Is Bleeding at Your Age Normal?

7 Conditions That Cause Bleeding After “The Change”

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Menopause Pelvic Health

Many women experience heavy bleeding at some point, often in the years before menopause and typically due to the effects of estrogen dominance. And most women have been told that any bleeding after menopause is abnormal.

Yet, did you know that postmenopausal bleeding is often not caused by cancer or any other abnormality? In fact, there can be any number of causes for this, including taking a new supplement, starting a new exercise routine, and even falling in love!

In this blog, I tell you what’s really happening when you have bleeding after menopause and when you should seek medical advice.

7 Conditions That Can Cause Bleeding after Menopause

Women in our culture have been conditioned to believe that bleeding after menopause is a sign of cancer. That’s why bleeding after menopause is a common reason for women to seek medical advice.

If you are postmenopausal and have bleeding that is not normal for you, be sure to get checked by your health care provider. While bleeding can be a symptom of uterine, vaginal, or cervical cancer, a vast majority of cases are not cancer.

Here are 7 common conditions that may cause bleeding after menopause:

  1. Uterine polyps. Polyps are growths that can occur inside your uterus. They can also grow in the cervix and sometimes the vagina. Polyps usually vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Typically, polyps are not cancerous, but they can cause bleeding that can range from light spotting to a heavy flow like a period. They are also a common cause of bleeding after sex. Uterine polyps can increase in size and number due to high estrogen levels. Other risk factors for developing uterine polyps include high blood pressure, obesity, and taking tamoxifen.
  2. Fibroids. Uterine fibroids are more common during perimenopause, but you can experience symptoms related to fibroids during menopause. Fibroids are the most common benign tumors. It has been my experience that even small fibroids if located submucosally—just underneath the endometrial lining of the uterus—can cause abnormal bleeding. Some risk factors that increase your chance of fibroids that cause bleeding include high blood pressure, inadequate vitamin D levels, obesity, chronic stress, being African American, and having a family history of fibroids. Like uterine polyps, fibroids are estrogen-sensitive and are also associated with low progesterone, too much prostaglandin F2-alpha, and frequently too much insulin. If you experience bleeding, menstrual-like cramping, fullness in the lower belly, low back pain, frequent urination or incontinence, or painful intercourse due to fibroids, you may want to look into treatment options.
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrial hyperplasia is when the uterine lining becomes thick. Again, after menopause, this can be due to having too much estrogen and too little progesterone. As a result, the endometrium grows thicker and can bleed. Risk factors can include obesity, diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), history of anovulation, and certain estrogen-mimicking medications. In many cases, endometrial hyperplasia can be treated with natural progesterone, which will help the thickened lining shed itself. Other common treatments include synthetic progesterone (progestins), birth control pills, D&C (dilation and curettage), or endometrial ablation.
  4. Vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy is when the tissues in the vagina become thin, dry, and inflamed. It can result from too low levels of estrogen, typically caused by menopause. However, vaginal atrophy may also occur due to estrogen-blocking medications such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists such as Lupron and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists such as Synarel. A sign that bleeding may be due to vaginal atrophy is that it commonly occurs after sex. Vaginal atrophy is easily treated with vaginal moisturizers and lubricants, and with low-dose vaginal estrogen. Plant-based products, such as Pueraria mirifica, can be game-changers for symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
  5. Hormone replacement therapy. One of the more common side effects of hormone replacement therapy is breakthrough bleeding. If you are taking hormones and develop breakthrough bleeding, you may want to see your health care practitioner. You can also take a DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) to see where things stand with your hormones.
  6. Medications. In addition to hormones, estrogen-blocking medications, and LHRH and GnRH agonists, other medications can cause bleeding in postmenopausal women, including blood thinners. Be sure to discuss your medications with your health care provider.
  7. Other. Other causes of postmenopausal bleeding include sexually transmitted diseases, bleeding that originates in the rectum or urinary tract, clotting disorders such as Von Willebrand disease, infections of the uterus, thyroid disorders, and trauma to the pelvis. Again, be sure to check with your health care provider to rule out any abnormalities.

Tests You May Need to Get a Diagnosis

If you are experiencing bleeding after menopause, your health care provider will probably recommend doing some tests to look for the cause. The tests your health care provider recommends in order to identify the physical causes of bleeding may depend on several factors, including your age, medical history, and the symptoms you are experiencing. Some of these tests may include:

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound: Using an ultrasound probe that is inserted into the vagina, your health care provider will look at your uterus, vagina, cervix, Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and bladder to identify anything that may be causing bleeding. It is a safe and painless test.
  2. Sonohysterography: A sonohysterography uses fluid that is injected through the vagina into the uterus so that your health care provider can see the lining of your uterus. Once the fluid is injected, your provider will use ultrasound. The fluid can help your provider get a better picture than when using ultrasound alone.
  3. Hysteroscopy: During a hysteroscopy, a thin, lighted tube with a camera on the end is inserted into your vagina and allows your provider to examine your cervix and uterus to identify any abnormal growths, such as polyps.
  4. Endometrial biopsy: Your provider will insert a small, thin tube into your vagina and through your cervix to take a sample of the tissue lining your uterus. The tissue is then tested for the presence of abnormal cells.
  5. Dilation and curettage (D&C): This procedure involves dilating or widening the cervix to obtain a larger tissue sample by scraping the lining of the uterus. Your provider may also use a hysteroscope to see inside your uterus to identify any potential growths.

