Welcome to my Website

Headwaters of Women's Health

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Medical Insights & News

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the new DrNorthrup.com! While I know that many of my readers have followed my work for years (even decades, in some cases), I want you to hear my story—why I love being at the headwaters of women’s health.

I became an ob/gyn because I wept with joy the first time I saw a baby being born. I was still in medical school, and nothing had ever moved me that much. After an ob/gyn residency, I started my career as a doctor in a conventional medical practice. And soon realized that a woman’s health (or lack thereof) was intimately related to her beliefs, behaviors, diet, relationships, and environment. I also witnessed the devastating effects of abuse of all kinds.

Despite this, I have also seen the inner power to heal that lives inside everyone—no matter what their past experiences have been. And I have seen that this power very often comes through the very processes that can be so problematic for women, including labor and birth, the menstrual cycle, and menopause.

Because of my experiences on the front lines of women’s health, I eventually started a different kind of medical practice—one that honored the sacred processes of the female body.

Now I’m working way upstream at the very headwaters of health… teaching women (and men) from all around the world how to:

  • Trust what they know in their bones.
  • Honor the wisdom of their bodies.
  • Master the skills necessary for growing beyond any limiting beliefs, which may be adversely affecting their biology.
  • And, most importantly, to welcome this truth: It’s possible to experience heaven—and joy—right here on earth.

I designed this website to help you enjoy vibrant health at every stage of life. Health isn’t just the absence of disease. It’s being physically and emotionally able to live joyfully and in alignment with your deepest self. You have the ability to build health every day. All it requires is an open mind and a willingness to accept the healing power within you.

For inspirational tips and advice I encourage you to explore DrNorthrup.com where you will find wisdom and guidance for your body, mind, and spirit. Visit daily to discover how to mine the riches that already reside within you.

If you haven’t already done so, I hope you will stay connected with me by signing up for my eNews. There’s a free gift with every subscription.

Remember: You have the power within you to create vibrant health—at any age and life stage.

Last Updated: December 3, 2014

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Lowell Williams
    7 months ago

    Just watched you on Sarah Westall’s site, we did not come from the future, allowing us to see when others don’t, Thessalonians 2:11-12, tells us why some see and others do not.
    Thessalonians 2:11-12, 11 And for this cause (Yahuah) God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    And in love please, you should look into it, his name is not God it’s Yahuah, and his sons name is not Jesus, it’s Yahusha, lucky he sees our hearts and knows what we believe, the bible talks about praising the name and glory to the name and never tells us the name or a different name, so the Jesuits can say it while taking over the churches fooling people because, oh they say Jesus so they can not be bad, but since that was never his real name they can say it. Look up Dr. Stephen Pidgeon has a lot of great info and neither him or us have all the answers, but we seek and we will find them, waiting on the two witnesses to bring the truth to us all, before the Millennial reign.
    Best Regards & Shalom!!!!!!!

  2. Cindy k Swanick
    1 year ago

    Where do I find the ” Light for health” that you were talking about with Dr. Ardis on 10/2/2023? I just spent a few hours looking and I find no such thing.

  3. Cynthia
    2 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,
    A friend of mine was forced to get two jabs for her work. Now, she’s bleeding and cannot stop it. She’s 69 and has to work as her husband passed away 3 years ago.
    Any suggestions? She desperately needs some help!

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      2 years ago

      Hello Cynthia,

      I am Dr. Northrup’s editor. I would suggest your friend look at the detox blogs available on DrNorthrup.com. In addition, Dr. Northrup’s premium Substack has more information behind the pay wall ($9.99 per month). She recently did a 4-part detox series that I think your friend will find extremely useful.

      1. Deanna Spingola
        2 years ago

        I watched the four-part series then had a computer issue and was never able to find and watch it again. I love and appreciate Dr. Northrup and have all of her books..

        1. Coulson Duerksen
          1 year ago


          The series is still on her Substack. You will have to search/scroll the Podcast episodes to the dates the videos were released because Substack uses chronological order.

          Hope this helps.


  4. Jo
    2 years ago

    I want to thankyou for all the work you do in helping people and getting the truth out there. I watched you on the Inspired channel and heard you mention that someone asked for you to make a small video so they could share it with their child about the covid-19 injections and how they shouldn’t feel they have to follow the crowd & that once they have been told they then have the knowledge etc. I was hoping you may be able to share that with me so I can show my teenage daughter as we haven’t been and she keeps saying that her friends are fine..thankyou in advance.

  5. jeannie
    2 years ago

    Your book Women’s bodies Women’s wisdom changed my life. I have bought more copies of it than I can remember, to pass on to others. It makes me want to puke to read what has been said about you inn Wiki, You rock and you are totally wonderful, and thank you .

  6. Jill Meier
    2 years ago

    Hello Dr. Northrup,
    I have been a fan of your work for years. Last January 2022 I came down with shingles. My adult children and grand children
    have all been vaccinated against flu and Covid. I have not taken a flu vaccination in 40 years and did not take the Covid
    vaccination. However I came down with shingles and lost sight in my my left eye after eating dinner with my vaccinated family. I had just been told that my grandkids had been vaccinated. The timing between my grand kids vaccinations and my shingles was very close. I am wondering if their shedding caused my immune system to weaken and allow the shingles virus to come out of dormancy. Even now I feel the shingles virus is still in my system and all the anti virals I was given didn’t do the job. I am wondering if Ivermectin would have worked on the shingles, and cleared up the vision in my left eye?

    1. ImLadyRed
      2 years ago

      I am not a doctor, in the medical field, nothing; but have had shingles. For whatever it’s worth, here’s my take on your situation. Shingles can be brought on by stress, my 18 year old daughter had it the summer before she went to college. I had it when I started a new job. In my humble opinion, it was the stress of a family dinner that brought on your shingles. Doesn’t matter that everyone was vaccinated, only matters that it was a stressful situation; and that’s what caused the shingles to erupt. And, if they are all vaccinated, you might have been the target of them nagging you to get vaccinated.

    2. Michelle Tennyson
      2 years ago

      Shingles which is also related to herpes & chicken pox were all side effects that have been associated with the vaccines from what I’ve seen. I’m not a doctor but have done a lot of research on it & have been watching videos from all the doctors speaking on it. Since it attacks & lowers the immune system all kinds of issues like this were rising in numbers

  7. I desperately need some books, my 33 DD wants books on how to plan for a Healthy pregnancy and then for after baby care…I can help as I am a Holistic RN, but she also wants recommended books to keep and go over.
    Any help here?
    Thank you in advance

  8. Jean Noelle Pettit
    2 years ago

    Thank you for taking into account what a woman is going through, and how it affects our health. I am blessed to have a PCP who also subscribes to that philosophy, and I am grateful for her.

  9. David Berent
    2 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    Just listened to your interview with Mike Adams on Brighteon. Excellent!

    So many people I know who are good people who have taken the Vaxx and were brainwashed by worshipping the idol of Big Pharma. We pray for them everyday.

    Keep spreading the word on how to reconnect with God thru healthy living.

  10. Jed West
    2 years ago

    Thank you for your excellent speech and presentation in Ellsworth last Friday. It was riveting and scary (I did appreciate the black humor). Is your power point published anywhere? It had some facts of which I wasn’t aware. They would be useful when making our arguments to our sleeping friends.

    Thank you for doing what you do. We all have to resist this insanity.

  11. Kim Naranjo
    2 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,

    I am most decidedly anti-COVID shot and now I’m feeling skeptical of every shot that the government would offer me.

    My problem is, I live in a highly vaxxed area (Seattle). I love to swim in public pools, but so do the vaxxed people who live here. Knowing that vaxxed people excrete spike protein through their skin, would I suffer the effects of exposure to spike protein? How about if I were to swim in a lake?

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    1. Suzanne
      2 years ago

      This is a great question that I would like to know the answer to also.

  12. L. Allnutt
    2 years ago

    A family member who has not had any COVID injections is planning to marry a man who has only had one injection. Due to their ages, they have agreed to not have any children.
    However, what are the dangers to the uninjected woman through being intimate?

  13. Danyelle
    2 years ago

    Got hit by the bioweapon after my husband’s co-workers, en masse, went for Omi shots, 4 months ago. He got it first, then me= 3rd hand transmission.
    Started HRT 4 months before that.
    Started actively bleeding 2 weeks into “the illness” and haven’t stopped. Got severely anaemic, hair started falling out- still is. On the one hand, hair fall can be a positive sign of toxin dump, if it grows back; if not, different problem.
    Did a full chelation schedule (still on a “maintenance” dose) for the clotting that I developed crawling up my legs and groin, ivermect, zinc, Vit K/D3, melatonin, etc.
    Exhausted, started eating liver, doing everything for blood building. Nothing would stop it.
    Doubled my Progesterone dose to 400mg, at night.
    Slows the bleeding.
    If I add a huge dose of a Chasteberry formula, spread throughout the day, I can get it to stop. But it, and the cramps, comes right back, within hours, if I stop.
    Hope this helps to shed some light on the pathological process.

  14. Lori
    2 years ago

    I gave my neighbors a ride to pick up their car from the shop,the next day I had a massive headache, they both took the pfizer shots 1 and 2, it as been 10 months now, I am still having massive headaches everyday, clotting , my period is never the same, bruising on my legs, I feel tired and weak all of the time, numbness and tangling in my fingers and toes, night sweats and chills,rashes, my back sometimes feels like it is on fire. I always had 20/20 vision no more and my right eye as floaters, this is 100% real stay out of the cars with them it is the worse place to be with them everyday I feel like I am dying pray for the truth to come out, my days are numbered I feel like I am dying the shedding is 100% real

    1. L Daniel
      2 years ago

      If you are experiencing “Long Covid” and the Epstein Barr Virus that we all carry mostly in Dormant phase has now been triggered … I suggest contacting finding / researching the ME/CFS Organisation’s where you live.
      Most are charities, you may find some answers that help. Most important if you have a Doctor who is no taking your symptoms seriously swap to another recommended in your practice, or elsewhere. I hope this is of some use.

    2. bobbi
      2 years ago

      Last year I was hugged by a man 5 days after his second pfizer shot and I woke up with a severe pain in my head afraid I was going to stroke out. I too have had a hit of pain in my head daily since then. I also went to the Truth about cancer conference last Oct and was again exposed were I felt mildly ill. Broke out with a very, very mild case of shingles. Presently, I am on the fourth day of a liquid fast. On day three I saw a light blue buise on my hip. Today, this bruise was vivid blue, so it had come from within, not from bumping into something. I then noticed a bruise on my calf and low and behold on the top of my foot. Now, I am wondering if my detox is actually pulling some spike protein from my body. Last night both my cheeks were rosy as well as three little precancerous spots (normally not noticeable) on my nose. My cheeks are still rosy, albeit less, today. Is it plausible that the fast is pulling the spike protein through my body? I have done many fasts and never seen this before.

