How To Keep Your Ovaries: Don’t Let Your Fear Of Future Cancer Jeopardize Your Long-Term Health

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Health Videos Menopause

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Jan McBride
    6 months ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup for your expertise and words of wisdom. The world needs more physicians like you. When I was in my early 30s, I had a tubal pregnancy and lost both baby and tube. Twenty years ago, I started the menopause. journey. My prior gynecologist, a male, said that he couldn’t find/see my other ovary. He told me that it probably just shriveled up and my body absorbed it. Alas, I switched doctors. My current ob/gyn said she too cannot locate the ovary, but didn’t think my body absorbed it, but that it’s there somewhere.

    Question: Since it’s been over 20 years since I went through menopause, and I supposedly still have one ovary — somewhere in this body of mine, is it wise that I start estrogen therapy to protect my heart, et al?

    Thank you.
    J McB

  2. Mia A
    6 months ago

    I am 49 years old ( already menopaused and taking HRT). just found out I have the RAD51D mutation. I am not white and have no family history of ovarian cancer, but Dr. are recommending removing my ovaries and tubes due to the risk…. I dont know what to do

  3. Marian Sherron
    2 years ago


    I started following Dr Northrup back in 1999 when I needed surgery for a very large fibroid. I remember her writing that you should never get rid of your ovaries and I was blessed with a myomectomy done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

    Today at 59-9 years into menopause, I am being faced again with the removal of my ovaries/fallopian tubes. My sister has ovarian cancer (22 years) with liver mets the last 5 and has no more treatment options. My cousin developed ovarian cancer in her late 60’s and passed away within a few years. My uncle had colon cancer and my maternal grandmother had something with ovaries that my mom was sure of. Genetic testing shows no Braca or other things. The recommendation comes from this history all on my mom side of the family. My father died with Parkinson’s and I have the possible gene that could bring that on. My family all has heart disease, cardiomyopathy, stents by pass surgery and pacemakers. I on the other hand am very healthy. No predisposition for heart disease, thin, work out daily, eat a healthy diet no red meat cakes cookies. What Dr Northrup shares here frightens me to no end because I believe it. I feel why open up a can of worms. At the same time my sister lives here with me now since the news she received and I have a front row seat to the horror of ovarian cancer. I wonder just how what someone should do or question in order to decide properly. thank you Dr Northrup for your continued advocacy for womans health and their bodies!

  4. Mrs J Cooper
    2 years ago

    I am 64 had hysterectomy in 2006 left my overies and fallopian tubes. 3 wks ago I had my overies and fallopian tubes removed as I had very large ovarian cyst 26cm + tuner markers high. What I want to know is there any chance I will get side effects from this, I keep waking up soaked in sweat

  5. Bonnie Parsons
    3 years ago

    saw my Dr. Today. I have uterine cancer. 66 yrs old. He wants a complete hysterectomy. After reading ,I want to keep my ovaries. if no cancer on them ,why not ?

  6. Anita Garatie
    3 years ago

    thank you Dr. Northrup. I appreciate all your advice. I’m menopausal and still have my ovaries. will do my best to keep them.

  7. Fran
    3 years ago

    what about Uterine cancer even the early stage, the Doctor says both Ovaries must be removed because the
    small amount of hormones they release could cause latent cancer to grow?

  8. Katie
    4 years ago

    Had hysterectomy and ovaries removed about 2weeks ago. I wanted to keep them since I suffer from depression but physician recommended against keeping since I was post menopausal. I listened and had them removed. I am now wondering if I made the right decision as now my mood is low even with estrogen replacement. Quality of life is a consideration not just eliminating all cancer risks. Anyone out there glad they had them removed? Will mood stabilize as I get further out from surgery? Could use some encouragement.

