Avoid and Treat Back Pain Naturally

It is estimated that up to 80% of adults will experience back pain in their lifetimes. Back pain is one of our culture’s most debilitating and costly health problems. All you have to do is look up the statistics to see for yourself. And women are more likely than men to experience low back pain. Given […]

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Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain:

Every year, millions of women cope with pain. Women are more likely to experience chronic pain syndromes, such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, migraines, and other painful conditions, than men. This has a lot to do with your life’s circumstances—and what you believe your life can be like. Layered onto this are real physiological factors that affect the overall health of your body and your ability to heal.

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Almost everyone has had a headache at some time in his or her life. Most headaches are primary—that is, not related to an underlying disease. If you get headaches, you may be predisposed to them due to genetics, your perception of the stressors in your life, your hormones, or your metabolism. Some headache sufferers experience […]

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