While most of these tests can be performed at a doctor’s office, others, such as a D&C, are often performed at a hospital or surgery center.

5 Lifestyle Changes to Create Pelvic Health at Any Age

In my #1 New York Times bestseller The Wisdom of Menopause, I laid out my master program for creating pelvic health. It is an effective program for addressing a host of pelvic disorders, including hormonal imbalance and bleeding.

Here are 5 components of that program that can help you create pelvic health:

  1. Follow a hormone-balancing diet. Eat a diet that is low in high-glycemic carbohydrates and adequate in protein and healthy fats. This will help balance insulin and cortisol levels and improve your overall hormonal health.
  2. Eliminate dairy and red meat. Both dairy and red meat are high in an eicosanoid precursor known as arachidonic acid and can cause inflammation in susceptible individuals. I recommend eliminating all conventionally produced dairy foods (even low-fat ones) and red meat for at least 3 months. These foods might be fine for you, but you’ll want to experiment to see if you feel better after not having them for a period of time.
  3. Take nutritional supplements. Supporting your body with the right nutritional supplements can help combat cellular damage due to free radicals, which is one of the key underlying mechanisms in chronic conditions and many cancers. You may want to include some or all of the following: magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, B complex, and vitamins A and E. In addition, higher vitamin D levels are associated with a lower risk of pelvic floor disorders.
  4. Take a probiotic. Probiotics can recolonize your gut with “friendly” bacteria and can help in both preventing and treating infections of the genitourinary tract.
  5. Try acupuncture and herbs. Acupuncture can often alleviate pelvic pain. Yunnan Baiyao is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat heavy bleeding. Pueraria mirifica is a plant used in traditional Thai medicine to help balance hormones and bring your body into harmony.

Is an Energy Vampire Draining Your Life’s Blood?

While targeted treatments and lifestyle changes may be your first steps toward healing from abnormal bleeding, you also need to address the other factors at play, including your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and relationships. That’s because, in my professional and personal experiences, bleeding is always indicative of something that is going on in your life.

Whenever a woman tells me she is experiencing abnormal bleeding, I always ask if she is leaking her life’s blood into a dead-end job or relationship that doesn’t fully meet her needs.

When you give more than you receive on a regular basis, you are most likely in an energy vampire relationship.

I have experienced bleeding that was not normal for me on several occasions—most recently when I was visiting a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. I had bleeding very much like a period brought on by the fact that I was attempting to conform to a code of conduct that included living in complete silence, waking at dawn, eating only two meals per day (one at 6 AM and the other no later than midday), standing in line to wash our plates, and meditating 4 to 5 hours per day. None of this was bad in any way. People travel great distances for this kind of authentic spiritual experience. But truth be told, it didn’t suit me.

The renowned medical intuitive Caroline Myss teaches that blood is family—always. So, when you experience abnormal bleeding of any kind, think family lineage or legacy. While I am not blaming anyone, my body associated my experience at the monastery with the discomfort and deprivation I endured in my childhood during all my family’s forced march hikes and ski trips, which I did not enjoy. Realizing that the bleeding was a sign, I stopped going to the silent lunches and simply got food in town to eat in my room.

Stresses in your family that involve money, power struggles, or sex are all second chakra issues that can affect your uterus. In these cases, ridding yourself of the energy vampires (or situations) that are literally draining your life’s blood and then putting your own needs first are the keys to improving your health.

Now, putting yourself first when you’ve been in an energy vampire relationship can take some time. Start by shifting your perspective of yourself by saying this aloud every morning:

“I pledge allegiance to myself

and to my Soul for which it stands.

I honor my goodness, my gifts, and my talents.

I commit to remaining loyal to myself from

this moment forward for all of my days.”

You can also take some time alone to sit down on the earth and pray for guidance and a boost of energy for yourself.

One More Cause of Bleeding After Menopause

If you have had one of the COVID shots you may experience bleeding, clotting, and other menstrual irregularities, including bleeding after menopause.

According to the National Vaccine Information Center, women have been reporting changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving the COVID-19 shot, including heavier, longer, and more frequent periods, painful menstruation, passing clots, absent periods, and more. These irregularities have even been reported in women taking hormonal birth control. Miscarriages have also been reported. This raises many serious questions about the effect of the experimental mRNA jab on female fertility.

Just as concerning, women who have not received the jab are reporting these irregularities after being in close proximity to people who have had one of the shots. This includes post-menopausal women who have reported bleeding and other irregularities. And reports show babies as young as 16-months old are experiencing these same side effects after exposure to people who are vaccinated.

Though nobody knows exactly what is going on here, experts have reason to believe that those who have received the mRNA shots are transmitting something—perhaps the spike protein from SARS COV-2—through exhalation, skin contact, and bodily fluids, including blood, sexual fluids, urine, and sweat.  

