Strong Bones Today and Tomorrow

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Kathie
    6 years ago

    I am 73 years young and have always been healthy and active. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis due to the Dexa scan and recently had 3 small compression fractures in the lumbar, though that pain is better, I am now experiencing hip pain. The doctor has been trying to get me on “bone drugs” for several years but I have been very reluctant to commit to that, for many reasons, but with what is now happening I am very concerned as to what to do. I eat healthy, exercise and have been taking Vitamin D, magnesium and calcium for years and I exercise every day, but alas it appears this is not enough. My mother and older sister have osteoporosis so it’s “in my genes” I would greatly appreciate if you could point me in the right direction. I am concerned if this gets any worse it could be debilitating. this is all very depressing. thank you.

    1. Pam G
      2 years ago

      You might consider adding K2 (also known as MK4 and MK7) – as I understand it, it takes the excess calcium from the soft tissues and places it in the hard tissues. Many practitioners who recommend D3, also recommend K2 .

  2. Estrella López
    6 years ago

    To Dr. Northrup : I have watched your video and would like if you would recommend me magnesiun tablets. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis about 5 years ago, after doing my densitometry the doctor prescribed me Evista. This year I visited another doctor and is even worse she wanted me to take bisphosphonates, bonviva. I have been researching and know they have awful side effects, even make the bone have a fracture. I love Louise L. Hay books I see you are under that. I am 60 years old, have chesnut hair, live in Madrid, Spain. Can I take magnesiun tablets or collagen or both. What do you suggest me please. I don’t want to take more poison into my body. Thank you very much. I would really appreciate your reply.

  3. Francine Simonetta
    8 years ago

    I am totally confused…. Being told I NEED the pills by some and that I do NOT need by others…. MY exam showed a 60% chance of fracture…and Xrays show both hips Osteo Arthritic and I have constant pain… Am being told that I will need a hip replacement in 10 years and I m already terrified of that…..How do I CALM DOWN….

    thans… The worrier..

    1. Fran
      4 years ago

      Page not found. Have another link? Thank you.

  4. Ruth Reilly
    8 years ago

    Thank you for being so helpful and encouraging! My doctor wants to put me on drugs for my osteoporosis after my latest bone scan although my vitamin D level is now OK. I adopted a plant based diet after my stroke and before that, breast cancer, and I don’t eat dairy. Can you recommend other ways or foods to boost calcium? Thanks.

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      8 years ago

      Chances are very good that you need more magnesium, not just calcium. But you are on the right track. Check out the work of my colleague Dr. Lani Simpson. Really helpful!!

  5. Teresa
    8 years ago

    So happy to have found my way to you this evening. Your light is bright and inspiring. Your information is helpful and important. I’ve been wishing for a woman to share that we do not have to grow old and think of ourselves that way. Let’s redefine our pathways through time and life in a more positive way. Thank you.

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      8 years ago

      You’ve GOT IT!! Thank you!!

  6. kari
    8 years ago

    Thank you, Dr.Northrup, for always delivering the good news! Love your videos.

  7. Auriel
    8 years ago

    I received an osteopenia verdict, but they found that my para-thyroid glands were not managing my calcium correctly. More calcium going into my blood stream than my bones. Had a few bad ones removed and things went back to normal again.

  8. Nawaz
    8 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup,
    My name is Nawaz and I live in Pune, India. I am 55 years old. I am going through a little difficult patch. I had a problem on 15th April 2016 with my vision. I could not read the matter on the computer screen. I had some blank patches. I work in a hospital on the administrative side. I saw an opthal doctor who said I had scotoma and sent me to a neuro. I was asked to do an MRI which showed an anuerism in one of the blood vessels going to my brain. The MRI done in 2013 and the one done now read identical. They wanted to do a DSA but I refused as I did not want to go through anything invasive. I have been prescribed Telsartan 40, Ecosprin 75, Atorva – 40 and Hosit (B12). I have taken them for two months, but do not wish to continue with these medicines. One is for blood pressure and the other for cholestrol. Will stopping the medicines effect me in any way? What is the worst that can happen? The neuro is a very very senior doctor and an institution within himself. So no other doctors want to help me or guide me and I am confused. I have always taken homoeopathy for my ailments, as and when they arose. Hoping you will shed some light, With warm regards

    1. Tessa
      8 years ago

      Thanks so much
      I always feel so empowered after listening to you
      You are a beautiful role model

  9. Sharon
    8 years ago

    THANK U Dr.Northrop!