    3. S Meet
      2 years ago

      I’ve had this issue as well. After my work place got vaccinated, my period stopped. My partner is also vaxxed and I sometimes have pain in my veins. The shedding is real. What are you taking to help yourself?

  15. Mary Sue Sanderson
    2 years ago

    Thank you for presenting at the Reawaken America conference in Myrtle Beach! My husband and I met another couple there who live 20 minutes away from our house in New Hampshire. We felt inspired to have a mini Reawaken Conference here in NH. We have a farm to host it and we’re hoping you would come to speak.

  16. Annie Ocean
    2 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup, we had a Midwifery Nurse Practitioner health care practice and birthing center here in Oregon 1997-2002 “they” refused to pay us, we sued, won, and then it started again. Just saying I am not new to baby care…this shortage of baby formula has brought to my attention that babies may not be getting the colostrum they need for a good immune system, because of the push eliminate breast feeding. Besides the enormous money being made from the baby formula, It occurred to me this is a deliberate plan to make our species weaker and goes along with the vaccines and the covid shots…. My generation, I am 72, has left the birthing and health care industry to the men and their corporations. It is disgusting how easily women have given up our ability to encourage and protect the birthing moms. Mom’s are saying they have no help in the hospitals from nurses or doctors for breast feeding nor from their friends and family. Please encourage women to breast feed and be supportive of one another. We must turn this around for the sake of the human race. thanks for your wonderful self. We always had your newsletter on our WomanCare office shelf.

  17. John V.
    2 years ago

    I listened to your interview with Mike Adams. I have a question. All three of my adult children have had Covid 19. Two of them subsequent to having Covid took the Covid jabs. My daughter took the Moderna inoculation and my older son took Johnson & Johnson. My question regards the implications of this. Would the fact they had natural immunity provide any protection against the adverse consequences of the jabs? Would their natural immunity existing Iga & Igg antibodies eliminate the expressed spike proteins more quickly? Would those natural immunity induced antibodies recognize the vaccine generated spike proteins when encountering them? I’d value your thoughts on this matter. Thank you,

  18. Mia
    2 years ago

    Dr Northrup spoke today at the Save A Generation Tour stop in Venice. What a treat! I’ve bought every book, CD, PBS special, online course, etc over the years. I’ve gifted Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom over 20 times over the years. And today I finally got a hug! Thank you, Dr Northrup! You are my (our) hero!! Love, me and my girls!

  19. Stop the lies
    2 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup,
    I think in the future the American Psychiatric Associationand other professional organizations should consider a new diagnose-something along the lines of Post traumatic Tech Husband stress disorder” for women who married to computer guys that cheated on them. These men are very successful and clever at 1. erasing electronic evidence, 2. bypassing authorities, 3. hiding resources such as stock 4. Triangulating family members for power, lying.
    Through no fault of their own, the wives and mothers are made to feel incompetent, and sometimes the tech guys ilegally do things to make the wives appear to have lessor character.

    The wives are often made to look “flighty or sensitive or incompetent” and often start to doubt themselves, feel annhilated until they finally catch on to what their tech husbands are doing-creating fake emails in their name, using their account for extramarital activity, etc.

    There are a lot more of women out there subject to this abbhorant situation than we realize.

    Thank you.

    I am completely serious about the diagnosis. I come from a medical family, and I am a nurse.

    1. Annie
      2 years ago

      Tragically common, masters at Cognitive Dissonance. They play by a playbook indeed. Narcissistic Abuse explains the fog he attempts to place you in. These subspecies are rarely loyal. Am there now, empathic nurse as well. I am very sorry and you deserve to thrill. Complex cPTSD or at least symptom patterns very common as this so uniquely comes from our ” protectors”. 🙁 Here to validate you in home of sea of intentional in validation.

      1. Annie
        2 years ago

        * thrive

    2. Danyelle
      2 years ago

      Currently dealing with that now. It is common, along with the sabotaging of wife’s phone and computer equipment so she is unable to function, technologically (banking, job search, skills acquisition etc)= tech abuse/hostage taking.
      Health drops to, barely, survival levels as lose all of your life to these “squatters”.

    3. Karen taggart
      2 years ago

      Gaslighting husbands by the sounds of it. So deceitful and devastatingly destroying for families. So sorry to hear.

  20. Lacey Liddell
    3 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup.

    I’ve recently been seeing a lot of information on the supplement DIM (Diindolylmethane) for estrogen dominance. I’ve read 3 of your books and have never known you to mention this supplement. Do you have an opinion regarding this herb?

    Kind regards,

    1. Stacey
      2 years ago

      Yes I’d like to know this as well

  21. Lois Wolf
    3 years ago

    Where is your new dating site for the unjabbed?

  22. jusy
    3 years ago

    Hi, my comments have both disappeared. I was asking if you know whether vaccinated people shed 15 months after their booster? In other words, are they manufacturing spike proteins that are shed later?

  23. Lori
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,
    I love you and your work. My question is related to post- Covid hair loss.. it’s very alarming .. I got sick on Dec 18, lost taste/smell a week later which still hasn’t returned. No energy until the end of January. These last 2 weeks my hairbrush is full. Completely trust your input and help. (No “v” here.)
    Thank you so very much for all you do!

    1. John
      3 years ago

      My wife, my friends, and I all had covid in August 2021. We all experienced hair loss about 2 months later. About 7 months after covid, our hair came back completely. Everybody is different, that’s what we experienced.

  24. Judy
    3 years ago

    Hi, Could you please answer my question about whether it is safe to be with vaxed people, or are they shedding spike proteins they manufacture in their bodies even 16 months post booster, after the shot has cleared? (My first post disappeared from yesterday.)

  25. Judy
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup – Thank you. I watched your interview with Mike Adams on Brighteon.com from several months ago. And I watched it again tonight, trying to learn more about spike protein shedding long after injections.

    Do you know now if injected persons are shedding spike proteins after more than 15 months have passed, when the initial spike protein contents in the shot are thought to be cleared from the body by the immune system? In other words, is an injected person later on creating his or her own spike proteins in his or her cells? And are these manufactured spike proteins being shed, so that they can infect another person?

    Is this potential shedding to occur indefinitely? Does this pose a potential problem indefinitely to others who are simply around this and other injected individuals?

  26. Anne M Pellette
    3 years ago

    Oh Dr. Northrup I saw you on Tarot Janine how wonderful, I to born and lived in Buffalo, NY now in ca I miss good wings hahah.
    I understand about what’s going on, I was born not trusting any one, not believing any one so a lot that is coming out is not surprising or to shocking, Except the children when I read or see what has happened to them I just fall apart and want to go take care them all.. I am a Cancer so I am big time nurturer .. thanks for all you do…Oh I did work at Buffalo General in the cardiac research lab, it was so interesting to open dogs and see whats in them and how every thing works. Needless to say I an a dog breeder and make sure we can get rid of diseases..

    sending love and may blessings your way, Anne

    1. Florence Paccoud
      2 years ago

      Hello Dr Northrup,

      I just finished Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. What a wonderful approach to medecine and life. I wish all doctors had your wisdom.
      I have a quick question: I’m currently on BHRT(6 months). I would really like to try Pueraria mirifica: do you see any contra indications with BHRT?

      Thank you for all your insights.

      Florence Paccoud

  27. Sharlene Prosk
    3 years ago

    Watched your interview with Tarot by Jenine on March 31 2022
    Amazing both your positive energies
    Thank you Dr Christiane Northrup

  28. Nancy J Taylor
    3 years ago

    Hello Dr. I was listening tour interview with Janine on 3/30/2020. Thank you. I heard you mention you are developing a website for heathy people who wish to meet others that are such. Please keep me posted about this.

  29. Melissa C
    3 years ago

    Yes I need to know this question also.

  30. Christine
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, My husband received 2 moderna shots (last one in July 2021). However, I did not get the shot and I have been avoiding him like the plague since he received his first shot. I am terrified to have sex with him and can’t find any credible information anywhere related to the dangers of having sexual relations with a vaxxed person. Is there any information you could provide that might highlight the long-term dangers of sexual relations between vaxxed and unvaxxed? Any insight you could provide would be very much appreciated! thank you!

    1. Tricia
      2 years ago

      Hi Christine – I am also in the same situation and feel the same way – have you found an answer to this question?

  31. Nancy
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,
    Do you know of any research into the potential dangers of sexual relations between a vaxxed husband and unvaxxed wife?

  32. sahara
    3 years ago

    Hi. I just finished watching your webinar with John Hewlett about Cardio Miracle and I was dx with a minor 4.0cm thoracic aortic aneurysm and wondering if it would be safe for me to take? I hope you respond to this question or is there somewhere else I can ask a question where Dr. Northrup responds?

  33. Shamadawn
    3 years ago

    We are Love….and that is all…..we are free….just to be….( a song I wrote during covid)…. you are amazing for what u do….I respect you greatly because you are free….Mahalos from Big Island Hawaii…..Shamadawn….OMGoddess!

  34. Lisa
    3 years ago

    I have not heard much about the blood supply and the Covid vaccine. What are the unvaccinated to do if they need blood? What I’ve read is that there are not two supplies, one for vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This seems like it could be reminiscent of the 1980’s and the tainted blood supply from those with HIV. How will this play out? Would love to know your thoughts.

    1. Anne M Pellette
      3 years ago

      Hi Lisa, I am un vaxxed too and since I dont trust the red cross I go every 8 weeks to donate to a local childrens hospital. I have donated since I was 16, and am now 75. Just stay healthy.. call your local hospital..I dont know if you know this but if you donate blood they ask you if its for a friend or family so you can designate where your blood goes and if family they wont have to pay for it..
      God Bless

  35. solay
    3 years ago

    Important for me to know asap. AT AGE 77, DO I NEED TO HAVE OBGYN EXAM??? Haven’t done so in years, not sexually active. Is cervical cancer of the uterus something to check since I don’t have any symptoms?

  36. Lisa Hughes
    3 years ago

    I love you Dr Northrup,
    I’m 54, menopausal, thought I was finished with periods but have been bleeding for the last 3 weeks. Seems to be intensifying. I have not gotten the jab but work with the public. Is this normal or could this have been due to being around people who got the jab(s). Any advice/input is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    1. susan
      2 years ago

      Hi Lisa: I am an internist who happened to be on this site and your comment concerned me. If you have gone one year without periods and are now bleeding, that is considered post menopausal bleeding and should be investigated. One of the potential causes of post menopausal bleeding is endometrial cancer (uterine cancer). I urge you to go see your doctor. Even if you have not completely gone through menopause, 3 weeks of bleeding should still be investigated by your doctor. I urge you to be seen. Take care Susan

  37. Gina Abeke
    3 years ago

    Firstly – you rock! My question is have you heard of anyone having severe tooth decay after receiving the jab? I have a friend who’s going through this. Thanks!

