Dream Your Way To Better Health

A 7-Step Process for Interpreting Your Dreams

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Inner Guidance

Many researchers have asked the question, “Do you dream in order to sleep, or do you sleep in order to dream?” While there is still a debate, most researchers agree that dreaming plays an important role in our well-being and health. This is because dreams come from the unconscious mind, and over 95% of our behavior is determined by our unconscious.

Though I’ve always been interested in dreams, I have become a much better student of my own dreams since 2012, when I began working Dr. Doris E. Cohen. Dr. Cohen is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who has spent decades doing dream analysis. (Listen to my recent Hay House Radio conversation with Dr. Doris E. Cohen.)

Dreams are our souls’ way of broadcasting wisdom to us every night. But, few people realize how powerful their dreams are for providing guidance and healing information.

The most obvious way that dreams can affect your health is by revealing warning signs of illness through the repeated imagery of body pain or wounds. In fact, research is even showing that things like breast and lung cancer can show up in dreams long before you have symptoms, and in plenty of time to get the right treatment.



One of my colleagues once dreamt that he was bleeding to death from his rectum. The dream was so vivid and frightening that he went in for a check-up, including a colonoscopy. It turns out he had very early colon cancer, which was completely treatable. He credits the dream with saving his life.

Of course, these are extreme cases. It’s more likely that your dreams are there to help you negotiate the choices in your daily life. Here are some other facts about dreams:

6 Things You Should Know About Dreams

You dream every night.

Simply because you do not remember your dreams does not mean that you do not dream. You typically spend more than two hours per night dreaming. You can have 4-7 dreams per night, but typically you only remember the last one you have before waking.

Your dreams are always about you.

Dreams are your mind’s way of sending you messages through symbols and stories. These always relate in some way to your current life. Dreams with characters from TV shows or movies are just your mind’s way of being efficient in making its point. There was a time when the character “Jake,” the assassin from the TV show, Scandal, was repeatedly in my dreams. I realized that this was my unconscious mind asking me to look at who might potentially want to harm me, or “stick a knife in my back.”

Dreams can occur in any of the four stages of sleep.

The most vivid and memorable dreams occur during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the most restorative part of the sleep cycle.

You forget your dreams quickly.

Five minutes after the end of a dream, you forget about half of it. After ten minutes, you forget about 90% of your dream. However, with practice, you will get much better at remembering your dreams.

Your appearance in dreams is important.

What you are wearing in your dreams can clue you in to the role you are playing in life. For example, if you are wearing work out clothes, it may mean that you need to exercise more or pay attention to some other aspect of your health.

Your types of dreams say a lot.

Recurring dreams and nightmares are your unconscious trying to get your attention.

When you learn how to pay attention to your dreams and the messages they are relaying, you develop a very streamlined way to access your inner wisdom. And, the more you practice, the more skilled you become.

8 Easy Steps to Remembering Your Dreams

How many times have you woken up in the middle of the night after a very profound dream, but in the morning (or even a few minutes later!) you can’t remember the majority of your dream? This is so common that many people don’t even try to remember their dreams. But, remembering – and embracing – your dreams is well worth the effort because dreams help you to see what is really going on in your life. They are like deep psychotherapy.

Here are some things you can do so that you can start remembering your dreams regularly:

Prepare yourself for a restful sleep.

Go to bed every night at the same time (preferably before 10:30) and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Be sure to create a restful sleep environment with no light or noise to distract you.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine or medications that will interfere with your sleep. And, try not to eat or drink anything for several hours before bed.

Calm your mind and body before bed.

Gentle yoga, a relaxing bath, or meditation are great ways to prepare for a restful sleep. Avoid TV, social media and having lengthy conversations on the phone.

Set your intention.

Make a conscious decision to remember your dreams. If there is something you would like to receive insight on during your dream state, think about that issue or concern prior to going to sleep.

Place a journal and pen by your bed.

Having a journal and pen on your night table will allow you to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Otherwise, you are likely to forget them.

Set your alarm clock close to your bed.

If you are dreaming and you have to get out of bed in order to turn off your alarm, you will likely forget your dream. Set your alarm where you can easily reach it. If you can wake up without an alarm, that is better.

Write down your entire dream.

When you wake up, just lie in bed and try to remember your dream. Then start writing (or dictating as a voice memo) what comes to you. Try to capture your dream as fully as possible. But, even a dream fragment can be important. If you can’t remember anything about your dream, write down the first thing that comes into your mind upon waking. It may be related to your dream in some way, and it might trigger your recollection. You can also write down how you feel when you wake up. The emotions you experience in a dream typically remain, at least for a brief period, when you first wake up. So, notice if you wake feeling anxious, or particularly happy, and write it down.

Keep a journal handy during the day.

It’s very common that something you see or hear during the day will trigger a memory of a dream from the night before. Pay attention. Your soul is trying to tell you something. Keep a journal and make note these recollections.

Dr. Cohen’s 7-Step Program For Tapping Into Your Unconscious Mind

While our dreams can vary significantly, they can be easily interpreted when we take a few minutes to examine them. Dr. Cohen explains that everything in our dreams is symbolic.  For example, a basement in a house represents your subconscious, a door indicates access to something that perhaps wasn’t there before, technology indicates the need to upgrade something, water indicates cleansing of old emotions, and clothes represent the roles you play. 

But, these are just guidelines.  Your symbolism will be specific to you and the messages your soul is trying to get across.  If you can interpret your dream language and make connections between your unconscious thoughts and your waking life, you can discover a lot about yourself and what makes you happy.

Here is Dr. Cohen’s 7-step process for interpreting your dreams:

1. Recall and Record

Before you go to sleep place a voice recorder or notepad on your night table.  Say out loud 3 times “I will remember my dreams clearly and well.”  When you awake from a dream, take time to recall the details — even if it’s in the middle of the night.  You need to sit up in bed, grab your notepad, and write down every detail you can remember, even if they are just images.  If you don’t do this before you fall back to sleep you will not remember that particular dream in the morning.  Do this for every dream that you can recall during the night.  The more frequently you practice this, the better you will become at recalling and recording.  

2. Give Your Dream a Title.

Dr. Cohen suggests giving each dream a title as though it were a newspaper headline. This exercise is highly valuable. The reason for the headline title is to summarize the main points of your dream. While the title may sound superficial, it is actually shorthand for the symbols in your dream. If you get stuck, try saying the title of your dream out loud slowly and think about what the phrase or word means.  I often find that once I give my dream a title, I can easily hone in on the meaning of the dream.