There was a Facebook page with over 20,000 stories by women who are experiencing these menstrual irregularities despite the fact they have not had the shot. Unfortunately, Facebook removed the page. Censorship is not good science. That’s why, an organization I am involved with, has begun the process of collecting data in systematic way.

If you or someone you know is having unusual bleeding problems, I encourage you to contact In the meantime, keep your frequency high by singing, making music, taking vitamin D, and getting out into the sunshine with your bare feet on the ground!

Have you experienced abnormal bleeding? Please share your stories in the comment section below.

Last Updated: May 18, 2021

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Mel
    10 months ago

    I am postmenopausal and haven’t had a period in 4 years. I’m 51 years old and have NOT received any jabs. I started taking pueraria mirifica (400mg per day) about 3 months ago. It helped my insomnia but a couple of weeks ago I suddenly started spotting and have been getting headaches like I used to experience in my fertile years during my period. Has anyone else experienced post-meonopausal spotting or bleeding after taking pueraria mirifica?

  2. Tara
    1 year ago

    I am 58 yrs old and have been in menopause for about 4 yrs. I have recently started bleeding and oddly enough, so has my friend. Neither of us are vaxxed but do interact with others that are. In fall of 2021, after my husband got his 2nd vaxx, I got a period as well. At that time I was able to get a pap and a biopsy and everything was fine. This time round it is impossible to get in to see any Dr or OBGYN until late November. I am going to have to assume it is shedding again and wait. Your article helps quell my fears.

  3. Dorothy Haag
    1 year ago


    Had vaginal exam, somewhat painful, declined biopsy, failed internal ultrasound, (declined) due to pain, external ultrasound showed potential fibroid or neoplasm, no adnexa either side.. Something about “stripe”.

    Dorothy Haag RN

  4. Dorothy Haag
    1 year ago

    92 years old. No COVID shots. Menstrual bleeding, varying amounts, with a few clots, over a period of several months
    .Acupuncture points diminished bleeding for short term only. Started Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments, bleeding stopped after about 4 sessions, none for past 4 weeks. Of course I would have been shed upon.
    Dorothy M. Haag, RN, BSN. HNB-BC, HTCP, CZP

    1. Sue
      12 months ago

      Thanks for your post. No covid shots for me, 72 years old. Has the bleeding reoccurred? I have had light bleeding since being around some recently boosted people. It’s light but continues off and on for 3 months. I am taking additional vitamin C and eating healthy. Has anyone else had bleeding after being near shot takers. Have you experienced shedding from the vaccine?

  5. Michelle
    2 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup,

    Love you & your books so much!❤️

    I started having some bleeding & spotting since late Dec 2022 & still have some light discharge now mid March 2023 as i write this.
    I went to gyno & she was very dismissive thinking it was a fibroid or polyp. I had transvaginal ultrasound & although it was not compete b/c i was uncomfortable do it ended early. They did find what appears to be a “ uterine segment measuring 4x3x 2.5 cm with a polypoid appearance. “
    They put raises suggestion of “ C” ( the medically charged & culturally charged word)
    My Gynocologist dismissed this & said she has seen this so many times & its just a fibroid probably.
    My pap & physical exam were normal & clear.
    I went back to her office for a second vaginal ultrasound but was tensing up & couldn’t go through with it. I requested for her to take a sample. She did another physical exam , a Endocervix, curettage.
    The lab results came back as stage 1most common & curable endometrial “c”.
    Went to 2 Gynecologist oncologist & they said tortsl hysterectomy is the best option. One dr said he would leave my ovaries b/c i want to keep them.
    They said uterine segment could be benign or a finroid. They don’t know until they send uterus sfter operation for biopsy.

    I want to get the tissue sample to get tested by second lab to make sure.

    Is there any other options to treat this other than hysterectomy?

    Any suggestions please?
    Getting PET scan. Should i get a pelvis CT scan or mri?

    Thank you

  6. Rita Veronneau
    2 years ago

    I am 64 years old and haven’t had a period for 12 years. Five days ago, I started bleeding as though I was having a normal period! It is still going on and I was starting to panic until I read some of your blogs! I have many of your books, especially on menopause and I thank you for standing up against the covid jab! I am not jabbed and neither is my husband, but most of our friends and family members are. I was wondering if the bleeding could be due to shedding from the vaccinated people we have been around. Should I be worried? I really don’t want to see my doctor since she is always pushing the jab! Your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  7. Stephanie
    2 years ago

    Began BHRT pellets, estrogen & testosterone along with Prometrium. After 4 mo 2nd insertion but at 30% lower dose due to high levels of hormones in blood. Then started heavy bleeding.
    After biopsy, hysteroscopy, non-atypical but found a benign polyp, had D&C. No more pellets. 4 mo later, heavy bleeding again, hormone blood tests still high estrogen levels. 13mm uterine stripe, On Provera to stop very heavy bleeding, doc says a vaginal hysterectomy is needed. I don’t want to do this!

  8. Deborah
    2 years ago

    Used Pueraria Mirifica vaginal lubricant this morning for vaginal atrophy, and now I am spotting. This happened once before and I had to stop using it then, too. Is there something else I could use that would help with this condition without causing bleeding? Or will the spotting stop eventually?

