-life bioidentical. i’m questioning how to know if i should be doing the estrogen cream also?
I know of someone who uses bioidentical progesterone cream, and she’s 79 years old. She uses it for sleep.
Who does she see to get the biodentical cream?
Donna, I’m just seeing this now six months later. The woman who is 79 uses the over-the-counter progesterone cream by Emerita called Progest. I use this one myself.
I have being using the Estradiol patch now for 10 years. I just found out I have an allergy to Soy which is what it is made from. Are you aware of any other bio-identicals not made from soy? Thank you!
I bought Dr. .Northrups book in 2000 when it was on the best sellers list. My reason was to prevent genetic osteoporosis. My mother and aunt were breaking vertibraes in their mid 70’s. In 2004 I was diagnosed with advanced osteopenia and some osteoporosis.I
started using bio-identical hormone cream. I’ve been using it all these years. The last Dexiscan I had showed there were no signs of bone loss. To prevent bone loss or build the bones back to normal your formulary compounded prescription must contain Estradiol E2/
/Progesterone and Testosterone. E2 is a combination of Estriol and Estradiol together. It took about six years to restore my bones. I’m 77 years old and will be using the hormones the rest of my life. The cost for the hormones is $45.00 a month and is not covered by insurance. I tried the pellets but didn’t like them
Thank you Lynn Rusconi for sharing your positive results using compounded BHRT.
I’d like to know what form of prescription of the 3 hormones you’ve been using; pills, dots, cream, other?? and what amount? It would be helpful to me and probably many others to know the specifics of what you’ve been taking since you have had such good bone results. It’s the main reason I’m looking into BHRT because I have osteoporosis in lumbar spine, osteopenia in hips. I will never take bisphosphonates! Thank you!.
Are you using Combi-Patch? I ask because it worked great for me and then I developed an allergy in which I break out in hives. The doctor said I have an allergy to the glue.
I was doing the pellets and now my dr not seeing anyone due to covid so I need to know where or who I can see to get biodentical hormone cream in south NJ.
Used Bellatude for 6 days. It was a nightmare. It’s been almost 4 weeks and I still don’t feel good. My dr says it has to cycle out. How long will this take? 61 years old and had a hysterectomy 7 years ago. Please help me if you can. Anxiety, depression, chest tightness, headache and fatigue.
I am 67 and stopped using my premarin .. Big mistake. I started having severe hot flashes, could not sleep at all, had of anger, bad anxiety and slight depression. After 1 and half years my GYNO put me on a combination of estidol with some testosterone an and DHEA. I started having really bad headaches in the back of my neck and stopped the extrogen ..and testostrone. My doctor has kept me on a low dose of progesterone but it does not seem to help
I am anxious all the time and have anxiety or panic atacks every day, I take 5 mg ativan every day and I feel it is my hormones that are causes all my problems. I am still cycling in the middle of the month and at the end of month feel like I am going crazy. I have really bad headaches in bad of neck, have low engery of no energy and feel very out of control, HELP PLease.
Hi Dr. Northrop-
I am a long time follower of yours. I have recently found out that for 41/2+ years My E2 and E3 prescriptions were switched.
I have had many problems and spent a huge amount of this time in bed. I am looking for someone that I can pay for a consultation. I am very concerned about those years and any problems for the future. So appreciate any help. Thank you so much!
Susan Manning
I would pay for a consult with menopause Taylor look her up on google and watch her YouTube videos they are so great.. she does phone consults and FaceTime consults.. her prices are on her website
I just started HRT in October- over 20+ hot flashes daily and not able to sleep. I was put on .05 ML of Biestrogen (5MG) 2x daily. I quickly had to increase dosage to .30 2x daily as I was not getting any relief. My Dr. recently doubled the dosage so I am now on .20 of 10MG twice daily plus 100 MG of Progesterone. I notice the oil back in my skin, my hair has gotten better, but still having many hot flashes and serious weight gain. I am scared to death of the risks of this. Also, cannot shed a single pound to save my life, and I’ve gone up a full cup size! I’ve always been the same size, but have gained 8 lbs since August. I want to get off and try something more herbal. Can you provide any advice? My Dr. is very pro hormones and will continue to increase dosage until I have breast tenderness. Please help!
I am on BioTe pellets and progesterone pills (300 mg) every night but ever since I started I have been spotting every month for about 5 days. When it happens my vagina feels raw and a burning sensation. It is very uncomfortable. I am seriously considering not doing the treatment any more. Anyone else has experienced the same. I am 55 years old and I have been menopausal for over 5 years. Another thing that concerns me is that the linning on my uterus has gone from 4 mm to 2 mm in just 4 months from the bleeding. Anyone has been thru the same???? I really need to hear about other people cause I am very frustrated!!!
What is IN your Biote pellets? They can vary…
I just started the bioTE on Monday. I’m 63 going on 64 and I’m wondering if I did the right thing??? I was pelleted and I’m taking 200 mg of progesterone only 2 nights and I feel extremely tired and sick to my stomach. I have not had hot flashes in years and I sleep really well. Painful intercourse and vaginal dryness were main reasons for trying this…getting nervous!
Hi there – did they address you taking DIM as well? It took me a few weeks for my body to balance out and for everything to kick in – by the second pellet everything was in full swing again. Hope you had luck!!
I didn’t know that bioidentical hormones really are natural. My wife just reached menopause. We’ll have to look into BHRT therapy.
Hormone therapy is a medical intervention which is especially aimed towards women navigating the transition to menopause. In the last 60 years, it has become the most important therapy in treating menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Moreover, estrogen was found to slow down bone loss in postmenopausal women in the 1980s. This discovery was reason enough for the FDA to approve it for the treatment of osteoporosis.
I am 64 an have been on BHRT for 9 years. Do you know of any studies regarding long term use of BHRT?
I take e2/e3 and micronized progesterone every other day. A few times a wek I also take estradiol vaginal cream – just a dab.
Cant seem to find a doctor that really knows about this issue!
Has anyone in this forum been using BHRT long term?
I hear a lot of people on here taking hormones only on some days. I take mine everyday. When I even miss a few hours I feel awful. It’s interesting to hear how everyone is doing it.
Thanks for explaining that bioidentical hormones have the same structure as those found in our bodies. I’ve been wanting to try some sort of hormone replacement therapy. You helped me see that bioidentical hormones would be the best option for me.
Will you please offer your advice? I’m 43 years old, I’ve had three children with my husband and I’ve been married for 19 years. Very early on in our marriage (year 1-2) I had a desire for sex, but ever since then I would say my sex drive is zero. I am wondering if it may be a hormonal problem, because when I was pregnant and only in the third trimester with each child, I had a very strong desire for sex pretty much every day, but outside of those times I never have any desire at all. What are your thoughts on this?
I could really use some advice. I am 54 yrs old and I had my ovaries, uterus, cervix and tubes removed 5 years ago this year. I have not had any menopause symptoms possibly due to my age of the hysterectomy of 49 or just damn lucky. I’ve been told it’s important to take HRT before 5 years after hysterectomy to get the benefits. Do you think I should take bio-identical, which would be my choice, and for how long? Thank you!
