What is a Holistic Dentist?

Why You Need a Holistic Dentist

Oral health is crucial for your overall health. And poor oral health is a risk factor for (and may indicate the presence of) chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. I don’t get regular annual health check-ups or disease screenings, but I do get my teeth cleaned twice per year! That said, the […]

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Strategies to Heal Common Breast Symptoms

Many women experience breast pain. In fact, breast pain (also known as mastalgia or mastodynia) is the number 1 reason women visit clinics specializing in breast care. The burning question that most women with breast pain want answered right away is this: “Is my pain a sign of cancer?” The answer to this is almost […]

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The Benefits of Fascial Release

One of the most neglected areas of medicine is the impact of the fascial sheath. The fascial sheath encases the body and every organ in it—like a tight sweater. Fascia is the connective tissue around all muscles. And science is now finding that one of the ways acupuncture works is by changing the signals that go through the fascia.

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How To Reverse Insulin Resistance At Midlife

You always have low levels of insulin circulating in your body. When insulin is out of balance, the result is abnormal blood sugar levels.  High insulin levels can make you feel tired, bloated and cause sugar cravings.  And, the more insulin you have circulating in your body, the harder it becomes to lose weight and burn fat.

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