86 result(s) for “menopause” found.

1. Is This Your Perimenopause Transition?


Around age 40, women's bodies begin perimenopause, the transition leading to menopause (the point in time when you stop menstruating permanently). The hallmark of this transition is a change in the levels of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and the androgens. Yet this is not solely a physical event—it is also the biggest opportunity for personal growth and empowerment since adolescence.

2. Is Bleeding at Your Age Normal?


Many women experience heavy bleeding at some point, often in the years before menopause and typically due to the effects of estrogen dominance. And most women have been told that any bleeding after menopause is abnormal. Yet, did you know that postmenopausal bleeding is often not caused by cancer or any other abnormality? In fact, […]

3. Vaginal Atrophy: Sexuality at Menopause


While it is a common misconception that sexual desire and activity inevitably decrease at menopause, this does not have to be true for you.  In fact, that “first-love” feeling of sexual desire can be experienced at any life-stage.

4. Why Anger is Common During Menopause


There is a common stereotype of women becoming “crazy” at menopause. It’s our culture’s well-entrenched way of writing off women who, at menopause, often go through the process of reclaiming their lives. For many women this reclamation process includes getting in touch with anger that arises from unmet and unacknowledged needs. When a woman begins […]

5. Everything You Need To Know About HRT


The topic of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), especially with bioidentical hormones, seems to raise more questions than answers. Given the amount of misinformation and confusion that exists, I have prepared the following primer. It covers the ABCs of HRT and addresses some of the most commonly asked questions.

6. Hot Flashes


Hot flashes are seen in women with low estrogen; however, women with high estrogen levels or fluctuating estrogen levels also experience hot flashes. It is not uncommon for women to experience hot flashes during pregnancy, and also premenstrually.

7. Herbs To Relieve Menopause Symptoms


Dear Dr. Northrup, I know you've been an advocate of bioidentical hormones for menopausal symptoms, but sometimes you also recommend herbs. I'm confused. How do I know which I should take? Thank for your guidance, Kikoo

8. How To Reverse Insulin Resistance At Midlife


You always have low levels of insulin circulating in your body. When insulin is out of balance, the result is abnormal blood sugar levels.  High insulin levels can make you feel tired, bloated and cause sugar cravings.  And, the more insulin you have circulating in your body, the harder it becomes to lose weight and burn fat.

9. Fountain of Youth Discovered by Dr. Northrup


Ponce de Leon, the 18th century Spanish explorer, looked for the fountain of youth all over Florida. He found the beauty of that land, but no secret of rejuvenation. Now, Dr. Christiane Northrup has "put her finger on the pulse not only of rejuvenation, but also of delicious joy in her latest book, The Secret Pleasures of Menopause."

10. Depression and Perimenopause


Dr. Northrup, I am a 50-year-old smack in the middle of perimenopause. I am trying to get through this as naturally and positively as I can, but it is difficult.