Learn how you can connect to the greatest power within you, your clitoris. OB-GYN physician, Dr. Christiane Northrup, gives you the information you need to re-establish pleasure in your body and gives you an exercise for learning to bring desire to you. Dr. Northrup also teaches you how to reframe orgasm so you can live an orgasmic life in constant contact with those things that bring you pleasure.
Female Orgasm as Medicine: Living an Orgasmic Life
by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
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This video made me cry. Cry with relief and joy! Thank you!
Your wisdom is so profound…so beyond your “formal education”.,…but a deep knowing that your heart and soul insist you share with the world…and for that We All are grateful! For so many years I have been a devotee of your work…and have lived parts of what felt like a parallel life journey at the same time. Now once again we are in a similar place, sharing our learned lessons and absolute commitment to be heart healthy in our mind, body and spirit. You have been come my Shero, my mentor and teacher…and “good friend.” As my Pay It Forward project is being listened to/read around the world, I am delighted to know that others who may never have known your amazing work,will read the piece you generously let me excerpt in the book now being distributing for FREE~ TheGreatestLoveofAll-YouandYourHeart.org or HowtoLoveYourselfintoGoodhealth.com You’re The BEST!
Wow!!! This 77 year young girl felt something stirring down there. Thank you Christiane xxx
So well said, Goddess Christiane!!! You are an Angel and a blessing to the World! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your wisdom and TLC. Your book, “Goddesses Never Age” lives on my nightstand and is my bedtime story every night. By the way, you have never looked more BEAUTIFUL!!! ^j^ Love, Sheri
This wonderful deep truth ….
Thank you so much for expressing it so very succinctly and beautifully !!!
Why thank you!!❤️
Absolutely love this. Our divine truth. Thank you Dr. Christiane!
Such a special lovely inspiring video
Reminds me of the song – Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down … in the most DELIGHTFUL way- you have a delightful way of putting your message across
I am delighted that you let me know this!!!
Thank you Dr. Northrup,
I enjoy all your videos, tips…books etc. specially this video, I embrace and enjoy life to the fullest!
I have a question: I’m turning 50 this year and I feel great, except that I developed this constant pain in my lower back and legs, my friend said is called sciatica pain or it’s something else? Witch it has changed my life style a lot.. I can’t enjoy love making like I used to, or do any recreational staff that require lots of movements. I got me frustrated to tears.
any suggestion? I will appreciated.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Nidya A.
So lovely! You are amazing! It gives me a completely different outlook and feeling of being single.
I just love Life!
Nice. So glad!
Thank you My Lovely Lady! You are a blessing to All!
Prosit, much gusto !
Dr Northrup you are so awesome!! Thank you~
This is a totally new way of looking at things for me. I love the video!
A five-star video that radiates goodness and possibility! Thank you, Dr Northrup!
Thank you Dr Northrup, we women too often seek the company of a man to make us feel wanted, complete, loved, and forget that we have it within us to be whole and complete.
Thank you so much Dr. Northrup for being such a shining light in this new paradigm of medicine!! I love this video, I love your message, and I really love the fact that it was my grandmother who first gave me one of your books!
Hi Christiane, I absolutely LOVE this video it is so well done, you are a master teacher and I thank you for all your motivational ideas, you confirm my ideas of loving my self.
Please continue giving us advice and knowledge YOU ARE THE BEST!
Absolutely! We are made to be lovers with All of Creation! And women are uniquely gifted in ability to Connect!
We are the connectors, the ones whom through our amazing internal female pleasure & reproductive system – able to experience with our bodies the pleasure of Connectedness and of being a part of Creatinng Life!
Thank you Christiane!
Mary Ann Ribble
Touches my Soul when you share the wisdom. I laugh and enjoy your delivery, “yep”. Thanks for doing your work and being you.
Goddess Bless You!! Thank you for saying this and all that you do out loud! Much Love and Appreciation for you!
What a beautiful video and such powerful information! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your experience and wisdom.
Thanks for all your info..
Where is the G spot how can I find it.
Thanks Tammy
The G spot is actually part of the urethral sponge erectile tissue at 12 o’clock with the pubic bone being the 12 o’clock position. You can feel it when aroused by squatting down and putting your second and third fingers in your vagina hooking up behind the pubic bone in the place where your urethra runs. It will feel raised. And the size of a quarter.
Love this video, thank you!
love the goddess necklace – is that moonstone?
Dr. Northrup I love you and your journey since I met you in the 1980’s at Phillips Publishing – you rocked my socks off then and you are just giving me multi-orgasmic pleasure in your teaches. I desire you in my life — keep teaching and enjoying.
Just found a picture of Phillips in my files! So fun to look back and now FORWARD!!!
Thank you, this is a beautiful video When I walk in nature with my dogs, quite often I experience a wonderful orgasm and the end of the hike. I take time to feel my natural pulse of pleasure and smile to myself.
So GOOD!!!