  38. Laura
    3 years ago

    Hi, I watched a recent interview that Seth Holehouse did with you. I don’t do mammograms either. I’m an RN but gratefully not practicing right now in this crazy world. Dr. Northrup, do you think that thermography is a safe alternative to mammograms? Thank you, Laura

  39. Philip Perry
    3 years ago

    Good Day Dr. Northrup
    It indeed refreshing to know that you are a pioneer in promoting natural healing from a medical perspective. My experiences as a psychologist with a special focus on trauma treatment of children for over 4 decades has driven me to do everything I can to assist our children rise out from behind the cloud of medical and social tyranny that they have experienced over the past two years . I have noticed with great interest your posts on OPA and would be privileged to share with you some amazing developments with parents coming together to generate robust and vibrant learning environments for their young children.
    Please check my website if interested at philipperry.ca and check out the blog on Children of the Storm
    Philip Perry, Ph.D

  40. Julie
    3 years ago

    Wanting to know if you, or anybody else knows what’s going on with people experiencing a lot of hair loss? Friends and children and myself that I know are unvaxxed, and a couple that are, were sick in the Fall of 2021. It seems all of us 2 to 3 months later in Nov and Dec. starting experiencing tremendous hair loss with no explanation. Apparently people commenting on YouTube about this too. Wondering if it’s related to being sick or something happened in the atmosphere in Dec? We live in GA and SC. Thanks for any insight, it’s been a stress for all of us.

    1. Kimberly Galland
      3 years ago

      I am not vaxxed and have the same issue. 58 years old post menopausal. I have long hair and I feel like I have no hair left at all.

    2. Tara Schaeffer
      3 years ago

      I am also experiencing this along with 5 other women I know who all had COVID between October and November, all unvaxed. I’m told this has to do with fever and illness and is common after fighting an infection. I will say it is worse than my postpartum hair loss!

    3. Gina Abele
      3 years ago

      I have not been jabbed but had COVID in November and have had hair loss since then.

    4. Katie Brents
      3 years ago

      I’ve heard of this too and it is associated with covid. I drink a green drink daily that has helped my hair loss. Its Amazing Grass super food, berry flavor,with a touch of Tart Cherry syrup. It has made a difference for me.

    5. Karen
      3 years ago

      3 women close to me experienced unbelievable hair loss for a few weeks after being sick in August 2021.
      I was helping them get through being sick and my gut told me what they experienced was more like a poisoning.
      flu like symptoms can be due to a lot of things. once recovered they started losing hair…all are well versed in herbs and natural healing and they took action before the hair loss got too drastic.
      All 3 felt strongly it was some kind of environmental exposure. 2 in NJ and 1 in CA.
      I am am a scientist, avHuman Ecologist and To me this seemed like some kind of radiation poisoning.
      very scary!

    6. Lori
      3 years ago

      I am having the same issue. Got sick Dec 18, (no “v”), was sick/no energy for about 6 weeks. I’m 64 yrs young. I hope this does not last long, and that our hair will come back lush and healthy! It certainly is causing extra anxiety

  41. Sue Kimpton
    3 years ago

    Amata Pure Life. Is this recommended for post menopausal womrlan at age 62? My gynecologist is wary because she doesn’t know how much estrogen is in it . She’s worried about breast cancer etc. Help! I’ve used it for a week and love the results with the plumping

  42. Lori Deis
    3 years ago

    I gave my neighbors a ride a mother and daughter and this was on 6/23/2021 the next day I had a massive headache, bleeding for 6 days, and sometimes bleeding from my bottom. my period is never the same, some months I get two, and another month I get none , it comes early and less days too , numbness in my toes and fingers, bruising on my legs, my brain and back feels like it is on fire, along with massive headaches and back pain, I feel tired and very weak all of the time, I feel like I am dying everyday, I also get rashes on my legs,chest,and neck and forehead, I got the trannsmission from the pfizer shot, it is 100% real it happen to me, I got a bioweapon in my country and they are covering it up , I pray the truth comes out and I live to see it one day, God Bless and thank you for your time and help , PRAY FOR AMERICA AND FOR JUSTICE

    1. Raven
      3 years ago

      Get some ivermectin and take borax baths. You can heal this

  43. Bonita Rogers
    3 years ago

    I read a lot of questions and answers on this site but here is one that I have not come across! For those that have had the misfortune to have to take this jab, what protocol can we use to remove the toxins and other parasites out of their bodies to ensure that they can come back into equilibrium.

    1. Katie Brents
      3 years ago

      Something my Chinese Acupuncturist recommends is to drink Himalayan salt water daily to kill parasites. 1/4 tsp mixed with filtered water, any amount of water. Also squeeze half a lemon in the water.

  44. Barbara
    3 years ago

    Dear Dr Christine Northrup, (1-3 questions). 1. How can i keep my mother and family from getting the boosters?
    2. How can I get your book, covid for dummies/ time to free America (sorry not sure of title) Also spoke to an attorney, and he was not aware of the EO ingredient in the tests.
    I am not vaccinated, basically I did not know last year when I submitted my request for an exemption from the vaccines that i should of added the tests as well. The EO ingredient. 3. How can I verify or give an explanation to the EO for my attorney? He is more trusting, I guess to big pharma but is a good attorney with a person’s liberties and the US constitution. Keep doing what you are doing, you are reaching more than you know. Keep the faith. The Lord is good. Thank you for speaking out. Thank you so very much. Also, listening to you on the SGT report. Respectfully Barbara

  45. Jodee
    3 years ago

    I have followed you for many years. Thank you for your work in standing up for medical health freedom!
    I am curious why you are not promoting the up coming Defeat the Mandates March in DC? I have noticed no activity from on this? Would really appreciate some feedback on this topic. Thank you!

  46. Bettie Ann Hough
    3 years ago

    My younger sister had the jabs in June 2021, and now has developed ovarian and uterine cysts with much pain. Probably will need hysterectomy. Also has cyst like growth in thigh. What a nightmare! Just wondering how many others had similar issues in less than a year.

  47. Nicky
    3 years ago

    I’d be grateful for any advice on how to deal with adverse bleeding/clotting issues around the vaxxed. Six weeks and counting and getting tired and upset now.

  48. Linda Hansen
    3 years ago

    I love your idea of creating a dating site for un-vaxxed members. I would be very interested in joining the site and/or helping in any way I can. I live in CO and am a single 68-year-old woman. Most men that contact me via the sites that I am on are very proud to post that they are “fully vaxxed”. Honestly, I can’t deal with that mind set as it shows they aren’t doing the research. I agree with the comment you made on the Mel K show on 12/30/21: “We need to stop running into burning buildings for these people.”. I have found the vaxxed people don’t realize what they did to themselves, and it seems to be a lost cause to try to tell them of the potential coming damage, illness and death. I fear it is too late for the “fully vaxxed”. Please let me know if I can help you with your development or marketing of this amazing idea, in any way I can.

    1. Kimberly Galland
      3 years ago

      I live in Texas and rarely try to date anymore. I wouldn’t want to be intimate with a vaccinated person. I’d be very interested in starting a dating site for unvaxxed.

      1. Suzanne
        3 years ago

        I am in the same boat, but I am married. He got two jabs. I left the bedroom the night he got the first jab. He has been respectful, but I think it’s all getting old to him and he thinks I “am taking this thing too far”.I won’t let him touch me. I have listened to Dr. Lee Merritt and Gene Decode speak of the crap in the vax spreading by touch. Anyone else out there in the same boat?

        1. Jenna
          3 years ago

          Hi Suzanne. My hubby had to get the jab for work and got the Johnson and Johnson. I wasn’t happy about it and neither was he. Our relationship hasn’t changed. I eat a carnivore diet and try to be the healthiest I can be. I work out and meditate. We both also had covid in January a month later he got the jab. My period was late that month after I got covid so idk if that’s from covid or him getting the shot. But I will tell you if you worry about something it will physically make you sick. I take care of myself mentally and physically, I’m on zero carb diet, I only eat meat. I don’t use products on my body, hair or skin. I love him and we focus on being happy. My body can handle and take care of anything the environment throws at it. My body is healing and detoxing daily, so no worries. We can’t control other’s and your husband got the shot so isolate from him for alittle if that makes you feel better then go back to normal behavior and see what happens. You don’t want to loss your husband over something that may or may not happen. No one knows much about the shedding process so why stress and worry yourself to death. Live your life, be positive and do what make you happy.

          1. Karen taggart
            2 years ago

            Love this perspective Jenna. So helpful to aid others. Bless you. 🙂

    2. lisa
      3 years ago

      Hello ! I also love the idea of a dating site for un-vaxxed ! Not for myself as Im married , but for my children ! 3 of my 5 kids are in steady relationships, but my oldest who is 30 was on dating sites with all the women proud to be Jabbed ! He gave up and now is dating someone who has been forced into the jab for work. And my youngest who’s only 17 is dating a nice girl who got the jab for college. Im so nervous for them being in such close contact with these girls. Both of them say MOM weather were dating someone who’s had the JAB or around all these people that have the JAB whats the difference. I worry of them becoming sterile do to being intimate with these people. We don’t know much about the shedding process and how long it lasts or if it ever stops. This is all just such a stressful and very sad time for humanity.

    3. Tracie Wilcox
      3 years ago

      Yes! I just watched you on “Man in America”.
      I loved your very informative interview on his show. You briefly mentioned an unvaxxed dating site and I am also very interested in getting more information about your site.
      Thank you so much.

    4. Courtney
      3 years ago

      “Unjected” is on Instagram and they’re creating a community for us.

  49. Michele
    3 years ago

    I was denied an in-person visit by my neurologist today because I have not been vaccinated. (It is very difficult to even type that term). I have been his patient since 1999 for confirmation of a MS diagnosis. During these visits my gate and muscle movement is evaluated. Today I was lectured and berated for not having the jabs. I need to find a new neurologist in the Chicago or nearby area or other options to pursue. Thank you – michele

    1. Jo smith
      3 years ago

      Stand your ground. Don’t take that shot. I’m in Eastern NC and we have a great hospital and we do not need to be vaxxed for a procedure or see mds in private offices. That is discrimination and I would call a lawyer. The Vax isn’t fda approved and it also violates our right as humans. Nuremberg Code.

      1. Virginia Alix
        3 years ago

        I live in Charlotte North Carolina and would like to find a Dr who doesn’t believe in the vaccine.

    2. Kathy Ray
      3 years ago

      Dr Joseph Mercola is in Schaumburg , IL
      He may know someone.

  50. Benjamin Vangheluwe
    3 years ago

    Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Controversial, crucial and true

    Hello Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Benjamin here from Belgium

    Here follows my knowledge studying higher science sources in line with acquired pers medical experience(s):

    Facebook post:

    “Higher authority wants people on the street, so that infection runs rampant and the vax can be enforced. This, as a result of anti-Corona propaganda (due to inappropriate and falsified statistics) and predominantly the insufficient measures taken at the beginning of the pandemic. May we start thinking for ourselves (and no longer let others do the thinking for us), save our lives and no longer buy the orchestrated lies of the mainstream media.”

