What Should You Eat?

Edible Insects Are the New Virtue Signalling.

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Diet & Detox

Are you confused about what you should eat? If so, you are in good company. With so many diets and ways to eat, it can certainly be confusing. The one thing I know is that at midlife and beyond, many women (and men) want to eat foods that will help them balance their hormones and stay healthy and fit, so they are able to do the things they enjoy. And more and more people want to feel good about their impact on the planet. That’s a lot to think about!

For decades I have given women specific advice on what to eat and how to use their bodies’ responses to food as information. Here is my updated advice on how you can consume the healthiest food for your body in light of so many diets and so much conflicting information.

10 Food Rules to Help You Flourish

When you are young, your body is forgiving. That’s why many women can eat pizza, drink alcohol, and exercise infrequently and still remain thin, relatively healthy, and have enough energy. But, when you approach perimenopause, what you eat and how you live make a huge difference in how you feel and how you experience menopause and your later years. For one thing, making poor food choices and being constantly on the run can set the stage for hormonal imbalance. When insulin, estrogen, and eicosanoids become imbalanced, you are at increased risk for developing heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and cancer.

Here are my suggestions for how to eat to flourish:

  1. Remove sugar from your diet. This means remove – or really cut down – on the refined and high-glycemic index carbohydrates. But, remember that not all carbohydrates are created equal. Whether certain foods with a high-glycemic index, such as baked potatoes or bananas, can be part of a healthy diet for you depends upon your unique metabolism. If you are a true carbohydrate addict, you need to find what foods are healthy for you. I find that eliminating refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, white rice, bread, alcohol, and foods made with white flour, such as muffins, bagels, pasta, pretzels and other snack foods, helps the body burn stored fat and keeps insulin and blood sugar levels normal.
  2. Enjoy plants. Fruits and vegetables should make up at least half of your plate at mealtime. Think color, and you’ll be on the right path because the deep pigments in these foods contain powerful antioxidants. Go for broccoli, green leafy vegetables, berries, red, yellow, and green peppers, and tomatoes, and vary your choices through the seasons. You may also want to take inspiration from other areas of the world where much of the food is plant-based, such as China and the Mediterranean.
  3. Eat some protein. Eating a little protein can go a long way to helping you feel full and may prevent over-eating. Good options for protein include organic eggs, fish, lean meat, and full-fat dairy. Vegetarian alternatives to animal protein, such as whole, non-GMO soy, tofu, or tempeh are also good for some people. In addition, beans contain protein but also contain a considerable amount of carbohydrates. If you are a true carbohydrate addict and you are perimenopausal, beans may be too high in carbohydrates for you.
  4. Don’t be afraid of fat. The low-fat diet fads of the past, which reached their peak in the 1980s and early 1990s, had women brainwashed into believing that fat was the enemy. In their attempt to eliminate saturated fat from their diets, many women eliminated all fat. I watched my patients complain of sallow skin, brittle hair and nails, susceptibility to infection, inability to concentrate, and weight gain despite their rigid diets. None of these women were getting enough essential fatty acids, which are needed to assist the body in many important functions, including those of the brain and nervous system. Good sources of EFAs include eggs, walnuts, and wild-harvested cold-water fish.
  5. Consume whole grains in moderation. Even if you have eliminated refined grains, if you are a carbohydrate-sensitive person, you may still have problems with whole wheat, whole rye, whole oat, or millet flour. Research shows that the degenerative diseases that currently plague Americans didn’t arrive on the scene until agriculture became widespread. In fact, archeologic evidence show that many ancient Egyptians were fat and had dental disease associated with a grain-based diet.
  6. Protect your body with antioxidants. Antioxidants combat cellular damage from free radicals, which are known to be a cause of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, and cancer. Antioxidants are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored ones. Food is the best source for antioxidants, but if you don’t always get enough in your diet, high-quality supplements can provide significant protection.
  7. Try intermittent fasting. For many years, doctors, including myself, recommended eating at least three meals per day. Now, we know that our bodies were designed for periods of intermittent fasting. That’s because intermittent fasting helps to lower your insulin levels. There are different ways to incorporate intermittent fasting into your diet, and everyone’s body is different, so be sure to use your intuition. Learn more about intermittent fasting here.
  8. Employ the 80-20 rule. I have always been a huge proponent of the 80/20 rule, which means that it’s okay to give in to cravings 20 percent of the time. When you do, try to indulge with high-quality choices. A good strategy is to find a healthier substitute. For example, I use Stevia in place of white sugar; I savor a square of organic dark chocolate instead of gulping down a pile of stale, leftover Halloween candy; or I eat a thin crust pizza with lots of veggies instead of a deep-dish pizza with a thick crust. What’s important is you’re still choosing a better quality of life.
  9. Remember your heritage. Reaching and maintaining a healthy body composition and vibrant health through the right food choices has a lot to do with your heritage. For example, people of European heritage may do better on milk, rye, and yogurt while people of Asian heritage do fine with white rice.
  10. Drink more water. Optimal hydration is crucial to maintaining every organ and system in your body. You have probably been told that you need to drink eight glasses of water per day (eight ounces each) and even more if you exercise. This is partially true, but believe it or not, eating your water is the best way to get hydration to all of your cells. In fact gel water from plants is far more hydrating than plain water and more apt to get to the right places in the body, including your cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that bathes your brain), your bloodstream, your gut lining, your respiratory system and your fascia.