  9. Alice Carroll
    3 years ago

    Thanks for the reminder that food supplements can help abnormal bleeding to be quelled. I’m interested in know more about treatment of abnormal bleeding because I sometimes bleed down there out of sync with my menstrual cycle. I’m starting to suspect that this bleeding is not even related to my monthly period at all.

  10. Vonsingy
    3 years ago

    I went through early menopause (stopped bleeding at age 42), but still having hot flashes, mood swings and other nasty menopause symptoms now (I’m 57). I went on bio identical hormone replacement for 10 years starting at age 44 after 2 years of trying natural methods of menopause symptom treatment to no avail. I have been taking pueraria Mirifica tablets for the last year or so as my menopause symptoms have been off the charts again since quitting bio identical due to cancer fears of being on them too long. One tablet was not enough to quell half hourly hot flashes so I recently increased PM to 2 tablets a day (just over the last 2 weeks). I started bleeding for the first time in 15 years and completely freaked out. I can only assume it’s the PM. Not sure I believe it’s COVID-19 vaxx (I’m double vaxxed with Pfizer since September). More likely to believe it’s PM. Would be great to have some feedback as there doesn’t seem to be any info online about it. Thanks so much.

  11. Layla
    3 years ago

    I turned 60 this year and have been menopausal for 10 years. I started taking Pueraria Mirifica for vaginal dryness (which was v effective) and after a few months I had bleeding like a period which is still going on (around 2 weeks now). It starts and stops and can be painful enough to take painkillers. I had an ultrasound and they found a thickened lining. Now the specialist wants me to have a hysteroscopy but since I have sever trophy it will have to be under gen anesthetic. But I have to mention; the first thing I thought when I started bleeding is that it was from vaccination spike protein shedding because there are at least 4 carers who come to the house every day to look after my Mum and they have all been double vaccinated with the MRna jab. So I really don’t know what to think. If anyone can share a similar story, I’d be grateful. Thanks

    1. jacqi
      2 years ago

      Hi, I am in the same situation . I’m not covid vaccinated , but started bleeding a month ago had a scan and it shows a 22mm endometria stripe , but after talking the gynaecologist he also says I have a polyp that is in the same place as the stripe and said wonders if it in fact the polyp. I have extreme phobia of medications and although they want to do a biopsy and remove the polyp I couldn’t agree to have it done, so they are re scanning in four months time . My mum is four times jabbed and I have also been around a young woman who is jabbed two days before I bled . I am using positive affirmations I’m terrified of going under to have this procedure done, also I do not trust big pharma especially the NHS here in the uK .

  12. Melanie
    3 years ago

    I’m 56 yrs old and have not had a period since Nov 2019 so it’s been about 22 months. Then I started to take NAC supplement daily for about 1-2 weeks and then I started having a light period. so far it’s going on for 5 days and I’m also having some light lower cramping and lower back pain. I did not take the Jab but could have been near some Vaxx people… Was wondering if this is related to some possible exposure to shedding or if the NAC might have activated my ovaries to prepare for an egg… and perhaps that’s why i started to stain/ bleed this week. IF the NAC is effecting this change… I wonder if that is a good thing or if I should not take the NAC? I took it to prevent any effects of exposure to shedding… I do have a small Fibroid and some small cyts, but no real issues. But I did do an TVag untra sound about a year ago and all was unchanged and stable. Any thoughts about the NAC and how it may be the cause of the bleeding? I’m over weight and slightly elevated bp from time to time. So, perhaps those are the route cause?

  13. WanderingFem
    3 years ago

    I have been experiencing extremely heavy bleeding since feb march of this year. I am 47. This is unexplained medicaly and being called abnormal uterin bleeding. I have not entered menopause yet.
    What do you suggest. Do you offer consults

  14. Richelle
    3 years ago

    Hello I am 52 and was experiencing hot flashes – I went to an acupuncturist in July 2021 and after two treatments they went away completely. I had not had a period since Oct 2020, received the first dose of Phizer covid vaccine on Aug 6 2021. On August 20 I started bleeding and it’s been very heavy bleeding for nine days. I received the second dose yesterday on August 27. I’m glad I found this reference to bleeding after the vaccine on your website because this type of heavy bleeding is new. My cycle was always very regular, medium flow and five days. It helps to know that it could be connected to the vaccine. My job is stressful and I work with family so this could also be associated.

  15. Denise
    3 years ago

    i ate a lot of water melon yesterday. maybe this could be why i see pink on my toilet paper this morning. I also am experiencing lower intestinal cramps. This never happened to me since menopause age 51. I am going to be 69 next month. Very weird i must say.

  16. Jami
    3 years ago

    I started bleeding after getting COVID jab. I am post menopausal and had both shots, the bleeding started within a few days of getting the first shot. Lasted a couple weeks. And continuously has been off and on for over 6 weeks now. I’m hoping it stops once and for all. Of course I was very concerned at first, but had read something online about some women of ALL ages bleeding after the shot. So thankful for this post Dr. Northrup.