    But also experts, scientists and doctors are not (entirely) proficient with regard to this particular virus and its properties (nl. this virus is not the same as other viruses, and for different reasons) and in bioweapon virology, even though, often not enough tolerance is given to this fact.

    What we know as proof or scientific proof incl. assumptions is not the last word in this world of secrecy …

    Thank you

    with my kind regards from Belgium,

    +32 (0)490 19 70 22

    Benjamin Vangheluwe

  51. Marleen Nijland
    3 years ago

    I was watching you on the Re-Awaken Event and you mentioned the website timetofreeamerica.com for the free download of the book: mom’s guide to what’s inside the covid shot. I live in the Netherlands, but access to the website is denied. Why?

    1. John Michael
      3 years ago

      Not sure why some sites won’t work in certain countries. Try getting a VPN and then select a server in the USA and that might get you in. (Unless timetofreeamerica.com is based in a non-USA country)

  52. Rae Ann A Wright
    3 years ago

    We have a large group of Warriors of the Radical LIght here in San Diego, and Dr Christiane mentions in her last post that she wants to come to Calif in Jan. We would love to walk the beach with you!

  53. Laura
    3 years ago

    My beautiful daughter is being forced to get the injection, so she can keep her job and go to school (her job is paying for her education). She has been able to hold off but now she is at the cross-road. Which is the least destructive? and how do we best counterbalance and eliminate the toxins they inject?

    1. Marleen Nijland
      3 years ago

      can’t find it I can send you the link. You have to gradually work your way up to 3 drops of MMS at a a time. You need to follow the protocol. I’ll tell you what a friend of mine did: She was going to take the the J&J jab and weeks beforehand she took 3 drops of MMS 8 times a day. Even when they stuck the needle in her. And of course after she had the shot. So far she has not any adverse reactions to the shot. I myself take MMS on a daily basis, as do miliions of people around the the world, because it protects against those microscopic pesky invaders. I’m also adding a link to a recent study that was done in Japan about the efficacy of destroying spike proteins. I have a couple of links to the same study.
      If you are familiar with the Telegram app, you can join The Universal Antidote there and ask your questions or give advice.
      Drinking pine needle tea and getting artemisia (wormwood) into you system is also very good.
      If you have any questions, you can contact me here.

      1. Paula Campbell
        3 years ago

        What is MMS?

        1. Tricia
          2 years ago

          Hello Paula – find and watch The Universal Antidote – it will give you an idea of what it is – it is Chlorine Dioxide -https://www.brighteon.com/685badf6-290f-49f5-8494-963eb9050e66 – this guy has done a lot of research and has written a book that’s easier to understand – he allows free download of book and audiobook

    2. Marleen Nijland
      3 years ago

      Something went wrong in the first post.
      Hi Laura, Have you heard of chlorine dioxide? Or MMS as it is also called? Right off the bat I will tell you that it is an excellent way to disable/kill the spike proteins in the shots. It als kills all germs, but does not affect your healthy bacteria. There is a good documentary called The Universal Antidote and I urge you to watch that. MMS is also good for treating any flu, covid-19 or respiratory illness and parasites. You can even download Jim Humble’s book for free. If you can’t find it I can send you the link. You have to gradually work your way up to 3 drops of MMS at a a time. You need to follow the protocol. I’ll tell you what a friend of mine did: She was going to take the the J&J jab and weeks beforehand she took 3 drops of MMS 8 times a day. Even when they stuck the needle in her. And of course after she had the shot. So far she has not any adverse reactions to the shot. I myself take MMS on a daily basis, as do miliions of people around the the world, because it protects against those microscopic pesky invaders. I’m also adding a link to a recent study that was done in Japan about the efficacy of destroying spike proteins. I have a couple of links to the same study.
      If you are familiar with the Telegram app, you can join The Universal Antidote there and ask your questions or give advice.
      Drinking pine needle tea and getting artemisia (wormwood) into you system is also very good.
      If you have any questions, you can contact me here.

      1. Pamela
        3 years ago

        Marlene: Where can I purchase the MMS? My 22 year old daughter is not vaxxed but around friends who are. She tells me her boyfriend is not but I’m not 100% sure. She has been having a lot of on-going bleeding and we need help. Thank you.

        1. Virginia Alix
          3 years ago


      2. Tricia
        3 years ago

        Marleen, is there a particular MMS brand you trust?

        1. Joe
          3 years ago

          Amazon doesn’t sell the correct MMS. You can contact these people:

    3. Ruth Ann
      3 years ago

      Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) will occur in 4-14 months and there will be massive, massive deaths! She may have a job if she gets the Bioweapon Gene therapy poison, but you may have a daughter that dies! So, what do you think is the least destructive???

    4. Christy Vollstedt
      3 years ago

      Go to Dr. Zelenko’s protocols.

  54. Rose
    3 years ago

    I am hesitant to get a PCR test given my understanding that they are ineffective, but, for surgery I may need, the hospital requires a (stupid) COVID test. Is my understanding correct that the PCR tests are nonsensical and this is only a way for the hospital to “check the box” and avoid a certain COVID related liability? Is there any way around this? Does anyone know what the FDA is replacing the current test with come 2022? Thank you!

    1. Ruth Ann
      3 years ago

      PCR Tests were taken off the shelves in July2021 by the CDC then again Dec 31, 2021, because they are a SCAM, FAKE, LIE!
      They were never taken off the shelves, but the CDC said in Dec 2021 that 95% of the PCR tests done in the last 1 1/2 years have been false!! There are no tests for COVID because COVID has never been ISOLATED!! Now “covid” was “made” in a lab in Wuhan by adding enzymes & doing gain of function, making it very dangerous, deadly! The only blood test that is 100% accurate is an Antigen/Antibody blood test, one little tube of blood and it will show if you HAVE the virus & if you HAD the virus. If you had the virus, you are IMMUNE FOREVER. These stupid Sheepel that get this Bioweapon Jab should all have an Antibody/Antigen blood test prior to their deadly choice of the Jab! Thousands of lives would have been spared by all the people who are Immune to the virus. Also the swab on that test has Ethylene Oxide in it. That is in Antifreeze! If that goes past your blood brain barrier you can get Encephalitis and die!

    3 years ago

    Is there evidence that HCQ aids in cancer reduction/cure ? My sister in law was recently diagnosed with cancer near the appendix region and has not scheduled any radiation or chemo therapy so this was recently brought to light. I’d like to relay some info to her if there are positive results from taking HCQ as an alternative to standard oncology “therapies”.

    Has anyone had success with HCQ to beat cancer ?

    1. Mayers
      3 years ago

      I haven’t heard of HCQ helping (maybe it does), but if you haven’t checked out “The Truth About Cancer” documentary series, I’d highly recommend that!

  56. Joyce M Yantzer
    3 years ago

    Aug 2021, my husband & I both signed up with Frontline Doctors for physician consult. When call rec’d she recommended Ivermectin for my husband @ 5.5 pills/day for 5 days AND for me 3.5 pills/day for 5 days. RX received for husband but issued at 3.5 pills/day for 5 days. (SHOULD HAVE BEEN 5.5/day) Tried contacting pharmacy, txt to prescribing Dr and request for HELP to Frontline Doctors NUMEROUS attempts with no response. PLEASE HELP

    1. Gina
      3 years ago

      I think they can’t keep up with the tremendous demand for their help. I have been receiving online support/care from “Push Health”. Down load app, they will give you a local doctor, you can make your health request. You will keep the same doctor, that you can text directly. I have received help from my doctor 3x. Each time she responded within an hour and sent out my prescription. Also, gives medical advice and supplement protocols. I am so grateful o have made this connection. You do have to pay for request first. It is well worth t!

      1. Elizabeth Rios
        3 years ago

        How do I access you on telegram?

        1. Elizabeth Rios
          3 years ago

          Can’t find you on telegram

  57. Heather Edwards
    3 years ago

    I too heard you at a conference and am Interested in nebulizer recipe with hydrogen peroxide and saline, with measurements.
    Thanks you so much.

    1. Julie
      3 years ago

      Dr. Mercola has articles about this treatment.

      1. Nanci Fulks
        3 years ago


  58. Louis Valencia, DC
    3 years ago

    I just watched:


    What was your grapefruit, lemon peel, & spring water recipe? I usually juice 1 grapefruit, 1 orange, & 1 lemon in the mornings, but have been throwing away the peels. I’d like to make use of them. Thanks for your information.

    1. Carla
      3 years ago

      Hi I also would love Dr Northrups recipe For Same anyone haves it or know where to get it, Blessings

  59. Sundance Gregory
    3 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup, I would like your learned opinion on the bio identical hormone therapy that our youngest daughter could use; safely without side effects. She is a brain cancer survivor, (suprasellar germinoma) which captured the Pitituary complex stunting the glands maturity. She’s had very negative side effects with the Estridiol “Diane” tablet product. We live in the Philippines, but do know of a local formulary pharmacy or we can order your suggestion online. Many Thanks, God Bless You ❤

    1. Leah
      3 years ago

      Have you tried the same product but in the Patch form? I’m post-menopausal and extremely sensitive to most hormonal supplements–even the plant-based ones. So the little Patch I replace on my lower abdomen has almost no side effects o can feel. But I am also taking Progesterone pills at night along with the Patch to balance out the estrogen in the Patch. Please check with your daughter’s specialist. These Patches don’t interfere with the intestinal tract, therefore, less invasive or nausea producing.

  60. Karen
    3 years ago

    Interested in nebulizer recipe with hydrogen peroxide and saline, with measurements.
    Thanks you so much.

  61. Geraldo Richard
    3 years ago

    I’m just wondering if the HCQ can be made with filtered water. I use it for everything else in my home. Or do I need to buy spring water.

  62. Steven fauci
    3 years ago

    Hello DrNorthrup.. Steven fauci
    I saw you w michael jaco. You mentioned a fix for an enlarged blatter. I go a lot. It was for men n women.
    It was Hamada life. I looked for it n had trouble finding it. Is there a certain brand i need to look for.
    If you could steer me in the right direction i would really appreciate it. Thx Doc

  63. Denise
    3 years ago

    Possible alternative to ivermectin?
    Levamisole is a dewormer of farm animals also….aquarists use it as well….thought i would share…please let me know your thoughts…


  64. Kathryn Brown
    3 years ago

    What can I use in place of lemon? Want to do the grapefruit but I’m allergic to lemon.

    1. Sonia Nordenson
      3 years ago

      I suggest that you just use more grapefruit peels. Should work almost as well.

  65. norma
    3 years ago

    I have a friend that earlier this year took the vaccine. She has only one kidney and was recently told that she is now in stage 4 kidney failure. She has done fine for years. I believe that the change in her kidney is due to the vaccine with the spike proteins effecting her kidney. Is there anyway that the damage can be rescinded? Please help

    1. Above your question they stated to use
      and nettle tea to reverse the damage done by the Covid vaccine.
      I wish this website allowed you to post photos because I took a screenshot of the protocol.

