Best Breast Cancer Screening Test

Why I prefer Thermography over Mammography

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Breast Health

I am not a fan of screening your breasts to look for disease. But most women have been conditioned to look for what can go wrong with their health, and particularly their breasts after a certain age. If getting regular breast screenings helps to alleviate stress and fear, then these tests may be right for you.

That said, if you are going to engage in the practice of screening for disease, I would be sure to do everything in your power to create breast health and use the least invasive and least harmful tests available. I also encourage you to get familiar with your breasts, so you know what’s normal for you. And use your intuition to determine what any symptoms you may experience mean, and the underlying cause.

It’s also important to understand the limitation of mammograms and other screening tests and the risks they pose. For example, screening tests have led to a great deal of over diagnosis and over treatment—a view supported by breast cancer surgeon Dr. Laura Esserman.

The Trouble with Mammograms

Mammograms carry health risks both to body and mind, which may outweigh the benefits for many women.  And increasingly due to high resolution mammograms, DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) is being picked up on breast cancer screening tests.

In an article published in October, 2015 in JAMA Oncology, Dr. Esserman says that DCIS accounts for approximately 20-25% of screen-detected breast cancers. Yet, long-term epidemiology studies have demonstrated that the removal of 50,000 to 60,000 DCIS lesions annually has not been accompanied by a reduction in the incidence of invasive breast cancers.

The rate of DCIS detection in 1973 was 3.8%. In the United States alone, the increased rate of DCIS detection between 1983-1993 was 314%.  And, among women ages 40-49 that rate was 339%, thanks mostly to widespread use of mammography.

To make matters worse, a large study of over 51,000 women found that the number of women who decided to have both breasts removed (double mastectomy) after being diagnosed with DCIS in one breast more than tripled between 1998 and 2005. In 1998, 4.1% of the women had prophylactic mastectomy in the non-DCIS breast. In 2005, 13.5% had prophylactic mastectomy.  

I have friends who have had bilateral mastectomies for DCIS. This absolutely breaks my heart because DCIS is NOT cancer, though many doctors consider it to be “Stage 0 cancer.”  And, depending upon what advice a woman is then given, she may well be advised to get treatment, which she rarely needs. This is a shame because 99.9% of the time DCIS is something a woman will die with but not die from!   

The problem is that women have been trained to be so afraid of breast cancer that they’ll often willingly sacrifice their breasts just to relieve their anxiety—or what a doctor friend of mine calls “surveillance fatigue.”  Plus, most doctors are trained to do something when they have a diagnosis. And, given the number of them who have been sued for “failure to diagnose,” it’s not surprising that so many women agree to sacrifice their breasts rather than live with what they are told is a huge risk, even when it isn’t.

For these reasons, it’s not surprising that the number of women having prophylactic mastectomies “just in case” has soared. The rates of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy more than tripled from 2002 to 2012 even though studies have shown that removing healthy breasts doesn’t improve survival. The celebrity trend of having double mastectomies preventively probably contributed to this rate as well.

As a caring physician, I’m certainly not going to be a Monday morning quarterback and ask a woman why she didn’t do more research about DCIS before having drastic and often unnecessary surgery. That would be pouring salt into her wound. On the other hand, this all too common situation makes me more determined than ever to help educate women about breast health, including the fact that far too many women are being over diagnosed and over treated for so called breast cancers that are not cancers. (By the way, the same thing happens with thyroid and prostate conditions!) 

5 Reasons Not to Have a Mammogram

One of the goals of Breast Cancer Awareness Month when it was started in 1985 was to promote mammography. Of course, many of the sponsors of Breast Cancer Awareness Month stood to profit from the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer (and still do). I have been warning women of this for over 20 years.

In November 2009, the United States Preventative Services Task Force said it recommended that women begin regular mammograms at 50 instead of 40, and that mammograms are needed only every 2 years instead of annually between the ages of 50 and 74. The Task Force concluded that the risk of additional and unnecessary testing far outweighed the benefits of annual mammograms—and I couldn’t agree more.

Even before the U.S. Preventative Task Force changed their recommendations, Danish researchers Ole Olsen and Peter Gotzsche concluded, after analyzing data from 7 studies, that mammograms often led to needless treatments and were linked to a 20% increase in mastectomies, many of which were unnecessary.

But as of today, most doctors still believe that mammograms are the best tests for detecting breast cancer early. This is simply not the case!   

Here are 5 reasons why I avoid mammography: 

  1. Leads to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. A systematic review reveals that mammography screening leads to overdiagnosis and overtreatment at a rate of 48.3 percent.  This is particularly true for women under 40, and possibly for all premenopausal women for whom mammograms are not very accurate due to denser breast tissue. In late 2012, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that 1.3 million US women have been over diagnosed and over treated over the past 30 years. I’m certain that number has increased since the article was written.
  2. Does not reduce mortality rateStudies show that for every 2,000 women screened over 10 years, only one will avoid dying of breast cancer! And, 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if they had not been screened, will be treated unnecessarily.
  3. Exposes you to high levels of radiation. Radiation from a mammogram can be up to 1,000 times greater than a chest X-ray. In addition, some experts believe that ionizing radiation used in mammograms mutates breast cells. Plus, tight compression of the breasts can facilitate the spreading of already malignant cells (as can a biopsy). Premenopausal and pregnant women have breast tissue that is more sensitive to radiation. And it’s possible that these high levels of radiation could potentially cause an epidemic of radiation-induced breast cancers.
  4. Can cause increased anxiety. Your beliefs about your health can determine how healthy or sick you become. In our culture, we are led to believe that cancer cells are abnormal. This is not true, and it can cause many women to feel undue stress about their breasts. The truth is most of us have cancerous cells in our body that our immune systems are able to keep in check. But thinking you have breast cancer when you really don’t, can create a cascade of fear and anger, which has a chemical effect in your body. In fact, studies have shown the connection between stress, anxiety and cancer progression.  And one study shows that false positive screenings can have negative, long-term psycho-social effects for up to 3 years after a false positive finding.
  5. Mammograms are not prevention. Our culture uses mammograms as a fix but doesn’t encourage women to change their diets, exercise, stop smoking, and learn how to be in relationships that nurture them. These are the preventive changes that favor healthy breasts. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a revised recommendation in 2009 stating that women in their 40s should NOT necessarily have yearly mammograms and need to carefully weigh the risks considering their personal situation.

A Better Screening Alternative to Mammography

There are other methods used for breast cancer screening including ultrasound and clinical breast examination. Additional modalities exist, but can be too expensive (MRIs), too invasive (biopsy), or not quite there yet, such as diffuse optical tomography (DOT), which shows promise and is still being studied. 

A better screening test and one that I recommend is thermography. Studies show that thermography identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier, produces unambiguous results (which cuts down on additional testing), and doesn’t hurt the body. I am saddened and surprised that thermography hasn’t become more popular.

Thermography uses digital infrared thermal imaging to map heat emissions and patterns in the breasts (or other areas of the body) that are specific to the individual. Heat is an indication that inflammation exists. Typically inflammation is present in precancerous and cancerous cells. When differences in temperature and heat patterns are noticed, thermograms can help detect cancer more accurately.

(Note: Inflammation is also present in torn muscles and ligaments as well as arthritic joints, which thermography can also detect)! 

My colleague, Philip Getson, D.O. has been a medical thermographer since 1982.

Dr. Getson explains how thermography works this way:

It is widely acknowledged that cancers, even in their earliest stages, need nutrients to maintain or accelerate their growth. In order to facilitate this process, blood vessels are caused to remain open, inactive blood vessels are activated, and new ones are formed through a process known as neoangiogenesis. This vascular process causes an increase in surface temperature in the affected regions, which can be viewed with infrared imaging cameras. Additionally, the newly formed or activated blood vessels have a distinct appearance, which thermography can detect.

Earlier Detection and Better Accuracy

The most promising aspect of thermography is its ability to spot anomalies years before mammography ever could. A 10-year study showed that thermal imaging can detect changes at the cellular level (before a tumor forms) 8-10 years before any other test.

Tumors typically grow for about 7 years before they can be detected by physical examination or mammography. This means that with thermography as your regular screening tool, it’s likely that you would have the opportunity to adjust your diet, beliefs, and lifestyle to transform your cells before they became cancerous. Talk about true prevention!

It’s also likely you could avoid an unnecessary biopsy—a 50% likelihood for women who have regular mammograms for 10 years or more—or being scared by a false positive result on a mammogram. 

Thermography’s accuracy and reliability is remarkable too. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, a great deal of research was conducted on thermography. In 1981, Michel Gautherie, Ph.D. and his colleagues reported that an abnormal thermogram was 10 times more significant as a future risk indicator for breast cancer than having a history of breast cancer in your family.

10 Reasons Why I Recommend Breast Thermography

As I have discussed, thermography allows malignancies to be detected early—before signs even become evident.

In addition to early detection and accurate test results, here are some other reasons I like thermography:

  1. It’s a simple test. Thermography is as simple as taking a picture.
  2. Better for dense breasts. Women with dense breast tissue (such as younger women in their 20s and 30s), women with fibrocystic cystic breast tissue, and pregnant and breastfeeding females can use thermography. Thermography doesn’t identify fibrocystic tissue, breast implants, or scars as needing further investigation.
  3. Detects cell changes in armpit. The armpit is an area that mammography isn’t always good at screening.
  4. It’s painless. The pressure of a mammogram machine is equivalent to putting a 50-pound weight on your breast, which can be quite painful for most women. Women of all shapes and sizes can be screened without pain or discomfort using thermography.
  5. There is no radiation.  It’s well known that excessive doses of radiation can increase your risk of cancer. It’s ironic that the test women are using for prevention may be causing the very problem they’re trying to avoid in the first place! And this doesn’t even touch on the harm done to the body from unnecessary biopsies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and so forth. 
  6. It’s safe for all women.  As I mentioned, thermography does not use radiation. There is nothing injected into the body. And there is no compression of sensitive breast tissue. So there is a low risk of damaging fragile cellular structures. It’s merely an image of the heat of your body. So, it can be effectively used by women of all ages, from pre-adolescence to postmenopausal women. Thermography is even safe for pregnant and nursing women! 
  7. Can help with decision-making. Thermography can be used as an additional test to help women, and their care teams, make more informed treatment decisions.
  8. It’s cost-effective. Compared with other techniques for diagnostic imaging, thermography is relatively inexpensive. Plus, it is an effective diagnostic tool for men, women, and children.
  9. It’s fast. Thermography is a quick procedure ad provides real-time assessment and detection.
  10. It’s unique to you! The best part about thermography is that the results are unique to you. So, your imaging tests are being compared to your own previous tests.