How to Eat Responsibly

With all the different ways of eating that are popular today—including vegan, vegetarian, Paleo, pegan, plant-plus, Keto, and more—a movement that is catching on involves eating responsibly. This means that you choose to eat foods that have been produced sustainably and with respect for the people who produce them, the animals (if involved), and for the planet as a whole. 

Now, I’m not worried about the climate change. The Earth’s climate has varied for as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended around 1850. So, it’s no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming now. The focus on climate change is just the latest narrative being pushed down our throats as a means of controlling us. However, I am concerned about the quality of our food, the soil in which it is grown, and the livelihood of the people who grow food on a smaller scale.

Here are 5 easy ways to eat responsibly:

  1. Buy locally. Purchasing food from your local farmers is a great way to support your local economy. It may also be more cost efficient since gas prices have never been higher. Plus, when you buy local, you have the opportunity to meet your local growers and learn about how your food was grown.
  2. Eat seasonally. On a practical level, eating seasonally may reduce transportation-related food Followers of Ayurveda typically practice Ayurvedic Ritucharya—a way of eating (and living) that observes the rhythms of nature to balance the Doshas. There are 6 seasons all ruled by a certain taste and specific foods for that season.
  3. Plan ahead. Planning your meals not only helps you eat healthier, but it can also reduce the amount of food you throw out, which can help reduce the amount of methane emissions from landfills.
  4. Read labels. Look for environmental and ethical labels on your food packaging that tell you how your food was produced. Labels to look for include Fair TradeUSDA OrganicRSPO (Palm Oil Free), American Grassfed, Animal Welfare ApprovedBest Aquaculture PracticesBird Friendly CoffeeCalifornia Certified Organic Farmers – CCOFCertified Humane Raised and HandledMarine Stewardship CouncilProtected HarvestRainforest Alliance CertifiedSalmon-Safe. You may also want to investigate other certifications on your own depending on what you are passionate about and what changes you are able to make to your diet and routine.
  5. Dine at restaurants that buy from local farmers. The food-to-table movement has been around for a while, making it easier to find restaurants that support local farmers. The food at these restaurants is fresh and seasonal, and the menus often change more frequently based on what’s available from local farms. So, it’s a win-win.

More Tips for Eating to Flourish

Eating high-quality food is one of the easiest ways to create health on a daily basis and to help the planet. And, the best way to enjoy your food to is eat mindfully. Mindful eating is the practice of deliberately noticing every sense associated with eating while leaving your emotions out of the experience. This rewires the brain and, over time, helps to restore your intuition around eating. It also reduces stress and creates a more positive relationship with food. This contributes to your enjoyment and to your overall well-being.

