An Empath’s Best Protection Against Energy Vampires
There are identifiable personality traits and common manipulation tactics that, when recognized, will “out” an energy vampire. When you see these qualities, you can learn to protect yourself.
There are identifiable personality traits and common manipulation tactics that, when recognized, will “out” an energy vampire. When you see these qualities, you can learn to protect yourself.
What is worse than a group of people getting together who don’t really want to be there? Sound familiar? Where is the holiday cheer in that? And how did we get here—where guilt and obligation are the holiday norm?
Have you ever seen a couple that just didn’t seem to make sense? The man is stunningly attractive and the woman is puffy, overweight and tired-looking. Or vice versa. Maybe you have a friend who calls you every time she is going through a break-up but is nowhere to be found when you need her […]
The holidays are a crucible for relationship meltdowns. Loved ones with differing expectations, familial patterns, and needs get together to create a “Hallmark moment.” Even in the best of circumstances, this can be a set up for dysfunction and stress. At midlife, it can be even tougher.