Why You Should Be Sun Gazing

7 Easy Ways to Start Sun Gazing Now

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Energy Medicine

Sunlight is a nutrient. When I was practicing medicine and trying to get pregnant, I made an effort to get outside in the sunlight at least 30 minutes per day because I knew then what is now proven—that exposure to direct sunlight during the follicular phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle increases her BBT (basal body temperature) as well as FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), which are needed for ovulation to occur.

At that time I didn’t practice sun gazing. But now I do! Sun gazing is simply the practice of gazing directly at the sun for a short period of time so that the sunlight enters your eyes. It’s important to do this during the hours when the UV rays are lowest, so you won’t harm your retinas. This is usually within the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset, which is when I like to sun gaze.

Why Sun Gazing is Beneficial

It is believed that during sun gazing the sun’s energy enters the brain through the eyes and “powers” the brain. Mechanical engineer Hira Ratan Manek (aka HRM) is the most notable researcher of the ancient practice of sun gazing. HRM was inspired by Lord Mahavir of Jains as well as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and even Native Americans who practiced some form of sun gazing.

It is documented that HRM has lived only on sun energy and water since 1995. He has participated in 3 strict fasts that have been documented by scientists and medical teams. Results from some of the observations showed that the gray cells in HRM’s brain are regenerating. And photographs—of which there are over 700—showed the neurons were active.

In addition, the studies showed that HRM’s pineal gland was expanding. This is unusual because the pineal gland typically shrinks at mid-life and HRM was in his 70s. The average size of a mid-life pineal gland is approximately 6mm x 6mm. However HRM’s pineal gland measured 8mm x 11mm. In addition his hunger was virtually eliminated, which scientists are unable to explain. You can learn more about HRM on his official website.

Why You Should Consider Sun Gazing

Fans of sun gazing claim it has positive and healing effects on mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Here are some of the claimed benefits of sun gazing:

  1. Regulates circadian rhythm. Sun gazing has been said to reset your circadian rhythm so you experience good energy and restful sleep with better dream recall.
  1. Increases hormone production. Sun gazing is said to increase the production of melatonin and serotonin.
  1. Reverses Seasonal Affective Disorder. Sun gazing may improve your mood and help reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This makes sense to me since natural sunlight is often all you need to improve the symptoms of SAD.
  1. Stimulates the pineal gland. One of the biggest claims regarding sun gazing is its ability to stimulate the pineal gland.
  1. Relieves stress and tension. Again this makes sense since being outside in the sun can have a relaxing effect.
  1. Activates the third eye. The third eye is associated with the pineal gland and your ability to perceive higher dimensions.
  1. Increases energy levels. Again, it’s common to feel more energy on brighter days so sun gazing may, indeed, help you feel energized.
  1. Reduces hunger pangs. HRM is said to have fasted for extremely long periods of time with only nourishment from the sun.  
  1. Improves eyesight. Many experts warn that you can damage your eyes with sun gazing However, when practiced correctly and at the appropriate times of day this should not be a concern. In fact, some research shows that sunlight can prevent myopia (near sightedness) in children.
  1. Opens the body’s energy channels. It is claimed that sun gazing opens the nadis (energy channels) in the body.
  1. Increases memory. This may be related to the relaxation effect of being outside in nature and sunlight.

More scientific research needs to be done to determine whether any of the claims regarding the health benefits of sun gazing are true. But at the very least, watching the sun rise and set can be meditative. So, it is certainly worth a try if it is something that appeals to you.

How to Sun Gaze

If you want to give sun gazing a try, here are some ways to get started:

  1. Sun gaze at the proper time. Sunrise and sunset when the UV rays are lowest is the best time to sun gaze. 
  1. Stand barefoot. Earthing (grounding) while sun gazing enhances the effects. 
  1. Start slow. Beginners to sun gazing need to build up to slowly. Some experts say to start with just 10 seconds and build up by 10 seconds each time. I’m currently doing 20-30-minute sessions.  
  1. Remove barriers. Sun gazing should be done outside, not through windows. It should be done without sunglasses, contacts, or other barriers so that you eye can receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight.  
  1. Go barefoot. Connecting to the earth (grounding) with bare feet can enhance your sun-gazing experience. 
  1. Listen to your body. If you feel the need to blink, then do so. You can also take breaks by closing your eyes for a second or two. This will help you build up to longer sun gazing sessions.  
  1. Use visualization. As you sun gaze visualize the sun’s energy entering your brain and your body. Imagine all your cells becoming rejuvenated with healing light.

Have you tried sungazing? Please share your practice in the comments section.


Last Updated: January 25, 2023

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Gloria Cote
    2 years ago

    I watched your podcast on Rumble on how to help the vaccinated. Where can I find the protocols. My entire family, except for me, were duped….my two precious sons. I am filled with anxiety, although I make an effort to be joyful. The family is not awake yet. I would like to be able to offer some protocols to them for healing. Thank you for your caring and your knowledge.

    Much love and appreciation to you,

    Gloria Cote

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      2 years ago

      Hello Gloria,

      I am Dr. Northrup’s editor. I would suggest to look at the detox information on this website. You may also be interested in Dr. Northrup’s 4-part video Detox series on her premium Substack.

  2. Gem
    2 years ago

    I started sungazing many years ago and I love it! So many noticeable benefits! I feel less hungry, more relaxed, more healthy, more pure and clean and nourished, it really improved my eyesight, I believe it decalcified my pineal gland. I feel more connected to the cosmos and the source / creator. Therefore a natural connection to mother earth and all the beings that derive from the light. I believe the sun is a portal and a direct fragment of source, being of the essence of light and life. Its like a meditation but easier. It is profoundly spiritual and I can feel the light inside me entering the eyes then cascading like a waterfall through my body from the pineal gland. Sungazing is very safe if you increase by 10 seconds a day up to 45 mins then decease by 10 secs a day down to 15 mins. Use your intuition and if it feels too much it probably is.