    1. Liana
      4 years ago

      I had a total hysterectomy with BSO five weeks ago. I was borderline, almost at menopause. Don’t second guess yourself. It’s not like you’re going to stick them back in. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Exercise, see a pelvic floor therapist, eat healthy, and work with your doctor to tweak your medication to find a balance. I’m glad I took all mine out. I have some genetic risk, and I’d have always wondered whether I’m sprouting some cancer which I’ll catch too late. I feel freed from the tyranny of my ovaries, it’s like a cloud has lifted. It’s all a matter of how you frame it. Please don’t waste your precious life worrying about the past. Hugs. It will be all right.

  9. Assil
    4 years ago

    I’m a 52 year old woman. I had a laparoscopy a week ago. An ovarian cyst and both Fallopian tubes were removed. Is removing the Fallopian tubes have an an effect on my ovaries? My doctor pressured me to remove the Fallopian tubes because she said it will prevent cancer

    1. Kimberly Metcalf
      2 years ago

      It is Oct 2022. I am 63 yrs. I have many fibroids and enlarged uterus for many years, no problem what so ever. I took bio identical natural hormones for 4 years and are great ( BUT I have no history ofcancer in my family). but I started bleeding and spotting at times, cramps after all of these years. so Dr wants to take everything out. I started reading on line about keeping ovaries. A few articles say do not rid of ovaries even if older, cause they will release some maybe very little hormones, so I cld Dr and I am keeping ovaries but she still wants to take out fallopian tubes since they cause the cancer to ovaries. said the ovaries can still produce without the tubes, which made me look up that! so I’m reading these posts now…

  10. Scarlett O'Har
    4 years ago

    I’m a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma “thriver”, a month after my 1st round of chemotherapy, my periods stopped abruptly and what was to be the beginning of menopause. After 18 months of severe signs & symptoms of menopause, I started Vivelle Dot/Patch & Progesterone capsule nightly. Symptoms disappeared almost within three weeks, well I can’t say my libido improved all that much, & I still have areas of osteopenia & osteoporosis.
    Fast forward 2.5 years later, I received the diagnosis of “atypical hyperplasia w/foci bordering on well differentiated endometroid adenocarcinoma” aka pre-cancerous cells, of course the surgeon/oncologist is recommending at the very least a total hysterectomy, but really thinks I should strongly consider salpingo-oophorectomy (remove ovaries & fallopian tubes) as well. I don’t know what to do, is it possible that although ovaries were damaged because of chemo that they may still be producing low levels of estrogen, if so, I’d avoid having them removed…. Does anyone know if this type of hyperplasia “fixes” itself?
    Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    1. I would not mess with this. My mother at age 71 had very minimal spotting – negative biopsy. Next year, more spotting, positive biopsy. They thought it was uterine – completely treatable. Well, it was ovarian cancer. She really LIVED with it for 5.5 years. She went to her 60th class reunion about a month prior to her passing. She, myself and my brother all have the BRCA 2 gene. I did not hesitate, I was 46 years old when I had a laparoscopic oophorectomy and all the other female parts. Having ovaries removed also reduces a woman’s chance of getting breast cancer by 40%. I have not had the “girls” removed ye, maybe by the time I am 60, I am 53 now. Ovarian cancer is called the “Silent Whisper,: there is no test to detect it! There is a blood test called CA-125, but it can have false results. It is a better tool for a person who has ovarian cancer. I do not know if hyperplasia fixes itself; if you have had your children and you have pre-cancerous cells I would not second guess this. Good luck to you. Eat healthily and have lots of natural sources of calcium,Vitamin D and don’t consume a lot of caffeine it inhibits the absorption of calcium.

  11. Sylvia
    4 years ago

    I am a breast cancer survivor with estrogen positive cancer. My uterus is enlarged with fibroids and laying on my bladder causing some urine leakage. I’ve been advised to have a total hysterectomy. I’ve now said I don’t want my ovaries or Fallopian tubes removed but they think I am crazy! I honestly don’t want the surgery at all and am torn about what to do!

    1. How old are you? Did you have any genetic testing with your breast cancer? Did you have a double mastectomy? Having your ovaries removed can reduce chances of breast cancer; although I am not sure how that works once a woman has already had breast cancer.