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      3 years ago

      Please feel free to share your story with MAAM at

      Thanks you,

    2. Angie Bee
      3 years ago

      Ditto, although newly menopausal as of October 2020 (hadn’t bled since October 2019, had 1st Pfizer shot March 19, period returned April 5 through 13, had D&C/hysteroscopy (2nd one since 2018 because of ongoing heavy bleeding/clotting) May 18 (with recovery light spotting, bleeding); June 28 spotting, which is how the April 5 “episode”) began. My question: since this happened, are we no longer menopausal? do we have start the 12 month count whenever these episodes end?

  17. Julie Morgan
    3 years ago

    Hi I am 56 years old and stopped having a period from June 2020 to April 2021, when I had spotting for a few days and now in May I am having heavier bleeding with clots for over ten days and counting. I have not received the Covid-19 shot, but have been around others that have. I have not contacted my Dr. yet should I? How long should I wait?
    Thanks Julie

  18. Deloris
    3 years ago

    Thank you for these critical “post menopausal insights.” Women often don’t get good advice from their doctors.

  19. Val
    3 years ago

    My last period was December 2019. I did not have a period for 15 months.I figured after 1 year of no period I was in menopause. I am a teacher so in March 2020 we were on lockdown. In July, 2021 we went back to the classroom full time. I work at a smaller school on a small island. Most of the teachers and staff (17) were vaccinated and 4 of us were not. I got my period in March, 2021. I had just turned 54.This year was extremely stressful not so much because of Covid believe it or not, but the principal at the time was a bully, narcissist and Energy Vampire. We went to admin for help and it kept getting worse. They would not help us.When I got my period it was light spotting but I was scared and went to see my PCP. She told me that was not uncommon to bleed after 15 -18 months of not having a period and I could have another period.A few years back she did a sonogram because I had a fibroid. She said I could do another sonogram if I wanted but I felt fine since my period only last 2 days and she felt it wasn’t necessary since I wasn’t having heavy bleeding. I felt that my period was stressed induced and the blood looked old. Then I read an email from Mom’s Across America about a professor in Illinois, Dr. Kathyrn Clancy who was doing a study on women who were vaccinated and were experiencing menstrual cycle irregularities. Well that didn’t apply to me the article suggested if you didn’t get vaccinated and had a strange period to suggest to the professor to also research women who weren’t vaccinated. I thought about contacting her but never did.Two weeks after my period came, half of the teachers got together with our parents and formed a petition and a protest after one of our teachers was unjustly fired. That week the principal and vice principal stepped down.Since then I have been experiencing PTSD and I just got my period again yesterday. Again light spotting. 2 weeks ago I felt like I was getting my period and left work feeling run down. I took my temperature and had a low grade fever 99 which rose to 100.4 later in the evening which sometimes I felt like I would get right before I used to get my period. I knew my body needed to rest and called off work the next day. I contacted my acupuncturist and she told me I should go get a covid test because I had a fever. That put me in a frenzy because I have seen the docuseries VRevealed and that the pcr tests are not accurate.Anyways I truly felt like my period was coming. I contacted my doctor and she said she didn’t feel I needed a covid test since I didn’t have any other symptoms and wasn’t around anyone who tested positive and my fever was gone and wasn’t high and I felt fine.I knew my body just needed to rest. I had to take off work the next day just so I could relax. Although this has been a stressful year, I have wondered if being around the others who are vaccinated has triggered my period to start again or if it has been stressed induced. Also I am an Empath and I’m very sensitive to what is going on globally with the division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Today I thought about emailing you, Dr. Northrup and asking you about this topic and here you were in my inbox:-)Thanks for sharing. Aloha

  20. Cha
    3 years ago

    Am currently having blood seen in urine sample. Bloody nose I rarely get. Had complete total hysterectomy age 37, in 1990. Had Endometriosis. Mon. went to Walkin clinic they said I have UTI. Gave me 1 time Antibiotic called Monurol. Powder put in water and drink. Seems to help. Made in Switzerland. Gyno. Dr. told me to use Estrace (Premarin) 2x weekly, for life. Also, Aquaphor cream, daily. Also, use Betamethasone if have other vaginal issues, as needed. And, add AZO. There are 8 or 10 types of AZO you can buy. What is best for me? Unreal. A biopsy was done, vaginal lining. Nothing showed. I obviously, no longer have uterus or cervix. I’m always told I have UTI. Urologist told me, years ago, I NEVER had UTIs and was given Antibiotics anyway, for over 10 years. Now, I am Antibiotic resistant. Drs did that to me. I also feel am having Histamune issues. My allergist doesnt do anything. Looking into Functional Medicine help. Hard to find in Boston area. Another fact, Endocrine Dr only does TSH and sometime a T3 blood test. I have Primary Hypothyroidism with 5 nodules. She does Thyroid USND every 2 years. That is it. She does zero anything else RE anyother Endocrine issues. I do not have Diabetes. Prediabetic. Following Mediterranean eating. Will drop dairy and red meats for a while. Please advise. Am willing to do Virtual visit with you. Email me. Thank you.

    1. Susan
      2 years ago

      for histamine intolerance, look up info by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz.

  21. Louise
    3 years ago

    Wonderful exchange of experiences and possible connections of things that go right or wrong.
    Thank you to everyone!

