How To Reverse Insulin Resistance At Midlife

You always have low levels of insulin circulating in your body. When insulin is out of balance, the result is abnormal blood sugar levels.  High insulin levels can make you feel tired, bloated and cause sugar cravings.  And, the more insulin you have circulating in your body, the harder it becomes to lose weight and burn fat.

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gut microbiome diet

How To Improve Your Gut Microbiome In A Day

By now you probably know how important your gut health is to your overall health. If not, you need to! Eighty percent of your immune system is in your microbiome, your body’s bacteria, which help your body with just about every process, including digesting your food, thinking clearly, and even maintaining a healthy weight. Your […]

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Dr Christianne Northrup

Your Gut: A Delicate Garden?

Your gut is a very delicate ecosystem, with more flora (healthy bacteria) in it than all the other cells in the body put together. When this ecosystem is healthy, your digestive tract has the proper balance of stomach acids and bacteria. This allows your body to breakdown food for nourishment and cell repair. Without the ability to absorb nutrition from your food and eliminate waste, you may experience all kinds of health issues that, on the surface, don’t seem to be related to digestion. These include headaches, mood issues, weight gain, menstrual cramps, fatigue, back pain, frequent colds, estrogen dominance, and more. If your digestive health is poor, everything suffers.

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