  12. Kerry
    4 years ago


    I am a Ovarian Cancer Survivor who decided at the time (I was 34) to keep my one ovary and uterus in order to have children. I was only married six months when diagnosed with an endometrioid ovarian tumor. After treatment (carbo/taxol) I went on to bring two spirited girls into the world. My oncologist had me ready to have a complete hysterectomy this year ( 42 years old) as my family is complete. I suffer from endometriosis and a general unwellness (fatigue, bloat, mood swings, shingles). My oncologist is having second thoughts and I am so confused. I want to be well for my family and myself. PLEASE reach out if you have some advice.

    1. I guess you must have been at stage 1 or 2? You have been through it, I would say remove them! Your family is complete, why risk it, plus you had OV cancer young! Getting a hysterectomy will help with your endometriosis. Husbands and children might not help with mood swings either !! 😉 Ha ha! Good luck!! What state do you live in?

  13. Josie Garcia
    4 years ago

    I had a vaginal hysterectomy in 8/2014 and I have never been the same! After the surgery I now experience severe low back pain to where it’s paralysis where I can’t move at all! It takes me a good while to be able to move. Than I suffer now with urine incontinence and also I feel the surgeon cut a nerve that gave me severe dry mouth, throat, eyes and sinus! It’s been a very horrible experience! Now their saying I have fluid in both my ovaries with some cysts and my stonach gets really uncomfortable and bloated! Now they want to do another surgery to remove my ovaries but they ran a pap the c125 and blood work everything came back normal! I don’t want surgery because when they removed my cervix and uterus they should have removed my ovaries when they seen these cysts in 2014 now they want to open me up again! I’m getting a 2nd opinion this time! Thank you for the educational on your video because power is knowledge! Thank you Dr. Northrop.

  14. Caroline Salzman
    5 years ago

    complex atypical hyperplasia
    What then just got this result today

    1. Linda Bohannon
      4 years ago

      I’ve been living with this for 3 plus years. I refused to be scared into surgery. It’s not perfect, but as far as I can tell the symptoms I have won’t go away if they do full hysterectomy. Which I’d refuse, keeping the ovaries helps keep hormones balanced, and not trade one problem for a more serious one like heart attacks. Do your research, watch The Truth About Cancer, and get on a good diet, regiment. Even if it’s a year like I did losing 27 lbs. Then I did get sick from a tainted salad, losing another 16 [which I needed] but I didn’t have any of the precursors except weight issues, which has proven if you can lose weight you can turn this around. After 3 yrs of studying everything –dissecting anything i eat, drink, etc… I have found an article on astragalus and estrogen and reversal of endometrial hyperplasia. Don’t rush into surgery –Don’t let them scare you into it.

        4 years ago

        Linda, thank you for your post, would you mind sharing a link or where you found the article on “astragalus and estrogen and reversal of endometrial hyperplasia”
        Thank you so much

  15. Jamie
    5 years ago

    I was going to have my ovaries removed because I had breast cancer last year, and there has been a lot of female cancers on my dads side of the family, although only one ovarian cancer.
    While doing treatment I met several women who had ovarian cancer- scary!
    I actually have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow to discuss date for surgery.
    Somewhere a while back I caught the tail end of Dr Northrup speaking about the importance of keeping ovaries, so I decided to look at what she had to say- SO GLAD I DID!
    I’ll keep my appointment tomorrow because I need my annual anyhow- But I will also be keeping my ovaries!
    Thank you Dr Northrup for reminding us not to let fear be the reason for making such drastic decisions.

    1. Does your family have the BRCA mutation? Mine does, I got my inner girl parts out, and get checked for breast cancer with a mammo, breast, mri and checked by a provider one or two times per year. I do have osteopenia, but I eat healthy. Having my ovaries out cuts my chances for breast cancer by 40%.

  16. Sara L M
    5 years ago

    My periods won’t stop. They say I have one small fibroid. They recommend and pushing to do a Hysterectomy. Is there any natural way to stop periods. ?
    Somebody answer.