Good evening,
I began using bioidentical hormones in 2005. I read a very interesting book back then written by an endocrinologist, “The Schwarzbein Plan.” I had been using bioidentical estradiol and progesterone in a bioequivalent way, meaning the progesterone 14 days out of the month, mimicking what the female body does prior to menopause. I would have a withdrawal bleed, very much like a period would normally occur. A little over a year ago, a new provider told me it was ridiculous to have something like a period at my age (I’m now 68). I decided to go with her direction and take estradiol (my favorite was the minivelle patch) and progesterone continuously. I’m sorry that I followed her suggestions. Up until I stopped cycling progesterone, my body, even in my mid-60s, was till very much like it had been before menopause, with perky, although small, breasts and body muscle and fat that kept my body curvier. Now, only within the last 1 – 1/2 years, since stopping the cycling, I have started to experience breast sag and loss of muscle mass. I think the bioidentical hormones were a godsend for me, but I also think I want to go back to using them in a bioequivalent fashion and see if it helps with the depressing body changes I have only now begun to experience.
Rosie, you can find Dr. Schwarzbein’s updated information regarding her protocol on hormone replacement therapy at Menopause Power She says to not use the combined therapy.
It’s really great to hear you have successfully used her protocol – I am just going through menopause and considering her approach. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you both…I am fit and just in menopause but it hit fast and it was like being run over by a truck. BHRT has been a godsend but I am working towards optimal. I have been considering cycling as intuitively I think it makes sense to mimic the body. I saw your post and I’m taking with my doc who is supportive. Thank you for sharing, I feel hopeful.
Thanks for posting this Susan!
Hi Rosie is love to talk to you more about what you were doing to keep cycling re dosages etc.?
I just went though menopause and I’m using creams biest, p and T. I’m not cycling though and see changes in my face from bone and collagen loss. I hope you get this message.
HI I have been on mostly Bio Progesterone for 10 years I am 60. I have not been taking it for the past three nights and I did sleep well. I am also doing the Keto diet no sugar at all. I have gained about 13 pds and I want it off. Can this extra weight be caused from Progesterone. I have taken a bit of Estrogen for a year when I started but never felt great on it always bloated. So I stopped. My Mom had breast cancer and estrogen always scared me. But I know its about your hormones being in balance. I did have a few sweats last night is it from not taking the drug or is it my body. How do you know when to stop or do you! Should I get tested again!!!! I thought you just gained weight taking estrogen but i have been reading you can gain weight taking progesterone as well. Is their any benefits to taking this! I thought it helped with sleep! Not sure what to do ! Think I will give it a rest for a while!
I am now 51 and I also started using a compounded progesterone a few years ago because of hot flashes and night sweats. I gained 15 lbs in no time at all. I stopped using the cream, but the weight never left, no matter how I ate. I recently found a doctor that understands and uses the bioidentical hormones. She ran a very detailed 24 hour urine hormone test from Physicians Lab in FL that showed that I was extremely low on everything. I am now on a Progesterone capsule and a compounded cream for the estrogen and some testosterone. Also, ashwagandha as an adaptagen and a zinc/copper supplement. She explained that the progesterone cream could have very easily caused the weight gain if the other hormones were also out of balance. I had a hysterectomy almost 20 years ago, but they left my ovaries. They said that everything would be okay because of that. I now know that was not the case. After just one week I am feeling soooo much better. My thinking seems clearer (no brain fog), my energy is coming back, my migraines are not bothering me, and I am sleeping better. I hope this continues. I would suggest that you try to find a physician that really knows this stuff. And if they are comfortable with prescribing synthetic or even what they call “natural” hormones (premarin), find a different doc. I wish you the best.
I’m in Florida, could you share the name & town of your Dr?
I’m not the lady above, but I use Dr. Erika Bradshaw in Brandon and Tampa, FL.
My Integrative Doctor stated to me that the only reason token take hormones is because of sever hot flashes and vaginal dryness. I didn’t go through a horrible menopause. I have mild hot flashes at best. In fact, the hormone troikas are actually making it to I need to increase my natural thyroid meds for my Hashimoto’s. The dangers of even taking the meds are high estrogen, not good for menopausal women in that they are more at risk for stroke, heart attacks and breast cancer. So why am I taking them I asked…for the hot flashes or vaginal dryness if it becomes too much. It hasn’t and I stopped taking them. My cousin got breast cancer from high estrogen, produced naturally. This was a way up call. Maybe have a thyroid panel done to be sure your T3, T4 and TSH are within range, as being in either hyperthyroid or hypothyroid can cause hair loss. Can’t recall which, but a Google search should tell you. I have Hashimoto’s, which is a thyroid disorder. Many of the symptoms people have has more to do with the thyroid not working properly, as it effects all of the organs in the body if not working properly. The root cause for me getting Hashimoto’s was EBV (Epstein Bar Virus, a reactivation) whereas for other the root cause is Lyme Disease. 95% of the population has the EBV dormant in them from either being born with it or having it as kids. You all heard of Mono. That is stage 2 of EBV. Ask several Doctors, especially those who are MD and Naturopathic (both) the reason to take them in the first place and the dangers if you do VS if you do not take them.
From what Suzan Sommers say’s its for life!
I am 53 I have been on my identical hormones for seven years and I feel like 1 million bucks especially since I added testosterone! I see the effects of aging on many of my friends and is not a pretty sight don’t get me wrong health and nutrition plays into this as well you can’t have one without the other! This should be mainstreamed insurance company should pay for this!! I love my hormones and will never go off and th don’t get me wrong health and nutrition plays into this as well you can’t have one without the other! This should be mainstreamed insurance company should pay for this!! I love my hormones and will never go off them ever !!!❤️ I feel invincible like a superhero ❤️
I’m 53 as well and I began using a testosterone pellet about a year ago – have had three pellets over placed over a year – waiting till they just about wear off before getting a new one. Initially, I started using bio-identical progesterone and biest creams at 47 after I began having frequent and debilitating hot flashes. It took a while to get the dosages right and I was great for a while but then around age 52, after I began feeling very tired all the time, had joint pain, was sleeping poorly and no libido, unexplained feeling of mild anxiety that would come and go (I have no history of this or experience of it until that time) I did some research and found out about testosterone pellet therapy. All my symptoms came up as similar to those of other women who had good luck with testosterone. I can’t tell women enough how life changing testosterone is post menopause. Prior to finding out about testosterone implant, I had extensive blood tests and everything checked out okay so it wasn’t related to anything other than menopause. I’m very healthy, eat well, exercise, meditate regularly…
I think there’s a lot of confusion about this treatment because it isn’t main stream. I’ve heard women malign it because they had some hair growth or because they weren’t used to the libido effect. I can understand that for some women this is alarming. Unfortunately, if you go to a regular doctor after having this implant, your testosterone level will be higher than the norm for a post-menopausal woman and this is because the therapeutic level of testosterone for women is quite a bit higher. The doctor I see that places the pellet, tests regularly to make sure the levels are correct – although you have to keep in mind that testosterone fluctuates quite a bit and I have read research that states it is hard to get a good idea of what the level is because of this.
