Goddesses Never Age™
Shake It Up!

Spice Up Your Routine

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Move Joyously

Though each of us can remember our first kiss and where we were on 9/11—with vivid detail—we often can’t remember what we had for dinner the night before. Is this a sign that your mental acuity is slipping? No! But it does present you with a unique opportunity. Although we all love routine, and it makes us feel safe and comfortable, our brains and bodies remain ageless only to the extent that we mix it up a little on a regular basisTweet This!

Today, when I went out for my walk, I decided to try a different route. Instead of turning left at the end of my road, I turned right. I did something else new. I decided not to put in my contact lenses, so that my eyes could be nourished by the nutrients found in natural light. And low and behold, I could see better than I ever imagined.

I enjoyed new scenery, new trees, and a new surface under my feet. I found this new route exhilarating and fun, and also felt really present in a whole new way. This small little occurrence was proof positive of what I’ve been learning from talking with Dr. Joe Dispenza on my radio show and also listening to his TED talk and meditations.

Dr. Dispenza says that routine puts the brain to sleep. Changing it up a bit will, literally, wake you up! And it’s all you need to do to begin creating new neural pathways in your brain and body. After all, our brains—and bodies—have a nearly infinite capacity to learn new things and morph with great results.

So why not start right where you are? Take a different route to the grocery store. Listen to a different radio station, rotate the clothing in your closet, and commit to wearing a completely different outfit each day. (You’d be amazed by what you can do when you shop your own closet.) And while you’re at it, discard ten items that you no longer use or haven’t looked at in the past five years. That will also make space for something new and healthy to come into your life.

I decided to write this blog right after my walk. Usually I’d wait until the afternoon, but I didn’t. And now I feel like a kid about to begin classes at a wonderful new school—very excited and very alive.

Let’s see how much we can shake things up for the health of it. Please leave me a comment and let me now how you’re varying your routine. Ready. Set. GO!

Last Updated: September 2, 2014

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Lisa M Graham-Brott
    2 months ago

    Thank you Dr. Northup for your heartful wisdom and health information. I have been following you for quite awhile, have 2 of your books and enjoyed your videos during the plandemic. Now I hear your daily words of health wisdom. I joined your group of Warriors for the Radical Light and met another person living in a high vibration too. I keep learning from virtual summits and implementing health and mindset strategies for quality and longevity of life because I will be dancing at my grandkids weddings. I do try to focus on what is right with my body and treat my one body with reverence by moving and eating great 95% of the time. I have told others about you and am trying to show my daughters this path instead of cultural expectations. I like to spend time with and walk with women 5-10 years younger than me because most people my age are too slow and have surgeries and take meds. Let’s get integrative practitioners covered by insurance & bio hormones. overdue!

  2. Talia
    10 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup, I listened to you on NPR the other night, and was very interested in what you had to say about feet. I am almost 70, and have experienced foot pain and issues all my life. What DVD contains the foot exercises you spoke of?

    Thank you,

  3. karen
    10 years ago

    You are a gift from heaven! I am so grateful for hearing you speak on aging tonight on PBS.
    I came to your website to get more! Thank you !
    You first impacted my life twenty years ago when I took the advice from your work, about leaving the progestin part off of my ERT because it was making me crazy! That was so wise! No adverse effects, only SANITY! Whoo-hoo!
    I am so glad to hear your work on aging; it is breakthrough: I am not young or old, I am something else: I am myself. Thank you.

  4. Ann Marie
    10 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,
    You are simply amazing. Thank you for your advice on shaking things up. I have discovered that my body and mind love new adventures. Exploring new hiking trails and appreciating even more beauty makes us even more beautiful inside. Thank you for sharing such continual truths with us. I truly aporeciatiate your wisdom.
    Blessings in abundance,
    Ann Marie
    P.S. I love the idea of wearing different clothes each day and shopping through our closets. I shall take your advice and give 10 items away I do not use.

  5. Susan
    10 years ago

    Totally agree…mixing it up is a mantra of mine. Love it.

