Why You Should Detox Your Pineal Gland

Your pineal gland is part of the endocrine system in your brain, and it plays an important role in regulating almost every function in your body, including reproduction, executive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, sensory and motor activity, sleep, mood, immune function, appetite, and longevity. The pineal gland sits in the epithalamus located beneath […]

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Train Your Mind to Lose Weight

If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know that eating healthy food and moving your body are important components of any weight-loss plan. But did you know that reaching or maintaining a healthy body composition happens in both your body and your mind? In fact, if you have tried repeatedly to lose weight […]

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Own Your Own Beauty

An ageless goddess rejects ageism and owns her beauty. One way you can do that is to adorn yourself with your own personal style. Don’t be embarrassed about developing a style that’s right for you right now—and asking someone to help you if that’s what you need. Agelessness means being daring and courageous, so take some chances.

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Blood Sugar: Your Key To Vibrant Health

As you know, I have been counseling women to lay off the sugar for about twenty years now. When I talk about sugar, I am referring to refined sugar, the white stuff. I first started talking about the negative effects of sugar in all it’s forms – bread, potatoes, alcohol, rice and even beans — at […]

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