For me, having my libido back felt like being normal again. I have experienced a small increase in hair but nothing that would prevent me from using the therapy. I let the pellet wear off almost completely before getting a new one. I feel great – feel like myself again, and frankly, I felt cruddy and not like myself post menopause.
What testosterone product do you use?
Just a question, I’m 40 do you take estrogen also? Everyone I talk with is advising only progesterone out of estrogen fear!
You’re pretty young. Did you have a hysterectomy? You’ll need to see what you personally are low in.
I would love to know your protocol, Grace!
I work as a Pharmacy Technician in a Compounding Pharmacy. When I began to have irregular menses and hot flashes, I spoke to my NP about BHRT. It is a God send!! There are soooo many options on forms and dosing!!
I just tried bht progesterone and had a burning feeling in my body, especially my calves.
Do they compound bht without soy?
Yes they can use yam based instead of soy!
Hi Dr. Northrup.
Do you ever reply privately or otherwise to queries related to menopausal issues?
Or, if not, can you recommend any other of your sources where I could get answers to some questions that I have about my own situation?
Thanks so much. Cath
Dear Dr. Christiane, I am new to your website. I have read so much valuable information about bio identical hormones on it today and I really want to start doing something about getting hormonal help for post menopausal systems. Just one question: do you answer the comments and questions that people send? If not, is there any other way to get online help regarding which bio identical hormones to use? Thank you so much.
My MD abruptly stopped my refill of BHRT because I missed an appointment due to work issues. He is on vacation for 2 weeks. Is this safe?
I was having 48 intense hot flashes a day. I tried everything, herbs, vitamins, and teas with no result. I’m now on compounded troches, 2 mg of Bi-est (80% estriol, 20% estradiol) and 100 mg of progesterone daily. In 2 weeks my hot flashes were gone. A miracle.
What was the mg of Estriol and the mg of Estradiol in the Biest?
I’m confused about the responses to people’s questions, is there a doctor in the house? I would love to know what the Dr. responses are to these questions,
I have been taking pellets every three months of estradiol and testosterone, then a progesterone sucker at night. for two years. I am 58.
I have noticed a huge increase in libido. I think about it a lot. it did take away my hot flashes and night sweats and some of my anxiety. but I can’t cry. I need a god cry!
That is interesting about crying…I have done the biote pellets for one year and can’t cry either. Thought everything was going well, libido, mood, etc but noticed my normally very thick hair has thinned a great deal on top- like a man’s….this has me very worried, not going to get another pellet implant as read on another site that too much testosterone converts to DHT that causes hair follicles to die off– read other women having same issue. Now I am back to what to do? I am 69 and never did HRT until this past year.
I am in Canada so its a bit complex here. i was being treated with bio identicals compounded and one thing it cured, it cured many things, but my hair STOPPED falling out. my guess would be something is off if u cant cry and are losing hair!
Maybe the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is off?
Hello Linda, This is an old post so I don’t know where you are at or if you have changed your treatment completely but I will post here to let any other woman know what I have been told and read: I just started started on BioTe pellets with estrogen and testosterone. I am waiting for the SL form of the progesterone to come from the compounding pharmacy. The oral progesterone knocked me out! I am also taking a supplement called DIM that my doctor and NP told me is ‘not negotiable”, I have to take it. They never told me about the hair loss though! I probably NEVER would have started the pellets if I knew that. And maybe that’s why they don’t tell us!! However, the DIM supplement blocks the enzyme that is the culprit in causing the “masculine” symptoms. I take Bio Te’s brand and it’s 150mg a day. I’m only 3 days into my replacement therapy and I’m hoping for the best with all of this. Sick of feeling like I’m 156 yo, not 56!
Best to every one of my sisters who are in the same darn boat and thank all of you who comment on to give us hope!
Margie Smith – your response is me! The only exception is that my hot flashes are gone – no anxiety and I can definitely cry in a quick minute. My concern is the absolute major increase in libido. My problem is the same – it’s on my mind constantly. I’m thankful that I’ve read that this is happening to someone else. I’m 58 as well – take the same BIOTE HRT.
Hi Debbie..
What are you using specifically?
Thank you much.
Hi Grace
What are you using specifically?
Thanks so much
Tammy e.
I want to try bioidentical but I’m nervous about it. I’m already having issues (I think) with Depo. I’ve had horrible periods, PMS, mood swings, depression and anxiety all my life (since I started periods at 12). I’m on antidepressant, thyroid med, HTN med, asthma med, narcolepsy med. Tried anti=anxiety med but it made things worse. I have terrible IBS, even with massive dietary restrictions. My life is very stressful (live-in caregiver for 2 elders with dementia) and even tho I do exercise and good sleep hygiene and such I still bodily carry a lot of stress. Do you think bioidentical could help? Thank you!
Estrogen loss with menopause causes BP to rise. Hope you get it managed. High BP is no joke.
You poor thing! That is a lot to go through! I think you’ll find bio identical is key for you. You may with a organic grain free diet and BHRT may be able to go off of many of your meds. I am surprised daily at what gets cured. Only been on almost 2 months.
So many of these questions that people have asked here are questions that I have. Why can we not a response from the doctor?
Because the doctors can’t give medical advice via this avenue. It’s really a waste of time on these type forums. The only positive is reading other people’s experiences.
Hi Dr. Christiane Northrup, thank you so much for what you do for so many people. I had a question regarding bioidentical hormones. I am using them right now,but I ordered your Amata. I wanted to know when I run out of my hormones can I start taking your product right away? Should I wait awhile before I start taking Amata? I love your book. Energy Vampire. That book so needed to be written!!! Thank you so much for all you do!! Love everything you are doing!!!! Susan
I trust your outcomes are genuine yet I too might want to see a non-orange form of your present self. Incredible story. Thank you for sharing it.
Hi Christine,
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and my progesterone level is at 21, on the low side according to NaPro technology. NaPro protocol recommends supplementing with progesterone. I prefer to take a bioidentical version of this. Do you have an recommendations on bioidentical progesterone during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage? Any tips on how to request a specific kind from my midwife and where I could get this from? You mention formulary pharmacy in this article. I’m not familiar with what that is. Thanks!
My prescription plan has been fighting my PCP and I for years over Prometrium, forcing her to write formulary exceptions and other ridiculous letters explaining why I need it over synthetic progesterone.
Today they cut me off. Sent me progesterone. I am beyond furious with the way prescription plans and health insurance have interfered with the doctor/patient relationship and now prescribe my health care and meds, instead of my PCP. The side effects will likely force me to quit HRT. Nothing else to see here… just had to vent.
Ask your pharmacist what the cash price of the bioidentical hormones are. I pay cash for mine, because it is cheaper than the $80 co-pay my insurance wants. The pharmacist is not allowed to tell you about this, unless you ask. Your RX does not have to be run through your insurance.
