What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Vital Life Wellness
    2 years ago

    It is a pleasure worth reading this article as it provides us information on practicing compassionate medicine.It is one of the best options to read from here in detail. I would go for this site even in future when needed. Great blog indeed, will visit again future to read more!!

  2. Norma
    2 years ago

    THis video is about artificial sweeteners not bio identical hormones…

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      2 years ago

      Thank you! We will look into this issue.


  3. Norma
    2 years ago

    This video is NOT about bio identical hormones but about artificial sweeteners , could you. put up the video for bio identical hormones ?

  4. Tracey
    2 years ago

    I would like to watch the “What Are Bioidentical Hormones?” video but instead a video on artificial sweeteners launches. Can you tell me where to find the bioidentical hormone video?

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      2 years ago

      Thanks you for your message. We are looking into this.


  5. Winnie
    3 years ago


  6. Barbara Brandeberry
    5 years ago

    Does BIHT prevent weight loss? Been on Keto diet for 2 weeks, no weight loss. Been on BIHT for 4 weeks. Doing pellets.

  7. Anna Kaber
    8 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,
    I’ve read your books and they have opened my female mind greatly. now 63, and fatigued daily.

    I have a question about having thyroid cancer and a complete thyroidectomy, and how to get the best pills or bioidenticals for me. I’m currently on 100mcg of levothyroxine. I am tired all the time. My dosage has been adjusted from 80mcg-140mcg, now at 100 for the past 3 years.

    My thyroglobulin AB has been -20 intUnits/ml, thyroglobulin QT-1ng/ml. My PCP said I could just not take my pill on Sunday to see if that helps. I’ve not done that because I am so anxious about not getting this cancer again.

    I’ve asked for a scan, but was told it was not necessary.

    I’m now divorced from an abusive husband of 20 years, and would like to feel alive again. 2 new grandkids, I’ve not seen in 2 years. Had laminectomy, fused areas in spin L@-L4, in 2012, so back isn’t helping either.

    If you have any suggestions, on how to feel alive-I would be very appreciative.

    Thank you,

    Anna Kaber

  8. Shirin
    8 years ago


    I’ve been hormone deficit for more than 6 years now due to a life saving operation but I never needed hormonal replacement drugs

    Thanks to my dietician who pointed me in the direction of soya flour! Soybean flour is a great substitute and it protects you from the side effects of low hormones production in women

    Adding it to wheat flour or as a thickener is a great way of having it. The ratio is 10 kg flour to 1 kg soya flour if you are adding to wheat flour

    It’s not helpful for men n growing buys since it increases production of female hormones so avoid giving it to the men

    Say Bye bye to hot flushes n artificial hormones.

  9. Miranda
    8 years ago

    I am on bio identical estrogen also for the last five years since I had a hysterectomy due to a large fibroid at age 52. I was already in menopause when I had the hysterectomy but night sweats got bad so I had to take estrogen. Recently I’ve been gaining weight and absolutely cannot control it no matter what I eat and how much I exercise. I know it’s a common problem with menopausal women and I’m now 58 and thought I was over this. It seems to be more bloating and water weight than actual weight though I have gained a lot of weight in my belly in the past year. My clothes don’t fit and I feel very uncomfortable in my body. What can I do about this?

    1. Karen
      3 years ago

      You can also try Flipping 50 Debra Atkinson…she has podcast (workouts for women over 50) she talks about Menopause and how we have to approach things differently, also about the bloat and weight gain.

  10. Ginnie
    8 years ago

    Thanks so much for the great information. I am curious about weight gain with subliminal bio identical hormones. It seems that for the last 15 years I can just breathe air and I gain weight. At first different doctor out me in estrogen, not bioidentical and I puffed up like a peacock. When to a physician who gave me bioidentical hormones but I am still gaining weight. Could the problem be the meds? I’ve tried to ease off but I get horrendous night sweats that keep awakening me. I feel stuck. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks again

  11. dc
    8 years ago

    please dont use any Premerin products which are taken from pregnant mares (female horses urine). they horses are pregnant ,locked in confining stalls their whole lives and kept pregnant and when the foals are born they are killed and then the mare is impregnated again. and the cycle goes on again and again until they kill her when she is older.
    it is horrible. they live in filth and urine and they kill their babies when born.
    it is abusive. it should be outlawed but it goes on in canada and women are sold this as a hormone replacement.
    so sad.
    we should all be educated and a conscious consumer

  12. Kathleen Glattly
    8 years ago

    Yes, they do work. However, please know your the risks involved. I had a stroke this year on July 28th and I believe, as do all the medical professionals that taking the bioidentical hormones along with having a gene mutation (Factor V Lieden) caused my stroke as I had no other risk factors such as age (I was 55), weight (I am in normal range), cholesterol (great numbers) and blood pressure (mine is usually a little low). So please make sure you have no risk factors before beginning hormone replacement.

  13. Janice A. Stenger
    8 years ago

    Thanks for the information. Love you, Dr. Northrup. Thanks for simplifying bio-identical hormones and making it so practical. Didn’t know that about Maca, Black Cohosh and Perieria Murifica.

    And you look fantastic, by the way!

  14. Carol
    8 years ago

    I have been prescribed Permarin cream and have not been using it. I have found your video very interesting although confusing. I have made notes of everything you listed but not sure what I should try first?

    1. Ellie
      8 years ago

      Just do not use the horse urine because they torture the horses to get it.

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