Here’s how to practice mindful eating:

Put down your phone. Turn off all electronic distractions before eating, including the television and all personal electronics such as your tablet and phone. This will help set the stage for being able to focus on eating and help you pick up on your body’s sensations, including hunger, thirst, and satiety before you over indulge.
Practice gratitude. Supermarkets make it easy to forget where our food comes from—the animals, the farmers who raised them, the people who prepared it and shipped it. Focus on the journey your food has made to get to your table and offer gratitude. This will help make each meal more satisfying.
Focus on your food. Instead of mindlessly putting food into your mouth and gulping it down, take time to look at your food. Notice the colors and the aromas. Taste each bite and try to differentiate the unique flavors of the ingredients.
Slow Down. Chew your food slowly. This will help you taste your food and will improve your digestion. You can also try putting down your utensils between bites while you chew. Take notice of how you feel after each bite. Stop when you are full to prevent overeating, indigestion, and bloating.
Notice your emotions. Do you feel happy or a sense of guilt when you eat? Is mealtime stressful? If so, ask yourself “why?” Once you identify your emotions, accept them and, without fighting them, simply release them.
Don’t eat and run. Instead of eating leftovers out of the container over the kitchen sink (we’ve all done this!), designate a place to eat and create a bit of ambiance. Plate your food (yes, even leftovers) and sit down to enjoy it. Stay seated for the entirety of your meal. This will help you focus on the act of eating.
Include loved ones. If you want your family to eat mindfully, schedule a regular time for your meal (usually dinner is easiest for getting everyone together). Make a rule that no one leaves the table until dinner is over. This may be an hour each evening or once per week, depending on your schedule. While the family is congregated, encourage everyone to enjoy their senses of smell and taste while they eat. Be sure to show gratitude to your family for joining in the experience together.
Eat purposefully. If you are an emotional eater or someone who is in the habit of eating a pick-me-up snack every day at 3 pm, ask yourself “why?” You may learn that you are in the habit of doing this out of stress or boredom. Try taking a short walk instead. If you are at work, you can do some desk stretches. Also, if you are someone who uses food as a reward – as in “When I finish this project, I’ll treat myself to a pizza” (or whatever), ask yourself “Is this really a treat?” In other words, is this how you want to treat your body?

One Food to Avoid 

As I have said above, I believe the 80-20 rule is a good way to approach eating. However, new research is showing that there may be one food we should avoid all together: Linoleic Acid!

Linoleic acid (LA) is an Omega-6 polyunsaturated acid (PUFA). PUFA’s are missing multiple hydrogen atoms, which makes them highly susceptible to oxidation. This means that, compared to saturated fats, PUFAs break down more easily. When they break down in your body, they get stored in your tissues and cells.

While very low levels of LA (roughly 1% of caloric intake) are necessary for survival, high levels of LA contribute to inflammation and chronic disease including heart disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes, obesity and more. In fact, the increasing rates of heart disease since the mid 1900’s seems to be directly related to our consumption of dietary LA.

Up to 80% of all Omega-6 fats in the average diet come from LA in the form of seed oils and including vegetable oils, which are in just about everything we consume. The seed oils with the highest levels of LA are grapeseed, safflower, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, corn, rice bran, peanut and canola. The best oils to consume for lower LA content are palm, olive and avocado.

Of course packaged food, fast food, bottle salad dressings, and basically anything not found on the perimeter of your grocery store are most likely going to contain high levels of LA.

Are You Ready to Eat Bugs?

Most of you have probably noticed the push toward eliminating meat from our diet. But, why?
And what will replace it? Well, the “why” is a longer discussion that I can only have over on my True North Podcast. The “what” is bugs! They want us eating bugs.

And the truth is, you already are. For decades the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been urging people to eat more insects as a way to fight world hunger, stating that the demand for animal protein is set to double by 2050. And it’s no surprise that the World Economic Forum is also pro-eating insects. And they have identified over 1,900 species of insects for us to eat!

While eating a grasshopper or scorpion (or more likely a cricket or ant) on occasion probably won’t kill you, “edible insects” as a primary source of protein is not a trend I’m following.

For one thing, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Scientific Committee in 2015 published an initial risk assessment of using insects for human consumption and animal feed. The report stated concerns regarding “potential biological and chemical hazards, as well as allergenicity and environmental hazards, associated with farmed insects used in food and feed taking into account the entire chain, from farming to the final product.” The EFSA “highly recommended” further studies. This may be due to the fact that using insects as feed for farmed animals was previously banned due to the risk of prion-derived diseases.

But fast-forward a few short years to a 2019 study and now insects are being widely used as food and feed. Of course, by 2022 all concerns regarding insects as food or feed disappeared. A new report in the Journal of Future Foods entitled, “Edible insects as future food: chances and challenges” promotes the nutritional quality of insects as superior to bird and mammal protein, and insect food production as sustainable and economical.