  17. Priscilla Deatrick
    5 years ago

    I had my ovaries removed in Jan.2019 at 74 yrs. old. I had a cyst 2 yrs. ago that resolved itself ,then another one came Even though he told me they rarely were cancerous, he wanted to remove them. I ask for another ultrasound to check to see if it had resolved, this was about 4 mo. later. He said no,just need to come out. When he got in it had dissolved but he said he just went ahead and removed them anyway. He said I would not know any difference but I am starting anxiety attacks and depression. Could it be related to the removal of the ovaries? I have had breast cancer for 5 yrs. I decided no chemo or radiation. I have had surgery twice to remove a lump each time and one lymph node this time. Was he adamant about removing the ovaries because of the breast cancer. It is HER 2 type. I also notice my memory has been worse lately.

    1. Sure those symptoms could be from having your ovaries out, but you are alive!

  18. barbara hoddes
    5 years ago

    what if you have a simple , one inch cyst on one of your ovaries , with constant pain and have recently been taking unopposed estrogen in the form of vaginal cream and 1mg tablet daily

  19. Elle
    5 years ago

    Do any of these comments/questions ever get answered?

    1. Coulson Duerksen
      5 years ago

      Hi Elle,

      I am Dr. Northrup’s editor. Yes! Dr. Northrup does read and answer comments, but she cannot possible answer ever single one. I hope you will continue to post relevant comments and participate in the vibrant community.

      Kind regards,

  20. sally
    5 years ago

    please help, i am going through a full hysterectomy this monday and not sure if i should, my uterus is falling out of me, so the dr said do a full one and then you don’t have to worry about cancer, not sure if i should or not, he said i am 52 and i will be going through menopause soon so it should not matter. what should i do.thanks

    1. Lisa Washburn
      4 years ago

      Sally- did you have the hyst/ovary removal? If so, how did it go and how are you feeling? Having the same surgery on Monday and can’t decide about the ovary removal.

  21. Denise Alexander
    5 years ago

    I had a total hysterectomy i have 3% percent left of my lef ovary..I went in at.48 to seecwby my stomach would blow up afte eating..Test were done and had cyst on ovary..The Doctor said i needed a hysterectomy and remived ovaries too..I am not sure now why..But at the time it seemed to bevserious enough and i agreed..I an 56 now and suffer hot flashes extremly bad..Mood swings….I regret it now..

    1. Kimberly Metcalf
      2 years ago

      symptoms of menopause are what you would be having anyway at your age. My stomach blew up after eating cause of fibroids. Im getting uterus and F. tubes out next week 10/22.hyserectomy

  22. Mariamm
    5 years ago

    I would like to ask you one question. I am 28 and i have endometrial adeno carcinoma grade 3 on the left ovary. My doctor wants to remove both ovaries and uterus also. I don’t want to loose both my ovaries or at least i want to freeze my ovary after surgery. Could you please give me some advice ASAP??

    1. Lillian Falba
      5 years ago

      Contact the HERS foundation if it too late.

    2. So what did you do? I know of a woman who had an early stage of ovarian cancer, was engaged or recently married, the doc one of the ovaries out, I think she had one or two children!

  23. Judy egan
    6 years ago

    what about if you have the BRAC 1 gene? Im 73 and have taken blood tests that show no problem and ultra sounds that show nothing.

    1. Donna
      5 years ago

      I am now 82 years old. I had a hysterectomy at age of 42years and 1 ovary Was left. A couple of years after this procedure, my OB/GYN said my ovary was not working and put me on 1.25 mg of Premarin. In the last 2or 3 years my new GYN Doctor started lower Premarin and pastime gave me prescription for vaginal Premarin. I am having several different symptoms-nausea, abdominal pain etc. Could it be, the ovary left in is starting to work after all these years? Should I go back on hormones to stop any possibility of this or do a wait and see what happens? Remember I have been on Premarin for 40years in one dosage or another all these years.

