Your Perimenopause Transition

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Arlene
    3 years ago

    Presently I have fibroids. At 52. Bowel changes and abdominal cramps. Had a colonoscopy 2017. All normal. But now visited a GI md. Will be getting another colonoscopy. Had an abdominal sonogram, fibroids and sizes too small to remove. Had a hysterosonogram. Same result. Saw a gynecologist who had suggested harming therapy. Or a hysterectomy. Got second opinion. Next Saturday will get a endometrial biopsy. All this due to heavy bleeding 2nd day of my period. Period lasts 5 days each time. Cycle 26-28 days. Absolutely no sex drive. Husband very patient. But my GI issues started 6 months ago. Dull pain. Comes and goes. Erratic bowel movements. IBS rule out pending after colonoscopy. Never had this prior.

  2. Malle
    4 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,
    I love your work, God bless your soul!
    Can you give guidance into what are the products you offer for hot flashes and night sweats, Im only 46 but I have only one ovary so Im aware of my premature situation… I was able to control hot flashes with Ayurveda for some months but they are back… any advice?

  3. Veronica Smith
    4 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    I really wish you would discuss biolfilms and chronic, embedded uti problems.

    So many women are traumatized by this condition and are not diagnosed and treated properly for it. So many women are treated like WE are the problem because we present with unusual symptoms that doctors are not prepared to treat, let alone diagnose. I had to go through several years in a search for what was happening to me. I was wrongly diagnosed with IC, when in fact, I had an embedded uti that turned out to be E. Coli! And I am not alone!

    There are two facebook groups for this, but that is almost all there is. I would have never known about my problem if it had not been for theses groups.

    This all happened to me after going through menopause, but not all women that have this condition are post menopausal.

    Women have been ROBBED by the mainstream medical community!

    Thank you.

    Veronica Smith

  4. Deirdre Adams
    5 years ago

    Really liked your chat about peri menopausal . I am 55 and feeling fantastic . I swim in the sea 3 times a week here in Ireland really recommend that and I am in the process of starting a new business. Lovely mg this stage. Xx

    1. Jes
      4 years ago

      Dear Dr.Northrop
      I am going through severe depression an anxiety. I have had my hormones tested there nothing seems to be off . I am 55 going through perimenapause I have no other symptoms maybe some night sweats here and there . My period abruptly stopped and 11 and 1/2 months later I got a full period . I am desperate! I really feel I am loosing control and scared . Please any advice would be a gift .

        4 years ago

        Jes I want you to know that there is a beautiful and full life that’s waiting for you. It’s just waiting on you.

      2. Amanda
        4 years ago

        Jess I am 45 and am feeling the same. This started a year ago for me and I will have a good few weeks but the crippling anxiety keeps coming back and it truly is terrifying.

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