Choosing a Thermography Center

Dr. Getson says there are some things you need to know when choosing a thermography center.  For one, it’s important to note that not all thermographic equipment is the same. Be sure to ask what the “drift factor” is for their machines. Anything over 0.2 degrees centigrade leads to poor reproducibility. Also, the room in which the study is performed should be free of outside light and the temperature should always be at 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit with a proper cooling system in place.

Be sure that your thermography center of choice is backed by qualified, board-certified physicians who are specifically trained to interpret of these images. And be sure that the physician is available to explain and discuss all findings. Finally, make sure the images are “stat”-ed—or marked up—for future comparison.

One More Reason to Avoid Mammography

On Mar. 9, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  issued an update requiring all mammography facilities to comply with their rule that all women undergoing mammography screening for breast cancer be informed on the density of their breasts. I want you to understand what this means and not let it scare you.

The term “breast density” is a radiologic term. It does not indicate disease. Most women over the age of 40 have dense breasts. This is because they have more connective tissue. Less dense breasts typically have more fat. As I have stated above, mammography is not great at distinguishing between cancer and other breast tissues such as fibrocystic tissue or scars, which appear white on a mammogram, as does cancer. (Fat appears black).

This is why mammography is not a great test for women with dense breast tissue And a 2022 study showed that women with dense breasts have a higher chance of false positives with mammograms, which can cause undue stress and potentially unnecessary and harmful treatments.

The Best Breast Test for You

As with anything, I suggest you let your inner guidance help you in all decisions about your health. If you feel it’s best to get a bi-annual or annual mammogram, then by all means continue with them. Just be aware of the drawbacks and risks associated with the test.

And don’t be intimidated or feel guilty if you prefer to forgo mammography completely. A thermogram can tell you how healthy your breasts are rather than just screening them for cancer. When done properly, it also has the potential to truly detect breast cell anomalies long before mammography can detect cancer. This allows you to implement lifestyle changes that can improve the health of your breasts proactively.


Last Updated: October 9, 2024

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Bette
    4 months ago

    How can I find a Themography center in my area? Is there a listing that I can go look thru for my state etc.?
    I live very rural so I will have to travel 1 to 3 hours more than likely!

  2. Maureen
    4 months ago

    Had my second thermogram today. I have been told that I have dense tissue. Each time I had a mammogram of late I have been told that they see something or have to do it again. I have been told that I they are dense. I know this. I have the time between the initial mammogram and then the second and I worry. They also state that I must do an ultra sound as they can see things more clearly. Excuse me why go thru the pain and the worry of the mammogram. After the ultrasound things seem to be normal. I have had about 20 yrs of this and often two each year and I have been concerned about the radiation that this entail.
    So, I had the baseline thermogram earlier this year and I was told then that things seemed fine. I pray that that is the case with the one taken today.

  3. Stephanie Flamm
    9 months ago

    I have been a believer in thermograms for many years. However, I have very dense breasts with fibrocystic disease. Lots of irregularities and known lumps that have been followed for years. Every time I get a thermogram, I am told I need to see a doctor for follow-up. I don’t get mammograms but I do get ultrasound. Occasionally, I get an MRI. So, I no longer get thermograms and just get the ultrasound instead. I would be interested in your thoughts on this. Is there still benefit to a thermogram for me?

    1. Shelly Laine
      7 months ago

      I do both thermography for super early detection and monitoring the thermal changes as well as ultrasound. I’m a certified clinical thermographer, and am a firm believer in combining the early detection capabilities of thermography with a good, pain-free, radiation-free structural test such as ultrasound. Thermography is FDA-cleared as an adjunctive tool to structural tests.

  4. jackhoover
    11 months ago

    As someone who has seen the impact of breast cancer firsthand within my family and community, staying informed about the best screening methods is crucial to me. Your breakdown of various screening options, from mammograms to thermography, was incredibly informative and easy to understand, and I wanted to thank you for giving such helpful information. “Thank you!

  5. sheryl
    4 years ago

    Any thoughts about the accuracy of full body thermography? Does it fall in the same category as breast thermography?

    1. Aimee
      3 years ago

      When I had my breast thermography a few years ago, it was shortly after i’d suffered a herniated disc in my lower back, and my thermographer was kind enough to take a few free scans of my lower back. Boy was it apparent on the scan where the radiating pain I felt was! Remember, thermography isn’t there to diagnose, but rather to point out where there is greater heat -i.e., where you might want to look further into. Only a biopsy can diagnose cancer, but you can avoid radiation and go from thermography to ultrasound or MRI instead to determine if a biopsy is necessary.

    1. Gina
      4 years ago

      Do you think she’s wrong because you trust this one article, from the FDA?
      Do you realize that the pharmaceutical companies fund the FDA?
      Do you realize that the FDA is responsible for “safely” (LOL) manufacturing cigarettes?

      I ALWAYS appreciate someone’s opposing view to an article, but only if they have something of value to offer. Not just “you’re wrong” and presenting “evidence” from a source who cares zero about our health, and only profit.

    2. Aimee
      3 years ago

      The Swiss Medical Board warns of the harms of over-diagnosis resulting from mammography screening, ceasing implementation of any new programs “due to very tiny positive effect on mortality if any,” say analysts. Doctors here in the US are agreeing with the Swiss. In Should Mammograms be Phased Out?, Dr. Christine Horner, MD, breast reconstructive surgeon and author on women’s wellness, states, “I agree with the Swiss Board—screening mammography should no longer be recommended from an ethical standpoint. Instead, a combination of ultrasound, thermography and physical examination are a much better choice. For certain women, an MRI scan which uses a magnet rather than radiation may also be appropriate.”

      The American Cancer Society itself did a study as well, which said “Thermography makes a significant contribution to the evaluation of patients suspected of having breast cancer. The obviously abnormal thermogram carries with it a high risk of cancer.”

      And just last year, UPenn pubiished this:

      Time to start doing more homework beyond the FDA site.

  6. Kim
    4 years ago

    I had Bi Annual thermograms for 3 years and felt a palpable lump last summer that was accompanied by nipple itching and discharge that didn’t show up on the thermography. I waited 3 months and had another thermography and still got results ask “low risk”, confused by this I then made an appointment for an MRI and an Ultrasound and they found three suspicious tumors in my left breast. I opted for a biopsy to rule out cancer. Two we’re DCIS, no big deal. however the one 2cm palpable lump was invasive ductal carcinoma. This was not detected on my thermography done post biopsy.

    Can someone please explain why? Are certain cancers undetectable by a thermography? I read that encapsulated or dormant tumors aren’t detected? What does all this mean? Very confusing information out there.

    My advice would be for women to follow up with ultrasounds when in doubt.

    I’m ok now. Refused conventional, Chose Gerson therapy, GNM and had cryoablation done. But man, what a terrifying an educational experience this has been.

  7. Andrea Burns
    4 years ago

    Is it true that once you’ve had a mammogram you can no longer get thermography?

    1. Aimee
      3 years ago

      Not at all. Anyone can have thermography as it’s non-invasive and merely looks at where heat is accumulating in your body. I had mammograms for 10 years before switching to breast thermography, which I’ve had annually for the last 8 years.

  8. Jessica
    5 years ago

    Hi. I have “ dense” breasts and they insist I do a mammogram then an ultrasound. I don’t want to do the mammograms and wonder why I can’t just do the ultrasound? Do you think that is an option or thermography would be better?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    1. Blanca
      4 years ago

      They tell me the same thing. Even after they coerced me to do a mammogram, and it showed everything to be normal, she wanted me to do another one just months later. F these people. Feels so WRONG to squash and expose my body to radiation.

  9. Sylvia Berry
    5 years ago

    Hello Dr. Northrup!
    I totally agree with your articles on mammography. I haven’t had a mammogram since I was 42 years old! Now, I’m 70! My doctor is trying to convince me to have a mammogram. I won’t do it! I have no problem with thermography and plan to have one. I live on a fixed income and would like to know if there are any groups that help financially? I am trying to convince my twin daughters not to go the mammogram route.

    1. Tricia
      5 years ago

      United Breast Cancer Foundation is the only place that I know of that will help pay for a thermography screening. Here is the website link I do not know they will pay for all or part of the cost. Contact them for more information.

  10. barbara A miller
    5 years ago

    Dr Northrop.
    I am verge of getting masectomy rt breast and reconstruction with implant stage 0 dcis by biopsy because my mri shows a much larger area of concern. the whole upper rt area of my breast. is there another step i am missing? i have tortured myself seeking alternatives for 3 years. dr Kelly looked at my scans and agreed i need surgery. What is your recommendation for reconstruction????
    Thank you barbara Miller

  11. Sarah Smith
    5 years ago

    My family has a history of breast cancer. Thanks for explaining different screening tests. I think thermography might be helpful.

  12. Kersti Gearing
    6 years ago

    How can I share this article on my Facebook wall?

  13. Dr Richard Fleming
    6 years ago

    Dear Ladies,

    I have a patent for a New Breast Cancer Test that changes how we find cancer and allows us to determine if your treatment is working or needs to be changed; saving time, money and lives.

    Every year women and men undergo testing to determine if they have breast cancer. These tests including mammograms, MRIs, CTs and other types of imaging tests all depend upon a doctor to look at the results and making a decision as to whether you have breast cancer or not. This means that even though we know that developing breast cancer occurs over time, we have had no way to “measure” these changes leading up to and becoming breast cancer until for many it is too late.