  24. Ann
    6 years ago

    I am 42 years old…writing to you from easten europe.
    I have a Paraguard for 8 years now…..its the second IUD after I had my only baby at 23 yeard old. Never had any problems with it.
    Starting 39 years old I’ve noticed that my mood changed…I’ve developed a sort of inner agitation…especialy at the mid cycle and prior to menstruation…my periods were coming closer together…like instead on 26 day they come at 21 or 22 days….and for 2-3 days was like spoting…..and the quantity of bood loss was reduced compared to my usual menstruations (it used to be 7 days….and days 2 and 3 a bit more flow but nothing much). So….in my 40 I was prescribed Mastodynon….containing vitex in the second part of cycle…and this felt good for a couple of months in the way that periods came at 26 days again….but it didn’t lasted…..I gave up vitex….
    At 41 years old….without any treatment my period was late for almost 3 weeks and then I had continously spoting for 1 month…only that in the end had a normal menstruation. I was feeling congestion due to so much…bleeding…not in quantity but in duration. I’ve made an appointement to a GYN…but meanwhile I took some antibiotics …for 8 days and some vaginal ones…just in case…thinking that so much congestion could provide a good environement for infections….I;ve tested progesterone in the day 19 and it was low…0.88….and the FSH was 8.8….(I did it on my own decision on my own money).The day of the consultation came and the dr gave me an ultrasound with endovaginal device….and found a cyst (1-2cm) on each ovary…saying that there are folicular cysts…..and prescribed me Duphaston from day 15 to day 25 of my cycle for the next 6 months….and she said that if I get tired of pills she can give me a Mirena IUD. The thing is that in the sixth month of Duphaston…the menstruation failed to apear….I’ve got scared and didn’t took anymore pills and never go back for Mirena..
    another year later…..I am 42 now….and things happen all over again….I was late 1 month….then 3 weeks spooting…then I took Duphaston 20 mg per day (2 tablets – one in the morning…one in the evening) and had a normal menstruation again.
    What should I do?
    I checked my tiroid TSH F4 and its ok.
    I took some bio selenium and zinc….some MgB6….Revidox..a.d some Melatonin for sleep……and I am kind of tired of the emotional status (I am crying for no reason all the time)….and my impredictible period and worry not to get fibroids and 1 million of bad toughts….
    I’ve had my first mammogram….and its ok….some benign cysts also….
    Sorry for my english…I hope you understand what I am saying….

  25. Anita
    6 years ago

    I have a cyst that just released fluid that was giving me lots of pressure but not pain, but since it burst, I feel fine. It was pretty big (size of a small melon) that seemed to be growing slowly the last few years but then noticeably and quickly the last few months. I am scheduled for surgery to remove ovaries and cyst but I don’t know if I should now since the cyst has released. Doctors recommend at my age (57) but all the tests don’t show any cancer, no cancer in my family except a few benign cysts (large) on my maternal side. What would happen if I left the tissue of that cyst in my abdomen, or where does the fluid go once it bursts? I feel like it is slowly diminishing and releasing but where?

    1. Gale Karnis
      5 years ago

      Boy I wish she would answer you because I have the same situation; I”m 67 and have had 2 cysts before this one….one burst on it’s own and nothing seemed to happen so I assume it just absorbed itself; the 2nd I had removed and now I have a 3rd. Of course now, it seems they always want to scare you into…..”it MIGHT be cancer”!!! After the emotional upheaval, I started reading what Dr. Northrup is saying and when I see the surgeon this week, the 1st thing I’m going to ask if there isn’t another way to tell if it’s cancer or not rather than automatically removing my ovaries? I really Admire Dr. Northrup and have followed her for years, that’s why I checked on here. By the way, none of my blood tests show signs of cancer and none in my family either. Time to start questioning these surgeons…..