3. Read or Repeat Out Loud

When you are awake the next day, slowly read or repeat out loud what you have recorded about our dream.  The emphasis here should be on reading or repeating slowly because when you go =too fast, you can miss the essence of your dream.  Also, be sure to repeat your dream without interpretation.  This exercise is like a meditation and it can help to reveal to you what your dream is about.  Keep in mind your dream are always about you!

4. Link Your Dream To Your Waking Life

Most dreams are not predictive but instead are related to what is going on in your life right now. So, for example, dreams of impending disaster such as tsunamis, plane crashes r other frightening events – real really saying “wake up!”  These types of dreams are telling you to look at the powerful forces at play in your life – relationships, feelings, situations – and help you prepare with to deal with them.  And, because of this, dreams can help you toward constructive ends.  A friend once told me that she dreamt of a terrible storm.  In her dream, she saw her family members huddled around her in a room in an effort to keep her “safe.”  They told her not to open the door. However, in her dream, she opened the door and stepped out into the storm. At the time of this dream, my friend was considering a career change.  This dream represented to her that she was ready to leave the security of her job (and reject the conservative advice and patterns of her family) and explore a new challenge, which she did.

5. Describe Your Dream As If Talking to a Martian

Consider which details stand out the most in your dreams and describe them as if you’re speaking to a Martian.  For example, if you see yourself sitting in an armchair, you then need to describe that armchair.  What is it’s function?  What does it represent? While this may seem odd, the ore you can simplify the images you see in your dreams,  the more you will e able to understand what your dreams are trying to tell you.  You don’t need to spend a lot of time describing each object in your dream.  Making this process quick and easy is what makes it deeply effective.  Remember, even if you see common objects such as cars, purses, wallets, or basements in your dream, your dream language is unique to you.  This is why dream dictionaries don’t work.

6. Summarize The Message From Your Unconscious

The purpose of this step is to identify what your unconscious is trying to tell you.   To do this you need to reflect on the work you did in Steps 1 through 5.  Then try to summarize your dream’s content.  This may seem difficult at first because you are trying to interpret the symbols from the right brain with your analytical left brain.  But, once you start to understand your unique dream symbols, this will start to become easier.  Remember to keep your interpretation simple.  And, be careful not to modify your dream’s content.

7. Consider Your Dream’s Guidance In Your Waking Life

Messages from your unconscious are conveyed in your dream as stories – as drama!  This part of the process is the most illuminating because it encourages you to look at yourself and deal with any fear or issues.  Start by repeating out loud the message you summarized in Step 6.  Consider the symbols in your dream and translate them into common guidance related to your life.  Finally, consider one or two tangible actions you can take in response to your dream’s guidance.  

3 More Ways You Can Work With Your Dreams

Get a dream buddy.

When you start to interact more consciously with your dreams, it’s a good idea to be accountable to someone else. I recommend getting a dream buddy or forming a dream circle where you routinely discuss your dreams with others. You can also talk with your significant other about your dreams every morning over breakfast. If you set aside a regular time to discuss your dreams, you’ll find that you remember more.

Try “dream incubation.”

A dream incubation is when you ask your subconscious to give you a particular dream for guidance. I did this over 20 years ago when I was trying to decide on which publisher I wanted to work with when writing my first book. Though the details are foggy now, I recall that one of my choices was a man who, in my dreams, was shadowy, which meant I didn’t trust him. Ultimately, I chose someone else.

Practice every night.

Remembering your dreams takes practice and commitment. Following these steps each night will help you to increase your ability to remember your dreams.

In doing these exercises regularly over time, I have opened up an entirely new relationship with my unconscious and my soul. And now, I often know what my dreams are trying to tell me without needing much outside interpretation.

I’d love to hear about your dreams and how they have guided you in the comments section below.

Last Updated: November 6, 2017

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Christine
    5 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrop. I had a dream last night that I had a big mass on my left breast. I was buried and I felt it again and the mess changed shape and it was still big.

    I had the same exact dream a year ago almost to the day. Three months after that dream I felt a lump in my right breast and it was breast cancer. I’m still undergoing treatment for it, chemotherapy. I will be done by the end of the year.

    I think my body is trying to warn me again. Since I’m still in treatment I’m wondering if I need to get it checked. Or should I stay vigilant and keep checking my left breast for any lumps? Thanks.

  2. Jennifer Sanchez
    6 years ago

    Many people have wrote articles of how they were helped by a spell caster but I am very grateful to this very great spell caster who brought my ex husband back to me. This testimony is a true story and my name is Jennifer Sanchez. When i came in contact with this man was also through a testimony written about him and i have also encountered many testimonies about how he has been helping others with their life. To get back with an ex is one of the most inner most feeling many people would love to experience especially as those memories with our ex always cloud our mind when someone else does some of those things our ex used to do. I was a single parent for almost 6 years and though my ex husband was far away from my kids i still wish someday he will return back to me. This spell doctor i encountered known as Doctor Odunga helped me with my wishes and i am happy to say that i am back with my ex husband and i am very happy sharing the testimony with everyone so that they too can meet this great doctor and solve their problems. I don’t know what others might feel about getting their ex back in their life but i always know there is a blessing in disguise with just a single re-connection with an ex. If you want to successfully get back with your ex, contact this great spell caster at odungaspelltemple@gmail.com and share an awesome testimony too just like me.

  3. Catherine
    7 years ago

    I have recurring dreams of filthy public toilets and that I have no choice but to have to use them and that they also provide little privacy. So I feel dirty and exposed.
    Another recurring dream I have is quite frightening for me in that I am been haunted and chased by spirits, although I cannot see them I feel them so I am running trying to find my way out of either an old huge house or an old medieval church, & just recently through the bushes of a dark forest.

  4. Lai
    7 years ago

    I met my boyfriend and he lives in New York when I was still living in Orlando. We decided not to have a long distance relationship and I gave everything away except my clothes, cats and a few necessities to move in with him. I dreamt of asking God the question, “Why am I moving to New York to be with Cinar? and I heard the answer, because you are both Love. Dreams have always guided me and shown me what may happen or is happening.

  5. Ana
    7 years ago

    This information is amazing, I very much appreciate your insight and tools to practice.
    I’ve been dreaming for the past 6 months that I’m ln a rollercoaster or about to get on one and feel panic. I don’t like rollercoasters in waking life, but in my dream I really feel the panic of not knowing if a really big fall is coming. I feel it might represent that I fear loosing control, or I fear the ups and downs of life. But I keep dreaming this, so I’m not sure if that’s the message tryig to get through.
    I’ll keep asking for guidance 🙂
    Do you have any suggestions???
    Thank you!

