12 Strategies to Protect Your Health Every Day

I have often said that vibrant health is possible for everyone. And it’s not just about preventing disease, though that is a big part of it. Truly vibrant health stems from balance, for which our bodies innately strive. It’s important to eat right, exercise, avoid toxins, be in touch with your emotions, have a strong […]

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Should You Get the Flu Shot This Year?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all Americans over the age of 6 months receive an annual flu shot. Many doctors push the flu vaccine on patients during regular visits. Pediatricians often do this during well child visits and even use fear and guilt to coerce parents into vaccinating. This practice […]

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10 Non-Toxic Cleaning Products For Spring Cleaning

Experts say that the average home has roughly 62 toxic chemicals lurking about. That’s significant!  Government regulations regarding labeling of toxic chemicals in cleaning products are pretty lax. Rather than a list of ingredients, what you see instead are those little pictures, like a flame, or skull and cross bones, or even dynamite. But, what […]

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