Also, you might ask your PCP to talk to the pharmacist about combining two RX’s to one. I get DHEA/Pregnenelone in the same cream.
If it’s too expensive, you can try the herbal route.
They worked until they didnt 🙁
I am over 84 years old and have been on bioidentical estriol vaginal creme for many many years…from Women’s International Pharmacy. Should I be on this at such an age? Your opinion would be one that I trust.
Hello- I am 50 years old and have Catamenial Epilepsy. This is epilepsy that is controlled by my female hormones. I am taking Prometrium to help control my seizures. Supposedly, estrogen is a seizure trigger, do you have any other ideas on what I can use to prevent UTI’s and vaginal dryness during sex. Since estrogen is a seizure trigger for this type of Epilepsy can I use the bio-identical estrogen or do I need to stay away from it? Any advice on how to treat this and any advice on bioidentical hormones and Catamenial Epilepsy would be appreicated. Thank you!
How do you feel about hormone pellets? I’ve heard good and bad things about them.
What if you have had an estrogen sensitive breast cancer 5 years ago, can you still take bioidentical hormones? I have taken the Arimidex for 46 months and have recently stopped. My hot flashes disturb my sleep each night and I have been unable to find something to help me. 6 years ago I took Estrogen to help with the hot flashes it only slightly helped and I did develop breast cancer. I know that sleep (rest) is incredibly important to my health and want to do everything I can to find that rest each night.
So far loving bioidentical progesterone! A total life saver after years of debilitating PMDD symptoms!
Which bioidentical progesterone are you using and how long? Thx.
i’m just now trying the progero-life bioidentical. i’m questioning how to know if i should be doing the estrogen cream also?
I had DVT blood clot after cesarean many years ago. What kind of bio identical hormones can I take?
If you have a factor mutation, you’ll be at a higher risk of venous thrombosis, and slightly higher cardiovascular risk than the general population.
I would argue that hormone therapy would be beneficial in that case, but make sure you use bioidentical hormones, only use estrogen transdermally. And balanced with progesterone.
And because of your history, take other precautions, such as regular blood testing, and not sitting for long periods of time.
I’ve been diagnosed with female dryness (atrophic vagina) and took estrace for three months, which solved that problem so I went off it. Then I got a raging UTI, took too many antibiotics for this and a root canal, got another UTI then my first yeast infection which seems not to go away (tho it is very mild and causes only slight pain on urination.) Dr. wants me to do both estrace and vagifem estrogen suppositories but this sounds like too much replacement. Cannot find any significant answers to whether or not to introduce vagifem with estrace, also dr. wants me to stay on these for the rest of my life, which is reasonably intimidating. I am post-menopausal. Taking probiotics but just started. PS Anyone with a yeast should try two baking soda soaks a day, put about 4 tablespoons of baking soda in a few inches of water and sit 15 minutes. Really helps. Thanks for any help, Kay
Have you tried estring?
It would have been nice to see a reply to your inquiry – I also have been prescribed Vagifem and Estrace and didn’t use either. But I really need to use something and am considering trying one or both. Did you get any
answers? Thanks.
Dear Dr Northrup
I recently tried Prometrium and estradot patches as an alternative to the Bio identical hormone troche (mainly progesterone and Trieste (4mg) and Progesterone (350mg) troche. I found on the prometrium and particularly the estradot patches I felt weird and that there was something speedy in my system. I had to stop and am now trying a week off everything . I was happy w the bio identical troche which I’ve been on for about 5 years but didn’t like the bitter taste it left in my mouth so decided to try something different. Any ideas what might be happening?
Dear Dr Northrup, I am writing to you from South Africa. I am 56 yrs old and had a hysterectomy (total)
a year ago aged 55. I then went into surgical menopause and I suffer from awful hot flushes. I cannot take HRT (medical reasons) so I am forced to search for a natural remedy. I have tried many and recently been advised to try “renewed balance body cream” which is a natural progesterone cream. Are you familiar with it and would it help me ?
Hi, I too have been introduced to “Renewed Balance” body cream. Have been using the cream for 6 months – have had some relief. Recently discovered pyhotoestrogens and have been trying to achieve some sort of balance. Feeling quite alone in Canada where going natural is discouraged! What are your thoughts?
Hello Dr. Northrup, I have been on bioidentical hormones for 10 years. I had lung cancer last year, I did smoke when I was very young, in my early 20’s, but only on the weekends, I am 62 years old. Do you think the hormones gave me the lung cancer ? Thank you
I just started 20 mg compounded oral progesterone day 6-28 of my cycle for insomnia. This first month for most part seems to help except for before ovulation and bleeding. Is this dosage even affective? Doctor said it could take a month to really feel it.
Im on progesterone cream due to excessive hair loss. It’s helped stop the hair loss but is giving me severe hot flashes. Is it possible I would do better with bioidentical hormone replacement?
You’re taking too much progesterone, so just cut back and titrate up.
You a doctor??
Hi, I wanted to know if it is safe to start on HRT( a hormone patch) I am 64 years old I would love to take bio-identicals but my insurance will not cover it and I can not afford them.Thank you
I take Pro-gest by Emerita. It is on Amazon and gets great reviews.
I took Bioidentical hormones and experienced even worse ( I have been having them 20- 30 times a day – night and day) . Didnt improve my sleep and one afternoon my face started to swell and was told to stop taking the gel and progesterone pill. I only took it for 5 days but my body didn’t like it which was so disappointing. I have had a lot of stress which may also be a factor. My doctor (A private consultation as I wanted the time to get all the facts) said to leave it for a month and try a lower dose of one pump of gel a day for a month and slowly build it and introduce the pill. On a positive note, I did notice an increase in my labido but other that that i felt horrible.
I’m taking estradiol and progesterone. They are a complete lifesaver for me, but I wish I could get off them. Although my doctor has said I can take them for up to 5 years without increased risk of cancer.
Just don’t take the progesterone, you really don’t need it, and that is what causes the bad side effects of bad heart, etc.. I only use Estrace vaginal cream and I have had a full hysterectomy (no ovaries) And I just started taking Black Cohosh with soy in it. Do your own research first though, but it has stopped my hot flashes.
the progesterone is what protects us from cancer due to the estrogen. don’t stop taking it.
Any woman who still has a uterus and who is taking systemic estrogen (meaning the type that goes throughout the body and prevents hot flashes, etc.) must take progesterone to prevent emdometrial cancers. You don’t need progesterone because you had your uterus removed. Women with a uterus need to balance the estrogen with progesterone.
There are progesterone receptors all through the body. Not having a uterus does not mean there is no need for progesterone.
It’s amazing how so many women, including myself, are blindsided by menopausal symptoms and their doctors are of absolutely no use whatsoever. I am 48 and suddenly began experiencing very painful sex. I turned to the internet and found it’s called ‘vaginal atrophy’ I’m sitting there wondering why the don’t call penile dysfunction ‘penile atrophy’. It sounds absolutely dreadful. So, off I go to visit a female gynecologist, who I asked for bio identical hormones, she then prescribed me prem pro which I didn’t want but didn’t know what exactly she prescribed until I went to the pharmacy. My nurse practitioner said she’d get back to me on what to prescribe, but that was 3 weeks ago. Finally I’m trying Karen Leggett’s happy hoo hoo line. Hopefully they work as the medical community seems largely useless when it comes to women.