My the “science” evolved quickly!

In any event, if you are like me and you prefer to take a hard pass on eating bugs the easiest thing to do is avoid eating heavily processed foods. If you eat anything that is processed, packaged, canned, or prepared you are eating bugs. And this is intentional! For example, cochineal extract (from cochineal insects) is used as a natural coloring in many foods. If you think this is better than eating chemical colorants you may be mistaken. Cochineal extract is highly allergenic and has long been tied to cases of anaphylactic shock. In 1998 the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) petitioned the FDA to require clearer labeling for foods containing cochineal extract. Since 2009, the FDA has required cochineal extract and carmine to be identified in ingredients lists. Look for “cochineal extract,” “cochineal,” “carmine,” “brilliant scarlet,” “carminic acid,” or “Natural Red No. 4” on the label. By the way, cochineal extract is also used in textiles and cosmetics.

Lac bugs are another bug you may commonly eat without knowing it. Lac bugs are used to provide a waxy coating (think shellac) on candy and chocolate. You can identify these bugs on the label by looking for ingredients called “candy glaze,” “resin glaze,” “natural food glaze,” “confectioner’s glaze,” “confectioner’s resin,” “Lac resin,” “Lacca,” or “gum lac.”
Some of the most common processed and packaged foods contain the highest levels of insects. These include pasta, coffee beans, raisins, peanut butter, Fig Newtons, canned mushrooms, canned tomatoes, frozen broccoli, fruit juice, blueberries, raspberries, and more.

Even if you are willing to try bugs as a source of protein, it’s also important to know that insects contain similar allergens to crustaceans, mollusks, and dust mites. So, if you have an allergy to shellfish or dust mites it’s best to steer clear of “edible insects.” And remember insects are being added to animal feeds, including farmed fish. So, if you don’t know what your food is eating, you may want to find out!

Are you ready to eat bugs? Please leave your comments below.

Last Updated: May 10, 2023

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Maire Bhreatnach
    2 years ago

    Thank you so much for above article. It is very invaluable, in my view. It is clear, precise, and easily by anybody interested in food and optimal health. I am very concerned about insect food, of course. King Charles and family, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Tedros, Tony Fauci, and so many more will not entertain such food, on any account. No need for further proof ! Labelling of such “foods” must be an absolute requirement before appearing on the shelves. Is it any wonder that Bill Gates spoke at the G 20 gathering recently about the necessity for death panels to be established? I feel for the people who know nothing about the harmful chemicals, GMOs, damaging ingredients for the life community as a whole (including the human community), fluoride, glyphosate, and then to crown it all, the very potentially adverse effects of 5G on all of life, those who have taken, and continue to take the death jabs, in particular. Thanks again! Stay happy and healthy!

  2. Jean S
    2 years ago

    Hi Christiane, I’m a huge fan for many years. One thing that needs to be made known is a bunch of really good food companies have been bought out by BIG FOOD companies. We were buying organic chicken from Applegate and found out it is now owned by Hormel. There are lots of companies like that. Research your food companies. Buy local for sure. Start a garden or container gardening. I have a friend whose knees are bad, so her husband built raised beds tall enough for her not to bend over much. Regular raised beds are nice too. You would be surprised how much food you can grow yourself. One of the reasons I started canning my own food (in glass jars) was because it is so easy! If you can use a knife, you are able to can a LOT of food. There are so many benefits to tending a garden. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine, lifting, digging, bending, etc. Find someone who does garden if you need advice or help. Happy gardening everyone!

  3. cathy evans
    2 years ago

    Thanks so much Dr.Northrup!

  4. NYArtist
    2 years ago

    Promoting palm oil is not responsible eating…being that it comes through the destruction of rain forests and obliteration of Orangutans and other species, not to mention medicinal plants.

  5. Josee Robert
    2 years ago

    Hello Dr Northrup. I’m on a spiritual path as I know you are as well and I was wondering what is your take on killing and eating other sentient beings ? Is it possible to be spiritual and compassionate and at the same time contribute to the suffering, fear and death of vulnerable creatures. I’m starting to have serious questioning about that and was wondering what your thoughts were on the topic.

