Dr. Northrup’s Tips for Transforming Your Life

The lotus flower represents rebirth, renewal and spiritual awakening. But, the beautiful flower that you see floating effortlessly on top of the water had to work really hard to blossom. Lotus flowers actually grow out of the mud at the bottom of a river or pond and have to break through the mud before they surface on top of the water. Breaking through the mud in our own lives helps us to blossom as well – it’s like a breaking though to our true selves. Here are some ways you can start to break through your own mud, and truly transform your life…

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Health Risks of Energy Vampire Relationships

Have you ever seen a couple that just didn’t seem to make sense?  The man is stunningly attractive and the woman is puffy, overweight and tired-looking. Or vice versa. Maybe you have a friend who calls you every time she is going through a break-up but is nowhere to be found when you need her […]

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