How is Happy HOO HOO working for you?
Also just started happy hoo hoo… any luck with it?
Find a doctor who is educated, well-versed and comfortable prescribing bio-identical hormones. The GYN I had for years never EVER recommended any hormones (let alone bio-identicals) although he knew all my (typical) menopausal symptoms. I also had had both my ovaries removed two years prior because due to a large (benign) tumor on one ovary. Of particular interest is the severe pain with sex over the last 15 years and which has nearly destroyed my marriage–make no mistake, I always enjoyed sex and never had pain before peri-menopause and menopause!! Never a peep from the GYN when I would tell him time and time again, how painful sex was and that I had stopped having intercourse. “Use a quality lubricant”, he would instruct me…wow dude, why didn’t I think of THAT one! Biggest shocker for me is when I had my bone density scan last Fall, I’m in full blown OSTEOPOROSIS! Talk about a wake up call! I was in total shock! When I questioned my GYN asking HOW this can be (I’m normal weight, very active, eat well, take my calcium and Vitamin D faithfully), he told me it was because I was “caucasian and petite”. That’s it. I didn’t believe him. So I did a lot of research and learned that the lack of ESTROGEN is the number one reason osteoporosis develops in the first place!! Women are being done a great, great disservice and it’s unacceptable. I have osteoporosis because my body really needed some estrogen. Not to mention, my testosterone levels were very low but GYN did nothing about thatt either. My fellow sisters, wake up, find a doctor who will prescribe bio-identicals for you so you don’t shrivel up (literally), die sexually and be discarded by our men or society! I’ve had it! Oh, and one more thing. All you sisters who have incontinence, this too is a result of uro-genital tissue changes due to the LACK OF ESTROGEN. It’s NOT a normal part of aging as many of your doctors are telling you! Wake up, educate yourself and take back your womanhood.
Amen sister. I have overactive bladder, even with Botox and myrbiriq, still had symptoms of UTI, diagnosed with vaginal atrophy, started estrogen creme once a week, a freakin miracle! No more bladder and ureter spasms, no more treating nonexistent bladder or yeast infections!sharon
Thank you so much Dr. Northrup, for being available for these concerns!
I am 67 years old and have been using bioidentical hormone drops as prescribed by your former colleague Dr. Hargrove for about 15 years. At age 47 I experienced chemo induced menopause from treatment for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. At age 58 I had a total hysterectomy following a stage 1 cervical cancer diagnosis but chose not to take chemo again. I am now concerned about the length of time I’ve been using the bioidentical hormone drops and their potential effect on the likelihood of a cancer recurrence at my mature age. Also, I’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure and have started medication for that in the last 5 months. I’ve had low blood pressure all my life. I have two questions: is it possible that high blood pressure is related to the bioidentical hormone drops use? My second question involves getting off the drops. I have been reluctant to do that because they prevent dryness and itching, which I had very badly before taking them and I am still sexually active with my partner. Can you recommend how I can safely get off the drops but still retain my vaginal health/libido? What would you recommend that I replace it with? God bless you and thank you your amazing wisdom and generous spirit!
I’m 63 years old and just went off biodentical hormones two months ago because I just had a breast cancer scare and my breasts were very painful. My doctor said I was on the lowest dose. Since getting off them my breast pain went away, however, most of my joints are hurting me and I feel like an old women now. I have always stayed in shape and exercised and ate good all my life. I’m wondering if I should go back on them or just take progesterone?
Is 37 too young to be considering supplementing with bioidentical progesterone? My PMS has gotten much worse in the past couple of years. I have a mostly clean lifestyle, lots of self-care, get acupuncture, and have been taking Vit E, Selenium, Cod liver oil, and Cal Mag for some time, with no improvement. Major breast swelling and body aches, fatigue, depression, for a full 2 weeks before my (often late) cycle. Considering progesterone, but am worried it will set up a dependency and I’ll need to be on it indefinitely. Is that something I should be worried about. I have no health insurance, so most of my medical information is from my own research.
I started taking progesterone in my late 30’s and wish I had started even earlier. When I was researching it, I found that my period discomforts…severe cramps, heavy bleeding, etc. was caused from an imbalance between the estrogen and progesterone. I had always had cramping and heavy periods since I started menstrating, but within 30 days or less after taking the progesterone I was cramp free and didn’t notice I was going to get a period. You have to stop taking the progesterone 3 days before your regular period so that the period will start. There should be some directions with the product. I used it regularly for about 4-5 years, then started to skip because I felt so good. If I started to have some of the symptoms come back, I just started using it again for awhile. I also had a friend with discomfort from endometriosis and it helped her immensely also.
Just another note: My doctor had put me on Provera, a chemical replacement to help regulate my periods, but that was too harsh. It causes depression and other side effects. The natural bioidentical progesterone did not have the side effects.
Can teenage girls take this? Was this a cream?
Which bioidentical progesterone brand and form did you use? Thx.
Try diet first instead of any hormones. In my late 30’s I started nibbling on kale on the way to collecting eggs every morning. After a month I noticed, that my cramps mellowed out. So the next month I ignored the kale. The cramps were back full force. Mind you I have had horrible cramps since my teenage years. Now hardly any since I ate about 3 bunches of kale a week for a couple of years since I discovered that it helped. My cramps went away completely, as did my moodiness, and breast swelling and tenderness. My ND Satya Ambrose helped explain how the brassicas help me metabolize my high estrogen levels. Now after loading up on kale I just need to eat a few bunches a month. Other dark greens or brassicas didn’t work and I have patients of my own that have horrible PMS and state that they eat lots of kale. I have however had immigrant patients from Asia in their 20’s and 40’s that never had PMS until they came to the US and their diets changes (less fruit and veges). So supplements of some sort and high intake of veges are likely what most needs.
I am a 68 year female with a history of female organs removed at the age of 40. For reason cancerous cells.
Now for 2 years I have been experiencing very difficult nite sweats!
I go regularly to a health food store here in the Houston Texas area. They recommend the Ultra Pro 50 the natural form of Progesterone which is dispensed in cream once a day on inside of my arm.
Hi Patricia, im just wondering if you used the ultra pro 50 progesterone cream? I go to the same health food store in houston and i used the cream. I didnt see a change in my symptoms. Previously to using that one i was using a much cheaper one name natural source. This one worked better than tbe one recommended. I think for me it made my symptoms worse. This is only my experience.
How do you know you arn’t putting too much of th cream on? In other words with pills you know exactly the dose but with the cream how do you know if you apply the correct amount?
