Oral health is crucial for your overall health. And poor oral health is a risk factor for (and may indicate the presence of) chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
I don’t get regular annual health check-ups or disease screenings, but I do get my teeth cleaned twice per year! That said, the recent uptick in fraudulent dental practices is alarming and it pays to be vigilant when it comes to choosing a dentist, and the more holistic the better!
What is a Holistic Dentist?
I am a huge fan of holistic dentists and holistic dentistry. It’s true preventive health care. Holistic dentists practice a form of dentistry that considers a person’s entire state of health—physical, emotional, and even spiritual.
Since 1978, the Holistic Dental Association has supported holistic dentists and helped to educate the public about the health benefits of dentistry. Well before that time my father practiced holistic dentistry. He taught his patients the importance of oral health, and he actually could tell a person’s state of health just by looking in their mouth.
But most holistic dentists advise and offer programs on preventative care that goes beyond practicing good oral hygiene. For example, they may educate you on the importance of good nutrition, advise you to quit smoking, and tell you why you should consume alcohol in moderation if you drink.
Many holistic dentists also use digital X-ray equipment, which means you are exposed to substantially less radiation. And they typically do not take nearly as many X-rays as traditional dentists. In addition, holistic dentists do not us amalgam for topical fluoride.
Many holistic dentists use natural antibacterial agents including ozone treatments when performing common dental procedures such as gum cleanings and removal of amalgam fillings.
How to Know if Your Dentist if Holistic
Views among holistic dentists may differ. Here are some questions you can ask your dentist to determine if the practice is the right fit for you:
- What materials do you use to fill cavities? Holistic dentists do not use metals such as amalgam, nickel, or other metals to fill cavities. Instead, they use composite resin. This practice has also become common among dentists who do not describe themselves as holistic.
- How do you treat gum disease? Using non-surgical approaches to healing gum disease is something that many holistic dentists believe in. Some holistic dentists treat different stages of gum disease using highly effective lasers and ozone treatments to clear the areas of bacteria. They may use an iodine irrigation system to help prevent harmful bacteria from entering the gums. And some may prescribe herbal remedies to promote faster, natural healing.
- What is your view on fluoride? Most holistic dentists are against fluoride treatments because they know that fluoride does not prevent tooth decay and that it can cause long-term health problems, including an increased risk of cancer. Truly holistic dentists do not even offer fluoride treatments. Now, even some traditional dentists are starting to ask parents whether they want their children to have fluoride or not.
- Do you remove wisdom teeth? It seems that removing wisdom teeth has been a rite of passage for young adults for a long time. But it’s not always necessary. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 2/3 of wisdom tooth extractions are unnecessary. If your wisdom teeth are correctly positioned, fully erupted and not crowding other teeth, you probably don’t need to have them removed. If your dentist routinely removes wisdom teeth even if there is no pain or infection, that is a big clue that he is not holistic.
- Do you perform root canals? Some holistic dentists are firmly against root canals because they believe that root canals can put your health at risk due to the spread of bacteria. These dentists believe that the best option is to pull infected teeth. This way of thinking began in the early 1900s when a dentist named Dr. Weston Price wrote extensively about a wide range of medical problems related to treating infected teeth. You can learn more about Dr. Weston Price’s views on dentistry here.
In my experience, the best holistic dentists are open-minded about root canals and other procedures and treatments, and they may even recommend or perform them. If your dentist says he absolutely never would perform or recommend a root canal or other common procedure, you may want to consider looking for a dentist who is open to evaluating each person—and tooth—individually.
What To Do If You Have Amalgam Fillings
In the past, many dental treatments such as fillings required using substances that we now know can be toxic. For example, most fillings were done with amalgam, which contains more than 50% mercury and can damage your central nervous and immune systems. But not everyone who has amalgam fillings has a problem with them. I am not a fan of amalgams and had all of mine removed in 1985.
If you have amalgam fillings you don’t need to live in fear. Just get regular check-ups and make sure that they are not leaking. Now if you have symptoms that could be attributed to mercury, such as muscle and joint pain, stiffness and cramping, chronic fatigue, chemical or food sensitivities, or significant neurological symptoms that can mimic Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological diseases, then you may want to see about having your amalgam fillings removed.