  6. JoAnn
    2 years ago

    Dr Northrup,

    I have found so much of value in your work over the years, and really appreciate your willingness to speak your truth in these difficult times.

    That said, I feel the need to point out that some of what you expressed in this article might be missing the forest for the trees….or to use a term popularized by another hero of mine (T Colin Campbell) is a bit “reductionist.” To suggest that palm oil might be a better choice than organic, non-gmo canola oil — due to the fact that canola has more LA in it — could be harmful for many people. Page 237 of Fats that Heal, Fats that kill shows that Pumpkin, Walnut, and hemp all have far higher amounts of Omega 6’s than Canola does! Yet we also know that those seeds are rich in other nutrients that are very beneficial. So narrowly considering only this nutrient as the basis for choosing between these two fats is not holistic. By the same token — palm oil would be ill-advised for anyone with clogged arteries –which is the majority of adults in American right now!) On top of that, most palm oil is harvested in ways that are terrible for the rain-forest and threatening critical habitat for orangutans.

    1. NYArtist
      2 years ago

      I said the same thing..do NOT promote palm oil and check all products to make sure they do not use them.

  7. Angelina
    2 years ago


    Thank you for the great information! I like to save ideas and information to Pinterest, like millions of others…but when I try to save this post, Pinterest tells me “Something went wrong. Sorry! We blocked this link because it may lead to inappropriate content.” I’ve never had that issue before when saving your articles for future reference.

    Interesting, isn’t it??

    But thanks again for everything…keep doing what you do best!

    1. Jean S
      2 years ago

      The reason they blocked it is because it is the truth. They don’t want anyone seeing the truth, getting healthy, eating good wholesome food, etc. Like all other forms of media, Pinterest is controlled. They don’t want or like “the truth”.

  8. Jo Ann Hill
    2 years ago

    I’m surprised you recommend soy and Tofu? Maybe it’s just me but it causes bloating and gas. I eat healthy and avoid Soy and Tofu.

  9. Dean
    2 years ago

    Where does Flaxseed Oil fit in this discussion? Use or eliminate?

  10. Sarah
    2 years ago

    Hi! I recently read that most avocado oils sold are fake. I think it’s important to find out if what you’re using is.

  11. Anita
    2 years ago

    thank you Dr. Northrup. wish I had omitted LA long time ago. starting today “No Linoleic acid”

  12. Marain
    2 years ago

    Im surprised you didnt mention covonut oil as a healthy one.

  13. Cara
    2 years ago

    Wow! I use grape seed oil to cook (high heat) with ALL the time! Guess I’d better find a different oil. I already use olive oil.. and coconut oil. Maybe avocado??

    1. DM
      2 years ago

      Learning about oils was one of the biggest challenges in our quest for real health. We’ve had great success with Avocado oil – particularly in high heat applications. We love coconut oil (unrefined for baking/ some sauteing, & refined for moderate heat or recipes where you don’t want to impart the coconut flavor.) Those are our staples! Hope that’s helpful.

      1. Rachael
        2 years ago

        Except that both coconut and avocado are both very far away from my (and Dr. Northrup’s) home, what of the local healthy options for those of us in the North East? It’s all about negotiations…most of these options mentioned take considerable energies and add toxins to our environment just getting them to us. Perhaps that’s why many of us still use lard and butter/ghee or compromise to the other nutritional weight of pumpkin and walnut oil…much to consider.

    2. Ivy
      2 years ago

      Yes, definitely avocado oil, especially for frying.

  14. Can you please specify and provide the reference for the ‘new research’ mentioned in the above blog in relation to linoleic acid being detrimental to the health. Am unable to find any such research. Thank you.

    1. Mary
      2 years ago

      Dr. Mercola also speaks of LAs on his forum with many back ups. You may want to look him up as well. It can be frustrating thinking you are eating well and find out you are not. Do not let the stress of it become worse than what you may occasionally eat.

  15. Tracy
    2 years ago

    From such an educated lady, I wonder why you would even suggest palm oil as a good option considering the devastation it causes?

    1. Susie
      2 years ago

      I also was wondering why you mentioned it as ‘bad’ to watch out for in one paragraph then recommended the Palm oil at the end. But also not to mention coconut oil.

