106 result(s) for “bioidentical hormones” found.

1. Why You Need Bioidentical Hormones


There seems to be a lot of confusion around the definition of "natural" versus "bioidentical versus "synthetic" hormones. One thing to remember when making this distinction is that "bioidentical" refers to the shape of the molecule itself rather than the source of the hormone.

2. Everything You Need To Know About HRT


The topic of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), especially with bioidentical hormones, seems to raise more questions than answers. Given the amount of misinformation and confusion that exists, I have prepared the following primer. It covers the ABCs of HRT and addresses some of the most commonly asked questions.

3. Why I Won’t Take These ‘Safe’ Drugs


Many of the most popular drugs being prescribed for millions have significant side effects that just don't outweigh the risks. There are four drugs, which are frequently prescribed to women, that fall into this category. Read on to find out which drugs I personally would not take.

4. The Big Sleep


A couple weeks ago, a good friend called and said, "Help. I have night sweats and hot flashes. And I haven't had a good night's sleep in months. I watched you talk about bioidentical hormones on television. What do you think?"

5. What Are Bioidentical Hormones?



What are bioidentical hormones and how do they work in your body? In this video I answer all of your questions about bioidentical hormones.

6. Birth Control Pills And Sex Drive


Like most OB/GYNs, I've prescribed my share of birth control pills, even though I've long argued that there are safer alternatives that are just as effective when used conscientiously. As long as you don't mind putting your ovaries on "automatic pilot" and ignoring your fertility, there's nothing that comes close to the pill for sheer convenience.

7. Migraines


Almost everyone has had a headache at some time in his or her life. Most headaches are primary—that is, not related to an underlying disease. If you get headaches, you may be predisposed to them due to genetics, your perception of the stressors in your life, your hormones, or your metabolism. Some headache sufferers experience […]

8. Natural Hormones



Today’s topic is natural hormones versus synthetics. Now, this is an area of tremendous confusion, not only for the average person, but also for a lot of health care practitioners. People just don’t know the difference between a natural hormone and something that is not natural to the female human body. I’m going to give you the most common examples.

9. Hot Flashes


Hot flashes are seen in women with low estrogen; however, women with high estrogen levels or fluctuating estrogen levels also experience hot flashes. It is not uncommon for women to experience hot flashes during pregnancy, and also premenstrually.

10. What is the Difference Between Synthetic Progestins & P...


It's 2002 all over again, and women are being warned against taking hormone replacement because of its link to breast cancer. Why is history repeating itself? Because we haven't learned an important lesson. Synthetic progestins are not the same as progesterone, and reporting on them as if they confer the same risks and benefits is absurd.