    In 1999, after opening my own medical practice, I was asked to consider testing women for breast cancer. As a Nuclear Cardiologist I was surprised by the request but realizing that the tests we were using were not very accurate, so I agreed and began combining my tests for heart disease with breast cancer imaging.

    When I did this I made several discoveries. First, the cameras we were using to find breast cancer and heart disease were never calibrated. Unlike a measuring tape or a scale, which are calibrated to all measure exactly the same every time every time, our cameras weren’t calibrated, so we were losing up to a third of what we should have been seeing. Secondly, I discovered that we could use these calibrated cameras to actually measure changes in breast tissue. I began by using what I knew about heart disease to the discovery of breast cancer. As changes in healthy breast tissue occur, the cells in the area change. They become more metabolically active and that activity requires more blood. By applying what I was doing in Cardiology, I was soon able to unmask these changes occurring early on and to accurately measure these changes in metabolism and regional blood flow.

    The result was the development of a patented Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Test (B.E.S.T.), a method using equipment and drugs already approved for use, to find not only the transitional changes that were occurring before the cancer fully developed, but a method which did not require a physician to interpret the result because the result was an actual measurement of “Health” or lack thereof, what I have termed your “Health-Spectrum”.

    Because we can now measure what is happening, we are no longer limited to a yes/no interpretation by someone looking at a picture of your breast. We now have an accurate measurement of where you lie on your “Health-Spectrum”, a spectrum which now means we can do B.E.S.T. Imaging, provide you a treatment and repeat B.E.S.T. Imaging and measure if your treatment worked or not; saving time, money and lives.

    Instead of having a light switch answer of yes, we think you have breast cancer or no, we don’t think you have breast cancer, we now have a rheostat answer measuring where you are on your “Health-Spectrum” allowing for the first time the measurement of changes in breast health before breast cancer fully develops and the ability to measure if your treatment is helping you or not.


    Dr. Fleming

  14. Bridget
    6 years ago


    I have some tethering in my right breast and went for a physical examination with my doctor who wanted me to have a mammogram, this is something I really don’t want to have done. I asked to have an ultrasound instead and the results showed that I have a small amount of calcification in both breasts, but more in my right breast. At the time, the radiographer said it didn’t look like breast cancer but that she would need to check with the radiologist. The results came back as undetermined. I have been having thermograms done for the last couple of years and they have shown normal healthy tissue with no changes. My Doctor called yesterday to say that they are very concerned, that it is urgent that I have a mammogram and they think it’s likely that I do have breast cancer. I am obviously very worried and wondered how they make the jump from a small amount of breast calcification to breast cancer when I haven’t had any blood tests or biopsies. I don’t know what to do, I would appreciate your thoughts, I am a 50 year old non smoking, non drinking women, I am not overweight, I have healthy diet, I have no family history of breast, ovarian or uterine cancer but my Dad did die of bowel cancer at 79 years of age and my siblings and I have regular colonoscopy’s and polyps removed. Thank you, Bridget

    1. Jane
      6 years ago

      It sounds like they want to count the “0 stage” situation you had as breast cancer. I see this is 7 months ago. I am curious how it turned out. Hope you are well.

  15. Kathy
    6 years ago

    I had breast cancer bmx, 1b 1.3cm, 1.1mmsn 24 lymphnofes taken out all negative. Had radiation, onkytest 25, no radiation. On exetemase. For theCVpast 2 years I have had anxiety and depression. I had scans brain scan, and abd scan,
    Taking antidepresants, dont dr said I did all the tests you dont have cancer. So I am thinking of getting a pet scan to prove I dont hsve any more breast cancer. Whst do you think?

  16. Dr. Fleming
    6 years ago

    Well it’s October and once again it is Breast Cancer month. Yet, once again we are arguing about how to improve detection of breast cancer and how to treat it. Qualitative testing like mammography, yes you have it or no you don’t has done all it’s going to do. The call by CMS, ASNC and SNMMI to find a “quantitative” test (one that can measure and not guess) for both breast cancer and heart disease was answered only a few weeks ago at the 2018 ASNC Conference. There FMTVDM was released. A patented diagnostic test which not only can find changes leading up to cancer but can measure the changes, which occur over time and after treatment. This means FMTVDM will open new treatment options for doing something about breast cancer sooner AND for the first time we can measure if your treatment is working or needs to be changed to something that will work; saving money, time and most importantly lives. The specific part of FMTVDM, which is applicable to Breast Cancer is Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Test (B.E.S.T.) Imaging. It was presented this year at the 2018 FNMT in Tampa in May.

    1. Dr. Fleming
      6 years ago

      For more information:

    2. Abigail Davis
      6 years ago

      I am trying to find a physician who can read my thermography scan and be my primary doctor for any other tests and treatment needed from the results of the scan.
      I live in Poughkeepsie New York and can travel to other towns if necessary.
      I would appreciate any help you may have to refer me to a physician.
      I do not want to have any unnecessary testing if not needed, ex. Mammogram.
      Thank You. Abigail Davis

  17. Julia
    7 years ago

    Does anyone have a recommendation for thermography in the greater Charlotte NC area?

    1. Melanie McIntyre
      6 years ago

      I know this is super late, but just in case you are still looking, here is where I go:

  18. Tatjana
    7 years ago

    So grateful for this information, the better alternatives to self care (thermogram, here I go!) and the holistic approach to health. Thank you!

  19. Michele
    7 years ago

    I’m not sure where to post this but I would like to ask Dr Northrup if it is safe for me to use Pueraria mirifica if I have a history of estrogen positive breast cancer. I had my Ovaries removed 11 years ago.
    I need to improve my sex life.
    Thank you for your reply

  20. Donna Pinto
    7 years ago

    After being diagnosed with DCIS in 2010…and heavily pressured to have very drastic treatments (Mastectomy or Lumpectomy plus 7 weeks of daily radiation, I started researching alternatives. Here is a page on thermography with studies and resources:

    Mammograms are dangerous and women need to know the truth!!!

  21. Donna Pinto
    7 years ago

    Tons of great info here…and grateful to Dr. Northrup for bringing the subject of DCIS over-detection, over-diagnosis and over-treatment to light. I share my story with DCIS as a warning to women on my blog —
    Thermography never showed low grade DCIS for me…which makes me think low grade DCIS is truly not a problem.
    I had “dedicated breast MRI” as surveillance for 4 years but I was worried about the contrast dye causing harm.
    Two years ago I discovered SONOCine whole breast ultrasound… and have chosen this as my monitoring tool after meeting Dr. Kevin Kelly, SonoCine’s inventor. Please read my blog post about it if interested:

  22. Christin
    7 years ago

    Thank you for this site. Most informative. I am a 53 year old woman with 22 year old breast implants that I cannot afford to replace. I was told they’d last “forever” but highly doubt that as an active equestrian be and jogger my entire life. Can you recommend how a person goes about researching an “accredited” (read: credible, since my health provider cannot vouch for any and Ive come across all of one single center locally) thermography centers near me in Lexington, KY USA?

    1. Jill
      7 years ago

      research BII, breast implant Illness! AND have your implants, Explanted!!! they do not last for ever and the Dr. that told you that should be shot! The implants are killing you, and you don’t relate the illness(s) to them, however you should. Google Chemical Soup from implants and you will be SHOCKED. GET THEM OUT…and bring back your once vibrant life.

  23. Lisa Krug
    7 years ago

    I have been getting thermograms for four years now. Last year, my thermogram found some suspicious thermal activity, so I went back for a six-month checkup. All is normal. So it seems to be a reliable diagnostic tool. I don’t do mammos anymore, though every doctor I encounter pressures me to get one.

    1. Diane
      7 years ago

      Hi Lisa, can you share where you have your tests done?

    2. Jane wright
      6 years ago

      What can u tell me about radial scars found on the breast x Thank you jane

  24. Dr. Richard Fleming
    7 years ago

    Hello Christiane. This is Richard (Doctor Richard Fleming). We have communicated previously. I have developed a quantitative test which can distinguish between breast calcium, normal breast tissue, inflammatory breast changes and breast cancer. As a consequence, cancer can not only be detected sooner but changes which are pre-cancerous can also be detected. This quantitative method can also be used to determine if treatment, whatever is being used, is working or not. Please feel free to contact me via email for more information. I look forward to hearing from you and helping women. Cordially, Richard

    1. Beth Fiduccia
      7 years ago

      Hi Dr. Fleming,

      I’d like more information on this imaging test. I had two mammograms which showed benign calcifications. They wanted me to have a biopsy which I declined. I had a thermogram which was normal. My email is

      Thank you,


      1. Dr. Fleming
        7 years ago

        Dear Beth, I apologize but I don’t get to all these sites on a regular basis. I will be happy to email you the website discussing BEST Breast Cancer Imaging. Cordially, Dr. Fleming

      2. Dr. Fleming
        7 years ago

        I just sent you an email Beth. Cordially, Dr. Fleming

    2. Elle
      7 years ago

      I am curious if you take submissions? I recently had a scan and am now being told I need both a mammogram and an ultra sound. I thought the point of thermography was to avoid both of those.

      Or if anyone has any advice as to where you can submit your scan for a second opinion I would greatly appreciate it. I really don’t want to do a mammogram.

      1. Dr. Fleming
        7 years ago

        Elle, If you would like to know more about the BEST Breast Cancer Imaging Test, please email me at Cordially, Dr. Fleming

    3. Susan
      6 years ago

      Dr. Fleming, can you please give me your email address? I would like to contact you with information about your B.E.S.T. imaging test and my situation with breast cancer.

  25. Jan
    7 years ago

    Dear Readers of this forum,
    to avoid any misunderstandings or/and any awakeings of unnecessary hopes, which my previous post issued on this forum might caused, the relationship between DCIS, modern contact thermography and mammography should be, in my opinion, explained here. If Mrs. Dr. Northrup will allow, I would like to mention here correspondence in this matter, which was established between me and one reader of my post:

    Question from the reader:

    Hello Jan,
    I saw your post on Dr Northrup’s site on breast cancer detection. Do you know anything about your device (BRASTER) for DCIS screening?