It’s much easier today to find dentists who really know how to do this safely. One of the best places to get amalgam fillings removed is at Sanoviv Medical Institute’s Sanoviv Amalgam Removal Program (ARP) in Baja California, Mexico.
What To Do If You Need a Root Canal
Root canal surgery is used to save a tooth that is fractured or badly decayed, and to prevent or treat infection. During a root canal procedure, your dentist will remove the nerve and pulp from your tooth, clean the inside of your tooth and then seal it. Traditional dentists will typically treat a bad tooth with medication and lifestyle changes and may delay a root canal procedure until the tooth is in a severe state.
On the other hand, many holistic dentists believe that the time to do a root canal is when the problem is mild. This way the tooth is being treated when it is not in an inflamed state and the nerves inside the tooth haven’t shrunk, which can make the tooth even more difficult to treat. By performing a root canal in the earlier stages, you are more likely to get a good result.
If you have been advised that you need a root canal, be sure to learn everything you can about the procedure, including what medications and tooth-sealing materials your dentist (or endodontist) will use. Also, a root canal can become re-infected if the restoration leaks, so you need to maintain good oral hygiene and be sure to get regular check-ups to ensure that the tooth or the sealing materials haven’t broken down over time.
As with any medical procedure, don’t allow yourself to be pressured into making decisions or undergoing treatment until you have all of your questions answered. Choose the dentist you are most comfortable with and who listens to your needs. You may also want to search the Holistic Dental Association database to find a holistic dental practice near you.
9 Easy Way to Keep Your Mouth Healthy
There are many practices you can employ at home to keep your mouth healthy in between dental visits. Most are simple lifestyle changes that are easy and inexpensive.
- Try oil pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (usually coconut, sesame or olive oil) in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Then spitting it out. While there is no proof that this technique can draw out toxins from your body, oil pulling is a great replacement for mouthwash because it doesn’t kill all of the good bacteria in your mouth. It may also help to remove plaque and whiten your teeth, among other benefits.
- Ditch the sugar. When you were a child someone probably told you not to eat sugar because it would rot your teeth. And, this one is actually true! Tooth decay happens when the acid in your mouth attacks your enamel and dentine causing cavities. This happens when you eat sugar because plaque uses sugar as fuel, then releases acid as a waste product. So, the sugar you consume actually helps to create an environment that leads to tooth decay.
- Get acupuncture. Each tooth is at the end of an acupuncture meridian. So a problem with a tooth can be an indication that you have an imbalance in another organ or system. In addition, a filling or trauma to a tooth can create chronic stimulation of an organ along its energy meridian and create an imbalance. Acupuncture can help bring your energy system back into balance. Sometimes treating the tooth is necessary as well. For more information, you can download a tooth meridian chart here.
- Quit smoking. There are really no benefits to smoking, just tons of health risks. The important question to ask whenever you put anything in your mouth habitually, whether it be cigarettes, gum, candy, or whatever is this: Why are your oral needs not being met? Do you eat too much processed food? Are you now fully chewing your food enough? Are you stuffing down your needs and “blowing smoke” rather than speaking your truth?
- Brush with hydroxyapatite. Most of the benefits of tooth brushing come from the actual act of brushing not toothpaste, which is often filled with potentially harmful ingredients such as sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), fluoride, artificial flavors, and more. Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that is naturally present in our teeth and bones. As an active ingredient in toothpaste, hydroxyapatite works to re-mineralize, strengthen and protect teeth, and has been shown to reduce cavities. There are several on the market. Another alternative to toxic commercial toothpaste is to create your own paste out of Indian Lilac (neem). Neem has antibacterial properties that help fight the bacteria that cause cavities, plaque, and gum disease. You can also brush with sea salt!
- Use floss. Flossing helps keep your gums healthy and removes bacteria and food from between your teeth where it can cause plaque to form. If you don’t like using floss, you can try air or water flossing with an electric air or water flosser.