  6. Lori
    7 years ago

    One of my most vivid dreams was of a little boy. He was about 2 years old and I was constantly pulling him out of the road. Sure enough I️ got pregnant shortly after and it was a boy. He was very curious and into everything all the time! Now, he is about to be married and have a baby of his own

  7. Nikki
    7 years ago

    It’s always interesting when things you are thinking about land in your lap, such as reading this right after having 3 consecutive nights of nightmares. I tried analyzing & it wasn’t until after the third dream that it clicked. I am a planner & like to be prepared. My husband has had cancer for several yrs.. & I never know what horrible thing is going to happen next and also I have a mother who has a temper & I never know what absurd thing will set her off, she constantly interrupts, and you can’t have a mature conversation about religion or politics if you don’t completely agree with her. These are both things I have no control over and apparently this gives me much anguish. Neither of which I can do anything about, so I am welcome to suggestions. I do take breaks from my Mom, but she’s elderly, in poor health, and depends on me, so I don’t feel I can just cut her out of my life.

  8. Jana
    7 years ago

    I cared for my mother for six years until she passed away. We had a very close relationship, and I knew I would feel quite ” lost” when she was gone. I knew I couldn’t hang onto her, it was her time to pass on to the next realm and be with my father.
    Two weeks after my mother passed away, I had the clearest dream I’ve ever had. Mom came to me in my dream. I just saw her face, but she had such a gentle smile, then slowly turned her head, as if for me to look also. When I did , I saw a beautiful baby laying on its side. I saw this babies face so clearly. I described this dream to all of my family, and how beautiful this baby was. I described exactly what she looked like. Shortly after this dream, my daughter found out she was expecting. My daughter was very close to my mother too. I knew everything was going to be okay, and the cycle of life carries on. My time would soon be filled with new life.
    When my daughter delivered her baby girl, and I walked in the delivery room, I just about fell over. Laying on her fathers stomach, was the exact baby my mother showed me. Tears ran down my face, for so many reasons!!!! What a blessing my mother truly shared with me that night, one I will never , ever forget. My grand daughter is named after my dear mother

  9. Rolande
    7 years ago

    My eldest sister passed away a few years ago and while she was alive we were very close although she was 20 yrs older than. Her husband also passed away. Recently, i have been dreaming of her and her husband a lot. It’s always in an environment where there is food and other people together. I would like some help in defining those dreams please.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Well clearly they are both letting you know that all is well. And that they are happy and well nourished and in good company!

  10. Amber Fabozzi
    7 years ago

    My dreams are too vivid and I wake up exhausted as if I was watching movies all night. Things that happen in my dreams like receiving a PayPal payment email, make me check after awake to see it wasn’t real. Very confusing. I also had a dream the other day about a horse trainer helping me with my horse and I decided I didn’t want him because I could do it myself (true, msg received) and then he had horse poop coming out of his ears!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      I love the horse poop out the ears. Clearly you can’t trust what you hear from him. Before you go
      To sleep
      Ask that your dreams give you their messages in a more gentle way!!

  11. Barbara Chilwell
    7 years ago

    I have always wondered why I don’t remember my dreams, until I realized I don’t ever remember that I have dreamed. I go to sleep very quickly and don’t wake until morning. I have never woken up with the remembrance of a dream in my head. I have left a journal beside my bed and told myself to remember but it hasn’t worked so far. Why wouldn’t I have any remembrance of dreaming?

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Stop trying. Let the dreams come to you. You may remember later in the day. I love that you go to sleep
      So easily!

  12. Mal
    7 years ago

    Mybvery recent dream is hard not to remember. I put a braces for real few weeks ago and after 3 weeks one of the zipper fell off from one tooth. The night after I dreamed of few teeth dalling out from my mouth, around 5 and was glad that Inwoke up after the 5th.. I was scared and panicky I started to take the braces out of tje rest of my teeth..tjere was blood and everything. ufff

  13. Mary Kiningham
    7 years ago

    Chris, I wanted to reach out to you to tell you about my dream the other night. I was at a theater sitting between you and Annie. You had a short layered hair cut. SO CUTE and freeing for you. All of a sudden you got up and started dancing in the aisle in a beautiful tight grey dress. AND know I realize this dream is for me isn’t it? Nothing about you and a cute hair do! I am taking it in.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Oh Mary.. that is ALL ABOUT YOU!! And your recent trainer video for Dr Oz was amazing!! We were discussing it on my team call!!!

  14. Linda
    7 years ago

    I have been divorced for 20 years now but have frequent dreams of my ex-brother in law. I married into a religious family, and as the years passed, there grew a very strong attachment between my ex-brother in law and me. The energy was so strong between us, but we never let our barriers down. He was not married and he died 25 years ago. I have repeated dreams of the two of us and this energy is always there in my dreams. We want to reach out to each other but it always stops there. I married the wrong man in this family so it seems.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      That is a karmic soul connection. On some level, there are no mistakes. So you didn’t marry the wrong man. BUT..the attraction to his brother was a hold over. Have the intent to meet him in your dreams, forgive each other, and move
      Beyond the unrequited
      Nature of this.

  15. Celeste tipiani
    7 years ago

    I cried when I was reading this. I actually had scheduled an appointment for thermography of the breast. I had a dream about 2 months ago that I had breast cancer. I saw Jaclyn smith sunbathing top less and she had a mastectomy. I woke up from the dream and went on internet to Google Jaclyn Smith and look and behold she did have breast cancer and a mastectomy as well. I did not even know that. Anyway, the dream bothered me for a long time so that is when I made the appointment last week. But then I started waffling and thinking I should cancel it instead. So tonight I happened to do research and saw a link about believing in your dreams and listen to it. So I am going to keep my appt and follow through with it. Thanks so much for posting this to give me that boost to listen to that dream warning.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Beautiful. Now take it further. Ask your dreams to reveal how you can completely nurture and care for yourself more fully.

  16. Donna
    7 years ago

    I have recurring dreams that involve my ex-husband. Last night he was forcing me to move a couple of town from where we live now. I remember telling him that we are divorced and I don’t have to live where he says anymore. I also remember being late for a flight. Not sure to where. I’ve been divorced for 10 years. I have two boys ages 21 and 31 now. Six years ago I met a wonderful man and we’ve been together for ever since. I know I have some pent up anger towards my ex-husband. We were amicable for the first 4 years after the divorce but then everything went south. He would hardly speak to me when picking up our son. I was upset with him for several reason, all relating to my young son and how badly I felt for how my ex was treating him. About the same time, his family began to shut me out. Deep down I knew that would happen but I always hoped it wouldn’t. We were married for 26 years and I knew his family before I met him so it was especially hard for me to accept. We are a former military family and moved several times before settling here over 20 years ago. My ex has been in the dreams I can remember for the past 3 weeks. I know the dreams are trying to tell me that it’s time to truly accept things the way they are. Let go of the anger once and for all. I thought I had, but this new wisdom I’m developing is telling me something different.