    Julie XXXX, ND LLC

    Answer of mine:

    Hello Julie,
    thanks a lot for your attention to my post and your answer.
    DCIS in the early, pre-cancerous stage, is not detected by thermography, because: “Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), also known as intraductal carcinoma, is a pre-cancerous or non-invasive cancerous lesion of the breast. DCIS is classified as Stage 0. It rarely produces symptoms or a breast lump one can feel, and is usually detected throug screening mammography.” (source: Wikipedia)
    BRASTER (see: is a device for “contact thermography”, using for screening process a liquid cristals matrix. The temperature difference between healthy and cancerous tissue should be minimum 0.5 degree Celsius to be detected by BRASTER. Tissue changes due to DCIS are not always cancerous. I mean, they may, but they do not have to lead to cancer. And it is really big problem today with DCIS to be detected with any other method like mammography. But, as I have written in my post: “BRASTER device is not intended to replace mammography’s examinations but merely provides a safe complement to it. Monthly breast control provided at home with the BRASTER device will allow every woman to discover the cancer cells in the breast at an early stage, what will certainly save many of them from severe cancer, surgery and possibly death.” As you see, to “discover the cancer cells at an early stage” is not the same with “to discover the breast tissue changes at an very early stage”, known as DCIS. Unfortunately, the reading of the tissue by means of the rays by seeking for DCIS’ caused tissue changes seems to be at the present stage not to be replaced.
    But on the other hand, I would be interested in what do you think of the telemedicine device for breast self-examination at home. BRASTER has been notified to the FDA for certification as a Category II medical device and company sales strategy is to enter into the US market as soon as the certificate is issued. Do you think American women will be interested in purchasing this device for $ 300 and doing monthly breast tests at home for ca. $ 12?
    Of course, it will be possible to use one device among a group of women, for example, mother, daughter, mother-in-law, grandmother, neighbors, etc. This will allow for widespread use of the device and otherwise make the purchasing of device much cheaper and effortable for much bigger group of women. Each of the women who use it will sign-in individually in the telemedicine monitoring center and will have an individual patient account there.
    I will be extremely obliged for your reply and opinion regarding Braster and I will remain with you for the time being
    with best regards
    Answer from Julie:

    Dear Jan,
    thank you for your complete reply. I will tell my patient that thermography may not be the best way for her to monitor her health.

    American women are really interested in self-care and are not liking doctors’ having all the control and needing prescrptions for imaging and procedures, so the market is ripe as I see it in the US.

    Julie XXXX, ND LLC

    Answer of mine:

    Dear Julie,
    thanks a lot for your prompt reply and short US-market analyse regarding home medical equipment for women’s self-care.
    Yes, you are right, thermography might be not the best way for monitoring the changes in the breast tissue, but, otherwise, any method is the best one. I think, and it seems that it might be also the opinion of Dr. Northrup, that thermography is the best possible method for “healthy”, safe, easy and regular (with BRASTER, as a home used tele-medicine device, even once a month) monitoring of women’s breast. But it should still be considered as a complement to mammography, which seems really to be far from being the best method. Mammography should be performed in this case, where the result of a thermographic examination indicates changes in breast tissue that may be cancerous. In other cases, regularly every 2 years. The BRASTER device, dedicated for monthly breast examination at home, will certainly save the health and life of many women, as in many cases it is so, that the breast cancer changes between two consecutive mammogram examinations, that is, in a period of two years between a test that does not show any changes in the breast tissue, and this one made after another two years, can really be very far reaching. And the role of this device, as an alarming device about the change in breast tissue in the time between two mammography tests, can not be overestimated, the more that monthly single breast examination with BRASTER device, with the result sent to the screen of a smartphone or laptop monitor, should cost in USA ca. US $ 12. Calling the common discussion on the health and life risks of women resulting from breast cancer and on the viability of performing regular breast examinations (in the case of BRASTER self-examination) will be really huge success of this device, what might be hard to estimate in money. Now the device is waiting for the approval of the FDA as a medical device, which will allow it to be sold also in the USA. It is to be hoped that this will happen at all, and will happen sooner rather than later.
    Best regards

    1. Debby
      7 years ago

      I do have a question about your comment, “I will tell my patient that thermography may not be the best way for her to monitor her health”. From everything I have read and from your statement above, DCIS is NOT cancer yet many doctors are calling it cancer and women are getting chemo, radiation, biopsies, mastectomies, etc. I would think that thermomography would be a good way to monitor a womens health because if a DCIS doesn’t show up on a thermogram then it isn’t cancerous and doesn’t need to be addressed. If, when first doing the baseline and then yearly followups, it does turn into something, THEN and only THEN does it need to be addressed because it still is very small. I’ve read several places that thermograms can pick up cancers YEARS before mammograms. It seems backwards, mammograms pick up non-cancerous spots that thermograms do not and thermograms pick up cancerous spots before mammograms do. Yet we are told to get and rely on mammograms. Am i mising something? I am not a doctor so I may be completely off the mark.

  26. Jan
    7 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,
    Thanks a lot for the acclamation for the thermographic method of breast examination. The problem, however, is that the DCIS changes in the tissue are not read by this method. And you do not write about it. Thermography reads cancer lesions and DCIS at this early stage is not cancerous. Here, please, you would have a comment.
    I do not know if you have already received information from Poland that a team of polish scientists has developed and patented a contact thermography device called BRASTER ( This device, costing about $ 300, allows each woman to do once a month her own breast examination at home. The results of this test are sent from the device to the smartphone and for verification from smartphone to the telemedicine center. After 2 days, results are sent from telemedicine center to the smartphone and / or sent by email. If any cancerous changes in the breast are noted, the system recommends a quick visit to the doctor. So here we are dealing with an innovative and today extremely demanding telemedicine device. This is a device that goes against your postulates to limit to the really unavoidable minimum the mammography’s examinations. It is very important to emphasize here that the BRASTER device is not intended to replace mammography’s examinations but merely provides a safe complement to it. Monthly breast control provided at home with the BRASTER device will allow every woman to discover the cancer cells in the breast at an early stage, what will certainly save many of them from severe cancer, surgery and possibly death.
    If you or anyone from the readers needs more information to the BRASTER device please contact me at:
    I wish you Dr. Northrup all the best.
    Best regards

  27. temperamental
    7 years ago

    The doctor I saw during my well woman exam told me I have to get a mammogram or I will be withheld my birth control. I’m 41. Really!?!?

    1. Leonie wynne
      7 years ago

      I’d get another doctor if I were you – out and out blackmail.

  28. Karen Gloeggler
    7 years ago

    I am also having difficulty finding a place to do thermograms here in Las Vegas. My doctor, who I like a lot, never heard of this. He did write me a script for a breast ultrasound on both sides. This is not covered by insurance, and will cost $268 to have this done.
    Does anyone have info on ultrasounds?

  29. Beatriz
    7 years ago

    I have moved from Sydney to a place where it is hard to get anything done and always have to drive to the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane . As here in Hervey Bay Queensland Australia they are quite backward and I’m sure if I asked my doctors they most likely would be wondering what I’m speaking of as when I asked about stem cells for my knees , my doctors response was there isn’t anything at all like that yet.. I was in shock as I know there is.
    So does anyone know where I can go to have the thermography test in Australia. Please help with this .
    Thank you for reading

    1. Lyn
      7 years ago

      Hi Beatriz… I’m hoping to move to the Sunny Coast soon from Warwick… Want backward? Come here! Lol! So I did a search and found this.. They are accredited places in Qld.

      Do a search for “thermography Sunshine Coast” and you’ll get a few hits. These were the top two.

      And thank you! Your question got me searching!


    2. Leonie wynne
      7 years ago

      Found this site – you may have sourced the infor. already:

  30. Susan Mallek
    7 years ago

    I am in Spring Hill, Florida and could not find a place to get a Thermography. Most of the Dr.s and hospitals said they never have heard of it. Any suggestions?

    1. Stephanie gaddis
      7 years ago

      Go to They provide a list of clinics by state. Good luck and good health!

    2. Marlene Brown
      7 years ago

      There are several places now in the Tampa area.. I have it done in Bradenton.. cost about $300.. then follow up or the next time it’s $185 Insurance doesn’t cover it.

    3. Kristen Barry
      7 years ago

  31. RosP
    7 years ago

    I’ve refused several invitations by the British National Health Service to come in for a breast screening mammogram, because it just felt wrong to think about putting my ample breast tissue under pressure and firing x-rays through it. At 56, having turned down my third invitation, I decided, rather than do nothing, to have a thermography scan. I opted for a full body scan first time around to establish a base level for my body. Hereafter I will probably switch to a breast-area-only type scan. It was painless, easy, and pretty quick, and I received electronic copies of my written reports within a couple of weeks. My main issue is that it’s quite costly to have this done every year, as they suggest.

  32. Angie Willerton
    7 years ago

    I have had two mammogram appointments in the post now and both times something happened that meant i had to be elsewhere so I rebooked, the third is in December and I am now wondering whether to simply cancel it altogether. I am in England and have three yearly mammos done, I am almost 55 and my breast tissue has always been very dense and had a fine needle aspiration in my 30s which was scary and proved just a cyst was present. Knowing that mindset and our thoughts and beliefs are so powerful my gut is saying cancel and believe in my own health and don’t risk the test. I would thermography is available anywhere near the small town i live in, if at at in this country.