Hello, I just turned 68 and am going to start bio-identical hormone pellet therapy. I’m healthy and on no meds except Armour Natural Thyroid for about 2 years. My bone density is very good, did a sleep study and I do not have sleep apena, had circulation checked in my legs as I tire easily walking or standing. Basically my entire body aches, all my muscles and joints seem to hurt, low energy, fatigue, moody depressed etc. General blood work is all normal but the blood work for hormones showed estrogen below normal range. My testosterone was in the “low normal range” so I decided I just wanted to start with estrogen pellet and the oral progesterone, my MD agreed. I’m still feeling nervous about trying this but am at a point where I cannot continue to feel so generally crummy all the time and have done the process of elimination of other possible causes for how I feel. Seems hormones could be the solution? Guess I just would like some feedback and assurance to go ahead with it?
You might want to get tested for Epstein-Barr and if it shows re-activated you may have your answer. I had similar symptoms for years and good blood work but then last draw they tested for EBV and I have two strains re-activated and one new active strain.
What do you do to address the reactivation of your EBV? Any advice of experience with putting EVB back into hiding is much appreciated. Many thanks!
Check out Anthony William website, he talkes a lot about EB, some great info on food and diet, good luck!
Your physical complaints sound very much like they are thyroid related. If you, by chance, have Hashimoto’s your thyroid hormones will fluctuate a lot, therefore a one size fits all thyroid supplement probably won’t work for you in every circumstance. You might want to become more familiar with thyroid symptoms for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, since the symptoms are quite insidious. Thyroid hormones are master hormones. They make the world go around, so to speak.
I’m not sure about doing bio-identical hormone pellets. You have no control over them. With creams you can cut back or increase as needed. Just saying.
For Osteoporosis, Will the .25 estradiol patch help build bone or is it too late for a 58 yr old in the throws of Osteoporosis and surgical menopause of over 21 years. Will the patch cause side effects and cancer?
I’m 61 and have been on BHRT for 12 years, feeling great. I never stopped having periods, so started the hormones due to debilitating hot flashes. After a recent visit with a new ob/gyn, she was shocked I was still having periods and suggested it might be a sign of uterine cancer (assuming I must be menopausal with bleeding due to cancer, not cycles). She didn’t know if BHRT extends periods and I don’t either. What’s normal on BHRT for periods? I put estrogen and testosterone creams on 2/x day and progesterone 2/x day unless I’m menstruating. Then I hold off for 2 weeks. Can’t seem to find any answers on the internet and have been given conflicting responses from doctors. Any answers out there?
I’m reading a book right now (Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones) that indicates BHRT does extend periods. I think that’s what’s going on with you, especially since you stop the hormones for two weeks. It’s very informative and I suggest you give it a look –
What was the outcome?
I am 55, 2 years post-menopause and recently diagnosed and treated for breast cancer caused from estrogen. I never took any type of birth-control or hormone my entire life. I am now on an estrogen blocker for 5 years. This has caused a lot of problems with painful sex and dryness. My OB gave me a prescription for DHEA suppositories (on for a month now) and there has been some improvements. However, sexually it’s as if a light went out overnight. Are there any additional creams that may help that will be safe for me?
I AM SO CONFUSED with it all 🙁 I just turned 50 and have always had bad PMS and
lately a lot of fatigue and hormonal mood swings…i do not get hot flashes and i am a pretty good sleeper , my Dr prescibes the tri est bio dentical hormone cream but i am not sure
why i would be taking it..yes i would like to take something that will ease this PMS and i also don’t feel like i used to as far as my sex drive, i think it drove away…and my self confidence is practically non existent..feel kinda down but not sure why, i blame everything on hormones because thats what seems to be the “issue”..should i take the bio dentical cream to make me feel like i used to!!!! i am tempted because i am tired of being tired and grumpy
At 2 months shy of 65, I have been taking bio-identical hormones, compounded specifically for me, for over 10 years. No side affects, but best of all NO hot flashes, night sweats, or irritability. I sleep well and the only weight gain I have had was caused by too many antibiotics given for multiple surgeries 6 years ago that destroyed my micro biome. With help from Metformin ER the weight is coming off and thanks to probiotics my micro biome has recovered. My hair is thick and I have retained my hair color while my two sisters have lost all color and have thinning fine hair. Maybe this is another result of the hormones?
Cecile, where do you get your hormones? How were they prescribed?
I am a 70 year-old who has been taking bioidentical hormones for approximately 10 years. I went through menopause in 2000. I was prescribed BHRT’s not for menopausal symptoms, but for anti-aging and overall improved health. However, I had cardio-vascular surgery 1 1/2 years ago and 4 of my traditional doctors have strongly suggested that I get off BHRT’s as there are risks for me. My doctor who prescribes the BHRT’s is adamant about my remaining on them. I’d like to get off and would like to know a safe way to wean myself from them. Any thoughts of suggestions? Is it safe for me to continue with BHRT’s for life? My traditional doctors feel that HRT’s of any kind should not be taken long term. Thanks for the help.
There are studies that show a correlation between the Prempro type of HRT (CEE, oral route) and cardiovascular issues, but I could not find any studies that showed that correlation with bio-identicals or with transdermal route hormones in general.
Do your own research. It is not that hard to do. Most of the articles can be found at Pub Med, and even some at the National Institute of Health.
That being said, there is still a correlation with any kind of estrogen and breast cancer.
Hello I am 53 and was taking synthetic prescribed HRT prescribed by my GP, but did not like the side effects. I was menstruating until I stopped the HRT mid August 2017. I recently commenced bio identical HRT of estrogen and progesterone cream a week ago, but have experienced symptoms and not sure if its normal. I have pins and needles and feel excessively hot at night. I just feels at a loss as to what to do, I am not sure whether to persevere or stop. My hormone cycle is all over the place and wish I had never started the synthetic HRT, but don’t want t make things worse.
What do you do if you are allergic to grain and soy? Doesn’t this mean that flaxseed and all soy HTR would be off limits?
Thanks for responding.
I am 44 years old and I am post menopausal
I have been on estrogen and progesterone and thyroid regiment for almost 20 years now
I was in fosamax for bones and went off now have to go back on
I’m a rare case but thought maybe you had an answer
I’m thinking of going off everything for 6 months and see if I can just change by what I eat
Anyways I figured I’d ask and see
Thank you for all your great advice
Do whatever you have to do for your osteoporosis. I too have thyroid issues and had both ovaries removed at 42. Two years ago I fractured 8 vertebra. You don’t want this, believe me. At least you have a health care provider that seems to be on top of it. I would highly recommend that you don’t go off everything. Your diet is not going to take care of your issues, quite the opposite. I know that there’s a website that proposes that you can do this. Not in your case, because you have a couple of issues that could work together to cause a perfect storm. Please don’t go off everything.