  17. D
    7 years ago

    I just had my first dream of you, Dr. Northrup, this morning, Saturday. It was intense and very symbolic. Without going into specifics, the second part of the dream was you were saying to me as you examined my unclothed body, ‘yeah, let’s be a maverick’ and then a tiny worm came out of me, and DOZENS of more needed to come out. You closed a blue curtain, and I told you, ‘GET THOSE WORMS OUT OF ME NOW.” The first part of the dream before that was a guy from Highschool (that was YEARS ago) was drugging me up in a room. Then I woke up and dreamt of you… So to me, worms coming out of my vagina represents, GETTING OUT SIN from others. Katie Souza teaches that worms are sins, so sins from MEN from my past coming out of me. Interesting that is on my menstrual cycle. I have been healing my deep wounds for years, GLORY LIGHT OF JESUS HEALS WOUNDS

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      What a powerful and epic dream. Very very healing. And I shoes up in your psyche as the archetypal
      Of YOU who is releasing the old issues. Bravo!!

  18. Ashley!
    7 years ago

    What do you make of dream “sharing”? My sister & I just discovered that we had nearly the same dream that woke both of us up at the same time this morning. I live in Ohio & she’s in LA.

    In my dream there was a hole in the kitchen ceiling & I found 2 St. Bernard puppies in a shoe box in the basement. Though, 1 puppy was dead & it was Reba McIntyre that picked them up.

    My sister had a hole in the floor & she found 4 Dalmatian puppies plus their mom in the basement. My sister even had a conversation with the puppies mom.

    Both of us are very intuitive! But we’ve never had this happen before!

    Would love to know your take!

  19. Traci Hutchinson
    7 years ago

    I could actually use help with mine. I’m glad I read this article. I get reoccurring dreams, often related to being in a hotel, and I can’t find my room, I’m in need of getting ready for some event, running out of time. There are often family members in my dream. But they are often aggravating and leave me feeling anxious, to a point I make myself wake up. I haven’t quite figured out why I have them.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      A hotel is temporary lodging. Family members
      Aren’t helping, they are obstructing you. I would say.. from similar dreams myself, that you need to get clear on how much real support you can count on from your family. And support yourself rather than relying overly much on them.

  20. Susi
    8 years ago

    Hello, I just listened to the wonderful interview with you and Dr. Cohen. It was very helpful and I enjoyed it a lot. I have a question regarding a comment she made at the very end. She told the final caller to get training in psychic abilities, so that she could better help herself as well as others. I also have those types of intuitive/premonition dreams and would like to explore her recommendation for myself. Where would one go for more information about getting that type of training, that type of help with someone who is truly qualified and trustworthy? Thank you.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      I recommend the psychic development online course from http://www.toshasilver.com. Also check out Colette Baron Reid’s
      Oracle School

  21. Melinda
    8 years ago

    Dreams are amazing and mine have always been vivid. I’ve recently found a dream buddy and I’m finding that I’m having quite profound dreams. In one recent one, I was the mother greeting a sweet child who had come home from her first day of school bullied because of the gift that she carried in her hands, which was different to everyone else’s. When I woke, I sat with the (quite disturbing) feeling of that dream and I realised that not only was I the mother, I was also the child. Then, as I sat with the dream a little more, I realised I was also the bullies, constantly berating myself for not being like everyone else. I’ve now continued to sit with the dream, and, strange as it sounds, continued it on in my waking hours, befriending that sweet child and working out how we can walk through this life together, with me being more mindful of the gifts she brings to my life. It sounds strange, but it actually feels very healing.

    1. EC
      7 years ago

      Very healing! Wow!!

      This reminds me that a psychiatrist once said we are EVERYTHING in our dreams.

      I used to have regular (very traumatizing to me) nightmares for 20 years about me walking and a tsunamis coming. When they occurred, I thought it meant i was overwhelmed by life at that time.

      But after applying what he said (and what you did with your dream), I realized I must be the tsunami too.

      I pondered over that and then realized, as unflattering as it sounded, UGH 🙂 , it meant I was trying to control/ steamroll over everything and everyone to protect myself and them (very codependent).

      The funny thing is after I thought of that, I then went 4 years without one (longest break ever! Used to get them monthly or every few or several months) until this past summer when I started to deal with a dying sister, one addict sister going through a breakdown from our sister dying , another former homeless, recovering addict sister with a lot of mental health issues, and a mother starting to show signs of early dementia (and nearly all refusing to do what is best for them and all wanting me to help them exactly how they want to be helped (giving money, staying forever /free with me, knowing too it meant my missing work or going in to debt to help them and jeopardizing my very new marriage (Bc of them I got married v late in life; not so coincidentally meeting my husband after I understood this dream and worked hard at no longer being codependent )).

      The dream coming back made me realize my struggle to deal with all this had turned into a codependent attitude and was harming myself and worse could affect my husband and our marriage .

      I woke even more resolved to set better boundaries and exercise self care and try not to feel like I am being selfish to do so.

  22. Caylan Climpson
    8 years ago

    Hi, Dr. Northrup!
    I am 25, travelling down here in Costa Rica (From Canada) on a healing journey. I know I’m not alone in sharing that this past zodiacal cycle was a very tough one. Last April started a profound shift in my life, and though it was terribly traumatic, I am on the other side now and seeing the value that these experiences have truly brought me internally to my spiritual practice, and allowing my authentic self to lead me every day.
    I came to Costa Rica as a gift to myself to heal – through Ayahuasca Spirits, Mother Nature, and the beauty here. (And a Qoya retreat coming up next week!!)
    I had an incredible week exploring internally with the power Ayahuasca medicine.
    I am in the most beautiful home by Playa Garza and simply journalling, reading, and digesting all that has been brought to the surface recently.
    My dreams have been profound here. One notable one, 2 nights ago – I was outside around dusk – dark, but I could still see that I was by a swimming pool of this house. I started swimming and noticed there were small, broken pieces of glass in the pool. I can still picture my hand scooping up, carefully, the little pieces.. then realizing – this is inefficient, and there is absolutely no way to ensure I’ve gotten every piece of glass out. I must drain the pool, clean it, and fill it back up. My sister then walks out of the house and I informed her that the pool has glass in it, and it has to be drained. She thought maybe we could just skim the top, and scoop it all out, and I was ADAMANT that NO! It MUST be drained and cleaned for it to be swimmable again!
    Thank you for this article! I shared that dream with my sister, thinking maybe there were some messages in that for her, but I am now understanding that was my subconscious talking to me. I am not entirely sure the meaning, but after reading representations of water (subconscious) it rang true that I am to be doing the inner, personal healing work – and there are no short cuts. I MUST drain everything that is no longer serving me.
    Thank you Divine Beloved for your answers to understanding my dreams more – I asked yesterday for helpful people or messages in understanding my dreams more clearly. I woke up this morning, listened to your Flourish! episode with Katie Hess from Lotus Wei (AMAZING!) and you just casually mentioned this article at the beginning of that show. I just lit up and thanked Spirits!
    Thank you!!