  66. Marianna
    3 years ago

    Finally! You asked the question “what are they going to use in place of the PCR test? (This can’t be good…)


  67. Kim Paddock A.S.D.
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup; I have a way that may kill these hydra parasites. I pulled nanos out of my body using high FREQUENCIES that I isolated from the cannabis plant. (No THC, no CBD, just pure frequency). I made a bath and body oil with this frequency extract added. I used a blacklight. I got in the tub and soaked. About 5 minutes later tiny white specks were rising from my skin and assembling on top of the water where the bath & body oil was. So the nanos are programmed to go to the high frequency of a living organism. I sent this oil to others to try and they got a black goo out of them that floated on the water. The black goo is the deadly cargo that contains these creatures and more. My nanos came out clear and white. So by raising my body’s frequency may have destroyed the diseases. See my research here: kimpaddock.com Miracle-Products.com

    1. sarab
      3 years ago

      That’s wild! I’d like to follow this subject. I’ll go to your site. Thanks!

    2. Carol
      3 years ago

      WOW, that’s crazy.. thanks for sharing

    3. Chris
      3 years ago

      Oh, brother! *smdh*

      1. Tara
        3 years ago

        So I am having an issue and wondering if anyone could please help. First off I work in an office with 99% vaxxed and about 40% tripled vaxxed, I am unvaxxed. Being almost 47 yo I believe I had started perimenopause, missed 2 periods with ovulation type discharge during that time. Recently I started a period which is different than normal, lighter but longer. Its been about 9 days. I had my normal Gyn appt this past week and tried to explain my concerns, of course she looked as if I was crazy. She is thinking of something worse. Anyone else with same issue? Any help is appreciated. Oh, btw, in my office we are All nurses, will leave it there…..ugh.

    4. David Joe
      3 years ago

      Kathryn, are you also allergic to Limes. We Limeys use them, they are powerful!

  68. Deborah Coatney
    3 years ago

    I’ve got tickets to the health symposium in Kansas City this weekend!! So excited but I can’t get hold of anyone to help me. I have early bird tickets through Eventbrite which are on my phone and I’m trying to print them. Haven’t been able to reach Eventbrite or anyone about the symposium agenda either. Everything seems to be shut down so now I’m trying duck duck go. Help!!Debbie Coatney

  69. Stacey J Kunce
    3 years ago

    If you’ve had the vaccine and gotten covid anyhow, and are on your 5th day of being sick, will Ivermectin still work as a treatment?

  70. Suzanne
    3 years ago

    You are not alone. I too am a wife whose husband got the shots. I told him in advance that there was not going to be any physical contact after he did. We now do not sleep in the same bedroom anymore. He is respectful. I really did try to wake him and my daughter up, but for my own mental health I stopped awhile ago. My daughter lives here too, so I live with 2 people who got the shots. I do pray.
    It is a very sad and maddening thing this crime against humanity that has been committed.

    1. Li
      3 years ago

      Absolutely horrible. The worst nightmare imaginable. And when I awaken I realize it is all true, and seems to get worse day by day. A massive crime against humanity for power and wealth. Truly sickens me to hear the vaccine hype drum beat day after day, month after month and year after year. Please Lord, put and end to the ones responsible for this horror.

    2. Lisa Richard
      3 years ago

      I have heard about shedding, can you give me more info about what specifically to avoid ? My husband got the shot too (after we both discussed never getting it), while I was home at my family reunion. We don’t sleep in same rooms anyway or have physical contact as we are more like roommates now anyway. Just curious about any quick kiss or what other type things to watch out for. Thanks

      1. Suzanne
        3 years ago

        Hi Lisa,
        So sorry for the late response. I don’t feel comfortable with kissing at all. I just try to take the supplements, have them take the supplements, pray and do the best i can. I do hope that when we come out of this, that it was enough. When we drive in the car I try to have fresh air coming in. I do wipe door knobs, faucet handles, and light switches more often than before they got the shots. I am doing dishes and laundry for the 3 of us and when I do these, I think to myself it’s a wish and a prayer. What kind of things do you do, or anyone else that is in this situation?

    3. Rhonda F
      3 years ago

      We desperately need a support group – seriously. I feel so very alone and my kids and in-laws think I’m an idiot. They all refuse to look at alternative sites that speak the real truth. My husband doesn’t want me to talk about this and says it stresses him out. My company says I have to put my vaccine status into my profile by the end of October. I was listening to the world doctors’ forum this morning and one of them talked about having mental issues which must be a real thing because I’m so depressed. I’m not afraid of Covid because I already had it this summer and thankfully, my doctor prescribed Ivermectin which took the fever from over 102 to 99 in 24 hours. Then I recovered almost fully in a week or so. I’m afraid of where this is all heading which is where my anxiety comes from. Thank you for the “venting” session.

      1. Christine
        3 years ago

        There are more of us than you think, hold fast dear ones, we are really all in this together. Sending blessings and love your way. Keep your hearts open to the new earth that will come after the chaos, we have to break down to break through and break free!!! Joining together with Christ in our hearts. Here is a free meditation to ground and center. From my channel on a free non-censored video platform.


      2. Suzanne
        3 years ago

        I feel alone sometimes too…I know that I am not, but sometimes it just feels that way, especially when family members
        don’t agree. I stopped trying to convince a long time ago, although I did mention the babies born with black eyes and supporting their heads at a few days old to my husband today. He said nothing.
        Are you on gab.com? This site helps me with regards to knowing we are not alone. Also, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward…there are so many I could list. Hang in there. I believe the truth will come out before too long.

        1. Clara
          3 years ago

          What,I was all in with you Susan, until you mentioned cw,and sp… NOW NONE OF YOUR INFORMATION IS MUCH DOUBTED… BTW my Husband got the vax and we STILL Sleep together and All is Fine…Seems it’s ONLY a way out Of A LOVELESS RELATIONSHIP..Go Figure happy hoeing…

  71. Ann
    3 years ago

    Shot and no shot intimacy.
    What do you know?
    What do I as a no shot wife?
    Thank you for your dedication to educating your followers. Ann from Oklahoma

  72. anne
    3 years ago

    I an on Ivermectin and now it cost me $485.00 for a 3 month supply. Is there any where I can purchase for less. This feels like gouging of the worst kind. Thank You

    1. Erin Acevedo
      3 years ago

      Tractor supply. Dose according to body weight.

      1. anne
        3 years ago

        Thank you. I do know that people can take the 1% solution but where do you find the amounts for THAT solution.. . . . . plus how often? The pills are taken every 14 days

    2. Carole
      3 years ago

      I paid $64.99 for the online doctor visit and then for my prescription through pushhealth.com. The big name pharmacies would not fill the ivermectin, but my grocery store did. Without insurance, my cost was $111. Not great, but less! You could also check myfreedoctor.com or synergyhealthdpc.com – they were recommended by Dr Ardis but I do not know the cost.

      1. Clydene Thomas
        3 years ago

        You can also use Goodrx for a good discount

      2. Linda
        3 years ago

        Synergy just charged me $320 for 32 ivermectin tablets.

    3. Clydene Thomas
      3 years ago

      FLCCC.com. You can get it from this doctor group. Also try. The free “Good Rx” app. They greatly reduce it. And Gold Rx at $5.99/month is even cheaper.

    4. Fiona Gale
      3 years ago

      If you live near Mexico you can buy it there – it’s only about $10 for 4 pills! I am pretty sure you can buy it online from other countries. Just google buy Ivermectin for human use, and you’ll see. The one at the Tractor Supply is not the same thing, don’t take that!

      1. Jo
        3 years ago

        Ziverdo kit store is a source

    5. sabrina balsky
      3 years ago

      i buy it on alldaychemist

    6. Dayle
      3 years ago

      AllDayChemist in Delhi India. You can order it online and it is $160 for 100 12mg tablets. It takes about a month but it is real Ivermectin which is over the counter there. You can also get Hydroxychloroquine and Budesonide from them. You will need a nebulizer for the Budesonide which you would use if you get Covid.

  73. Flora
    3 years ago

    If possible, could you please comment on the benefit of using an infrared lamp for detoxing? Infrared saunas are recommended but can we also use an (affordable) lamp at home, for instance the Beurer IL50? Thank you.

  74. anne
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, PLEASE HELP! When I started on Ivermectin a few months ago a 3 month supply cost me $345.00. (through Frontline Doctors). I recently got another supply and the cost was $485.00. If this isn’t the ultimate gouge I don’t know what is. I asked why the price was so high I was told it was supply and demand.

    Do you know anywhere I can get Ivermectin for a lower price? Thanks you. ( live in MA

  75. Dear Dr Northrup
    I want to honor the great work you have and are doing. And more than that,you have not only kept up your teachings but your radiance despite the negativity from the media. Congratulations on not losing your humanity in all of this.
    I love that you dance the tango. I love to dance as well
    For me dancing ecstatically with God is an incredible joy. If you want I can send a video of me dancing for 3 minutes before a Torah teaching.
    Blessings Rabbi Gabriel Cousens MD,MD(h)

    1. Linda
      3 years ago

      I found ballroom dancing 5 years ago. I haven’t danced since March 2020. I miss it SO much! There are probably a lot of vaccinated people at the dances, so I dare not go because of the shedding. I agree with Rabbi G Cousens, that dancing is such a joyful experience and so stress relieving! It was my happy place. I would love to know and be assured that going dancing again would not put me in danger. I did have covid in August. I would be dancing with many different people. I do not have just one dance partner. I hope you have some encouraging information for me.
      Thank you

  76. Tera
    3 years ago

    How can I access your newest videos???

  77. Deb Engel
    3 years ago

    Dr Northrop you shared a recipe for making hydrochloquin on an interview with Mike Adams using organic grapefruit and organic lemons. Simmering them in a glass top pot. Is there a measurement of water needed to do so? Or just cover them with enough water? Thank You❣️

    1. Deb Wyman
      3 years ago

      One recipe I heard said 2.5 L, and another said 8-10 cups.

  78. Suzie
    3 years ago

    Have you gotten a reply? Will you post in comments when you do please

    1. anne
      3 years ago

      Yes, when I get a reply I will post

  79. Krystalle
    3 years ago

    PLEASE share written details re: detoxing from contact with vaxxed people – you quickly spoke about it (alfalfa hay etc) at wonderful Rewaken America Tour / Health and Freedom Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. THANK YOU!

    1. Suzie
      3 years ago

      Oh yes. I want to know this also please. I had notes on it and cannot find them. It was a special kind of soap and you had to shower somehow afterwards

  80. Bradley Belford
    3 years ago

    How does a person find a doctor that recognizes natural immunity and believes in medical exemptions to mandatory (or coercive) vaccine requirements based on recovery and T-Cell testing? I do not have a personal doctor but can teledoc. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    1. Truth Seeker
      3 years ago

      I am also looking for a doctor for an exemption in Massachusetts.

    2. Linda Bourquin
      3 years ago

      I would also like this information, thanks.

