How to Find Joy this Holiday Season

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Sandi Lynch
    7 months ago

    I love singing the Carol’s with my sister at nursing homes and when I’m still home and not visiting her I love to sing the more sacred ones in the church concerts. Enjoying the lights while driving around listening to Carol’s is fun. On the years I get to be with my grandchildren I love watching them ride their bikes and skateboards. Also making Christmas cookies from family recipes with the kids is quite fun too. Thank you Christine. And Merry Christmas.

  2. Oriane
    9 years ago

    So beautiful, Thankyou Christine for evoking that spark of joy and light within me with your sparkling radiant being.

  3. Janice
    9 years ago

    Thank you so much for the reminder. Not only am I “suffering” with surgical menopause but I am usually sad during the holidays. Anything to do with winter actually. In summer my spirit comes alive. This surgical menopause has been a struggle and really cant find my way out of this hole. But thank you for reminding me to search for the light. Love you tons

  4. Stacey
    9 years ago

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder of finding our light. While listening to and taking in your message, I literally felt my shoulders drop and automatically felt my lungs expand as I took in a deep breath. Thank you for reminding me of the greatest gift to anyone is our presence, which I truly believe emits our light. I appreciate these simple reminders, because in the bustle of the season, I forget and totally get caught up in the mechanics of it all. Have a beautiful and joyous season!

  5. Barbara Dawson
    9 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup, I’ve been following you for many many years. It is wonderful that you have chosen to share your great wisdom with everyone, I feel blessed and grateful to have been able to read your books and now see your shining self in these videos.
    The video on finding your light speaks to my practice to always have white light within and surrounding me, and sharing this light all year around. It is soothing indeed.
    A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and those you love,

  6. Bee
    9 years ago

    Thank you gorgeous Christiane – I felt a lovely soft calming light from your words

  7. Sharon Gavitt
    9 years ago

    I make holiday wreaths out of natural materials I find around my property. It provides me with creativity and I become more attuned to nature. The only purchased item is ribbon which I buy at garage sales. I give the wreaths to show my appreciation and to people I make a point to visit that are unable to get around. The connection feeds my inner light.
    This year it’s been warm enough in NYS that I made the wreaths outside. There was a little red dragon fly frantically trapped on the porch. I encouraged it to go for a ride on my finger and I brought it outside. The next day while working outside a little red dragonfly landed on my hand for a while. The beauty of the connection brought me to tears.
    I attribute your presence and the Ageless Goddess program for bringing me to this awareness. May you have a joyful and light up New Year.

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