  23. Nan
    8 years ago

    In my dream I was approached by a Man who’s energy was so powerful that I fell backwards onto the concrete ground. He leaned down over me very close to my face. His gaze penetrated my eyes. I was not afraid as it was not a threatening energy . The intensity of his gaze looked into my very soul. A few days later I received a phone call that Yeshe Dondjen, who had been the Dalai Lama’s physician for many years would be in a nearby town the next week … Would I like to make an appointment to see him? I did. When we met he asked through a translator if I had had any dreams lately. I replied, ‘Yes, we met in a dream last week.’

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Oh I love this!! Thank you for sharing.

  24. Barb
    8 years ago

    Throughout my life I have a recurring dream the doorbell is ringing. It is so realistic I actually go to the door to see who is there! (No one ever is.) It has happened over the course of more than 20 years and several different residences, at all different hours. I’ll even wake my husband and ask him if he heard the doorbell ring. I am certain it’s not ding ding ditchers as there are no footprints in the snow. I wonder what it symbolizes?

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Suggestion: Before you go to sleep, say the following: “When the doorbell rings, I always welcome my visitor with open arms. And when I awaken, I enjoy remembering the message that my guest brought to me.” See what happens.

  25. Lorraine Birch
    8 years ago

    I had a dream of my mom and dad. They have passed quite awhile ago. My mom was wearing a certain sweater she wore and the odor of my mom was very vivid. Mom spelled like mom it was very comforting. My dad was lying down and had a oxygen mask on and I went to give him a kiss. While I was trying to give my mom and give her hugs, my middle daughter appeared in my dream and kept holding me back and saying stop mom. I got very angry with her and told her let me go but she refused to.
    She kept holding me back. I have my theory about the dream, but am not sure

  26. Linda
    8 years ago

    I kept having reoccurring dreams in which I owned a beautiful mansion with many rooms. Each room had gorgeous décor, and I loved exploring these rooms, pleased with my good fortune. But in the basement the foundation was collapsing, water and sewage spewing and rotting everywhere and I knew I would never be able to sell this place.
    I went in for a colonoscopy and found that I had two large polyps– benign but showing signs of dysplasia–that had to be removed, losing 6 inches of my colon.
    Another reoccurring dream was about being healthy and running marathons with different numbers on my back, yet being in such joint pain that I had to resort to slowly moving on all fours, hoping no one was observing my plight. This joint pain was happening in real life, too. I found out that I was using the vitamin Echinacea as a daily supplement–healthy right? Wrong. The herb was not for daily use. I stopped using it and the pain and the dream went away.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      This is such a potent dream. When we dream about houses, we are dreaming about the self. And each room signifies the way we live . So– the bedroom symbolizes resting, letting down our hair, intimacy. The kitchen is how we nourish ourselves. In feng shui, the basement represents our colon– Thanks for sharing this.

  27. Martha Miltich
    8 years ago

    What I appreciate about my dreams is how they can be honest without restriction. At least I get information that way. The challenge is to sit with the dreams that I can not take action on in my waking life, either because more information must be found, or I can find no way to act without causing harm to myself and others, or I don’t know what to do. My current practice is to honor the dream, hold it, talk to it in meditation and let it change me, until a path becomes clear or the dream moves on.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago


  28. Leslie
    8 years ago

    I dreamt that I was on a high platform above an enclosed pool. There were people everywhere in the water, and why I was on this high platform or how I got there…. I don’t know. I remember being very frightened, that for some reason I was expected to jump into the pool. No one was paying attention to me, and I sat on this platform for what seemed for HOURS. I kept trying to convince myself to jump, but just couldn’t . Then out of nowhere, I noticed an escape slide from the platform to the shallow edge of the pool. All I had to do was just slide down to the edge of the pool, land on the bottom, push past some people in the water in my way to the exit, and I walked out of the door and never looked back. Water symbolizes cleansing of past emotions, and I have been trying for now 5 years to heal the pain of an ended, emotionally abusive marriage. I have not been able to move on to another relationship, so I hope this is a positive dream indicating I can release those old emotions and move on a lot easier than I had previously thought.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Oh this is VERY positive. Just thrilling. Aren’t dreams just astounding?

  29. Pat
    8 years ago

    I have found my dreams to be very helpful. Sometimes they bring music and books recommendations to give me a message to work through my emotional blocks. I have learn to understand a lot of stuff because my dreams pointed it out. I journal my dreams. It is amazing!!!

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Thank you for this– very validating.

  30. Juleigh
    8 years ago

    I had a dream I was driving into a large wall of solid rock. I was on a highway the rock was in the median between two north bound and two south bound lanes of traffic. I looked ahead to steer around it but both lanes in the direction I was traveling were blocked by another huge protrusion like rock and there was a bright light behind that. I looked again at the wall, tryed to hit the brakes and realized there was nothing I could do and I was going to hit it full speed, head on. I thought, “really?. I am not ready, I have things to do” and I put my arms up to protect my face. I woke up before impact. I had a similar, life threatening dream the next night that I do not remember at all. Should I be preparing for my demise?