  10. Judy
    8 years ago

    Thank you for this wonderful information. My annual check-up with my doctor is a constant argument as she would like me to start taking Actonel as I have a 10% chance of having a fracture!!!!!! I have told her that I respect my body and this will never happen. This reinforces my decision to take care of my body.

  11. Helen
    8 years ago

    I love all the inspiring and helpful advice that Dr Northrup shares. This is just terrific, especially to counteract the negative messages and misinformation put out about bone health. Helen

  12. Lori Shepherd
    8 years ago

    Thank you, Dr. Northrup, for such a positive outlook on bone health !!!

  13. Faith
    8 years ago

    Thank you so much for always passing on valuable informations filled with love and inspirations. Are there any foods or supplements you can recommend besides Vit D for collagen productions.
    As time passes you are becoming more beautiful, vibrant and your light is shining so bright(TRUE GODDESS).

  14. Vicki lee
    8 years ago

    Thank you. I love your saying to connect with nature by standing strong and thinking ‘healthy bones’ talk. And what an interesting tip about circling the wrist. I’ve always felt I have strong bones despite my mother having osteoporosis years ago and severely fracturing her wrist. But on my father’s side, I’m from Pacific Island (Niue) descendancy and so I think that’s fared me well. Sunshine vitamin D, abundant fresh fish and coconuts, divine sea water surrounding you to swim and fish from. Yeah, blessings for that!

  15. Florice Harris
    8 years ago

    AWESOME!! Thank you!!! A VERY young 73 year young lady–going STRONG!!

  16. Love this!! Just a respectful note that the lower third key in the bottom of the screen at 3:31 (can you tell I work in television) should read “MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT DEPRESSED,” instead of ‘MAKE SURE YOUR NOT DEPRESSED.” (Sorry, Language Goddess at work here, too. 🙂 )

    1. Emily
      8 years ago

      It was just a simple typo. It happens.

  17. Fran
    8 years ago

    Thank you yet again for sharing your wisdom and knowledge. You are truly wonderful and inspirational. X

  18. Zoe
    8 years ago

    That’s very true about depression and stress causing more problem for our physic.
    I have been told 5 years ago that I’m in the verge of osteoporosis cause I’ve bird bones.
    But at 58 now I have kept skiing, biking, yoga and also earthing as you mentioned with out taking any Junk of supplements (only organic sulfure daily) in my body and eating fairly veggie dominated diet. I think I’ve got it under control. I had a bad fall this early spring on bike and did not break a bone!
    Love watching your sound advices and not trying to sell people stuff.
    Really appreciate your clips here and there.

    1. Stephanie Forde
      4 years ago

      I was diagnosed recently with osteo and I eat organic and exercise, etc….I am not a medicine taker so I am looking for an alternative to medication. I do take Calcium citrate and D3 5000 IU’s daily (1,000 IU x 5). I have been working on eating more alkaline as opposed to acidic – I love my fish and even organic soy free chicken and eggs but do eat a ton of vegetables and fruit. I was not aware that sulfur would be a good option to add to my daily supplement regime. Can you recommend the brand you take? Thanks Zoe.

  19. Ilze Nagainis
    8 years ago

    Thank you, Christiane! I love everything you say. You inspire me not to give up on my all aching body. It brings tears in my eyes knowing that there is a hope. Love and Gratitude

  20. Sheri Millsap
    8 years ago

    You are my “Champion”, Dr Northrup! I was born petite with small bones, but have always embraced my body as “small but mighty”!!! Thank you for the very important, empowering work you do that blesses the World! Love! Sheri

  21. Marjorie
    8 years ago

    Thank you for helping us keep going strong, tall, healthy and beautiful.
    Thank you Dr. Northrup

  22. Muniene muller
    8 years ago

    Great information I am looking to make my bones stronger,as I have osteoporosis.
    Any nutrition information would be appreciated thank you

  23. PAtricia
    8 years ago

    I am 64 female, diagnosed with osteoporosis. But when in my 30’s a basic check at a grocery store said I have bones of a 60 year old. I have bird bones.( loved that description)5’10, around 160 pounds. I did have breast cancer 2013 and went through conventional treatment at that time.
    EVista was recommended but cost was problem so I am only taking vitamin D, 3000 iu daily.
    I have heard about bone broth through Louise Hay and also Ty Bollinger with The truth about cancer group. is this something you would recommend?
    I have heard you before and do try to remember to do the balancing with eyes closed.

  24. Jill Barnes
    8 years ago

    That was so encouraging and good. Thank you

  25. Mrs penny wilson
    8 years ago

    Thank you am going tomorrow to get my results from the test.
    This video given me so much hope in a big way.
    Bless you.

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