10 Non-Toxic Cleaning Products For Spring Cleaning

Experts say that the average home has roughly 62 toxic chemicals lurking about. That’s significant!  Government regulations regarding labeling of toxic chemicals in cleaning products are pretty lax. Rather than a list of ingredients, what you see instead are those little pictures, like a flame, or skull and cross bones, or even dynamite. But, what […]

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7 Habits that safely detox your body

Do You Need A Detox?

Many people these days are trying detoxes and cleanses. It’s a fad that has taken hold and continues to grow. In fact, even the word “detox” is so widely (and loosely) used now that the concept can be confusing. In my experience, most people don’t need to go to extremes when it comes to detoxing. […]

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12 Things I Am Too Wise For

13 Things I Am Too Wise For

You may have already made your list for what you want to bring into your life this year. By the same token, writing down the things you no longer will tolerate in your life – the things you are too wise for – will motivate you to overcome resistance and take action toward your goals. Both are necessary.

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Why You Should Detox Your Pineal Gland

Your pineal gland is part of the endocrine system in your brain, and it plays an important role in regulating almost every function in your body, including reproduction, executive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, sensory and motor activity, sleep, mood, immune function, appetite, and longevity. The pineal gland sits in the epithalamus located beneath […]

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