  31. Connie Freeman
    8 years ago

    I’ve had amazing dreams that are informative, guiding, and affirming over the years. Soon after my mom’s death in 97, and having to work with my sisters to divide things (which was ugly), I was given the gift of this dream. Although both of my parents were dead, in the dream I entered the house I was raised in to find my dad in the downstairs all upset. I choose to go upstairs (rise up/transcend) where my aunt told me that 2 rooms had been remodeled. In real life my bedroom had never been finished and was used to store everyone else’s stuff. My role in the family. My room was beautifully finshed and decorated but not in the way I would have done it. I realized that even though I had gone through a time when I thought there couldn’t be a God, that God had been working in my life all along. In the center of the room was a stairway, which I climbed until I reached a landing. There was no ceiling (there are no spiritual ceilings), and when I looked out the west windows I could seen all the way to the west coast. God was the ocean. I couldn’t see Him, but I could hear Him. A wetland blocked my view. In that wetland was a small streambed vibrating towards me. God scaled down to my size to remind me to rise up and reach out to Him. Immediately I was transported back into the downstairs with all the discord. I didn’t even know how it happened, but isn’t that just the way it happens sometimes? My sisters and mother were coming in the front door, carrying bags as if to help her. I had been so furious with my older sister over all the games she had played in dividing things, that I wanted to slap her. And so I did. Then the strangest thing happened..my hand stuck to her face. God was telling me that I had to let her and my resentments go. She hit me back, but her arm came around and hit her in her back. God was reminding me that, whatever she does will come back to her as it does for all of us. The final gift I received was that although it hurt, in the end, she never really damaged who I am. She had cost me dearly in my childhood and at times in my adult life on this plane. But she could never really affect WHO I am, who my Higher Power meant for me to be.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Wonderful, wonderful dream. And so vivid. Many spiritual truths here. thank you.

  32. Miranda
    8 years ago

    This is all very good information. I belong to a religion called Eckankar and In Eckankar we study our dreams and we know that some dreams are actual experiences in the spiritual worlds which puts a whole new dimension onto dreams. In other words we leave our body every night and can go to places in the higher worlds.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      I absolutely agree with this. thank you.

  33. Gayle
    8 years ago

    I had just bought a house that wasn’t completely finished, even though there had been a family living there for years. Some friends wanted me to throw a party, so I did, thinking that it would be just a small group of close friends. But somehow the word got out and now there were many more people arriving. I found that I didn’t have enough food and drink, so I asked a couple of friends to go out and buy more while I stayed. There were 2 bathrooms, both of which were parts of the house that were not completed construction; one of the bathrooms was in the garage. I went to use that bathroom and saw, much to my horror, that behind the unfinished wall of the bathtub, there were a cat, and a dog, and the hugest ugliest rat I’d ever seen, all chained up together in a tiny space. They all had cuts and bite marks on them. It looked like they had been there for a long time and had somehow managed to survive there. They looked feral so I didn’t want to stick my hands in there to unchain them. I wanted to ask my friend Fox what to do, since I thought of all my friends she might be the best informed about something like this. But I couldn’t get her alone, so I had to ask her in front of others. [I didn’t really want anyone else knowing about it….although if anyone were to use that bathroom, I can’t imagine their not seeing that; but I still didn’t close it off to guests.] Fox was in such a party mode that she wasn’t giving my question any real consideration, so I pulled out the phone books and began pouring over them looking for a number to call of someone who would come out [on a Saturday night!] and take these animals away. I was in the process of calling agency after agency to no avail when I awoke.

  34. Carol Melanson
    8 years ago

    Omg. I’ve been having these reoccurring dreams about finding a bathroom. I’m searching for bathrooms from floor to floor. They are locked or there is always a line. Sometimes i am with people from my past. I awaken and have to go pee. Ive been reading about how to release pent up emotions and learning how to feel it and then try to release it. Is it working? Is that what it means?

    1. Janet
      8 years ago

      I’ve had various ‘can’t find a bathroom’ dreams. I believe those are quite straightforward as in you need to pee but can’t do it while sleeping. If you don’t drink anything too close to bedtime (try 3 hours) those dreams may stop.

      1. Christiane L Northrup
        8 years ago

        Actually I asked Doris E Cohn about this. My dream guide. But it turns out it’s not true. When we dream in which we can’t find a bathroom but have to pee, it is because we have to do some cleansing in waking life– but don’t yet know how or when or where. I know this because I had about 3 years of dreams in which this happened repeatedly. And over time, I realized that Doris was absolutely correct.

  35. Kris
    8 years ago

    You say that clothing means something. What does NO clothing mean? A few times I’ve dreamt that I have gone to an event in the nude, thinking it was totally normal. But then having 2nd thoughts after I got there, and everyone else was dressed.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Being naked in a dream is about being vulnerable. Your dream sounds pretty positive. So many people have dreams in which they find themselves naked ( vulnerable) in a crowd and no way to hide.

  36. Shelly
    8 years ago

    I just told a coworker last night about a dream in which a poem about self love was being recited. I realized I was dreaming and tried to hold onto to the words, but they faded and the sensory part of their meaning kind of remained. Thank you, Dr Northrup. Validation is all around!!

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Oh this is GOOD!!

  37. S.
    8 years ago

    This morning I dreamed I was on the toilet reading (as I am every morning in waking life). I looked into the toilet and it was full of orange snakes. One tried to bite me but I used my book to thwart it. A few more tried and each time I used my book to stop the bite. Finally I realized I needed to get off the toilet so I got up and ran from the bathroom.

    1. Christiane L Northrup
      8 years ago

      Snakes are new beginnings– also sexuality and the kundalini energy. Orange is the color of the second chakra : money, sex, and power. Suggestion: go back into the dream in waking life– and change the outcome… like maybe the snakes turn into flowers or something. Your inner being will take care of the imagery. Potent dream!! Cool.

  38. Randi Dobczyk
    8 years ago

    I have a desire to move to a new state. I have had this desire for years and even now I feel like I must move there. I was feeling frustrated for days with the current area I am living in. I decided to take a nap an hour ago to relax my body and mind. I feel asleep right away. My dream was all about me arriving in the state that I have a desire to move to. I was walking around and scoping out my new surroundings. I woke up feeling at peace with my life and knowing that I am supposed to do everything in my power to relocate. I decided to go online and check out what Dr. Northrup had to say about dreams. Thank you Dr. Northrup! You are amazing!

  39. Jeanne
    8 years ago

    I had a report due for work. I work in Healthcare and it was a Quality Assurance type report. I could not form the words to type. I was at a loss on how to write this report. That was my last thought before I went to sleep and that night I had a dream that told me what to say and how to write the report. When I woke up it was so clear and it was still just as clear when I got to work. I wrote the report exactly how it was presented to me in my dream. I was amazed at what I wrote from my dream.

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      8 years ago

      Oh this is FANTASTIC. Such a fantastic example. Thank you!!