- Eat a balanced diet. Like the rest of your body, your teeth need nutrients to stay healthy, especially calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and magnesium to build and strengthen tooth enamel and protect your teeth.
- Drink pure water. Water helps wash away food and bacteria left in your mouth. It also neutralizes acid that can erode tooth enamel. Make it a habit to rinse your mouth with water any after meals. It’s best if you can filter the chemicals from your water with a water purification pitcher or system that removes chlorine, fluoride and other toxins.
- Don’t ignore symptoms. Tooth sensitivity or discoloration, bleeding gums, or oral pain may have underlying causes. If something unusual or new has happened to your teeth, gums or mouth, let your dentist know right away.
Steer Clear of Fluoride
Fluoride is a neurotoxin. In 1992, Robert Carlton, Ph.D. called adding fluoride to public water supplies the greatest case of scientific fraud of the century. There are also many causal links between fluoride and cancer, diminished IQ, memory problems, birth defects, behavioral problems, declining birth rates, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, arthritis, and osteoporosis. These have been documented in major medical journals over the decades, and even mainstream media publications such as Time Magazine (2011).
Fluoride can also increase lead absorption. If you have ever read the warning on commercial toothpaste labels, you know they typically tell you to call poison control if you swallow over 0.25 mgs! It’s truly hard to believe we are even still talking about fluoride. Yet, we are being widely poisoned against our consent today.
Gram for gram fluoride is more toxic than lead, and it is equally as toxic as arsenic. In fact, it was used as rat poison, nerve gas and is used in nuclear weapons. In his book The Devil’s Poison: How Fluoride is Killing You, Dean Murphy, DDS documents how he noticed the increasingly prevalent lines and spots he saw on the tooth enamel of children. He noted that they were caused by excessive fluorine exposure and wanted to understand why fluorine caused these marks. He learned that fluoride, like arsenic and lead, accumulate in our bodies blocking our cells’ ability to function properly.
Most people know that fluoride is an ingredient in commercial toothpaste and dental rinses. And many traditional dentists still believe in giving fluoride treatments to children! But that’s not all. Fluoride is hidden in many of the products and foods you use or consume every day such as non-stick cookware, refined sugar, certain medications (including antidepressants, statins among others,) soy and soy baby formula, breakfast cereals, green and black tea, wine, soda, and more. It’s in the water we drink and bathe in. It’s even in the air we breathe.
My recommendation is to avoid commercial dental hygiene products that contain fluoride. You should also drink pure, filtered water and detox your pineal gland with supplements, iodine, boric acid and more on a regular basis.
How do you maintain good oral health? Please leave your comments below.
I maintain good oral health by monitoring my saliva pH using pH paper in the mornings. Great oral hygiene wasn’t enough to prevent tooth decay where my gums had receded. A pH test showed my saliva at 6.4. Improving my diet wasn’t enough to effect much change, but chewing on TUMS tablets in between meals did the trick, bringing my mouth pH up to around 7.0. BTW, I don’t take TUMS near meals because it neutralizes stomach acid, which is necessary for digesting food: TUMS (calcium carbonate) has a pH of 9.9, according to the internet. It had a huge impact on my dental health. For the first time in years, I haven’t had any cavities and my hygienist is raving. They think I’m just brushing better. They aren’t really open to non-traditional explanations.
Dr. Northrup,
I’m surprised you don’t talk about Biomimetic Dentistry here. Two resources about it:
Biomimetic Dentistry uses a stronger, more bio-compatible bonding agent to restore teeth. A filled or capped tooth develops micro-fissures and microscopic cracks allowing bacteria to enter over time and begin a cycle of decay — a “cycle of death” as my dentist, Dr. Saul Pressner in New York City, describes it.
Dr. Pressner is wonderful, a master of biomimetic dentistry, but *not* a biological dentist. Dr. Pressner uses minimal protection to remove mercury amalgams.
(Sigh. )
My months-long quest to find a dentist certified as both biological AND biomimetic has come up empty.
