Out of all the remedies and preventions doctors recommend — such as vitamins and dietary improvement – hear why Divine Love is the most powerful healer of all. I explain how you can connect with your Source Energy through petitions, and how you will benefit. You will also learn a general petition and the steps you can take to start on your own road to health and healing right now.
Divine Love: The Most Powerful Healer
by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
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I have been resonating with this woman’s pleasant disposition and energy for 15 years and I am a hardened, male patriot.. lol. She is truly a ray of sunlight and I always look forward to getting a glimpse inside of her beautiful mind. Thank you Dr. Northrup..God Bless ❤️
I was at Sanoviv about 10 yrs ago maybe 12 and you were there… You had a group called Circle of Friends that you shared.
I will never forget that experience. the energy was so powerful. I have noticed you have changed a great deal personally and shared that change with others.. Thank you… I would like to share something back with you that I recently learned… Is there somewhere more private that i could share info?
I heard about you because i have read your daughter’s book. I am eager to be able to read your book about women’s health.
So glad I found you and your Inspirational healing messages. Love the new book too, amazing how spot on it is to my most current, well now, past relationship. Everyday I’m feeling more happy inside once again. Life is good and getting better every day. I’m free!!
I did it for the period cramps I was having and an start feeling better now. I smiled. Thank you for this tip.
I Love your wisdom…
I know all things take practice…
Thank you!
I love it I tried it many times, and the pest time when I completely surrender and truly hear the answer without previous judging
Love this!
Dear Dr Northrup, what and how you are sharing is beautiful and you are beautiful too as your radiate what you teach. Example being the best teacher, thank you very much for making this video available to all who are open to receive. May your life continue to be happy and prosperous
Christiane- you are truly amazing. I have read your book- Goddesses never age and bought 4 copies for my Mum, my friends Mum and my friend and they all love it! It also got my Mum off Statins- thank God! I have just watched Womens Wisdom on FMTV and it is transformational! Thank you for these petitions- I find these so helpful. They really and truly resonate with me. Thank you thank you thank you. Keep shining your light and please come to Ireland soon?!!! Your light and energy is needed in the Emerald Isle. I would be honoured to host an event with you. Have you ever been to Ireland?
Hi Orla, would you mins sharing how you got your mum off statins. I follow Dr Northrup closely and love her work and advice for women’s wisdom, it never fails to hit the spot! thank you I would be really grateful to hear from you. karen
Thank you for your wisdom, the love and passion you share with the universe. Thank you for all your teachings. I have signed up for ageless goddess and I love it! I am so grateful! ❤️
Ageless beautiful goddess of light Eve
You are always a breathe of fresh air – and what is needed in our universal lives! Thank you!
Dear CHRISTiane,
Your gift of this message makes me feel Divine Love has wrapped Her arms around me. I grew up in a church where this was on the wall: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” (M.B.Eddy) Thank you for bringing my thought-spirit back to this home-truth. I am now challenged with the symptom of pain in my left thumb which has been going on longer than I want to admit. I have been very quiet about it; praying for healing; not wanting to voice the “ouch” or give it attention. However, it does frighten me. “Am I doing what I should about this?” “Is prayer enough?” “Can I trust the healing power of Love?” What you have given me today encourages me to keep on keeping on. Yours in faith, hope and love, Celeste Oakland