  81. Nancy Cutrone
    3 years ago

    Having a real hard time getting IVERMECTIN. My friend got covid and I was with her 5 days before she got it. I really want it in my home

    1. K. D.
      3 years ago

      I was able to get some to have on hand should we need it through telemedicine site called pushhealth.com. They were quick in my area at least they also have an app you can download. I had a friend that got hers this way also and then was able to reduce cost by using the goodrx app to find a coupon.

  82. Laura
    3 years ago

    My girlfriend wants me to go shopping with her. She has had the 2nd dose of the COVID vaccine. Riding in the car with her and shopping for 5 hours makes me think that she will shed the virus on me. I refuse to be vaccinated. How long do people shed the virus??? Should I stay away from vaccinated people.??? I’m immune compromised. Someone please reply. Thanks.

    1. Chris
      3 years ago

      I didn’t hear about the shedding until my wife started talking about it and showed me a video with you, Dr. Tenpenny and Malthouse talk about it. She’s been really worried about the shedding and what it could do to our kids. Our best friends have two kids who live right down the road and our kids are best friends with their kids. The wife received the vaccine about a week and a half ago. My wife freaked out, was so upset and she yelled at her. They haven’t been talking ever since and our kids haven’t been hanging out which breaks my heart. Before I go further I am against the vaccine and will never take it. I’ve been searching spike proteins. My question to you is all I’ve seen is data but no test results. From what I’ve read once spike protein enters your body it immediately recognizes it and antibodies form. These antibodies can be tested. So why aren’t people that live with someone that has been vaccinated tested in studies to see if they test positive for spike protein antibodies days to weeks after they have been around vaccinated people. My wife says it can be past through touch, saliva, etc. My question then is wouldn’t that be able to be tested to see if they are shedding. I feel like we have a test for almost everything and there is a test for spike protein antibodies so is there a reason there have been no tests or why it can’t be tested.

    2. Jayne Bushway
      3 years ago

      I would like to know the same. I’m not allowing anyone who has been vaccinated into my home or near my family until there are answers to this…how long are vaccinated people transmitting?

      1. Lea
        3 years ago

        I forget which source I saw this on but I believe it was 10 weeks. We hosted my vaccinated sister (3 months post vax) here over the summer for 5 days. Arranged for her to have her own bedroom/ bathroom, used an air purifier that can kill the virus under UV light, spent a lot of time outside. A hug hello and good bye and no problems with 6 other unvaxxed people in the house. Mitigate as best you can and try to live your life.

  83. Melodie
    3 years ago

    Have you ever heard of Dr. Raghu and Dr. Richard Presser? There is a new natural supplement they are promoting that I think you would want to know about. It will trigger a healing for any disease in the body. It will correct whatever is not suppose to be there according to what they say. This would include whatever happens in the body after the jab. Dr. Raghu is from India & Dr. Presser is from Australia.. This is called Nano Soma. They were interviewed by Kerry Cassidy. This will also take away any sickness from shedding by the vaccinated. Please tell Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr.Lee Merrick & Dr. Madje. Please ask them to pass this on to everyone they know.

    1. Deborah
      3 years ago

      Kerry Cassidy is unreliable.

  84. Kathleen Kores
    3 years ago

    So frustrated can’t find your discussions on V or delta or what is happening as far as you are concerned.

    1. Anna Muldoon
      3 years ago

      Check out Mamm.org she has great content there.

  85. Rachel
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    Thank you so much for your courage and for being a voice of truth! I am 10 weeks pregnant. Not injected and never will be. I am concerned about transmission from the vaccinated. I am working at avoiding contact with vaccinated individuals.

    In a few weeks my sister in law is getting married. I will be exposed to vaccinated family at the wedding. What would you recommend as a protection for me and my baby? Would ivermectin or hydroxichloroquine be a safe option? I heard about making my own quinine from grapefruit and lemon peels. I plan on using that if it is safe while pregnant.

    Thank you so much for your help and please keep up your amazing work!

  86. Francisco G Garcia
    3 years ago

    my daughter suffers from hormonal disorder and takes pills to regulate her menstruation , my question is if she would be helped by the pyels of pueraria mirifica

  87. Rhonda
    3 years ago

    I have a question, my daughter had the first vax. In May, she has been complaining about her ribs feeling ice cold and then burning hot pain? She is 3 months pregnant with my first grandchild. I’ve tried to educate her on the unknown of the rushed vax. Including your videos, Dr. Robert Malone, scientists, as the younger generation only TRUSTS the science. Not crazy mom… to no avail. She only told me last week she had the vax, she was afraid to tell me. Now she isn’t feeling well. I felt like my soul was ripped out of me!!!! I cried my heart out when I hung up the phone. She had her first visit at the Kingston general hospital in Ontario Canada today, well , she told the dr. I’ll wait on the second shot, as I dont want a high fever while pregnant. So instead the dr. Injected her with the whooping cough vax. ? Is this also dangerous? When they injected my son at 8 weeks, he stopped breathing it was a nightmare! He seems to be ok now , age 25 but still has thoughts of not feeling well, faintish.. Thanks for all you do to educate us on the truth and reality of what is happening in this evil world right now… I’ve been down the rabbit hole, did and still am. Incredibly what we have been blind too.

    1. Jen Lind
      3 years ago

      I just wanted to let you know my sister got both shots while pregnant and so far seems okay. She also had her twins a few weeks ago and while a bit early, they are also both doing well. I pray your daughter and baby are okay.

    2. Whooping cough vaccine is totally ineffective now but Doctors are still giving it for the money
      ( kickbacks). Check out Renowned pediatrician Dr Paul Thomas, MD. ( I think that is his name).
      He wrote a book on childhood vaccines from conducting his own study. His healthy patients were the unvaccinated. His sick patients were his vaccinated patients. Google: pediatrician who wrote a book.

  88. Joanne Mejia
    3 years ago

    While listening to the 5 Dr’s with Dr Tenpenny you mentioned a recipe of organic grapefruits and lemon rinds steeped for a home made hydroxycloriquine. Can you please give me the actual recipe to make at home.

    1. Cynthia Van Zeben
      3 years ago

      I would be interested in that as well

      1. Mariam Manzanares
        3 years ago

        I am also interested in the recipe! Thank you!

          3 years ago

          I would also be interested in the recipe. Thank you so very much for all you are doing 🙂

    2. Greenpaw
      3 years ago

      The recipe for the grapefruit/Lemon rind liquid is good for delivery of the zinc into your cells. Zinc cannot penetrate the cell walls without an agent to help that process. Here is the recipe: 3 organic grapefruits, 3 organic lemons, cut the peel off of all the fruit (after washing it very well) then place the peels in either a stainless steel or glass pot. Cover the peels with either spring water or distilled water. About 3 inches in the pot (measure it on the side of your pot) and make sure to stir the peels into your water good. Then bring that mixture to.a soft boil and then cut temp back to a simmer. You want to simmer the mixture for 3 hours, cover the pot during the simmer with a glass lid. After simmering 3 hours allow the mixture to.cool for 3 hours. Then strain off the water into a glass jar and then keep it in the fridge. I take a shot glass of this mixture 2 to 3 times a day along with some zinc capsules. It does have avery bitter taste to it so you can mix it in with some juice to help minimize the bitter taste. Hope this helps… Blessings and love to all!

  89. Heidi
    3 years ago

    I listened to a round table you were a part of on Vaccine Impact. It was very interesting. No one in our house has had the Covid injection. My 15 year old son has two teachers who have had the injection at the end of the 2020/2021 school year. He started having nose bleeds this spring, a week after school was out they stopped. No one in our house has ever had nose bleeds so it was a very old occurrence. I’m very curious if the nose bleeds were from being exposed to the injection through these two teachers who got them.

  90. Lisa Oguin
    3 years ago

    My ten year old daughter and I were around my elderly parents who were vaccinated. (we have not been, nor do we have any intention of ever getting the vaccine.) We stayed away for the first 30-45 days but have seen them several times recently. The first couple times no issues, but last week and this week again my daughter has had a severe stomach ache and last week also bleeding for 4 or 5 days (her period was just 2 wks prior but she just started her cycle earlier this year). Is there a protocol for her to protect herself and myself as well because even if we avoid my parents (who are disabled and it is not possible for us to never see them) we are still likely to be exposed to people who are vaccinated at church or out in public? Thank you!!

  91. Helen
    3 years ago

    Hello good Doctor, i saw you on Brighteon and wondered if you would please give the recipe again for the grapefruit and lemon immune enhancer. I have both a lemon tree & a grapefruit tree in my backyard. Do you add any water? Or just the peeled fruit and let them make their own juice? You don’t or do use the peel? Thank you and God bless.

  92. Carol Allen
    3 years ago

    My daughters husband got the jab and didn’t tell her and now she has broke out in a itchy rash and has been to ER twice before her husband confessed to the jab, I’ve gotten her on HQ and she is trying to get Ivermectin from her Dr. I watched a video of yours and you talked about the bath, is there any way you could you email how you do it?

    1. Mariam Manzanares
      3 years ago

      I am also interested in how to go about the shedding bath. Thank you!

    2. Donna
      3 years ago

      Blessed to Teach with Gene Decode talks about it. He actually did it

        3 years ago

        I am also interested in the shedding bath. Thank you !!

        3 years ago

        Donna, Can you tell me where to find the shedding bath?

  93. Kathleen Kreiselmeyer
    3 years ago

    Blessings and thank you for all you do.

  94. Kandy R
    3 years ago

    Dr. Northrup…thank you so much for having the courage to bring all the “vaccine” issues to light. In one of your most recent interviews on BitChute, you stated that the J & J injection was “the worst of them all”. Can you please explain why?
    Thank you so much!

    Kandy Ricotta
    Scottsdale, AZ

  95. Staci
    3 years ago

    I just watched a video of you on bitchute about vaccinated people spreading toxins to unvaccinated people. You mentioned creating a data base of unvaccinated people who are experiencing strange hormonal complications since mass vaccination began. If you do it, I would like to contribute to that. I would be happy to tell you about the strange symptoms I have been experiencing since February of this year.

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      3 years ago

      Hi Staci,

      Please go to mycyclestory.com on the MAMM.org website.


  96. Cassandra Keen
    3 years ago

    I have developed a terrible rash on my left thigh & on my hairline on the back of my neck. It itches a lot at times. It developed after my husband got the jab. My question to you is, have you heard of others developing a rash because of the jab? I have had a lot of allergic reactions to other medications & esp. antibiotics.

  97. Deb
    3 years ago

    I have read your books and they helped me the first time I went through menopause, 15 years ago. I will be turning 65 in a few months and it seems I am experiencing peri menopause symptoms again. Needless to say I’m concerned and not looking forward to seeing what happens next. Do you cover this in any of your books?

  98. Jacqueline Benson
    3 years ago

    My daughter got the Moderna vaccine because they were pressuring her to get it because she is in the military. She is 22 and I am SO scared for her now! She promised me that she is not getting the second shot. Is there anything she can take to stop any adverse effects from this vaccine? I’m terrified about what could happen to her.