    1. Elizabeth Griffiths
      7 years ago

      Hi Angie – just seen your post;did you ever find a thermography centre in the UK? Am in exactly the same place as you are. Thank you Elizabeth

    2. Karen
      6 years ago

      Hi Angie,
      I have been having thermography for four years now, one a year, I live in Hampshire uk, so if you live anywhere near their is “The Rose clinic in whit church. Hope this helps

      Karen 🙂

  33. Sandy
    7 years ago

    I was diagnosed with DCIS in May 2017. I had a lumpectomy but couldn’t wrap my head radiation and estrogen blockers. I knew the first time I stepped into the oncology office I didn’t belong there. The doctors really do try to “scare” you into treatment. I did so much research and the risk FAR outweighed the benefit. I have stopped smoking and I am very aware of my food choices. I will never blindly follow the sheep to slaughter. I know my body better than anyone

  34. Liz
    7 years ago

    Does anyone know of a clinic that provides thermography services near Northampton, MA?

    1. Donna
      7 years ago

      No but Dr Getson mentioned in this article has offsite testing, he is near Philadelphia. I had my appointment with his office last week, I was very happy. Can you travel? There are also places in NYC.

      7 years ago

      Liz, Google breast thermography near me – many sites will pop up.

  35. Tootsie
    7 years ago

    How do I find a place to do this, thermography test in Cleveland, Ohio?
    Thank You!
    Or, do you know if, a reputable place to go , in my area?

    1. Scott
      7 years ago

      Try Northeast Ohio Center for Hope & Healing

  36. Nelly
    7 years ago

    Thank you for this. I have been feeling anxious about having a mammogram this time round and this article gives me the confidence to cancel the appointment and seek out a thermogram. My sister had aggressive breast, cancer discovered at age 50 by a lump the size of a mandarin orange! Aggressive treatment saved her and almost killed her but she lived another 20 years until bone cancer took her at 70. Brave woman. My other sister had a lump removed, she was fine. . Died of aortic aneurism at age 66. Im 64 I don’t have cancer and don’t want mammograms anymore. Just lately feeling strongly the stress of worrying about false results would be too much. So when I read your recent email I went and read your blog, and now I’m sure I need to go a different route for my health. Thanks again.

  37. Sharie T,
    7 years ago

    The first question my Surgeon asked is if I wanted my breast removed or preserved DCIS Stage O Type 1 ER/PR Positive. I took 6 months to get other opinions, read a mountain of material , join groups online and meet other survivors. No one offered me intelligent advice about my diagnosis or alternative holistic therapies. The Healthcare providers were bullies. They bullied me through surgery I requested to remove the lump but forego the lymph node dissection, which can cause problems for your lymph system. Once I was medicated they insisted it was protocol and they were doing it anyway. My advocate/friend said not to give them a hard time and to listen to their advice, I asked her to leave the hospital and me to handle my healthcare matters. Instead of using magic markers they inserted metal tattoos without my knowledge or permission for radiation. While having 33 radiation treatments I was screaming from nerve pain, sent for physical therapy and propped up with styrofoam so they could lift my arm into position to continue the burning. I begged to stop radiation……..I was told I would be kicked off the insurance program if I did not comply. I was fighting the whole way through treatment saying and knowing this was the wrong thing to do to treat my DCIS they told me it could come back and kill me-I did News Interviews, speeches and counseled others. My opinion about them being wrong and making Billions of dollars off of us, removing healthy breasts, burning us with radiation, breaking down our natural immune system with Chemo and Big Pharma’s Toxic medications was wrong. No one took me seriously nor did they air anything negative I ever had to say. I have always followed Dr. Northrup and even had my first very healthy baby at 42! We are Organic, Holistic, Non-GMO. I have many problems with right breast and some organs, severe nerve damage and loss of use of right arm along with severe shoulder pains now. It is so refreshing to read this article today. I am going to keep speaking and have an opportunity to speak to a large group of vulnerable high school students from the inner city this week! God I Love my right to Free speech! Thanks Doc!

    1. Cielle
      1 month ago

      OMGoodness, I am so sorry you went through all of that… They are ( generally… ) such bullies aren’t they!!!? They need to allow US to decide what to do with OUR bodies… Disgusting, ignorant fools… Well done for keeping on…

  38. Sandra
    7 years ago

    Thank you Dr Northrup for the valuable information. I had no idea that mammograms were so inaccurate. I have been getting them done every 2 years since age 40 and I am 52 now, so not too many (7), but enough now that I know of the risks associated with them in regards to the radiation & pressure on the breasts. I only had my latest one done almost 2 weeks ago and waiting on the results. I only wish I had known about this information sooner, as it will be my last mammogram and I will be looking into thermography. I live in Western Australia and not sure of the availability of them here, but will be doing some research. Thanks again. 🙂

    1. Beatriz
      7 years ago

      I was sent this info from my sister and very glad to be able to read all this .
      As you I’m in Australia and having moved now 4years in Hervey Bay Queensland . There is no thermography here undertaken to help woman. I hope to read soon where I also can go and that that test.
      As of right now I won’t be having anymore mammograms anymore.
      I would in Sydney also have Ultrsound as well as I have been told that it shows up a lot more than the mammograms .
      Question is how safe is that?
      I hope to here back from you.

  39. Peg Doyle
    7 years ago

    Everyone needs to make their own decisions but I wish someone I knew read your work before she had DCIS. She had 7 mammograms in 4 months resulting in 2 lumpectomies! I can’t imagine the amt of radiation she was exposed to. Fear-based medicine leads nowhere good

  40. Harriet Wright
    7 years ago

    I’m curious how if standard health insurance covers thermography?

    1. Leonie wynne
      7 years ago

      Unfortunately it does not cover it as Health Care cover in Australia is too weak willed and only listen to the government/health care???!! cronies about getting mammograms as they make lots of money from women who just follow the sheep.

  41. lala zikakis
    7 years ago

    is a thermogram the same as a 3D mammogram?? thanks

  42. Cherionna
    7 years ago

    About 20 years ago, I was barred from a women’s clinic because I refused to have a universally required mammogram. I had read an article about how dangerous and inaccurate mammograms could be and did not want to expose myself to that. I never have. I’m grateful that the truth about mammograms is now being spoken about more loudly! Thank you!

  43. c nilsen
    7 years ago

    In the late 1980’s, I read about DCIS in an article from the L.A. Times by Dr.Samuel Epstein and am so grateful that what he was saying is what I was feeling; it coincides with Dr.Northrup. She is telling the truth about how we are manipulated/bullied into unnecessary testing/treatment.Please consider her thoughtful insights.

    1. Elida
      7 years ago

      Can anyone recommend a breast thermography center near Delray Beach, a Florida?

      1. Allison
        7 years ago

        Claudia Barrington 954-422-8766

  44. Elisabetta Barbazza
    7 years ago

    Any raccomandations for a thermogram in London? Thanks

    1. Elisabetta Barbazza
      7 years ago

      London in the UK

  45. Peggy
    7 years ago

    I was diagnosed in 2008 with breast cancer (breast calcifications) DCIS carcinoma in situ stage 1. Told I needed a lumpectomy with radiation, immediately. (Do not wait). Freaked me out. After much prayer I felt led to pursue natural protocol and decided to do thermography which did not show any signs of cancer. Now it’s 2017 and I’ve continued with thermography and still no signs of cancer. However, I have developed wart looking things around my right nipple. Scaly in touch. I’ve heard of Paget’s disease of the breast which is a form of cancer (from my understanding). With research I’m reading this disease usually develops in people with DCIS diagnoses. I’m having another Thermography done to check my breast. I feel confident it will come back cancer free since I’ve done this annually after my initial diagnosis but still am concerned with the growths around my nipple. My question is should I have another mammogram done afterward. I know if I go to a doctor they will most likely recommend a mammogram. It’s hard to find a holistic doctor and I don’t want this to get out of control. I would appreciate hearing thoughts and suggestions. By the way I live in the Houston Texas area if you can recommend a holistic dr.

  46. Bonnie B
    8 years ago

    I have been going for a thermogram for several years after being diagnosed with DCIS 12 years ago. I had a lumpectomy at that time and did not do the radiation or chemo at that time. I was told that I would probably die soon, so I started to see a naturopath instead. I had a thermogram on March 30 which showed no changes from the last one. I had a very large lump under my arm so went to my naturopath and she said that I should probably see my GP just to rule out any problems due to my history. The lump is on the same side as the DCIS was. When I saw my GP he said it was movable and didn’t think it was a problem but I should have a mammogram and ultrasound. After they did those they said I should have two core biopsies guided by a mammogram and ultrasound. I just had those done yesterday so now have to wait for the results and see a surgeon next Wednesday. I am concerned that nothing showed on the thermogram but they are acting like I have cancer again. The waiting is torture.

    1. Stacey
      7 years ago

      What was the results of your test?

      1. Diane Bedlin
        7 years ago

        yes i am wondering the same Stacey…

        1. Sonja Carassai-Haus
          7 years ago

          Hi Bonnie B-

          3 months ago you posted you were waiting for results- what was the outcome? Did you have additional testing? Hope all turned out OK!

  47. Lil
    8 years ago

    Can anyone recommend a thermography clinic/practice in the Naples/Ft Myers area(FL)? Thank you, Lil

    1. Sierra
      7 years ago


  48. Shell
    8 years ago

    I agree with Cynthia.
    I found a large lump and couldn’t find anyone to ultrasound without getting a mammogram first!
    It is a good sized lump easily seen and felt. Why would I need a mammogram for that? I finally found 1 place who would do the ultrasound, so I scheduled a thermogram on the same day just before that appt.
    The thermogram looked great – no issue of any kind (well, it did show the inflammation in my torn shoulder!) but the entire breast area looked cold – even toward lymph nodes.
    I had a horse head but me 9 years ago in the same spot and I had developed a cyst which eventually went away, so I am thinking it may be scar tissue.
    Later that day I got an ultrasound and the radiologist entered the room to shame me for getting a thermogram, insisted that she was pretty sure I had cancer, that it was substantial and probably affecting my lymph nodes and had wasted prescious time with a thermogram! I asked if it could be scar tissue where my horse injured me? No. It was cancer she claimed. She was so arrogant and in my space I asked her to leave.
    They wanted to do a biopsy right away. I have an appt with my Naturopath next week and will see what he has to say first. The same naturopath who successfully treated my inoperable brain tumor without killing me.