Dr. Northrup, I am interested in the vaginal creams for menopause symptoms. Most of the initial symptoms that I experience in the first couple of years of menopause have significantly diminished, but I am very concerned because (for the first time in my life) I have started to have significant pain during sex. I am happily married, and I have always enjoyed sex. I don’t intend to stop now! However, it is hard to have an orgasm when you are experiencing pain, especially with deep thrusts. I believe that the bioidentical vaginal creams are what I would like to try (I haven’t had a hysterectomy and am age-appropriate for menopause at 53), but I am concerned that most, if not all, of the creams’ bioidentical estrogens are derived from soy. Since most of the soy grown in the US (well over 90%) is genetically engineered, I am not very enthusiastic about slathering glyphosate or bt toxins into my vaginal area!! Are there any products available that are made either from non-soy plant derivatives (that are still bioidentical and therefore usable by the human body) or are soy-derived, but are 100% certified organic and/or non-GMO certified soy sources? I have searched, but haven’t found much on this to date.
Please help!!
Thanks so much,
Wendy N.
Hi Wendy,
My name is Ava and after reading your post, I am in a very similar position as you (same age and same concerns and objectives). If you get an answer to your question, I would like to know what it is. I will give you my email address so that you can let me know if you find a non-GMO BHRT vaginal cream if you are willing. My email address is: Thank you in advance for any help that you can provide!
Take care,
Ava 🙂
There is a product you can look into called Julva. It is not estrogen, just DHEA and natural moisturizers. I am a women’s health provider and have given out some free samples of it for women with low DHEA.
Is Julva safe to use if your dhea-s is high?
I have the BRCA 1 gene mutation and I had to get a hysterectomy to save my life from getting ovarian cancer. I have been on the bioidentical hormones for a couple of years and it has been a great decision. The FDA is WRONG CT for banning it. I am outraged over this. Bioidentical hormones has saved my sanity and my marriage. The FDA is o.k. with marketing drugs that have suicidal thought but not being o.k. with bioidentical hormones THAT ARE EXTREMELY SAFE. Not o.k.with me. We have the right to use whatever that helps an individual.
I’m trying to find organic or atleast non GMO bio identical hormones too. I am not comfortable using daily glyphosate in estrogen cream either.
I saw Dr Karen Leggett has a line of organic, therefore Non GMO, BIH’s online, but am still researching. Please post if anyone knows of any non GMO BIH source in USA.
I started researching non GMO bioidentical hormones 6 years ago. I called at least 15 different compounding pharmacies all over the country, wrote the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP) and the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) with no luck in responses to my concerns. Several of the compounding pharmacists told me I was the only one with this concern but one told me i opened a can of worms. It’s going to take a whole lot of us to expose this travesty to those of us who eat organic food and try to omit as many chemicals as possible in our environment. Also compounding pharmacies are not strictly regulated by the states and unfortunately there is a lot of violations by the Pharmacy Boards in that state when they do get inspected. I have personally switched 5 times due to various reasons and my Dr. has also said there is a lot of variability between the actual dosages someone receives and what was written. It’s a major problem.
Go to for some background on the science of the issues.
John/biology research
Go to for some background on the science of the issues.
John/biology research
Did you get a response back on this?? just wondering, as I can relate.
Go to for some background on the science of the issues.
John/biology research
Hi Christiane,
I have come across your work only recently and I have a great respect for what you have done and continue to do. Your fabulous female body course was indeed fabulous .
So…I am wondering if your Pueraria mirifica would serve me atm or whether i need progesterone as prescribed by the doc.
I was diagnosed with a dvt in my calf 5 weeks ago along with 2 large PEs and am therefore on blood thinners. This has lead to my already heavy periods (due to fibroids) to become excessive. Probs being that the usual antidote for reducing bleeding ie clotting medication, I cant have. Up till now i have been a very healthy and fit 47yr old with no health issues at all so Im struggling to keep on top of these new developments and trying to keep as drug free as possible!
I would greatly appreciate some advice!
Thanks and love to you!
I had a total hysterectomy there for I am in surgical menopause. I’m taking a black Kosh blend
And OTC mendapause cream. Both seemed to work well. Then my doctor prescribed Premarin vaginal
Cream, since the start of the Premarin cream and stopping the OTC cream I was using I have NOT had one good night sleep…any suggestions for sleep and what the heck can help me? Thank you
I can’t seem to locate this website or database of physicians. Can you let me know where to find this as am looking for excellent physician in my area of Boston/southern MA who does bhrt. Thanks
“NWI maintains a database of physicians and health practitioners nationwide who prescribe natural, bioidentical hormones. “
Perhaps ” Body Logics MD” could help.
My “go to” in the Chicago area for BHRT.
1 Year now. I sleep so much better, etc.
I live in Newton ma & go to Womanwell in Needham. Great success!
I started taking 450mg of PM in June 2016 and twice now I have had extra long (2wk) periods that are heavy. No cramping really but heavy bleeding. I’m currently in the second one. I started retaking the pills hoping for the period to stop but so far it hasn’t. When I restarted the pills I took 2 the first day and 2 the second day and one today. I need help. Am I taking too much or what. I am post menopausal I’m 65 almost 66. I like the effect of the PM and really don’t want to stop taking it. What would the schedule be or the amount be for someone like me. If my period does start (which I have had one every month since I started PM) do I stop taking the pills or continue. Should I reduce the amount I take? I have looked for answers for months and haven’t gotten anywhere. Thank you
I would suggest your see your GYN and ask about an oblation.
Is topical progesterone safe and effective to stop hair loss and regrow hair? I am about to order a minodoxil/tretinoin/azaelic acid product to try to regrow my hair and it is progesterone in it. I asked if the progesterone is bio-identical or synthetic but the customer service rep did not know and said she would have to contact the compounding pharmacy to find out. If it is synthetic, is it ok to use? Or will it mess up my natural progesterone production? What else can I do to stop the hair loss and get my hair back? Every day I have less hair.
Thank you.
My GYN recommends Bio-Te Identical Hormone implantable pellets every four to six months. I noticed more muscular strength within two weeks. The drawback is my sexual feelings exploded and I have no partner. I asked to have less testosterone but was told it was the hormone making me feel better overall. My question is : Is Bio-T identical hormones safe? My family practiioner says it will kill me by stroke or heart attack. But she also thinks the only test I need for regulating my thyroid is TSH. No, my hypothyroidism is not managed well at all. Can you help me with finding out how safe the Bio-Te is?
I am also looking into Bio-Te pellets. I have a GYN that does this. I am 60 had a hysterectomy 15 years ago. I have no sex drive, I do not sleep well, depression, anxiety, brain fog. Looking for help! I see the post above and wonder if this is safe. I read another post about soy and gmo’s. I am looking for direction. I can not have gluten and corn so the pellets sounded better than oral. Any advice?
Your doctor is an idiot. Biodentical hormones will NOT Give you a heart attack. And if your doctor thinks all you need is a t s h test, then you need to find another doctor. They are just another one of those who really don’t give a s… about you.
And if you are hypothyroI’d like I am sounds like you have estrogen dominance and no progesterone and that right there will wreck your thyroid. Find another doctor who can prescribe you a compound of
B I e s t & Progeststone.
I am 67 and never took hormone replacement of any kind, nor did I ever take birth control pills during my fertile years. Would bio-identical hormones help me with aging symptoms in general such as forgetfulness? It would also be nice to feel a bit more like the woman I was hormonally before menopause.