  22. kathy richard
    3 years ago

    after being five years post menopausal, on Thanksgiving, I checked in to a beautiful hotel and started bleeding. After a tvag ulltrasound , an in office procedure that didn’t go well in December and a surgery (D&C, biopsy and polypectomy) in January, everything came back benign and bleeding stopped. I decided to set some boundaries in my life with one of my children and my mom, AND I left my dead end job of 10 years, where I was never once told “good job” and often criticized for the minute things that were wrong….(I ran five apartment complexes for a woman who blew in once a week to sign checks.)…I just got my dream job, which is working with the elderly as an activities director in the chronic care facility my dad passed away in three years ago..SO …my life is really turning around..then I decide to go back to the hotel where it all started on Thanksgiving, and GUESS WHAT???? I started bleeding again after four months, literally the minute I walked in the door. WHAT IS THIS BLEEDING TRYING TO TELL ME??? I made the adjustments I needed to set my life straight all in the last four months…Should I just never go on vacation again????

    1. Alexis
      3 years ago

      Could you see the bleed as the end of an era, releasing the last of what you had been carrying with you? The visit to the same location that started this part of your journey, could be a sign that you were ready to let the last of what you had, go. I would suggest journalling and perhaps doing some tapping (EFT) to clear any residue that you have sitting within your body. Best wishes

    2. Jennie Turner
      3 years ago

      If you notice a heavy feeling when you go there, stop going. The energy might be stagnant and affecting you. Places should feel uplifting and peaceful, not rushed and chaotic. Some places just have bad energy and you could be feeling it’s affects. Take a bell with you and ring it thru out the room to “clear” the energy. This works in your home as well.

  23. Emily Phillips
    4 years ago

    I have a long history of endometriosis, along with three different surgeries over the years, to remove cysts, but ovaries and tubes have always stayed in tact.

    In my 50s I developed fibroids, which have gotten a bit smaller over the years. I’m now 62 and just had a hysteroscopy today after my concerns about post menopausal bleeding – turns out I have a large polyp. I had a D&C done at the same time and will get results back next week. I’m trying to figure out if it is necessary to have the polyp removed surgically, or, if I decide not to, do I risk the risk of it becoming cancerous later down the line? Thank you.

  24. Isabelle Giroux nd
    4 years ago

    Hello! I’ve started bleeding again after 1.5 years of menopause. I did increase my exercise routine (from regular running to training for a 1/2 marathon) and I was raw/vegan and now more vegetarian. Since, I’ve started getting pains and bleeding. I am scheduled to see the dr., but coming from an n.d. perspective, I would love to know your take and advise.
    Thank you for ALL that you offer, share, and are, I appreciate you very much!

  25. Kristin
    4 years ago

    I am 55 and light bleeding post menopausal. I had ultra sound in 2017 and I had fibroid and I was 11mm thickness. I am a wimp and was put under to do D&C and everything benign. Then again had some light bleeding in 2019 and same thing Ultrasound showed a small mass and 10.88 mm thickness Did D&C benign. Now couple weeks ago same thing. They had me do ultrasound. I do not have results but they really want me to do a robotic hysterectomy and take ovaries and tubes. Do I have stuff to worry about since it seems to come back benign. I keep thinking I could have it done and now add peeing in my pants or some other problem. I also do not wish to have cancer. I was diagnosed in my 20’s with bad endometriosis. Other then that all my paps have come back negative all these years Im nervous about having such a surgery if not needed.
    Thank you

  26. Claudia
    4 years ago

    I am 57 and in menopause. After almost 2 years I had a period for a week. Then for the past year year or so, I seem to spot or lightly bleed for a couple few days. Who know when it will happen. Hard when you are a pro. musician. Sometimes it happens and sometimes I know my period is coming, cramps, low backache, tried… I am active, walk everyday, I am a drummer and tour, but not now with COVID.. I don’t want to go to the doctor during COVID time. I am also a sexual abuse survivor so it is too hard to get vaginal check. Too painful. Do I worry? So confused on what to do.

  27. Amber
    4 years ago

    I’m going through my first bout of Post menopausal bleeding. 1.5 years post. Bleeding steadily for one full week and counting. I take Pueraria Mirifica Plus daily and have for 2 years. I’ll get checked this week so I can know the physical origin. But yes: Covid stress compounded what was already a lot of relational stressors at home plus career distress that’s been going on about a year.
    Definitely motivated to make better choices.

  28. Marianna
    5 years ago

    I am 54 and recovering from a total hysterectomy. I had some bleeding, a thickened uterus and enlarged ovary, all post menopause. My family has a 80-90% rate of cancer, with my mother having had uterine and peritoneal cancer, so my hysterectomy was a proactive measure. While I don’t regret the decision, I do wish I had this information before I made it!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Thank you so much for the courage to post this comment. It is my hope that you can feel into your “energetic womb space” and know that you are completely whole and healthy– no matter the hysterectomy.

    2. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      HI Marianna, I so appreciate your comment. Hindsight is always 20:20. And we do the best we can with what we know at any given time. Just remember that the womb energy is still there, despite the absence of the physical uterus. Don’t hesitate to take supplemental herbs or hormones as needed. You are likely to live many many more years!