  16. Maureen
    2 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, I appreciate these blogs! Thanks for the continuing reminders to take good care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  17. Charli Smith
    4 years ago

    I do t eat vegetables unless it’s stuff on put in salad and stuff like that so what’s a good diet for me.

  18. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    Most can foods are loaded with sodium which is a no-no.too much sodium can bloat,cause high blood pressure,etc.

  19. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    I want to eat better, but I find that diet food or salads don’t fill me up the way junk does.I still feel hungry afterward and eat more then feel bad because I am just eating more diet food.

  20. Roberta Brunin
    5 years ago

    Hi Christiane Northrup
    I was listening to an interview of Wayne Dyer and Eckart Tolle. In it W. Dyer mentioned you found information about gardening / plants or seeds that could understand what were missing nutrients of the person doing the gardening and how the plants could interpret this info and then change themselves to satisfy the nutritional needs of the gardener. I find this info to be amazing and I’d love to learn more.
    Thank you so much for your time. Roberta

    1. Klaus
      4 years ago

      Dear Dr Northrup,

      I too Heard in the interview about the study Roberta is mentioning and I am very interested to read and learn more about it as I have a garden on my own.

      Where can I find the study and a source to read more about it?

      Grateful for your feedback 🙂


  21. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    No you still build muscle because your muscle can still recover. When you work out you are damaging your muscles and eating food with protein allows that muscle to recover and be stronger.

  22. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    Eat healthy: eat 3 whole meals a day. For your meals, you want something healthy and that fills you up so that you don’t get hungry again for a long time.

  23. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    I read somewhere that cats actually require a certain amount of raw or gently cooked meats in their diets because they have certain proteins or nutrients that cannot be manufactured.

  24. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    Each year, I have a psychical exam and fasting blood work. If there are any numbers outside of normal, those are the areas of concern.

  25. Charli Smith
    5 years ago

    I am looking for investors as we speak to finance my healthy fast food chain. It will have an extensive vegetarian menu, great fish and of coarse chicken and maybe even lean beef.

  26. Angie Crompton
    5 years ago

    I have read a lot about wheat and that one is not supposed to eat it.. I eat bran cereal its made of wheat to help with chronic constipation and it does! How harmful is it in your opinion to eat wheat if one doesn’t appear to have allergies.
    Thanks so much for all your information..

  27. Robin
    5 years ago

    I’m curious to know what you think of soy. I love tofu and eat it a couple times a month, but worry about all the controversy surrounding it. I noticed you said it can be good for some people. Who has the green light, and who should stay away?

  28. M Clark
    5 years ago

    I really appreciated this article. I had a hysterectomy (ovaries still here) 2 years ago and because I was believed to be “in the change,” I was told I’d be likely fully menopausal within 3 years. I can not lose weight. Incidental findings of very early stage cancers (kidney ’07, and colon ’14) lead to the recommended hysterectomy (suspected Lynch – family history too). Sigh… life is an education of experience (lol).
    All my earlier life I have been fit. PMS just wasn’t an issue for me. I had 5 children in 3 batches, last one at 40, and I’m nearly 80lbs overweight (60lb loss would be great!). Second half life feels like it is upon me! I LOVE middle age! Even with an almost 5-yo still home all day with me, I feel myself ready to do what I’m “meant” to do. Fulfill my purpose… sounds silly to say that 😉 but I kind think all my experience has lead me to now and right now is incredible!
    Love the list of focus points. Thank you. Think I will enjoy your many other articles 😀

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Having a 5 year old at home will “prime” you to feel and look much younger for much longer. This is the research of Ellen Langer, PhD of Harvard. I applaud you on what you’ve done and what lies ahead. You’ll figure this out. I’m certain of it. You have a great attitude. Make sure you add some iodine to your diet for thyroid. Maybe a teaspoon of organic Atlantic dulse powder daily in a smoothie.

  29. Mary Jane Burns
    5 years ago

    I am actually reading Anthony William’s books and I noticed that you wrote the introduction and support him fully and I am trying to follow his plan for eating,and I am just beginning and I am definitely excited about the celery juice. I have a slight liver problem that started years ago with too much alcohol and I have not had alcohol for the past 7 years and I am doing my best to stay very healthy and I have done so since 2012. I have also read your books Christiane and I love them and I follow you as well.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      I too started to really follow Anthony’s plan about a month ago– with celery juice daily ( 16 oz on an empty stomach first thing in the morning). And also his detox smoothie every day. I love Anthony and find a great deal of wisdom in his work. AND– I don’t follow everything he says. Sometimes I eat chocolate, have coffee, and sometimes even a burger! But man… following the plan strictly now and again is a great thing to do for health. Thanks for this lovely comment.