  40. terina
    9 years ago

    I had a very vivid dream today while napping, I was in a va hospital (im a veteran) and I was getting a colonoscopy done. I could actually see the tube going into my rear, felt the pain in my dream. once they took out the tube there was poop everywhere on the sheets and I was totally humiliated and was very angry that none of the nurses would change my sheets. the nurses put a gauze like bandage on my rear and held it there it was just pain pain pain, ! I even felt myself in my half awake half asleep holding my rear end holding this bandage on my rear and crying! it burned so badly! then all of a sudden in my dream all these nurses and so forth came into the room and sat at table having lunch while I was on the table writhing in pain and I was so embarrassed and mad and was even telling them to go away and they didn’t even acknowledge me at all! I wrapped myself in the sheets and was begging for clean sheets and pain meds and no one even looked up from eating it was like they just didn’t see me or hear me. when I awoke I was half crying and even in a little pain in my rear and stomach, I kind of laid there unable to move for a few mins. I am totally freaked out by this dream it seemed so real. I do not dream very often at all. I am on sleep medications but ive never had a dream like this on this medication before! im so interested as to why I had this dream and what it could possibly mean!

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      8 years ago

      If I were you, I’d listen to this TEDx talk by my colleague Dr Larry Burk, an academic holistic radiologist who studies dreams as diagnostic tools. He is finding that many people have dreams of colon cancer that is later found on colonoscopy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_sQIQvwCII&feature=youtu.be

      Please consider a colonoscopy at this point. And thank you for this post.

    2. Glynis
      8 years ago

      I think Dr Northrup is right . But also poop everywhere is literal it could mean there is a lot of crap in your life which is causing you emotional pain. The lack of support from the nurses ignoring you could feel like you feel alone and unsupported in your actual life.
      But also do get things checked out as Dr Northrup advised.
      Glynis Downey
      Rgn. Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology

  41. Rie
    9 years ago

    Since before my son (now 11) was born, I’ve had dreams of having a baby or child and then losing him or not being able to find him. When my son was a preschooler, I dreamed he was a teenager, and was at a park with his dad, and would not acknowledge me. At the time my son and I were very close, and I was still married to his dad – I could not imagine how this could mean anything, yet I’ve never forgotten it. I’ve had several variations of these types of dreams, always a little disturbing. However, last week I had a dream that my son went to answer the front door after the doorbell rang, and then disappeared, and somehow I was informed or learned that he was taken by a human trafficker.

    Now that he is 11, spends a great deal of time on his computer (much to my disapproval and dismay), and his dad has all but disconnected from our family, we aren’t as close as we once were. Are my dreams prophetic or warnings or is it just my fears telling stories? I hope it’s the latter. I know worry is not helpful, but I can tell you it keeps me up at night, and every time I drop him off anywhere I say a prayer for his safety.

    1. DGWrites
      8 years ago

      Rie, I am reading your post two years after you wrote it here and my heart goes out to you. Transitions are hard and there are many many transitions we go through when raising a child. I am thinking that your dream expresses anxiety about him getting older and your relationship changing, but I can tell you that each new stage is wonderful, even with the challenges, and I encourage you to embrace each stage as you arrive at it. Live in the here and now. Your son is with you, be with him. It is only natural that your son’s relationship with you change as he gets older, and as a teen things can get rocky. My son is 22 now and we re-emerged from the conflicts of the teen years to a wonderful adult relationship. Don’t live in fear, he will sense it and that can push him away further, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tapping an affirmation like, “I am safe to explore this new space and developmental stage with my son.” Show love to your son, engage with him in things that interest him. He will feel your love and constancy and that will remain with him his entire life.

    2. Kassie Rempel
      8 years ago

      Rie – These are fears! Please for your sanity and your son’s safety, when these thoughts arise, tell yourself these are but fears, and immediately think of something happy. I call it the flick and stomp approach. I used to think my daughter (now 9) would be kidnapped. But I got so good at flicking and stomping those fears away, that I no longer have them. Go to bed saying your son is safe. With practice, you will stop having these thoughts and dreams.

  42. Beata
    9 years ago

    I love your stuff, your information, your learnings, your wisdom and am so grateful that you share with us. Much love to you

  43. Carla
    12 years ago

    Like Patricia who posted back in December, I can never recall any of my dreams. However, since reading this article tonight, I am going to be open minded to focusing on recalling my dreams and I know that i will soon be one of the many who can remember my dreams. 2/21/13

  44. Mariette
    12 years ago

    Last night I dreamed I was on a brown horse and he was galloping along in the countryside. I felt I had to put my arms around his neck not to fall off. I had my right arm over his neck, but left my left arm dangling. As a rule, I would be afraid to get on a horse, but I seemed to really like this horse.

  45. Debbie Mullins
    12 years ago

    All during my childhood I had recurring, terrifying, paralizing dreams about driving. It was always my Grandma & me in her convertible Cadillac. We’d be driving & the road would get steeper & steeper until it was so vertical we would tilt backwards; our bodies would fall from the open car. Bridges, cliffs & ramps were always in my dreams too. Even now, my hands prickle, my adrenaline SURGES. I feel my arms will give out & I will plummet over the bridge or cliff.. IRRATIONAL but real every time

  46. Ximena
    12 years ago

    I had a vivid dream a few months ago that I gave birth to a little boy full of dark black hair. I was excited in my dream because the baby “latched on” and I was breast feeding him. I was overjoyed that my baby was eating.To this day the thought of this dream is overwhelming with emotion.I am not a mother yet, but deeply hope to be one day. Maybe the dream meant something along the lines of rebirth and “latching on” to something really good that I should nurture.

  47. Marylyn Coffey
    12 years ago

    I have tried to write down dreams during my life (I’m 62.) I have notebooks full; I’ve made poems from them. Recently I had a troubling dream. In it, I was given a drug by an unseen person. When the effect kicked in, it felt great. But soon I “woke up” from my drugged state and found myself naked, on a road, covered with bruises, including a HUGE bruise on my belly. I had the “realization” that I’d been abused; that it could have gone on for weeks. I have no history of such.

  48. Kathy Carlson
    12 years ago

    I used to have a recurrent dream about being lost in my old high school. I would wander through the hallways looking for my locker and my classroom. I decided to take some college courses and I never had the dream again!

    I am posting this for Kelly Young! I hope this helps

  49. Kelly Young
    12 years ago

    I have had a recurrent dream since I was little of driving up a steep hill or a bridge that opens, and I am in my car and it gets steeper and steeper, and right before my car flips backwards I wake up….why have I had this dream so many times??? I haven’t for a while but it is my one recurrent dream.

  50. Christiane Northrup
    12 years ago

    I surely wish that I could comment on EVERY one of these dreams. They are fascinating! Just a few thoughts. You will remember your dreams when you INTEND to remember before going to bed. And always keep a recording device or pen and paper near your bed. Snakes represent Kundalini energy and sexuality. Vehicles such as airplanes and cars are about how we travel through life. Larry– love this dream conference information. I’ll have to get you to write a blog about it!