  26. Carol L Soepboer
    6 years ago

    I am 48 years old and just had my uterus, fallopian tubes,and cervix removed March 2018 due to extreme endometriosis.. in agreement with my Dr I kept both of my ovaries. i am still having pain due to ovarian cyst which i thought would cease when i no longer had a period but that is not the case. we kept the ovaries as i am pre-menopausal, i also agree it is the more healthier choice. on the other hand i am dealing with these cyst on almost a regular basis and not sure what to do. my Gynecologist has recommenced that i go back on birth control(Marvelon 21) to keep the ovaries in control but i heard at my age there is a greater risk of stroke,but she told me if i do not smoke that it is not a problem. not sure where to go from here

    1. Brandi Howell
      5 years ago

      Did anyone ever give you advice on this? I am keeping 2 cyst on both ovaries all the time they keep coming back and he wants me to keep them but the pain is bad. I am 46 and really dont want to go thru another surgery and would like to keep them but not sure what to do

  27. Debbie
    6 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup, I am 64 years old and scheduled for hysterectomy in 4 days from now ( May 11) for Stage 1 endometrial cancer. The physician reccomends removal of ovaries due to the possibility of micro cancers. On reading your information and researching newest statistics and info on this, I am still confused and am hoping you could answer and clarify. The info talks about the benefit and relative safety of keeping ovaries in this case if you are younger up to 50, but is unclear if chance for these microscopic cancers go up if over 60 and how much.. i would so very much appreciate any input you have on this before surgery as I am wanting to keep ovaries .. thankyou

    1. Christie
      6 years ago

      Dear Debbie, I’m 48 and in the same predicament. I have Stage 1 Endometrial and Hysterectomy scheduled in 5 days. I’m wondering what your final decision was. I’m 95% certain I am going to ask for them to stay. My family has a history or heart disease and mental health is a very delicate balance for me to maintain. I’m greatly concerned with abruptly shutting everything down.

      I hope this message finds you well into your healing journey. Take good care.

      1. Stephanie Pedley
        5 years ago

        Hi I hope you don’t mind me asking but did you decide to keep your ovaries? I have extremely early stage endometrial cancer and I am scheduled for a hysterectomy next week. My consultant said ovary removal is standard but as I am premenopausal and the cancer is early I can elect to keep them. The more I look into the pros and cons the more convinced I am to keep them x

      2. Stephanie Pedley
        5 years ago

        Hi can I ask what your final decision was? I have exactly the same situation and I am so torn about what to do. Thank you x

    2. Lynn Hammerschmidt
      6 years ago

      Hi Debbie,
      I am in the exact situation you were in, 64 years old and FIGO 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma after hysteroscopy and d&c. Scheduled for hysterectomy Dec 4. Sent my pathology slides for a second opinion, waiting for the results. Family history of heart disease. I have told my surgeon that I want to keep my ovaries as I do not have BRCA genes or familial ovarian cancer. Would you be willing to let me know what you decided?

  28. Annette
    6 years ago

    I have figo grade 1 endometrioid-type endometrial adeno carcinoma. My physician wants to remove my ovaries as this is “standard” for a 56-year-old woman. If I were younger, he may consider leaving them in place. But, due to my age, he definitely wants to take them out during my hysterectomy surgery. I desire to keep both ovaries intact. There is no history of ovarian cancer in my family tree.

    1. Shelly
      4 years ago

      So what did you do?

      1. Annette
        4 years ago

        I kept both of my ovaries. Thank God for my gyn oncologist who respected my wishes! I feel relieved, protected and healthy by their presence in my body. My vagina is naturally well lubricated. I know that my vagina would be dry if not for my ovaries. I am now 58-years-old. Except for the “vaginal cuff” (I miss my cervix), life is good.

        1. Suzanne
          8 months ago

          Hi Annette,
          I am 45 and had stage 1a endometrial cancer. My consultant recommended keeping my overies and my fallopian tubes where removed along with my cervix and uterus. My pathology results returned no cancer in my fallopian tubes and lymph nodes unaffected YEY I am now cancer free or in remission. I didnt have any time to think or research pre op and went with the consultants advice to keep overies but post op I have worries in the back of my mind regarding overian cancer and I just can’t shift them. I am under observation for the next 5 years.
          Can I ask how have you got on post hysterectomy? Did you have follow ups and are there any measures I can put in place to check for ovarian cancer? Any advice appreciated!