My only result has been Dr. Paul O’Malley in Los Angeles, a biological and biomimetic dentist. He appears to be a master of dental health on many fronts and extremely knowledgable — although extremely far away and, from my survey, extremely expensive.
(Sigh, again )
I think, perhaps, the answer is to *not* develop decay in the first place, to *not* require expensive restorations — biological, biomimetic or not — to begin with.
I do daily 20-minute organic coconut oil pulling, adding several drops of oregano oil to the tablespoons of coconut oil.
With this, I could *swear* I reversed a cavity, stopped some tooth pain in its tracts, and relieved some chronic fatigue symptoms plaguing me for many years.
There’s also some great anecdotal feedback about chewing xylitol gum and crystals to *reverse* cavities. I swear I reversed mine with the coconut + oregano oil pulling, so I think it’s possible.
I think the objective is to *not* get tooth decay in the first place — using oil pulling and maybe xylitol to prevent it at the outset.
But if restoration is mandatory in your future, yeah, I would go to a biomimetic dentist.
Dr. Northrup,
I’m 57 and post menopausal about a year now and in good health. I recently developed
a dry, burning and tingling feeling on my tongue! Is this an unusual
menopause symptom and is a Holistic Dentist a good place to help
me with this problem? PLEASE HELP…
Dear Doc
Hi I miss you so much in Instagram ! Tks God I signed for your newsletter !
DO you know of a website list of european holistic doctors? I am in northern Italy and cant find any here.
Hi i am 27 years old and i had a root canal done on 6th of january,and day after tomorrow i started having severe symptoms like temperature,fever,nausea,sudden weakness,shakiness and blood pressure spikes that i have had never before.
After 5-6 days i had the tooth removed but the possible bacteria presence and infection probabbly remained,which maybe even traveled to other sites in my body.
It is a second mollar which is deep in my sinus.Until today,i have lost 10-15kg on my previously 70kg weight.Did not have an apetite for 2 months and in the meantime,my GI tract,small intestine especially,
does not function as it should.Have not been able to sleep normally since that day,with constant severe symptoms like hand and leg numbness,rapid heart beating.After a month i did many lab tests,that came in order,so the doctors say.
From a regular and solid bowel movement i came to the stage that my bowels are stuck,i had to use massages and coffee enemas,to get rid of fecal matter.
I was exercising daily before this and was in ok health,did not eat any processed foods or sugars.
Had my sinus opened by oral surgeons,so i can wait for surgery and after 2 months of constant sinus breaking,they,the EXPERTS,concluded that sinus closed itself naturaly,which i noticed after a few days.
Started using ozone equipment for clearing out sinuses from possible infections on my own as a gas,would like to ask you how can i do this on my own with a tooth pocket that remained,since whenever i have these “seizures”,
cavity starts with a dull pain,my head starts to radiate some sort of pain,which is affecting my whole body in a very stressful and unbearable toxicity,in lack of a better expression or explanation.
Dentists in Serbia never even heard of ozone in dentistry,let alone to use it.I’m barely able to function at all,with all the stomach and shakiness problems.
I’m not able to come to treatment anywhere,either financially or technically and health keeps getting worse.
Any advice on what to do and how to approach this issue,at least with ozone?
Any additional information or you require such as 3D xrays or regular ones,i can provide anytime.I hope you can help.
The topic of dental x-rays is always controversial, but I would like to make a couple points to consider:
– A holistic dentist will determine a patient’s risk factor for decay. This will determine the protocols for home care as well as how often they need to check for decay with x-rays. If you are Low Risk (no decay in the last 36 months), you may not need x-rays every year. Dentistry should be individualized to each patient.
– Just because you “feel fine”does not always indicate that everything is healthy, if a dentist can diagnose decay in its smaller “incipient” state, there is an opportunity for minimally invasive remineralization rather than a filling. Better to find it BEFORE it hurts.
– A holistic dentist tries to limit the exposure of patients to dental x-rays while also balancing the need to diagnose conditions that are not visible in a clinical exam.
– By focusing on preventive practices, nutrition, and home protocols, a holistic dentist hopes to bring patients into that “low risk” zone for both periodontal disease and cavities.