  6. Susan
    10 years ago

    Dr. Northup, thank you for that beautiful reminder! Hit the spot.

  7. Mary
    10 years ago

    Oh! Just found it- I am quite the persistent researcher!! http://a-ma-ta.com/index.php/menopause-relief/pueraria-mirifica-plus-capsules-28 xoxoxo All!

  8. Laura
    10 years ago

    Good Evening,

    Thank you for your informative writings. I am considering going to the “I Can Do It” event but I see that many of the speakers have only 20 minutes. That seems like barely enough time to scratch the surface. Have you experienced this before? Is there a chance for f/u with these speakers? Thanks very much.

  9. Christianne
    10 years ago

    Thank you Dr Northrup for your blog. I also have myopia and am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. You and your daughter have been a great source of inspiration and aide for me and I really appreciate it. This was a great article to read and really timed well. Blessings to you.

  10. Karen Jean
    10 years ago

    So well said! In addition, it is the accumlation of the many little things that we change during our daily routine that make big differences in our lives! For making these positive changes increases our inner strength, as a woman, and helps us to take steps towards living the life we desire!

    Dr. Northrup, Thank you for using your amazing voice to reach so many women with this very important message. Many Hugs.

  11. Gaby
    10 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup for your words in all your blogs, are so encourage. I’m from Mexico an I’m 38 years old. I knew about your blogs by coincidence and from there now I really enjoy your words.
    I did my suscription to your blogs and I received them every 15 days.
    I wish you health and God bless you.
    Have a nice day now and on !!!!

  12. Queenkak
    10 years ago

    Passing through a journey following breast cancer. The medical community has made this the most challenging journey of my life. One of the biggest controversies is whether to use progesterone cream for estrogen and progesterone receptive cancer. And what to eat and what supplements to take……now that is shaking things up a lot. I will clean a closet too. Thanks for planting good seeds.

  13. Cynthia Adams McGrath
    10 years ago

    I am tring new foods to enhance my culinary palate. I am also going to be in a 5k. I may not run the entire distance though I will be out there doing it my way.

  14. erin rogers pickering
    10 years ago

    Thank you for the reminder to shake things up and break free from routine! Also, I love occasionally going on a morning run without my contact lenses – it’s like running through an impressionistic painting! never knew it would also nourish my eyes!!

  15. patty
    10 years ago

    I signed up for the Telesummit but I am confused on where to get the cheat sheets and vision board. There is a “CLICK here to receive your bonsues” but it does not seem to be live.

    paltier at rpj-aps dot com

  16. Sally
    10 years ago

    I loved your topic today and I totally agree that change is good! I, too, am facing a new phase of my life with a husband retiring and as a stay at home Mom, my chicks have all left the nest. So, now what? A time to explore the possibilities, a time to explore the location of our retirement home (in the mountains, on a lake?), a time for new directions. I’m also working at getting more fit–practicing yoga, lots of walking (I’ve finished 3 half-marathons so far!) and feeling great!

    10 years ago

    Garden walks: I take the time to literally smell the roses.
    Country Drive: I travel over the lush hills and into the beautiful tranquil valleys rather than the busy Highways.
    Clothing: I try a style, with new and exciting colors which are new to me by mixing it up; the old with the new.
    Beach: I walk on the white sandy beaches, just along the waters edge and I am refreshed!

  18. Magda Parathiras
    10 years ago

    I walk to my work most mornings and have walked the same route for over 2 years. Last week I decided to walk a different way. Smelling the tree blossoms and spring flowers in bloom was a fresh and new experience. This weekend I plan on cleaning and clearing my storage. Here’s to the newness that Springtime brings to my life.

  19. Andi Anderson
    10 years ago

    Dr Northrup,
    For an interesting addition to your morning walk and your eye health try and ounce or two of Goji berry juice! My night vision has improved dramatically! (I can even see the moose and deer about to enter the road) My dad, 88 years young started taking it 4 years ago and said his eyesight is better and there is a kick in his step. Mother, 90 years young, has macular degeneration. She takes it to maintain the sight she has left.

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