Gestational Age: Should You Schedule Your Due Date?

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Ellen Baptie
    6 years ago

    Unfortunately, not all babies know the best and healthiest time to be born. Late term stillbirth is a real problem. Recent studies show that 39-40 weeks is the optimal time for a healthy birth; after that, rates of complications rise. Interestingly, women induced at 39 weeks have lower rates of C-sections than those who go beyond that point. There are many complications of pregnancy that can make induction the wiser choice. As a doctor, you know these facts.
    The message you are giving is that women should “trust their bodies”; I think many will interpret this as “instead of their doctor.” And that’s a dangerous message.

    1. Heidi
      12 months ago

      We should trust our bodies. There are always outliers but so many of my friends are being scheduled to deliver based on their doctor’s schedule.

  2. Ilia Blandina
    8 years ago

    Love it! Exactly what I have been teaching my clients!

  3. Barbara
    8 years ago

    In Australia, full-term is considered 40 weeks, 38 weeks or less is premature.

  4. Karen Downing
    8 years ago

    Well this video explains to me why both son’s I thought were overdue… a single Mother…leaving their Dad eight months pregnant…and an 8 or old son. It took two more Moran husbands to choose to stand up for myself. .stop seeking their or my …..son’s approval…to set myself free of that chapter of my left…73 yrs young. ..back in the work force. ..starting my own company ( Rise Above It) my mothers words of encouragement ….my give back to women. To appreciate the strong women we are in spite of the man that might delivered the sperm. …leaving us do deliver our baby. whenever God sees fit. ..Amen. Thanks Christiane for waking women up. ..ON GUN medical assistant. ..

  5. Connie
    8 years ago

    I had a frightening birth of my daughter who was 9.4 lbs. I had preeclampsia and they did an emergency c section. I think I was close to losing both of us. What do you think?

    1. jerri
      8 years ago

      That’s not what she means. Emergency situations clearly need to be taken care of differently. 🙂

  6. Olga
    8 years ago

    I absolutely LOVE what you write share teach us women. You remind me I am okay. You remind me to take care of myself in loving ways I believe are true. You inspire me. Over and again and again. I just want to THANK YOU and your beloved Mother for being independent of any system and yet a part of an education that realigns us women with our best highest self!

  7. Alexandra Halpern
    8 years ago

    you are the best Dr. N and you get more beautiful as life goes on. 🙂

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