    My sister had a mammogram and they found a stage 0 cancer on a Friday and operated on her on Monday…. radiation and Tamoxifen for 5 years. They scared the crap out of her and she just did what they told her to do………Now she sees a Naturopath.

    1. Dawn
      7 years ago

      How did you find your naturopath ?

  49. Elizabeth
    8 years ago

    You know what breaks my heart Christiane, it’s when medical doctors make claims like, “…99.9 percent of the time DCIS is something a woman will die with but not die from!” Where is the citation for that statistic? I’m certain you just made that up! When I was diagnosed with DCIS in 2015, a single mother of 2 young children, my research indicated there was no research available for large numbers of women who had DCIS and decided it was indolent and did not treat it. It was more like “99.9%” of them DID treat it. In fact there was only one study that was currently being performed in Great Britain which was looking for subjects but I didn’t meet the criteria because I had more than the study allowed for. You cannot make a claim that women will survive DCIS if there is not research to back that up. Very few women are willing to take that risk.

    For the women out there who have been diagnosed with DCIS and are wondering what to do, my suggestion is to not take your breasts so seriously. It’s not imperative that they remain unadulterated. A double mastectomy with reconstruction was a painful and difficult experience for me. Fortunately, I had insurance. I now will never have to worry about getting breast cancer. My breasts are equally attractive as they were before and my family and I sleep better every night knowing I will continue to be the loving and caring provider to my children for the unforeseeable future. With all due respect, shame on you Dr. Northrup. You should be more responsible with your power.

    1. Stacey
      7 years ago

      Your wrong to think you could never get breast cancer because you had them removed. Did your doctor tell you that it could come back on your breast wall. Do your research because it sure can come back or even move to another part of your body.

    2. Karen Austin
      7 years ago

      Dear Elizabeth, 10 weeks ago I went to the funeral of one of my favorite coworker’s who had a double mastectomy even though she was only affected with cancer in one breast. I’m sure the doctors considered her cured after 5 years “cancer free” but a few months after her five years, she was diagnosed at stage 4 with breast cancer in her brain, pancreas and bones. She had not changed her lifestyle or diet. I was diagnosed with stage one a breast-cancer 2 1/2 years ago after a botched biopsy and surgical biopsy. The pathology after the lumpectomy showed no sign of cancer. I refused to continue with the allopathic care because I did not see the point of radiating tissue that had no sign of cancer. I was also urged to sign up for five years of altering my hormones. No thank you! It is not easy, but I’m working toward significant lifestyle changes for overall health and working with a Naturopathic Doc to improve my immune system. Best of health to you.

  50. San
    8 years ago

    Please, what is are the best days of the cycle to schedule breast thermography?
    Thank you

  51. Donna Calk
    8 years ago

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a good thermography center in the New York City area? For breast thermography. Thank you!

    1. Lisa Paladino
      8 years ago

      If you are willing to travel to Staten Island, it is offered through Dr. Getson’s practice, in my office, every other month.
      Lisa Paladino CNM, IBCLC

  52. Marilyn
    8 years ago

    I have recently decided to go with Thermography instead of mammograms for screening. The problem is my OB/GYN will not prescribe it because she says that is not what is recognized for breast cancer screening. How do I find a doctor in my area who will prescribe this test over mammography?

    1. Catherine
      8 years ago

      I would first check with your insurance company to see if it is even a covered benefit. No sense getting doc to write a script if it isn’t going to be covered. Last I checked you have to pay out of pocket for it, but not a whole lot more than a lot of things we ladies pamper ourselves with, ie massages, mani-pedis, spa treatments, hair, etc…

  53. This is a link to the American College of Thermology’s list of thermography clinics, organized by country and state.

    All cameras used by these clinics are classified by the FDA as medical devices and are made by Meditherm, in the U.S., at an FDA-inspected factory in Lake Oswego, Oregon. (Some clinics use industrial thermography cameras.)

    Thank you, Dr. Northrup, for getting this important information out to women.

    1. Kristen
      7 years ago

      What is the concern with “industrial thermography cameras?”

  54. Lori Peters
    8 years ago

    I am a thermographer in Erie Pennslyvania and I am a part of several offices all over the U.S. You can find us at

    1. Erin
      8 years ago

      I was just on that website and there were no Erie offices listed. (I was hoping to find somewhere close to Meadville!) I’d love your information.

  55. Cherry Salmon
    8 years ago

    There are a couple of options for breast thermography in Nashville. I was wondering if there are certain questions to ask regarding the machines (such as power/ability) in order to make the best choice? Or are all the machines designed equally? In reading about thermography, a lot of information states that thermography is only able to see inflammation closer to the surface of the skin. So, my question is around this. Are some types of thermography machines better than others in their ability to see the entire breast? Thank you, Cherry

    1. Kristen
      7 years ago

      You need to look into the pixels of the camera, if its been calibrated, and also look at who is reading the reports…some companies use dr’s that write a one to two sentence cookie cutter statement while other companies train their dr’s better and the reports are very detailed

  56. Stephanie
    8 years ago

    Can you please let me know the name of providers in my location who do thermography,
    I live in Morristown, New Jersey
    Thank you

    1. Sharon
      8 years ago
      She’s great! She is kind, caring and you will love having her do your thermography.

  57. Cynthia
    8 years ago

    I had a thermogram that came back clear after my doctor found a so called lump. I am being pressured to have mammo plus ultrasound. I’m 47 and have small dense fibritic breasts. I am concerned about false positives and unnecessary biopsy. I do not think that I have cancer. My husband wants me to have the radiation, though he says “not every year”. I asked what if he had to smash his sensitive parts for a picture knowing energy picture increases his cancer risk and he cannot answer. I can’t get an helpful advice…no one will risk offering any opinion that supports me relying on thermography and my own sense of my health. I think it’s just fibroid like ones I have in my abdomen. My doc says at least get the ultrasound, but right now it looks like insurance won’t allow it unless I get the radiation too. How dumb is that? But I still think the ultrasound will still lead to more tests. I just am flabbergasted at how much pressure there is to submit to conventional imagine, and animosity toward alternatives. My doctor dismissed the thermogram out of hand with “I don’t know anything about this” when I gave her the report, and didn’t even want to look at it. I still can’t decide what to do. Now it appears that my husband’s health is being affected by the stress from me not submitting to radiation and worrying about whether I have cancer. It all feels ridiculous.

    1. Julie Koewler
      8 years ago

      Hi Cynthia, It saddens me you have no one has responded to you post. It’s understandable you feel so frustrated. There are no simply solutions to what you are dealing with. I can’t say I have been in your situation or know the to what levels of our frustration is. I simply wanted to acknowledge and validate what you are feeling. In offering advice, I would like to say to go with you gut on what feels right. It sounds like your biggest concern over this is the stress your husband is experiencing. I’m wondering if there are some ways you both can talk about the situation and ways to come up with positive next steps that is workable to both of you? Wishing you all the best!

    2. Barbara
      8 years ago

      I am a Thermographer located in Western Pennsylvania. I have a mobile unit and I am will to travel to surrounding states to offer my services. If you own a clinic or office and would like to have me, I will come to you. Please feel free to call anytime at 412-378-7506 All About Thermography ask for Barbara
      P.S. Most Medical Doctors don’t know what to do with a Thermogram once it is presented, seek out a Holistic doctor who can eradicate your problem if you have one, before turning into disease or cancer. Thermography offers the earliest detection of breast changes years before mammogram. This is the greatest benefit, it gives you TIME to heal your problem before having to submit to conventional medicine.

  58. Kate Qadir
    8 years ago

    I’m saddened to realize in Georgia there’s no such type testing available any recommendations?

    1. IP
      8 years ago

      That is not true. At least true for Atlanta. We have a few places. I have done it a few times. Google Mobile Thermographic Imaging. They cover more than Atlanta.

      1. Karen Gloeggler
        7 years ago

        Thanks so much! I googled Mobile Thermographic Imaging in Las Vegas and came up with a few resources. Checking them out now.


    2. Jane
      8 years ago

      Dr Melville and Dr Schultz in the Athens, Ga area have thermography in their offices. I have used it for several years after a DCIS diagnosis. I elected to treat naturally with a Natropath working with these Doctors, and have a lumpectomy. It was a great success. I also have radically changed my health through eating and exercise along with supplementation. I am after two years having a plastic surgeon adjust the breasts to match. All the surgeons are requiring a mammo before they will do the surgery. SO, after three years of no mammo, I am doing one. and then I will continue with the thermography annually at least. The Mobile Thermographic Imaging group in Georgia that travels can be reached at 678.852.8548.

  59. Dr. Maria Taheny
    8 years ago

    Excellent information! As a clinician in psychology (Phd) I see those with anxiety relating to impending death. Even if there is no physical threat of death, a client will convince herself of a potential threat if a doctor tells her it may occur. The clients most fearful of the condition are often in need of a psychologist to work through the fear, not a test to take away the fear. Fear simply indicates the value one places on the potential lost object, in this case Life, and a test will not make fear retreat. It just gives a false sense of security that looms over them like a cloud. More importantly, an opportunity is being missed on several levels. The anxiety will remain even after a negative mammogram. However, we know that anxiety actually inhibits the immune system, so if a tumor is missed by mammography (because it is too small to detect) coping with the anxiety can produce a change in the body’s response to the tumor.

    Kudos for saying out loud what many women fear was already the case. Logic tells us not to slam our breasts against the shower door and a wall. Why on earth would we accept that type of treatment for the sake of “just in case” with mammography?

  60. Ashley ageloff
    8 years ago

    I received my first screening in 2013. Now I do thermography screenings professionally. I am passionate about spreading awareness in order to save lives, and to prevent cancer from developing through holistic techniques.

  61. Joanne
    8 years ago

    Where is thermography available in Quebec and specifically Montreal?

