Avoid and Treat Back Pain Naturally

It is estimated that up to 80% of adults will experience back pain in their lifetimes. Back pain is one of our culture’s most debilitating and costly health problems. All you have to do is look up the statistics to see for yourself. And women are more likely than men to experience low back pain. Given […]

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Natural Ways to Stay Healthy All Year Long

When we’re healthy, we are able to live life to the fullest and truly flourish. When it comes to being healthy, I believe in prevention first. And, by prevention I don’t mean vaccines and screening tests. I encourage cultivating true health from the inside out by adopting healthy habits such as proper diet and exercise, an enjoyable family and social life, and a personal spiritual practice.

Yet, even healthy people sometimes get sick. And with cold and flu season upon us, I want to share some of the best ways I know to stay healthy naturally, and some natural ways you can treat symptoms so you can recover fast.

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Staying optimally hydrated

What Is Optimal Hydration?

Optimal hydration is crucial to maintaining every organ and system in your body. Insufficient hydration can have an adverse effect on how your body functions. For example, even a 2% drop in optimal hydration can lead to cloudy thinking and fatigue. Water is an essential component of every cell in your body. For example, the […]

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