If you find an answer, please let me know! I am soon to be 63 & recently started bioidentical hormones for healthy aging. I never took birth control pills & had a natural menopause & have never take. Hormones! I am having trouble finding info regarding post-menopausal women just starting BHRT & the benefits. Most info seems to target women in perimemopause or just going through menopause. I started BHRT to slow down aging, improve skin & hair – is this a falsehood or true. Responses would be appreciated & thanks!
Hello! I was wondering what works for perimenopause and having extra heavy periods? The doctor prescribed nuvaring? Seeing now it is synthetic and worried about the side effects?
Please let me know if a patch or cream can work like the ring to calm and lighten the periods?
Is there a particular brand of bioidentical progesterone cream you recommend or like better than another?
I am 52 had radical hysterectomy last year and naturopath put me on compounded bio identical hormones 50mg oral progesterone, .5mg testosterone and 1mg estriol suppository for atrophy. I’m doing better than I was but I’m still symptomatic with insomnia, depression and brain fog. Western doc suggested .25 mg estradiol patch. I have had a kidney pancreas transplant 12 years ago and high risk for cancer due to meds causing cancer. Is estradiol patch safe or can u suggest something else that can help. Thank you.
The biggest contributor to cancer is excess sugar intake and emotional stress. Alcohol also contributes. Of course mammalian hormones can contribute as well. You probably know all this. You might try Pueraria mirifica liquid or capsules and see if they help. Then wean off the hormones. But all women are different. And at the end of the day, your inner wisdom is the best way to get your questions answered. Still, check out
Is your product also good for osteoporosis or is an ultra low bioidentical estrogen patch a better choice to make to build bones? Or can I use both? I am 61 and have no other health issues except mild osteoporosis a -2.5 T score.
Looking for the same answer to this question regarding Osteoporosis. Will the .25 estradiol patch help build bone or is it too late for s 58 yr old in the throes oh Osteoporosis and surgical menopause o er 21 years. Will the patch cause side effects and cancer?
I am 51 and in perimenopause. Should I be using bio identical progesterone cream daily if I’m still menstruating? I also take estrogen and testosterone. My latest urine test shows I’m a little estrogen dominate and my Dr. Is ok with that? Something doesn’t seem right to me.
I would like to know this also.
The biggest contributor to estrogen dominance is excess insulin from a diet that is too high in sugar. ( A huge problem around the world). So– I recommend that you check out the book Always Hungry by David Ludwig, MD or go to Progesterone is fine. If you’d like to do something non-hormonal that is often very effective, try Pueraria mirifica. And check out my company
I’ve been on bio-identical hormones for more than 10 years but would like to get off of them. Is there any information available about how to do that safely?
There are a couple ways to do this: The first is just to slowly wean off your hormones by taking one less pill per week the first week, two fewer the second week, etc. Until you are totally off the hormones.
The SECOND way to do this is to get some Pueraria mirifica — an herbal supplement very rich in phytoestrogens but without ANY of the adverse effects of prescription hormones. Start on this one capsule in the morning and one at night. ( I started a company to bring this herb to the attention of women cause it’s so effective. Then– after a couple weeks on the Pueraria mirifica, just wean off your hormones in about 2 weeks time. This will give your body a nice transition. And you may well find that all the things you experienced on the hormones that you liked are now possible with another type of approach. Thanks for asking!!
Hello I just did a natural IUI , for unknown infertility, and after 5 days I had a blood test to check my progesterone level which seems to be in the normal range but doctor prefers I take progesterone to help implantation. I asked for a more natural one and they prescribed crinone. I am a very sensitive and allergic person and I am just concerned that this could just harm me instead of helping. What do you think? Thank you
Crinone is bioidentical progesterone. And I believe you will do just fine on it!
Now that i am on the other side of menopause, what would be the reason to take any kind of hormones?
This all depends on how much hormone your adrenals and ovaries are still making. I personally take the the herb Pueraria mirifica for the phytoestrogen content. It keeps everything quite nicely moisturized. And there are also bone, heart, and reproductive system benefits. I started a company to let women know about it. Check out But trust your inner wisdom. You might be just fine with what you’re currently doing!
Shouldn’t you take Pueraria mirifica with progesterone? You should never take estrogen by itself, correct?
I have been using Pro-Gest progesterone cream for over 20 years(1/4 tsp. 2X a day and then 1/8 tsp. 2X a day). I originally started it to balance Premarin and continued it after stopping the estrogen pills. However, is it possible to have too much progesterone in your body tissues? After all this time, I have developed low thyroid issues, with a lot of joint and muscle pain, popping joints, etc. I wonder if these two are related. Does the progesterone cream have a build-up effect after many years of use? I am 68 years old, normal blood pressure and weight. Thanks so much for your help.
I think this slideshare will be a good complement to the article:
I had to stop and thank you for all your courage and fortitude for standing up against traditional medicine and religion in a loving manner to make our world a better place. You are a hero for women of all ages and I have been privileged to discover your work on my journey. Blessings & Love!
This is so interesting. I recently heard a minister tell of healings in Africa during a mission trip. He said that these healing could take place because there were no obstacles being generated in the mind of the people seeking help. No other options except faith in the healing power of God.
In a book I am reading, the author states, “we must ALLOW the Spirit (Divine Love-healing stream) to work. I find that statement very powerful.
I loved the meditation that you did on your Wednesday evening Hay House event! Wow! I am so excited to read the book, arriving from Amazon soon! I am sure the book will be wonderful and yet I feel as if I already know this. It feels so true and perfect! Since Wednesday night I have twice found myself stopping what I was doing to follow an urge to send energy to someone far away who has no knowledge of my sending it. Somehow I know it is important for me to send and that they are receiving it and it is healing them. Our paths have crossed many times. You would be amazed to know how you have showed up in my life over the years. As far back as 26 or 27 years ago when I came to a clinic that you were working at. Then at OZ Books in SW Harbor, Maine nineteen years ago next month. I remember because my now 19 year old daughter was a baby asleep in my arms as I listened to a most exciting and provacative lecture! A wonderful Louise Hay event in Atlanta 10 years ago or so…. now with 4 kids I can not be so sure of what happend when as I was when I only had one and she slept all the time …. I have followed your work, read your books and watched your PBS specials and other TV appearences. I have given your books, told people about you! I could go on and on about how much I love and appreciate you and your work! Thank you for the energy and light you put out into the world! Once again you have given me something at the exact time that I needed it. Love and blessings to you!
Thank-you so much for bringing this information to us….I feel the healing all around me, as I did after the meditation with you at the “I Can Do It” conference in San Diego….Same Kim that spoke to you on air today….I feel it everytime I meditate with Bruno Groening, the music, with Divine Love guiding the way…..I never would have thought something could feel so right & Divine!! I bless you, & Hayhouse, & Louise Hay, & all involved in this wonderful event we shared today!! Totally Awesome!!! Thank-you………Light & Love KL