    1. Sharon
      8 years ago

      our clinic offers thermography in ottawa and we will be setting up a location shortly in Quebec. You can check out our website at

  62. Eileen mccormick
    8 years ago

    I am 73 and have not had a mammogram for 2 yrs. I thought after 74 you didn’t have to have anymore. What is your view on this.

  63. ORT
    8 years ago

    Thermogram isn’t accurate. Had a lump and before having a mammo I had thermography at Dr. Getson’s clinic and the result was negative. A few weeks later I had my mammo and my doctor ordered a biopsy and found out I had stage 2 CA. Thermogram isn’t accurate.

    1. Margie
      8 years ago

      I am not a doctor but I have had thermography. Did you have an established baseline? It is my understanding that a woman gets scanned and then rescanned 3 months later. If there is not a difference between the 2 scans then that is her baseline scan. Then from that point her yearly exams are compared to that original baseline scan. If you didn’t have an established baseline there was nothing to compare to.

  64. Betty minifie
    8 years ago

    I am wonder after age 75 how often one should have a thermogram. I agree with you, until men put there scrotums under 50 lbs why should we!!!!Betty

  65. Linda Clinger
    8 years ago

    My gynecologist recommended my bi-annual mammogram. I asked about thermography instead and he told me that thermography has not been shown to be reliable. After reading so much about mammography, I believe thermography is the way to go for me, so I will be paying out-of-pocket to have this done. It just makes sense.

  66. S Wedemeyer
    8 years ago

    Had type of DCIS HER2-NEU 3+ positive. Minimal surgery; dose of IORT – over and done with. I don’t find 3D mammograms to be anything painful and follow doc orders. So far, so good. I’d prefer not to sit around for years wondering if I will end up with killer cancer. Maybe some DCIS issues can be ignored. I was told mine wasn’t. If thermography was the best way to go, it should be a regular “thing” out there and covered by insurance. I do many alternative things and study up on all that affects me but I hope to have good health to the end and no stress worrying about “do I or do I not have cancer?”

  67. Marjorie
    8 years ago

    In Canada, this ineffective practice has been discontinued. “Health Canada has issued “cease and desist” orders to clinics offering breast thermography as a cancer diagnostic device because thermography cameras are not licensed as a medical device in Canada, and because thermography is viewed as ineffective by medical experts.”

    1. Alida Carslake
      8 years ago

      I believe this has been reversed. I have had thermographs in the past & have been receiving emails to come back again for another from my clinic in Canada.

      1. Jan
        8 years ago

        I had one last week in Ottawa.

    2. Shelley
      7 years ago

      Not true, I am scheduled for one next week and I’m in Western Canada

      1. Lisa
        7 years ago

        Hi Shelley, can you tell me where you are having your thermography performed? I live in Western Canada too, Vancouver Island.

        Many thanks,

  68. gina
    8 years ago

    Twenty-four years ago I was diagnosed with stage 1 non-Hodgkins lymphoma, given 6 weeks of localized radiation, and told to watch and wait. I am still waiting. Eleven years ago I was diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast, and told to have bilateral mastectomies. Because of my previous experience, against my surgeon’s wishes, I chose five years of Tamoxifin and to watch and wait. I am still waiting. Five years ago, after five years of being in menopause, I began bleeding heavily. A benign polyp which had caused the bleeding was removed. However, cancerous cells were found in the lining of my uterus and I then underwent a hysterectomy. My ovaries were also removed at the time, without consulting me, because the surgeon later claimed, ” I didn’t need them anymore.” I have used both conventional medicine and alternative therapies throughout the years, which is why I believe I am still here. And after reading Dr. Northrup’s indorsement for thermography, I just might add it to my yearly mammography.

  69. Devorah
    8 years ago

    Unfortunately, insurance does not cover thermography, and the cost is a few hundred dollars.

    1. maryon
      8 years ago

      Thermograms are not covered in US, but for some of us, neither are mammograms.
      Thermogram I had in2009 showed some type of disturbance in my lower esophagus. I had opted for a breast and also a midsection/abdominal thermogram. Oddly enough, this summer, i have begun to have physical symptoms that i can now see that thermogram picked up years ago, but I had forgotten about until now because I was focused on breast thermogram.
      So I do believe they are a valid part of breast / whole body diagnostic, it would be helpful here in US if more physicians would at least look at the images and help us make good decisions on where to go next.

    2. Lanora
      8 years ago

      Worth every cent. I have had them for 11 years. Instead of surgery for DCIS, cleared in 3 months .

  70. Sharon
    8 years ago

    I had fibrocystic breasts for years. I’ve had a few mammos in my 40s. I had one in 2014 that was suspect and they wanted me to come back. I found out about thermography and started getting them. They showed I had fibrocystic breasts, after my own research I started taking Iodine/Iodide and after 3 months had another thermogram and one a year later. My breast are a cool shade of blue (no heat; no pain) and now at low risk of breast cancer. It is so shocking that not more people know about this safer technology that shows more upstream. Dr. N. I owe it to you as I found an interview with you online (maybe w. Dr. Mercola) and you impacted me tremendously with your approach to health and healthy aging!

    1. Eliz
      8 years ago

      Wow, so Iodine/Iodide helped your fibrosistic breasts? How much do you take? Do you add it to food?

      1. Sierra
        7 years ago

        Read “The Iodine Crisis” by Lynne Farrow and “Iodine” by Dr. David Brownstein, it will explain all you need to know–Iodine/Iodide (as in the Iodoral or Lugol’s brand) really works!

  71. Kristine Paranica
    8 years ago

    It would be nice to have a list of clinics offering thermography in the US. Can you post a list to the blog?

    1. Sharon
      8 years ago

      go to this site and click on patients and then click on find a location.

  72. Glenda
    8 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup. IN Perth Western Australia we cannot get thermography and I have previously had mammogram followed by ultrasound. My question is having a ultrasound only sufficient screening when thermography is not available? Im 60 years young.

      1. Lee
        7 years ago

        Australians used to be able to access thermography. The Breast Screening list is very old. Unfortunately the major health players have a united statement against thermography –

  73. Gina Johnson
    8 years ago

    The problem I’ve found is that many medical groups in Utah ( intermountain Health Center (IHC) hospitals and clinics University of Utah hospitalsand clinics and others don’t have or offer Thermography. There us one facility in American Fork Utah that does but, my insurance will not cover the service. I checked with my insurance company and until the ceo and board choose to cover this you are stuck with Mammograms. We all need to contact our insurance companies to give us thus option for care as well. Is there a secret as to how to get this implimented? The more you know the better you can care for you and your family. Thank you for the article. This is the third one I’ve read about thermography this year.

  74. Brenda Kelliher
    8 years ago

    USA is 9th in the world (behind 8 European National Health systems) for breast cancer recurrence, survival -with almost no improvement in 50 years, and NO modern evidence of the value of chemo or radiation, just some marginal evidence of Aromatase Inhibitors ( kill ALL estrogen, destroy bones, brain) and Tamoxifen (declared carcinogen, uterine cancer/plus strokes) … these long term chemo drugs take daily for 5-10 years) reducing risk of recurrence only very slightly and dished out for DCIS and for IDC equally, even being sold now as preventive medication for women with a BRCA gene!!!Thermography is the recommended baseline imaging in Switzerland now – followed by ultrasound …and mammogram (Xray) only as a last step before conducting biopsy.
    HOWEVER – thermography, and ultrasound, take more time ( = $$$$$) and require much greater focus and skill from the technician ….
    AND Big Radiation (General Electric, etc) make billions from the antiquated machinery, leasing and locking radiology practices into a cash treadmill with GE Finance….. GE, Siemens, Westinghouse etc see mammography and irradiation machinery as a GROWING Market for the future in Asia, South America “as the shift to Western diet increases and cancer rates grow” (from a very extensive Radiation Industry FOrecast I had to look at as part of my global industries forecasting job) …..

    1. Ana
      8 years ago

      Can you provide a link that shows thermography is the recommended baseline for Switzerland? I cannot find any information relating to this claim. Europe is indeed looking at whether or not mammograms are needed but it is still recommened. and according to this,, Europe plans on unveiling guidelines on how to diagnose and treast breast cancer.

    2. Ana
      8 years ago

      Brenda Kelliher:
      Can you provide a link that shows thermography is the recommended baseline for Switzerland? I cannot find any information relating to this claim.

      Although Europe is indeed looking at whether or not mammograms are needed, it mammos are still recommended.

      Further, according to this,, Europe plans to unveil guidelines on how to diagnose and treast breast cancer. by 2018 at the earliest.

    3. Jean S.
      7 years ago

      Brenda, Wow! Thank you for educating those who do not know about the BIG going on in our country as well as world wide. BIG are making us sicker and sicker and sicker with the irony of the pharmaceuticals leading the way. All this medication is killing people. Monsanto is the leader in making the sprays that poison our food. They now genetically modify the plants so they can spray them with Roundup so the plants won’t die). Horrible!! This in turn is destroying our precious water, soil, wildlife, on and on it goes. The only way around not eating Roundup is to eat organically. What a crazy world we live in. Thank you Dr. Northrup for educating so many people and I know those people, like me, spread the word. You are amazing and loved by so many including me!!!

  75. Maryann
    8 years ago

    Informative article. I agree with the overtreatment of cancer. I am amazed at the women I meet who had double mastectomies after hearing they had DCIS, plus chemo and radiation. I hope in the future this is stopped.
    It is sad as a 2x malignant cancer survivor/patient. The non malignant cells I don’t worry about as much, but get tired of getting cut (I had melanoma also ). I hope you write more about breast health this month. Especially on follow up care for patients after having infiltrating ductal carcinoma or other malignant breast cancers. The treatment options available (tamoxifen and AI’s) seem to be limited with side effects that I do not want. I will look into thermography in the Atlanta area.

  76. Colleen
    8 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,
    Until recently I might have agreed with you but due to a recent family event I now have to adamantly disagree. I have a sister who was doing thermography and was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with mets to lymph nodes and rib. She was diagnosed after a self exam and mamogram. In theory it sounds like a great idea that should work, so while she did not do thermography every single year she did it often enough that her cancer should have been picked up. I could now never recommend or consider thermography.