(Having worked in holistic dentistry for many years, i note that sometimes patients who have repeatedly declined x-rays have had no pain or symptoms, but actually had problems brewing. By the time we were allowed to take x-rays, the problem was much bigger than it needed to be.)
Be careful about “natural” toothpastes. Tom’s of Maine was bought out and now contains ingredients I don’t want to put into my mouth. Read the ingredients before buying. Lots of products that claim to be natural contain such ingredients. Nature’s Gate is a good toothpaste, contains no harmful ingredients. But do your due diligence and read labels!
Good point. Thanks so much.
What is the wholistic position on implants?
They can be a very good idea– because without them, the jaw bone to which the tooth is imbedded would begin to deteriorate. The act of chewing puts vectors of force on the jaw via the teeth– and a healthier jaw is the result.
The best way to find a holistic or biological dentist is at IAOMT.org. I just had three root canal teeth and three amalgam fillings removed by a biological dentist. Best thing I ever did for my mouth and my health! This is a great article because it provides crucial information that you might not get from a conventional dentist. I would like to recommend a fabulous book by Dr. Mark Breiner called Whole-Body Dentistry. I also follow Dr. Al Danenberg who is awesome. For great information about oral care, go to OraWellness.com.
Terrific resources. Thanks so much!!!
Thank You, Dr.Christiane, this is great information so I can find a Holistic Dentist.
I have had many bad visits in a emergency situations , now I can find a good Dentist 🙂 <3
Do you know of a holistic dentist in New York City?
Aloha Lori,
Dr. Martha Cortes DDS is in NYC. We highly recommend her!
Love it. Thank you!
Recently I found Dr. Alvin Danenberg DDS. ( CHECK out his blog: drdanenberg.com)
As a retired dental hygienist I am extremely happy to be a patient in his practice. Check out his e-book on Amazon Kindle “Crazy Good Living”, soon to be released in traditional form. MINI-REVIEW: “In CRAZY-GOOD LIVING! Dr. Danenberg shows us that good oral health depends not just on brushing and flossing, but on the same things that determine our overall health—in particular, a nutrient-dense diet and healthy gut bacteria. This book is a must-read for anyone that wants to improve their dental or periodontal health.” – Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac, Author, NY Times Bestseller, The Paleo Cure
He uses nutrition as the first defense toward health. He is a wealth of information, a breath of fresh air to the dental community, and a doctor who takes the time needed to treat his patients. I am grateful to have found his practice.
I have Hashimoto’s and was recently told by my DDS (works at a holistic office but come to find doesn’t have training as a holistic dentist) that I will need either need a root canal or extraction. This occured at the site where a tooth was extracted ( a different DDS (WITH holistic training) and then with a second attempt from her recommended oral surgeon) 2 years ago. The DDS put a cap over that tooth after I came in with serious pain several months ago. Because of my medical history I am very nervous as I wonder whether the tooth had been a inadvertent ly fractured by the one of dentist before and the reason I now have to undergo more procedures. I just want to ensure I am in good hands and not subject myself to a health setback/crisis.
There is an amazing dental clinic– with quite reasonable prices– at the Sanoviv Medical Center in Rosarita, Mexcio– just south of San Diego. Check it out http://www.sanoviv.com
Do you have any advice on how to find a holistic dentist in your city?
Love this article. I’m 46 and have algramam fillings
The last year I developed muscle pains and some other issues
I eat a clean diet . I think it’s time to remove these . Do you know a holistic dentist near New York ?
I walked out of my dentists office because she insisted I needed X-rays for my biannual teeth cleaning as I had not had them for 13 months. I take care of my teeth. They feel fine. I don’t want X-rays. Where do I find a dentist who doesn’t insist every time I get my teeth cleaned and accepts insurance? Plus I HATE needles. I had a cavity 2 years ago and the needle was so long and squirted stuff I felt in my brain. It was horrible! Where can I find someone who uses gas or some other way to numb?
Check out all the links in the comments for finding a holistic dentist. And as far as dental xrays are concerned, I space them out to every 4 years or so!!