  29. Annette
    6 years ago

    Hello Dr. Northrup, I have early stage 1 endometrial cancer. I am 56. There is no history of ovarian cancer in my family. Is it feasible for me to keep my ovaries? Sincerely, Annette

    1. EndlessMenopause
      4 years ago

      I had early stage endometrial cancer at age 58 and I had a hysterectomy two years ago. I said that I wanted to keep my ovaries but the doctor told me that they were not producing hormones, I would not have any trouble, and if I had trouble he would medicate me. Even though I was already through menopause I began having trouble immediately after the surgery. I was having sex, sleep, memory, and persistent sadness problems – much worse than my real menopause. The hot flashes/night sweats were the least of my problems but they persist even now. My ovaries were not cancerous. Oddly enough, my breasts increased in size after the surgery. The surgeon agreed to give estrogen if I waited till the one year mark. By then I had developed ADH in one of my breasts. I cannot take estrogen and the surgeon claims he never said those things. I have no family history of cancer in first degree relatives but I have a strong family history of heart disease and neurological illness. My ovaries were benign and not a day goes by that I don’t think about this. I mourn the loss of my ovaries and I am angry that I was lied to. I had well defined adenocarcinoma stage 1a. I recommend you fight to keep your ovaries if at all possible.

  30. Virginia Ford
    6 years ago

    twenty eight years ago I had an ovarian cyst and had my overy removed, (almost eight lbs) about ten years ago I had cancer and had my uterus and ovary removed or rather they could not find my left ovary. I still have cramping in my right side like I am going to have my period. Could I still have my right ovary?

  31. Daria
    7 years ago


    I’m 30 and had my ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus removed a year ago. My whole story began 3 years ago when I had emergency surgery for a twisted ovary. It turned out that I had large tumors on both my ovaries, and surgery was performed to untwist the ovary and remove the tumors. Pathology showed that the tumor cells were abnormal, and I was referred to an oncologist. Within 3 months of that surgery, the tumors had grown back even bigger than before and my ca125 was through the roof. After that surgery, pathology found low malignant potential tumors. Long story short, I went 2 years without the tumors coming back. It was then that I decided to have them removed. I asked my doctor if I should keep my uterus as there was nothing wrong with it, and he said I should remove it. In retrospect, I think it may have been better to keep my uterus as it provides support to the vagina and bladder.

    After surgery, I immediately went into surgical menopause. It has been the toughest experience in my life. I was underinformed by my doctor about the side effects caused by the sudden loss of hormones. It felt like my body was screaming at me that everything was wrong. I started having memory problems, sleep issues, my body just felt wrong. I experienced my first anxiety attack, which was never an issue before. I was told by multiple doctors that lack of estrogen can’t cause anxiety or memory issues. However, I know that is why I was having these issues. After going to several doctors and trying many different kinds of estrogen such as estrogen from horse pee and birth control pills, I finally found a good menopause doctor and the right kind of hormones for me. I use bio identical estrogen and progesterone.

    I’m so glad that you are bringing more awareness to the importance of the ovaries. They are not something to be “taken out with the trash”. They are vital to a women’s health and wellbeing. I know this from experience.

  32. sherri haynes
    7 years ago

    I had a hysterectomy at 29 years old I am now 55 and am facing another surgery because I have a 8.6 cm cyst on the only ovary I have left.! I dont want it taken out . I was told I had early cancer when I underwent my hysterectomy !! It was a complete nightmare . I was in hospital over a month got staph infection got recut open several times just horrendous. I felt so horrible after that I had panic and anxiety attacks for years I felt crazy half the time . I am so mixed on what to do the cyst is big but hasnt bothered me much at all it has been there at least 7 years gets bigger each year. I am so afraid for them to take an ovary my only ovary they say its a fluid filled cyst . Shouldnt they be able to just get the cyst ?