  77. Grace
    8 years ago

    I was diagnosed with DCIS in 2011 and had a lumpectomy. There were no cancer cells in the tissue removed in surgery; they were all removed with the biopsy. After much discussion with my surgeon, oncologist, and radiation oncologist, we agreed that I could forego further therapy because the post surgery lab was clean.

    In the first few years after surgery, I had 8 or 9 mammograms. I was very concerned about this much radiation explosure but all the medical people seemed to think nothing of it.

    I haven’t had a mammo since 2014. I am still concerned that I had “too much too quickly”.

    I hope to find a thermography clinic with knowledgable staff who can give me some insight here. The medical world has us scared to death NOT to forego mammograms, but I see many reasons that I should.

    And it is hugely irritating that Medicare will not pay for thermography. A woman should have a choice!

    1. Mary Lynne Johnson
      8 years ago

      I agree!

  78. Sandra baruch
    8 years ago

    I have had Thermologies for the past 5 years.everything each year came back normal.I got a letter this year from my insurance company saying that they noticed I haven’t had a mamo for quite some time,and recommended I get one,free of charge.So just to play both sides safe,I got one.The experience was pleasant and the results were normal.Now,since i have peace of mind,next year i will continue with the thermagram.

  79. Christiane
    9 years ago

    Here’s a good resource for finding a good thermography center. I hope this helps.

    1. Anja Thybo
      8 years ago

      Dear Dr. Northrup – do you know of any certified thermography centers in Europe – preferably close to Copenhagen/Denmark, since it’s where I live? Thank you for sharing your voice with the world! Loving regards, Anja Thybo

      1. Sharon
        8 years ago

        go to

        click on patients and go to find location.

  80. Kathleen Ivie
    9 years ago

    Are there any thermography offices in Salt Lake City, UT? I don’t know where I would even begin looking.

  81. Christiane Northrup
    9 years ago

    There is an excellent thermography clinic in the Toronto, Canada area run by Dr Alexander Mostovoy. Check this out:

  82. NYArtist
    9 years ago

    Try finding someone near Kingston, NY who provides the test. If you do, email (But NOT Susan Wilson).

    1. Kelly Ann
      9 years ago

      NYArtist – in CT Dr Ginger Nash on Woodbridge. She is great!

  83. tb
    9 years ago

    I had a thermography and discovered that I have a tiny beginning of breast cancer. The cancer was detected in the thermography but not in the scan. Further blood tests and over 6K out of pocket for blood test confirming cancer. Now here is the catch! insurance and medicare does not cover tests or treatments because cancer thermography is “non conclusive”. Must have a conclusive test with a mammogram and biopsy.
    There is no way I can afford the recommended 3 month chemo at 20K a month + + +. Patting myself on the back for early detection (yip di doo), but what are your treatment options if you do not have the money to spend on life saving treatments?? Catch 22!!!

    1. Norma
      8 years ago

      There are natural alternatives and they are effective. Chemo and radiation will destroy your cells and will make you worse. People had been cured of cancer. There are some clinics across the border that treat you naturally but they are expensive. If you go to Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico, there will cost you the most 1,000.00 per week and you come back and follow the same nutrition system and you will be healed.

  84. Lynn
    9 years ago

    I live in the Sarasota, FL area and would like to know if you recommend a doctor in my area who uses thermography instead of traditional mammogram. Thank you.

    1. JJ
      8 years ago

      Our office has a visiting thermographer come in once a month (in FL – Orlando / Winter Park area) for screenings. We are Herbs and More, Inc. Our website is I know that the thermographer also brings her roadshow to Sarasota. You can call Kristin at Central Florida Medical Thermography at 863-712-5037. Her company uses Physician’s Insight to read the thermal imaging.

      1. Sharon
        8 years ago

        kristen is the best!

  85. Julieth
    9 years ago

    Hello. I was diagnose wit stage one slow grow estrogen and progesterone positive breast cancer .. I got this images taking and they told me I have a healthy breast … Thus, so I don’t know if I should continue doing this images! The MRI and the biopsy confirm the CA. Why is this happening if I read so many research stating that thermal images suppose to see CA at early stages.. they can’t see my at stage one .. I don’t want to have more mammogram or even MRI to follow up on the grow of my CA because of the effect of radiation. But, I don’t know what to think about this. When I had my first images I did had the CA but I shoose not to give this information to the tech because i want them to tell me what they see. Now they told me there is nothing ! How we explain this … Should I go to the same place a do my second follow up .. The tech is mad with me because I dint told her since the beginning ,! So that is my story .. What are your thought Appreciate your feed back . Thank you!

    1. NYArtist
      9 years ago

      No radiation in an MRI

      1. Brenda Kelliher
        8 years ago

        MRI uses gadolinium which metal lodges in your bones and brain NOT washed out by your kidneys (extensive proof in Japan, Europe) …
        AND MRI tears at the very atoms of your body – I will NEVER have one again ….
        Be Well This Day

    2. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      Biopsy is the gold standard of diagnosis.,Imaging of all kinds sometimes misses pathology. If the tissue diagnosis was DCIS ( ductal carcinoma in situ) this is NOT cancer. The term needs to be changed because it scares people to death. And in the vast majority of cases it doesn’t lead to invasive cancer. Far
      Too many women are having treatment and even mastectomy for this diagnosis.

      1. SAR
        8 years ago

        Yes & DCIS is stage 0 not stage 1. So either she was misinformed about the stage or she really doesn’t have DCIS

  86. Stacy Rubis
    9 years ago

    Does anyone know a good thermographer in the NYC area? for breast thermography.

    1. Donna Calk
      8 years ago

      Stacy, did you ever find a good thermographer in the NYC area for breast thermography? Please share if you did :). Donna

  87. Frances Vizzini
    9 years ago

    I have recently relocated from CA, where the availability of naturopathic and integrative medical practices are more available and accepted. I would appreciate your recommendation of a breast thermography facility in Westchester County, NY with acceptable equipment and qualified, specifically trained physicians who can interpret the thermagrams.”

  88. AngelMarlow
    9 years ago

    Thank you for such a beautiful article, very informative. I have been using Thermography in my office for 10 years and the benefits of thermography for both men and women are invaluable.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      Thank you!

  89. Jan
    9 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup, I am seriously considering switching to thermography from mammography, and I also plan to write about the subject for my online magazine. Like every other important medical topic, there are strong opinions on both sides. I am in search of specific facts, which opponents of thermography claim do not exist.

    Can you refer us to the studies you mention that show a thermogram identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier and produces unambiguous results? Thank you!

  90. Lynette Benda
    9 years ago

    Can someone tell me a reputable Dr. In the Chicago area or Chicago suburbs?

    1. Dr. Rhonda J. Button
      9 years ago

      Absolutely, Dr. Nicholas LeRoy – he is in Chicago, and has been performing breast thermography for 20 years. He even comes to our office in southeastern Illinois twice a year so that we can offer this to our patients!
      Dr. Rhonda J. Button
      Carmi, IL

  91. Carol Fretz
    9 years ago

    Is thermography available in Lancaster Co., PA?

  92. Mary Lou
    9 years ago

    I Amaya breast cancer survivor since 2004. I had DCIS of the right breast. I had colon cancer stage one in 2000. The onogoligist had me have lumpectomy and radiation.
    I don’t really like having mammograms,they really hurt and your breast hurts for couple of weeks too. Do you feel that thermogram would be good for me?

  93. Sue
    9 years ago

    Firstly I an Canadian and the Canadian health association does not believe Thermology is effective and as far as I am aware, there is no where in Canada for me to get this testing done annually. So how and where can I go about getting this testing? Also, you list criteria one should know about the equipment. How does the average person know if the piece of equipment they are using for Thermology meets the criteria? Help!

    1. Desiree
      9 years ago

      Hi Sue, I’m live in Toronto, if you find where thermology is done please forward the info . I will greatly appreciate it. My doc is forcing me for my annual Mamogram check up but I don’t want to do it that way.
      Your sincerely

      1. Vera
        9 years ago

        Your doctor can’t “force you” to get a mammogram. Just say no. You can refuse any test or procedure you like even in Ontario and they don’t do it annually here it’s every 2 years after 50. You can get thermography at pro-health imaging if you want to. I don’t get any cancer screening as I have an anxiety disorder and would have no quality of life worrying about more things than I already obsess about. If I get cancer I’m checking out with Carter vs. Canada, I wouldn’t get any treatment anyway. My take is there’s no virtue in living to a demented old age, I think like Ezekiel Emanuel. Now finding a doctor that respect your rights is another story. I just use a walk-in for my health care where they don’t force you to get stuff you don’t want.

      2. Heather Lewis
        9 years ago

        There is a small, lovely little town just east of Toronto, Port Perry. Sunleite health clinic. They do thermometry there. My husband is going to give me a session for my birthday. Check it out. I really don’t want squished boobs again.

      3. Janice
        8 years ago

        Hi Desiree,

        I have a thermography clinic in Burlington, ON with outreach clinics in Southern Ontario. You are welcome to visit to make contact.

    2. Tracey
      8 years ago

      Hi there,

      I live in Victoria, B.C. and there is a private thermography clinic located here.
      Good luck with your search:)

  94. Mark
    14 years ago

    Being grateful is simply an expression of love. Who would suspect this from Warren Buffet, “Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe.”

  95. LORNA
    14 years ago

    Thank you for this; I love it. I’ve known energy healing since I was a child; this is a wonderful addition to my stores. Would love to know if it’s necessary to have someone for which you wish to do a healing say the petition, or if you can do it “by proxy”.

  96. Julie D
    14 years ago

    Does it seem strange to me that I have always felt that no matter what situation arises, that all one needs is to be love, give love or find love?? Not at this moment, for when I find such simple truths that emanate out of intuition and compassion, I’m grateful. I will embrace this with relish and joy, and share again, as always, joyfully~

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