  29. Toni Milburn
    5 years ago

    Can you educate women on Lichen Sclerosis? I have it & I’m even embarrassed to talk about it. I had it for a year and tried to treat it myself because I didn’t know what it was and was to embarrassed to go see my gynecologist. He sent me to a gynecologist oncologist and I had to have 7 biopsies. Luckily no cancer was found…yet.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Hi Toni– Lichen Sclerosis is just awful. I am so sorry you are dealing with it. I have often prescribed a combination of 3 parts Eurax and 7 parts Valisone in order to decrease the inflammation. You have a pharmacist make this up and apply twice per day. It often helps a great deal. At the same time, you want to get to the bottom of the issue ( no pun intended). Many women with this condition have suffered from some kind of physical or emotional abuse. Or sexual shame. And the condition is the body’s way of trying to get your attention. I hope this helps.

      1. Toni Milburn
        5 years ago

        Thank you for your response. You’re spot on with the emotional abuse and sexual shame. I found out my older sister has it too. Just when it wants my attention 50 years later why did it wait until now when I’m getting ready to retire and enjoy my life. Although my dad’s words still haunt me when he told me I was “Just A Girl”. He was the Master Energy Vampire. Both my older sister and younger sister and I have had endometriosis and hysterectomies.

      2. Jennifer Wiegand
        3 years ago

        Ugh! I got lichens sclerosis at 50 and took forever to get diagnosed. Not all gynecologists know much about it. I have been using a topical steroid (clobetasol or dermovate) but this year when i had a perianal flare up i got an infection and had to use a very strong antibiotic ointment. 6 months ago i quit gluten and have not had a flare up since. I also stopped using soap down there. For higiene I use mineral oil on toilet paper as it makes the toilet paper less abrasive and a bidet. Can i get this Eurax and Valisone without a prescription? And yes i was terribly emotionally and physically abused by 2 men, to the point that i had to leave the country with 5 kids to live in a different country. Fortunately the worse abuser has passed on so the nightmares have subsided.

  30. Mary Ann La Fountain
    5 years ago

    I am now 69 yrs.old and I have been seeing a gynecologist yearly since I was 22 yrs.old. During menopause and for several months after,I experienced enormous clots. These clots would be discharged frequently when I would go to stand up after sitting for awhile.Fortunately, for me I had a tolerance for this kind of thing and would always make sure that I had an extra hospital size sanitary napkin in my large purse. Except for the annoying and persistent hot flashes,I did not experience any severe pain during menopause or after. My gynecologist was not alarmed by the enormous clots, but did tell me to call if anything else seemed to bother me. Fortunately, I have not experienced clots like that in 10 yrs.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Happily, you are finished with this kind of bleeding. But it is far more common than you might think. Most people would be surprised at how much bleeding can be actually “normal” for a person. Thanks for the post.

  31. annamaria
    5 years ago

    i have extremely heavy monthly bleeding that has left me very anaemic and needing iron transfusions. I am 52. i take natural progesterone, magnesium and taurine and am hoping to soldier on till i reach the menopause without resorting to the coil or hysterectomy which is what has been offered to me. however i have noticed that the nat progesterone isn’t working as well as it used to now and i am not sure i can continue on in this way due to the effect on my life when i am housebound for several days a month and useless, dizzy and weak for a couple of weeks a month. i am interested in what you have said about energy vampires as that is certainly the case in my life. that is certainly food for thought.

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      5 years ago

      Hi Annamarie, I am Dr.Northrup’s editor. We are having some technical issues that are preventing Dr. Northrup from posting to this thread. However, here is her reply: Hi Annamaria, First of all, I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. And yes– if you can just get through this, you won’t need a hysterectomy! But let me give you some other suggestions. An endometrial ablation might be a good thing to consider. Most women are thrilled with the results! So– ask your gynecologist about this procedure. Another thing would be to start on PM Plus– my supplement for perimenopause. Take either the liquid or the capsules. You can learn more at
      And of course the energy vampire thing– yes– it is so often true that there are people in our lives who just almost literally drain our life’s blood. And setting up boundaries with them is easier said than done. But it is part of the work of midlife to do just that. Because our bodies say ENOUGH– loud and clear– in the form of symptoms. In my own case, it was a huge fibroid on the right side of my uterus. The main thing is that you don’t have to tough this out for years. There are solutions. Thanks for posting.

  32. Barbara
    5 years ago

    I am 76 and experienced vaginal bleeding the first time in a “gush” upon standing, followed by light bleeding for 2 days 11 months ago. Of course I thought cancer could be a possibility. My GYN did a vaginal ultrasound and diagnosed vaginal atrophy saying everything looked good and was most likely some shedding of uterine lining that was good for me to get rid of. Six months later I started experiencing bleeding after sex, then a month ago when the bleeding was accompanied with pain I went to my Dr again. I am now using a small vaginal capsule, with a very small amount of estrogen. It has made a difference in my vaginal health, and I don’t have to give up sex.