  99. Debbie
    3 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrop…i have listened to most of your talks and I thank you for all you do. These injections are now becoming mandatory which I am against.
    How do we interact with the ones we love who did get the jab to those who did not.
    We were already locked down for a year and separated and now what do we do to protect ourselves from all this craziness?
    I want to hug my loved ones but some of them took the shot because ther were terrified! I haven’t seen a podcast on this maybe I missed one. Can you help?
    May God bless and be with us in this horrific time.

  100. Karen Branch
    3 years ago

    Hi Christiane, I recently watched a Gene Decode video about the INJECTION (covid vax) on Gene Unleashed, Backstage B2T. Amazing. If you haven’t, i suggest you watch it. I won’t given you too many details as this info is for those who want to know. We are in amazing times.

    God Bless

  101. Sheylyn Jaymes
    3 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup: I saw your Depopulation video on Bitchute. I have a great deal of medical knowledge and experience and I agree with all of what you said. Please, please, please, how can we get through to the medical field that this Covid 19 is nothing more than a political ploy and that the vaccines for it are so dangerous. The medical field needs to start seeing the devastation that it is causing and will cause humans before it is way too late. Doctors, nurses, other medical “professionals” and scientists have to stop the madness and come to understand the harm that Dr. Fauci and the CDC has caused and how they have put this country and people of other countries in fear and danger. Please book more conferences and make more appearances to spread the information that will save our species. Humans will be wiped off this planet if this nonsense doesn’t stop.

  102. Rachel
    3 years ago

    I just re-watched your interview with Dr.’s Tenpenny, Madej, Merit, and Palevsky. I’d like to share an image of a clot that came out of my body this morning. I have not had the injection, but I work in a medical office where many patients have had it. I’d love to get your thoughts or share this on a database – not sharing the image publicly, as it does contain some “less than appealing” aspects.

  103. Patricia Lane
    3 years ago

    Hi Christiane!
    Where can I find you now that Instagram has de- platformed you? I am not on Fake Book. The Warriors miss you!

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      3 years ago

      Please follow Dr. Northrup on her Telegram Chanel.

  104. Carolyn
    3 years ago

    Is there a database where those of us who did not get a shot, but have had effects, can report what we have experienced?

    1. Ginger Cox
      3 years ago

      Dr. Norththrup,
      I hung on your every word as I watched your interview with Steve Cunningham on Resistance Podcast #178. You are a gal after my own heart…Please tell me how I can join your very wise group who will not get the Covid 19 vaccine that I refuse and “campaign” to inform the uninformed citizens who haven’t a clue about the Evil surrounding this nation and the world.
      Your professional knowledge and extreme courage in pushing back the sadist is commendable. Thank you, I support you 100%

  105. Marty
    3 years ago

    I’m certain your 100% right about the shots. They are not vaccines and are Genocide. It’s so obvious. Covid is a Planned Epidemic.We are in a World War against evil people. I shook hands with a Policeman before I heard about possible transmission of the spike proteins. I have weird small bruises on my arm that have bleed and have no idea where they came from. I would appreciate any new info on the transmission aspects when available. Keep up the Great work your doing for Humanity. ❤️

  106. Annie Ocean
    3 years ago

    May i suggest that you get right to the point on your website about the injection!!! I want to point people to your site but where is your insight about the V… I don’t see it AND IT NEEDS TO BE SEEN RIGHT AWAY. THIS IS THE END GAME FOR HUMANITY!

    1. Sheylyn Jaymes
      3 years ago

      You are so correct Annie.

      1. Hanna
        3 years ago

        The end of the world is here.
        Prepare yourselves.
        Pray to your gods.
        Fight for what you believe and know to be right.
        But yes Annie, you are correct.
        Revelations is here.
        Bill Gates is the Antichrist (or the one paving the way for him…)
        I’m terrified and I don’t know where to go or what to do.
        Is anywhere safe at this point?
        Will I see all my vaccinated loved ones die in the next few years? What will become of me? I’m unvaccinated and have no intention on changing that. I refuse to get this GMO-“vaccine”.
        At what point will I be prosecuted for this? How long from now? I have pets…what will become of my pets??

  107. Mary
    3 years ago

    My niece is pregnant and I can not believe how many are wanting her to be vaccinated. My question to all of you would be how can we protect her and ourselves and her newborn from people that have been vaccinated. At some point almost everyone we know will get the jab. Let’s say all We are hearing ends up being very true and the vaccinated can transmit something to us how do we protect those we love. Thank you for any help you can offer.

  108. Charles Hennessey
    4 years ago

    I need help now I have had sex with my wife since she had the shot once a week and for the last week and a half I am experiencing some back in some kidney pain and I have two kidney operations last year for kidney stones that had to be extracted from my back and I’ve healed since then everything is normal but ever since she got the shot and we started continuing on with our relations I just watched your article on for bidding knowledge and that’s why I am contacting you because you had mentioned about a transfer on fluids I need to know more about this!

    1. Mary
      3 years ago

      I am also wanting to know the same thing. How can we protect ourselves from vaccinated people.

    2. Lisabeth Milliken
      3 years ago

      This may be of help regarding the so-called vax your wife got. Dr. Chris also mentions a protocol in the first video for Morgellons; live synthetic tiny fibers found in the pcr test and “vaccine”
      I wish you well.


  109. Susan Olinik
    4 years ago

    Can another mRNA vaccine be made to stopthe first vaccine?

  110. Susanne Reed
    4 years ago

    In 2008 and 2009, I would wake up and write things down. Often I was too sleepy to read them until morning. I don’t know why this happened at this later point in my life. They made no sense to my life at the time. One of the pieces I wrote in Breckenridge in 2008. Years later, I was in discussion over the purchase of a Kachina and wanted the artist to consider a description from the writing in making the Kachina. I was called back and asked how I knew Hopi prophecy. I said, I don’t. I have talked to my priest and some other pastors I know. They tell me to trust the writing. I didn’t and don’t understand it clearly but in the last decade, much has unfolded. It developed similarly to what people tell me is like the book Conversations with God. I chose not to read that book so I wouldn’t create something. Here is a piece of one of the writings that came to me.

    “I write the story. I extend the drama. I take the vision and bring it to the world at the appointed time. The seed was planted and now the plant bears the fruit. The garden will grow again and man’s knowledge will be based on truth and the love of me and each other as a part of creation.

    A new millennium will open up as the lightening splits the sky and allows the ascension of the new sun to occur. The chorus of heaven that sang in creation will sing the good things back into their full beauty, restoring the land and the hearts of mankind.

    The balance will be restored and all that has been intended from the beginning will come into full bloom. I will radiate from heaven and the creative power of the mother will restore and refresh. All eyes shall see and all ears shall hear and all hearts will know. It will be the great cleansing and renewal as the last age of man takes the stage and the original intent comes into full manifestation. The light will ebb out of the darkness and love will radiate from all sending the message of the true nature of the creator.”

    I had a piece of paper fall out of a book the other day. It was dated 2016. I must have written it in the night. It said I was to stand by my daughters, they would need my help. This has been true. It also said that something was coming that would cover the earth and that it would be soon.

    As I listened to your covid video and as I have gone back to the writings of over a decade ago and some of the unexplainable situations I have experienced, I realize that this writing was definitely about this time. I believe in the hope of something better coming, but there appears to be an interim period that holds the potential for much destruction. I appreciate your willingness to take a stand. I was exposed to radiation from Hanford both from my mom who lived nearby and as a downwinder. My children were at the 99% for uranium though they never lived in the state. I spent years finding ways to heal the manifestations of this in them and in myself. What helped most were diet, cleanses, chelation and homeopathy. When you said the contents of the vaccine could not be removed, I thought we cannot do this. It was hard enough to overcome the health, sensory and learning challenges of my children with those and other tools. I train teachers in Autism and have seen the incidence rate exponentially increase with insufficient public reaction. Why this response to Covid and not the impact of the environment on our children? It seems like something else to me.
    When I had thyroid cancer from the uranium, my six-year old son was looking very sad. I told him I was fine, it had been caught early and I would not be sick anymore. He sad he wasn’t sad, he was happy. It was very incongruent. So I asked him why. He said the lady in his dream had sent a message. I asked if she was beautiful. I thought he had been watching “Ghost Whisperer” with my mom. He said “No, she was fat and was wearing a red dress. She told me to give you the message. Why would you look for anything with your head, when you can find it with your heart? The lady said you need to find your voice, mom”. Then I had to go to work. He had no more to say when I came home. When I watched your video, I thought all of this has lead to this time. We have been given challenges (I had 29 surgeries because of the exposure) and various levels of skills and recognition in order to be of help in this time. One piece said ” I am stern in your education and I set you on your path”. I would like to help. I am meant to help. Please let me know how I can be of assistance.

    1. Denise
      3 years ago

      Thank you so much for sharing ❤️

  111. Sasha Smith
    4 years ago

    I have questions about a condition I have called P O S D. please help , I just can’t seem to find any logical answers from any local doctors!! Please. Thank you.

  112. Judith Rebecca Rifkin
    4 years ago

    Did Dr. Northrup post a provocative video on Facebook about a COVID vaccine or is it a fraud?

    1. Dee
      4 years ago

      I saw the video and they took it down. It was a truthful video of what the harmful vaccine will do to you.
      If I have a choice I will not take it. If they make it Mandatory, then Dr. Northrup please help us find a way to detox from this vaccine. I am trying to research online to find a way.

    2. wanda
      4 years ago

      I just listen to a video Dr. Northrups supposedly posted where she is disputing the Covid vaccine saying that it will change our DNA and we will be coded etc. I do not believe she could have done this. Please please let me know if it is factual

  113. Yvonne DaSilva
    4 years ago

    I wanted to contact you I just watched you on Utube about Covid…I have a utube I would like to share with you …it is a series for 40 days and nights I hope you have time to hear all of it..you will find it out of the ordinary but it is truth..I was afraid to put it on your face book I am censored…plus I am sensitve to all your flollowers …also you do not have messenger to contact you…I could not find a email address so I hope this is ok…. https://youtu.be/xsdPa0Mn7fo. I have taken courses from you in the past…and admire your work as a light worker on our planet… love ❤️

  114. Dick Dalton
    4 years ago

    Just watched your urgent interview on Covid and the dangers of the coming vaccine. Thank you. Sharing it now.

  115. Kristi Murphy
    4 years ago

    Excellent. Thank you for all you are doing.

  116. Cathy Bell
    4 years ago

    I love you Christiane, and I just finished watching your video on vaccines. I wish to join whatever movement you have going to do with this Covid Agenda. I have followed you for years, and have read your books, and I just wanted to say Thank you for Being you! You are Such a Light, and I as well am showing up with my Spirit to Light the Way of Waking up and remembering who we really are.

  117. Sam Loria
    4 years ago

    Could you please post on your website the interview you did with We are Vaxxed regarding vaccines, nanoparticles, Gates Etc. Social media sites are taking it down as fast as it’s going up.