  3. Janine
    2 years ago

    I have known about sungazing for decades but never been able to practice, I recently heard from a sungazer that you can do it any time of the day but then to keep your eyes closed. That works for me as I stay in a small complex with trees and high walls. So for the past week I have now been enjoying sungazing that way and am extremely excited. Dr Northrup thank you sooooo much for all you do for humanity ❤. I watch as many of your videos as I can. THANK YOU AGAIN .

  4. Val
    2 years ago

    I was introduced to the benefits of solar healing by Esther Bartkiw last December 2022. Sun gazing at sunrise and sunset may be just about the best thing you can do for your health. Information she provided awakened me to this practice and I continue to this day. Also heard about Dr. Courtney Hunt and Dr. Kruse who are both advocates for the healing benefits of the Sun. I’m a believer. Keep shining.

    2 years ago

    SunGazing become my favorite practice last year in Summer. Unfortunately I live in a city where Sunrise is not very often available but now I will catch sunsets’ when available. Thanks for the reminding!

  6. Alicia
    2 years ago

    Ohh thank you so much for this article Dr. Northrup! As a child I was told to never look directly at the sun so it wouldn’t burn my eyes, so I stopped but deep inside of me there was this yawning to do so. I’ve been fascinated with the sun for decades, especially the sunsets. Once the weather permits, I will definitely continue to go outside an hour before the sunset and start practicing healing my body.
    Once again, thank you for sharing your wisdom. I am truly grateful

  7. Mely
    2 years ago

    Hi dear Christiane,
    my husband and I have been sun-gazing for 3 years using the HRM method. Personally, I got to 29 minutes; husband up to 35 min. However, we strictly followed the instructions that each day can only be continued for 10 seconds of viewing.
    We watched from our terrace, where we could only see the evening Sun. Since we couldn’t stand on the ground, we got wooden boxes and filled them with crystal sand 🙂
    The effects were really good. Well-being, a lot of energy, intuition has deepened, the need for healthier food and a generally healthy life. The husband even had some concrete clairvoyant experiences. Also, hubby was seeing subliminal visual messages on TV… (pretty scary)…that you couldn’t otherwise detect…
    Soon we also couldn’t watch TV anymore (the frequencies were disturbing) and we removed it from the house.
    However, from the other side… we began to distance ourselves from people, or rather, the company of certain people no longer suited us.
    At some point we stopped because it became too intense, or we were too alien for others, and it also took a lot of free time, because you have to keep your eyes covered for as many minutes as you watched. Quite a concrete meditation. I chanted Om Suryaya namaha in between.
    However, in the summer or whenever there is an opportunity, we still watch, for a short time, just to recharge the battery 🙂 In any case, I confirm that sungazing is indeed a very useful thing, especially for cleaning the pineal gland, and it is one of the hidden secrets that ‘they’ don’t want us to know .

  8. Sophia
    2 years ago

    I am very excited to see this post. Years ago, with no previous knowledge of sun gazing, I followed my inner guidance to stare at the sun shortly before sunset. It was an amazingly positive experience and I made a daily habit of staring at the sun, taking full advantage of having a rooftop terrace from which to do so. I later learned that this was an ancient practice, but there wasn’t much available material on the topic at that time. When I no longer had that perfect perch for my early evening ritual, I stopped staring as a practice. I’ve done it a few times since noting that the benefit does indeed come from doing it at the right time of day. Thanks for sharing this great information with others and for reminding me to make a point of reconnecting with solar nutrition. This really is a gift!

  9. Mamta
    2 years ago

    Sun gazing is actually an ancient sacred yoga practice done by the sages of India since the most ancient times and is still being taught in yoga institute s all over India

  10. Mary
    2 years ago

    I have had cataract surgery. How will sungazing affect the implanted lenses? Do they interfere?


  11. pei
    2 years ago

    I have sjogren’s since my adolescence which affected my eyesight to deteriorate and often use eyedrops which one of them contain vitamins A and E. It seems that having a balanced diet containing healthy fats like oily fish, nuts and seeds are important for my eyes. But not many foods have vitamin D so sunlight is also necessary for all round health and well being.

  12. Angellight
    2 years ago

    Lord Surya, Homage to the Great Being, the Lord of Light!
    “Though we all may welcome the sunlight every day, we seldom consider the spiritual reality of the Sun or honor the sacred presence and higher spirit behind it. We take the sunlight for granted! The Sun is no mere luminous material globe, but the source of life, intelligence, love, and consciousness – light in the inner sense. We are all rays of the central Sun of consciousness that illumines the entire world. The Sun is the visible representation of the deity, the veritable face of the Gods. The Sun is the great symbol of the Self, spirit or Divine presence in the world. if you communicate with the perfect, living host of the sun as it rises every morning and with the wine of life that flows from it, it will not be long before you find that you are obliged to transform yourself. Yes, because the sun is alive. This is what Jesus meant when he said, ‘Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life’” “The light that flows from the Sun that light which produces such tremendous transformations in the universe, and whose true nature is still unknown, that light is Christ, the spirit of Christ. The light of the sun is a living spirit, and it is by the way of this light that the Christ is always with us, unfailingly present and active, forever at work.” Remember, Christ said, ‘I am the Light of the World’ (John 8:12). And, all life on Earth depends on the Sun, the outer visible form of Lord, Surya, Christ, the son/sun of God.” Omraam

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