  30. Claudia E. Darbie
    5 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,

    I am one of your biggest fans. I have been for many, many years. I have read and re-read all of your books, most all of them anyway.

    This article on food is awesome. I have a nearby farm where I buy my vegetables (some fruits) as are in season. And that truth about eating in season is on the money, so to speak. I am a lover of tomatoes (if I have good ones, I can eat them three times, or more a day. I love peppers, potatoes, squash, collards, kale and all of their goodness.

    I have always had to watch my weight, from the time I was ten. I was blessed with wonderful parents, who early on in my life, taught me how to eat to control being overweight. Out of assisting my mother with a low sodium diet at an early for herself, I learned early to read labels.

    Now that I am retired, and I am going to be 68 years old this month, I am not eating processed food. Even when I was still working full-time, as I did all of my life, I started cooking whole food on the weekends, to take for my lunches during the week. But, I still ate meals like Smart Ones, etc. I plan and cook my food and manage my intake well. I do stop eating when I get full. I noticed in my early 50’s that I had to reduce my plates of food to what I call a “small” plate, as I could see I wasn’t able to always intake what I once did.

    Also, the comment in your article about the color of food, is what inspires me to buy, cook and eat what I do. Of course, the price of food today is something else, to say the least. I also notice that I am more satisfied if I eat what I want to taste, which is all in the preparation, so I may do it a day or two before.

    Thank you, again for your words of wisdom.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      What a beautiful and inspiring comment. Thank you so much. And boy is it true. As we grow older, we have the opportunity to become far more discerning about what we eat. I sure have!!

  31. Carol Terry
    5 years ago

    Good article. One thing I would add to the list is grow as many of your fruits and vegetables as you can and use organic gardening methods. This way you will have fresher food and know how it was grown plus help the planet and save money. All the best. Carol

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      You are SO RIGHT!! I have had a wonderful little garden this year– and no critters eating the veggies because of a fence around the entire yard ( for the swimming pool). And there is NOTHING better than stepping outside for a fresh tomato, a couple carrots, some tomatoes, some lettuce, and a handful of fresh herbs to season the evening meal. I plan to do even more next summer.

  32. Estella DeAnda
    5 years ago

    Would you review what teas are considered “water support” and which may be diuretics? I currently drink matcha and wondered if this is creating a setup for dehydration. Thank you Dr. Northrop for your guidance!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      In general, if a tea has any caffeine, then you simply make up for this by drinking an equal amount of water sometime later with a pinch of sea salt or a squeeze of lemon. Do the same with coffee. And that way the dehydration from the caffeine won’t be an issue. And read the book Quench– it’s full of amazing information!

  33. Regina
    5 years ago

    i LOVE all that you said here!!

  34. Patty
    5 years ago

    Very helpful! I appreciate your recognizing beneficial foods combined with difference in body history and make up. Than you!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Thank you so much for reading! Christiane

  35. Josephine
    5 years ago

    Hi, I am full menopausal, waking up to the fact I’m surrounded and attracted to vampires, bankrupt my sustainable fabric and clothing manufacturing company after 20 yrs and got taken. Live alone w my dog. And can’t motivate myself to eat to give me power and strength. Most of what you wrote in your blog, I do and promote daily. I am in therapy too. Hahaha! I’m loving a lot in my head .. for moths now!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      5 years ago

      Well here’s the good news– you are healing on a VERY deep level. And just noticing the after effects of energy vampires is sometimes all you can do! Be patient, be loving. And over time, you will find yourself eating better. For many years, I went out to eat a lot!! Why? I really needed to be served by someone else– and also needed to have someone else cook and clean up. That was my self care. Now I cook nearly every night. And I find it creative and fun. But arriving at this stage took years ( and many vampire encounters– when I had NO idea who draining they were so allowed myself to donate “bone marrow”) Thank you for sharing and for your vulnerability.

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