  118. Jacquie
    4 years ago

    I want to receive updates from you.

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      4 years ago

      Hi, you can sign up for Dr. Northrup’s eNewsletter to receive regular emails. https://www.drnorthrup.com/newsletter/

    2. Priscilla Daly
      4 years ago

      Believe you are God-blessed in your life and work because you have a servant’s heart. There isn’t a better compliment than that.

    4 years ago


    1. Coulson Duerksen
      4 years ago

      You can sign up for the free eNewsletter by following this link: https://www.drnorthrup.com/newsletter/

  120. Christy Vollstedt
    4 years ago

    Hi you guiding light, I know I have heard you speak on the ways of staying empowered in the institution environments of Allopathic medicine. I am checking my BP right now daily when I am home it is in a excellent range. Yes I have checked my machine with the clinics and they are both good. When in ANY clinic situation BP not good. It just dawned on me that checking it twice everyday is likely insane. I sure don’t check my weight ever in fact do not even have scales at home. Where can I hear or read your wisdom on what I am speaking about. Tomorrow dance dance. You inspire me ☮️

  121. Donna Purcey
    5 years ago

    Dr. Northrop, I need help. My 42 year old daughter just had her first child on March 25, 2020. An adorable, healthy baby boy. She lives in Atlanta and I am at our winter home in Utah. Our other home is Michigan. I arrived in Atlanta on the 7th of March in case the baby came early. My 75 yr old husband stayed behind. (He’s her step-dad but considers him dad.). Her due date was March 12. By March 20 the coronavirus was getting serious to the point where we weren’t sure that I would be able to get back to Utah. There were no signs that the baby was close other than head down in position. My daughter was planning to have the baby at home. I regrettably made the very painful (for both my daughter and myself) decision to return to my husband in Utah. He was fearful of having to deal with
    this virus shutdown alone. Although we were able to virtually be with her and her partner during birth, which unfortunately ended up being in the hospital (stubborn baby), and I see the the baby every day, virtually, I’m still in pain from not being able the hold and bond with my new grandson or be with my daughter during these early days of motherhood. What I am asking from you, is for you to put into words (and this may already be in your book, but it is back in Michigan) how important the mother/daughter bond is and why I’m feeling this pain so that my husband can read it and maybe understand better what I’m going through. He doesn’t see what “holding the baby” is going to do for me even if it is for just a few days. I’m still trying to come up with a safe plan to go and see her. It may not be until the first of May but I cannot fathom going any longer than that. It’s been a few years since I’ve read your books and I’m so grateful that you arrived in my thoughts this morning when I woke up.
    Thanking you in advance for your help,

  122. Raye Wagster
    5 years ago

    Dr. Northrup , it is 3:30 in the morning I have not slept well for months . I am in a dire and frightening circumstance in rural Indiana .I was in a 45 year marriage with what I term a “loving vampire”. My husband was a textbook narcissist ,while giving support and financial security to our family. He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in October 2019 . We were a successful family only two large crop insurance agencies . Since my husband‘s passing my son and his wife have narcissistically abused me until I am almost insane . I had always had a supportive and loving relationship with my son . But looking back I realize I have been loving and supporting of him but had never asked or required anything from him . My circumstance is so serious and dire I have been overthrown from my own company ,my health has been depleted and I am uncertain about my financial future . I built our companies out of my own living room 25 years ago . Due to the coronavirus I cannot see my attorney and I am not sure our rural community attorneys would understand what I’m up against . I desperately need help but don’t know where to go or what to do . I am not a weak individual and have accomplished many things in my life .Any advice would be appreciated. I am so exhausted and my health so depleted ,I am not sure how I stumbled upon this page . I am so frightened if it all possible could I receive an email with any advice please .thank you

  123. Margaret H Tyus
    5 years ago

    I have no estrogen. What can I take? I also have a prolapsed uterus and vagina. I don’t want a hysterectomy-removal of uterus and Fallopian tubes. Any alternative? Please help. Thank you!

  124. Louise Mann
    5 years ago

    You have been a member of my yoga class for 25 years without even being present. We are all so thrilled you are OUR generation. We used to pass around your hard copy newsletter back in the 90s. AND yours is the only call in radio show I will listen to because you are the ONLY Hay House host who gives callers all the time they need. Please know how very much your work is appreciated by a group of crones in the ARK OZARK MTNS! Can you please tell me the name of the eye exercises you recommended couple years back. I need it. Thanks! Lou Mann

  125. Susan Marihugh
    5 years ago

    Are you going to update The Wisdom of Menopause? I’m a librarian and I need to have the latest medical advise available to my customers. We have the 2012 edition and I’m hoping you will be doing an update soon to include the latest science.

    1. Juana Samayoa
      4 years ago

      Hello Dear Christiane ….. you are definitely one of the Good Ones. Kudos to you for being open and up front about all the insanity happening with CV right now, which is why I’m writing to you. I want to file a class action suit on behalf of all of us who cannot wear masks.
      I’m severely claustrophobic. Wearing a mask triggers an anxiety attack within minutes. I carry my doctor’s letter exempting me from wearing one under Title III of the Americans with Disability Act plus a sign I wear saying I cannot mask. This has worked well for many months until it didn’t just recently in a health
      foods grocery store and at my annual eye appointment. Both were very distressing incidents. Can you recommend a lawyer willing to pursue a class action suit? Thank you for any recommendations or advise you might be able to give me. With Love & Gratitude, Juana ~

  126. Barbara
    6 years ago

    Do you have any alternative methods for treating severe osteoporosis? I dont want to take fosamax or boniva. Im currently taking algaecal and strontium.

    Thank you

    1. Rebecca Kemp
      5 years ago

      Read the Calcium Lie by Robert Thompson, M.D. then watch utube videos on role of K2 in moving Calcium ftom soft tissues to bobes and teeth. Take ionic trace minerals everyday and true sea salt. Weight bearing,exercise. Vitamin D3 if your test shows under 60…but this requires research…do HTMA…see Thompson. Almost no grains or sugars and lots of fresh vegies and low carb fruits, high quality fats, omega 3s Good luck!

  127. Ellen Braun
    6 years ago

    Hello Christiane, I am a German Reader and would be interested in the book: Dodging Energy Vampires for my
    daughter. I believe she is caught in the very thing you describe. When can I expect a translation into German????
    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      5 years ago

      We have a number of foreign translators for Dr. Northrup’s book. It looks like it was published in German by ZS Verlag http://www.zsverlag.de

      I hope this helps!

  128. Jay Ritchey
    6 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup for all you do to improve the quality of life for so many women! I am currently taking your Amata Life Pueraria Mirifica with great relief from postmenopausal symptoms – with the exception of night sweats. Any medical concern with my night sweats has been ruled out by my physician and I would like to know if it is safe to take Usana’s Phytoestrin with my Amata Life PM. I did have prior success with Phytoestrin getting rid of night sweats? My physician is unable to advise because the information is not available in the CPS. Thank you.

  129. Dave Fink
    6 years ago

    Perhaps belatedly, regarding Louise Hay’s DVD, “You Can Heal Your Life,” and your appearance on it aka 2005, you mention about your younger brother and sister having issues of not eating and not knowing why and also your compulsive behavior regarding getting straight As in school are related. You also discussed about the birthing room about being a holy place for peace. What happens is parents and their concerns. While a child is very young, such is highly susceptible to the beatitudes of parents in the present. At that time, body language is highly communicable to the child, whether positive or negative, Inter parental communications would best not be engaged before a child as the words are often in-cognizant for the child, whereas the body language is. Disapproving of any food before a child raises concerns in the child about food in general, especially while being fed. And so on…. Peace is always a communications skill excepting for politicians. More words here.

  130. Emilee
    6 years ago

    My name is Emilee. I’m a2x cancer survivor. Recently survived stage 3c ovarian. Had radiation to my pelvis at age 4. Suffered a life time of pelvic pain and painful sex due to multiple surgeries on my girly parts.
    I’m 42, been surgically put into menopause during my major debulking surgery! Now I have osteoporosis. I’m a Pilates and yoga teacher. I exercise. My oncologist recommends estrogen only patch, and a naturopath recommends bioidentical progesterone, testosterone & progesterone. My oncologist showed my the research that says I should be on estrogen only, low dose for my heart health. If you have any thoughts or advice I would be grateful because I’m not getting a straight answer from anyone and my life is on the line . I don’t want to cause my cancer to come back. Love Emilee

  131. Kathleen Dooley
    6 years ago

    my dr said to research bioidentical hormone therapy on Dr. Northrup’s website and decide which form of estrogen replacement I would chose. IO do not see that information anywhere. Do I have to buy the book to figure this out?

  132. Lisa
    7 years ago

    I am a 65yo woman but feel and look like I am 50. I have two grown girls and I have been a widow for sometime I have been celibate for two years but I want a healthy love/sex life. It’s been a stressful year,I was prescribed Intrarosa for vaginal dryness. I have never had any symptoms and otherwise healthy. I have not taken this drug because I value your opinion need to know if I should take it, or would you recommend another treatment. Thank you for all your books, sharing your knowledge and changing my life as a young woman 30+ years ago.

  133. Nadine Archuleta
    7 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,
    I just turned 44 and for the last year have had a lot of stress in my life! I have anxiety and GERD, and was also diagnosed with PVC’s, and Esophageal Spasm’s. I believe the stress really did a number of my body! My doctor prescribed Effexor for my anxiety, which I took for about 6 months, and I noticed I began having leg and arm spasms. I then stopped taking the medication. The swallowing is getting better, but not 100% yet. But now I noticed that I am having like chest pressure. It’s not all the time and no other symptoms. I’m worried there is something wrong with my heart 🙁 I have missed 2 periods and believe I am in perimenopause stage. What suggestion, lifestyle changes, can I make? Thank you for you time!

  134. june
    9 years ago

    In 1982 I was a patient at that OB/GYN office where you worked; I ended up with Gestational Diabetes and you became my OB doctor-the best day of my life. You have been an inspiration to me and my way of looking at my health started changing that day. I can still remember crying because I couldn’t give myself my insulin shots and you were so reassuring and I left your office feeling so much better The day of my induction my doctor never showed up and you came in and you were not on call Best delivery I have ever had and Ginny was my 4th I still remember her birth and how you held her looked into her eyes and told her she was beautiful. No other OB did that and actually they just did the delivery, handed the baby to the nurse, congratulated me and walked out. Thank you and btw, Ginny is a beautiful woman and is always smiling, laughing and loves life. We feel very lucky you came into our lives during that tough time

  135. Cassie Bickham
    10 years ago

    Dr Northup I watched your program on PBS and I am so excited about taking charge of my body and mind.

  136. Lori Medlen
    10 years ago

    Love gaining a better understanding about my health and body. You have definitely had an impact on my life for the better, thank you.

  137. Linda Ercole-Musso
    10 years ago

    thank you and happppy holidaysssssssssssss

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