    1. Christiane
      5 years ago


  33. M Hampton
    5 years ago

    I am 84 years old and very healthy and active. Because of vaginal dryness I experienced several UTI’s within a period of several months. I had been taking bioidentical estrogen and progesterone, but after breast cancer was advised to discontinue those. That is when the vaginal discomfort increased and the UT’s started. After discussion with my urologist we decided to try an estrogen ring. It has been very helpful and my UTI’s have diminished. However a year ago I had two episodes of scanty spotting. An endometrial biopsy showed slight thickening of the lining of the uterus but nothing worrisome. I have had no spotting for the past year and the ring has been very helpful. I would be interested in your opinion about estrogen rings.

    1. Kate
      3 years ago

      What is a UTI ?

      1. Kate
        3 years ago

        Sorry I google UTI and found the answer.

  34. Sue
    5 years ago

    I am 79. I started takinf puerifica mififica – 550 mgs. twice a day as recommende on the glass bottle. Started because my doctor wouln’t renew my bioidentical hormones that were troches that I had been taking for 12 years. Myy breasts were growing, nipples were tender, my skin looked great and I was sleeping very well. Then I began to bleed — not too heavy but bright red.
    I was petrified – went to a gynecologist who gave me a pap smear, an ultrasound and a vaginal biopsy. Found everything was normal. After 8 or 9 days it stopped and hasn’t come back but I am not taking so much of that herb now – switched to 100 per day – has not the good effects of the larger dose but has not caused bleeding. Is it dangerous to take such a hight dose?

    1. Carol Grace
      5 years ago

      I am having a similar experience, taking bioidentical hormones, added in the puerifica. Sore nipples so dropped the amount , began again, sore nipples, sleeping well, then a few days ago bleeding. I stopped everything, still light bleeding. Very disconcerting. I have gynecology appointment next week, not sure what to do next as far as hormones. Will get a hormones tested.

      1. Layla
        3 years ago

        The same thing is happening to me; post menopausal bleeding after taking PM. I just had an ultrasound want to do more tests and they found a thickened lining but I wonder if it’s just an effect of the Peraria Mirifica. Not keen on having a hysteroscopy…

  35. Lynne
    5 years ago

    Such a great article!

    1. Christiane
      5 years ago


      1. jacqi
        2 years ago

        Do you know the spiritual root cause to postmenopausal bleeding such as we are all discussing here please ? I am 12 years post menopause and started bleeding a month ago , had a scan shows 22mm endometria stripe and a polyp, the gyno says he wonders if the polyp is actually showing the stipe to be that size when in fact it isn’t , also i am bleeding slightly , I’m phobic of medications and also scared to be put under for a biopsy and to have the polyp removed . My ac125 was normal as I have a cyst on my ovary which is not of concern . I just wanted to know if there is a spiritual root cause to these issues , the gyno wans another ultrasound scan in four months time . Thank you I hope you can help .

  36. Deborah E
    5 years ago

    When I went through menopausal bleeding I found a book by Caroline Myss.
    This changed my thinking and I got through it without surgery and started on a better path.
    I started losing my health again last year and found your book “Dodging Energy Vampires.”
    Thank you for writing this book. I’m not a dramatic person but this may saved my life. Lots of pain seeing myself through your work but worth it. This is taking me down a different path and I’m a much different person and in a better place.
    I still have one more energy vampire relationship and yes I’m bleeding. When the situation gets really stressful I bleed a little more and sometimes add sciatica.
    This relationship is almost over and I have the knowledge, strength and wisdom to now live my life. No more vampire relationships.
    Thank you also for the recommended books to read. This also helped.
    I feel a hundred times better and I’m looking forward to continuing to improve my life and health.
    I also read and gave copies of your book “Goddesses Never Age” as gifts. It didn’t” save my life but improved it.
    Thank you again for sharing your work.

  37. Henriette
    5 years ago

    Christiane thank you for this blog article, which I found very enlightening.

    Having experienced a slight bleed a week away from being menopausal, I underwent blood tests, scans and other tests to determine the cause at the request of my treating gynaecologist at the time.

    Now reading your blog and reflecting back, I realise that the relationship at the time had started breaking down and was in trouble for several reasons (as is always the case).

    This all makes sense now, which it didn’t at the time.

  38. Jane Coyle
    5 years ago

    I experienced abnormal bleeding after steroid injections. It happened twice-I had a cortisone shot in my knee one time and another shot a few years later in my shoulder. I was well past menopause. I am now 78 and have not had any other bleeding….

  39. Ivette
    5 years ago

    This came at the perfect time as I just started experiencing abnormal bleeding after sex. I’ve never had this happen. The couple of times it has been light bleeding. Items in your article made sense on many key points of possible causes. I currently happen to be deficient in vit D and MCV, MCH (small rbc’s), I too am an extreme giver and forget about myself quite often. Also, I have been reviewing if my job is truly my life’s purpose and I’ve been thinking about a shift in careers. Lastly, my husband and I have recently had a lot more contact in the past few years with his daughter by another relationship and although I’ve been happy about that deeper connection, it has brought back unresolved issues within me. I had a fear of something really being wrong but this has helped me review. Thank you!

  40. Janet
    5 years ago

    I had heavy bleeding and passed a large piece of tissue when I was 52. My doctor said that it was a polyp. He had previously told me that I was in menopause and then after that told me that I wasn’t.

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