  51. BJ
    12 years ago

    I dreamed a vivid time at my deceased Grandmother’s house. She had a house full of Guests and introduced them to me as past relatives from generations before me and I knew them and they knew me at the moment we spoke. The bell rang at the door and a neighbor was there and I said ” Do you see all these people?” and she said…….What people? I woke up at that moment and have had this on my mind all week. I feel like I will be seeing them soon.

  52. Roanne
    12 years ago

    I dreamt that I suddenly had to move apartments and during my dream, I fell asleep and woke back up in a room that I didn’t recognize even though it was all my things. I remember feeling very disoriented and unsettled that I had to move out of my old apartment. Weird.

  53. Larry Burk
    12 years ago

    Great topic. I moderated a medical dream diagnosis panel at the Parapsychological Association meeting in August and have submitted an abstract on Dream Diagnosis of Cancer and Clinical Correlation to the June International Association for the Study of Dreams conference. I have 3 friends who diagnosed their own cancers in precognitive dreams which prompted them to seek conventional medical diagnosis. I agree it is an important skill for your readers to cultivate.

  54. Bre Berke
    12 years ago

    A loosely closed door off the house wouldn’t stay closed. My dog would keep getting out. I’d notice the door open & call him, he’d come back very quickly. Walking my dogs around a place I’ve never been & didn’t know my way around. Kept coming to splits in the path. People with dogs would walk by us, it seemed like we weren’t getting very far. I would see the others making progress around the lake. The dogs were sniffing around, I would wait for them, then calling them to come along.

  55. Patti Allen
    12 years ago

    I LOVE that you are listening to your dreams and doing dream work Dr. N! I did my masters on dreams in ancient Greece and have been running dream groups and teaching about dreams for 2 decades…. And by sharing your path with your own dreams, you elevate this inner work and help all your followers become aware of this easy and fun way to know themselves. Bravo! (Brava!)

  56. CJ
    12 years ago

    I dream that I am parking the car in front of an old white house. There is an old man raking the leaves and when I open the door I see a stairway and then something so frightening that I wake up shaking. I have no idea what is scaring me.

  57. Sherry
    12 years ago

    Would love to hear some of these interpretations… I dream vividly and have oddly had some very similar dreams, toilet over flowing, ghosts (that frighten me), finding treasures in an attic, being lost, piloting a space shuttle or airplane, realizing that I forgot clothing. And some others, exercising, having long straight hair, seeing myself in a mirror, eating at a buffet and romantic attention…

  58. Lakshmi
    12 years ago

    I would love to know what my dreams mean. Any interpretations?

  59. Lakshmi
    12 years ago

    I also often get dreams of being lost and it is very unnerving. Another recurring dream is of food. Banquets. However I cannot eat and enjoy any of the food. yet another dream that repeats is of being naked or partially dressed in public places. I feel the shame but I am helpless. However the body is always young and beautiful.

  60. Patricia
    12 years ago

    Hi, I rarely if ever remember my dreams. Any suggestions to help with this?
    Thank you

  61. Denise
    12 years ago

    A few yrs ago: Recurring dream of toilets overflowing in a house with people and a ghost that hung around me as I moved through the dream. It’s color was steel gray with some yellow and red spots. Since then, I was diagnosed with 2 autoimmune diseases, Graves Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The “ghost” was my unoxgenated blood. Yellow was the inflamation . The toilets I suspect was the anxiety and emotional upheaval (from the Graves Disease) I kept trying to cleanse.

  62. Sandra
    12 years ago

    I recommend a book by Robert Moss — “conscious dreaming” — his approach is the shamanic approach which is almost identical to “dream yoga”.

  63. Sally
    12 years ago

    Two week’s ago I dreamed that someone, a friend? extracted fluid from a lump on my neck/thyroid, and it was just a colorless gel, and we all felt it’s constistancy between our fingers. It was like Aloe vera. So last week I went for my appointment, and they did a biopsy and bloodwork. I will get the results tomorrow. I have absolutley no fear about this because of that dream! 🙂

  64. Aurora
    12 years ago

    when i was about 3 years old, i dreamed i was a baked potato with eyes, a mouth, arms and legs. i was carrying a plastic beach shovel and pail, and walking with my mother and father, when they lifted a flap of grass and dirt on the ground and went underground. next, i was myself, not a potato. suddenly, i saw a giant tounge made of mud lift from the ground. i rushed inside a building that looked a bit like a mall with glass walls. the mud tounge licked the glass wall, making the wall muddy.

  65. Susan
    12 years ago

    Recently, I’ve had several dreams where I was traveling by air but the planes were always much larger and more up-close and personal. Once it was a space shuttle although we were traveling from one place to another on earth. Always, I have anxiety because I am somehow in control of the flight. It always feels dangerous and sometime there are close calls. As frightening and unsettling as it feels, I have never opted to NOT get on the plane!

  66. Lucy
    12 years ago

    I’m afraid of snakes.Last night I dreamed that a saw a snake but the snake ran away from me.
    What is my dream trying to tell me?

    Thank you

  67. Lisa
    12 years ago

    I’ve always been fascinated with dreams. A figure that often comes up for me is the orca, which I interpret as my creativity. The other night there was one in my parents’ swimming pool. I was worried about the water and the size of pool, but no one listened to me. I then put a tiny orca in the pool and it swam everywhere in the pool. I woke up before I could do anything. The next evening I tried to go back into the dream.

  68. Lisa
    12 years ago

    I’ve always been fascinated by dreams.One figure that often comes up is an Orca, which I interpret as my creativity.Last week I dreamed that someone had put a big orca whale in my parents’ swimming pool and I was worried that the pool was too small and the water would kill it. Shortly afterwards, I put a tiny orca into the pool and I was convinced that it was going to survive. I woke up before anything could be done about this situation, but the next evening I tried to go back into the dream.

  69. Mary
    12 years ago

    I always dream of being lost. I wish I knew why.

  70. Linda
    12 years ago

    There was a piece of string stuck in my throat. As I kept pulling and gagging it became colorful yarn, even braided in many colors. There was a man to my right who was clearly grossed out. The man at my head–as I was on my knees–kept encouraging me to get it out, throw it all up.

  71. paulette
    12 years ago

    I had a dream the other night where I was driving up a snowy road, I couldn’t see because my hood kept going over my eyes but I could ‘feel”my way up the road and it was ok.

  72. paulette
    12 years ago

    I had a dream the other night that I was driving up a snowy road & my hood kept coming down over my eyes..I couldn’t see but I could “feel” the road and it was ok…

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