    1. Amye
      6 years ago

      I’m in a similar situation, I had a hysterectomy at 28 years old for pre-cancer cells on my cervix and kept both ovaries, and until now everything has been good. I am now 47 and have a 9cm cyst on right ovary and my doctor wants to remove both ovaries to prevent ovarian cancer. I’m thinking the same can’t they just rake the cyst, but he says will likely need surgery again in a few years if both aren’t removed now. I’m so confused at what to do as he acts like it’s no big deal and hormone therapy will take care of it. I’m scheduled for surgery next week and still confused.

  33. Julie
    7 years ago

    I canceled a hysterectomy with a highly regarded Cleveland Clinic surgeon who gave me the “I’ll have to remove your ovaries if I suspect cancer” scare. I have fibroids, have had ultrasounds and MRIs and NOT ONCE has anyone suggested ovarian cancer. He also insisted on performing a total hysterectomy, when I wanted a supracervical.

    I found an actual patient recommended surgeon who is willing to perform the surgery while keeping the healthy tissue intact. She understood that and didn’t pressure me.

    1. Jane
      7 years ago

      It sounds like your inner wisdom is strong.

      I had surgery in 2009 for what turned out to be stage 1a ovarian cancer. I had a total hysterectomy and have had very mixed feelings about that decision since then. I was rushed by the doctors and wish that I had gotten multiple opinions. Since the hysterectomy, I have been using an estrogen patch. This set off other complications including blood clotting, so I am now on blood thinner too (for the rest of my life). There are many other complications that doctors don’t talk about in advance. The quality of my life is much lower than I believe it would have been if I had kept one ovary.

      My sister is a nurse and has a similarly high risk of ovarian cancer (given our family history). In contrast to me, she has chosen to have no surgery, despite doctors telling her she is a ticking time bomb. Given how I feel in my body, I think she made the right decision.

      My feeling is that doctors are often so focused on length of life that they give little consideration to quality of life. Personally, I would rather have a short high quality life than a long low quality life. But I also believe that everyone’s situation is unique.

      In retrospect, having ovarian cancer was a blessing. But I do regret my decisions about treatment.

      Hope that helps.

  34. Samanth
    7 years ago

    Dr Northrup,

    Thank you for your courage to speak up! I am 46 have early stage breast cancer and was told to supress my ovaries. My gut is telling me to be cautious. So many decisions to make and I want all the information I can get before doing something so drastic and irreversible. Thank you for providing your wisdom and making it accesible to people like myself.

    1. Jiri
      7 years ago

      Hi Samanth,

      what did you take decision? my wife 42 is in the same situtaion. we are looking for the best way. could you share your knowledge and experience, please?

      thank you in advance for your response

      be lucky


  35. Sarah
    7 years ago

    I am now 62 and I had a partial hysterrectomy about 15 years ago.I am starting to lose my butt. I was advised to take an ovary supplement. What is your advice.

  36. Alison christie
    7 years ago

    Has any one had to face hysterectomy after an ablation? I had ablation due to heavy menses years ago. my period never totally stopped. I recently went thru menopause but have had spotting several times since then. Doctor cannot get good biopsy because of the ablation and says I should have full hysterectomy. I have no family history of ovarian or uterine cancer. Maternal aunt with breast cancer. But I DO have history of heart attack and stroke in my mother and father! Should I tell my doctor I want to keep my ovaries?

    1. GiGi
      7 years ago

      Hi Alison, I recently had colon cancer & within a year & a half have had scans coming back clear. My dr now wants me to have hysterectomy & ovaries removed. I’m thinking that I would keep my ovaries. There is a blood test called CA-125 that screens for ovarian cancer. I would have one every year to keep an eye on the progress of the ovaries. My daughter who work at the hospital, advised me go keep my ovaries. Good luck with your decision.

  37. Mary Ann Jones
    7 years ago

    Hello Dr. Northrup,
    Thank you for all you do to support women’s health!
    I am 64 and have prolapsed of bladder, uterus and bowel. I discovered this only 3 weeks ago when my bladder prolapsed – at least that is when I physically felt it at my vaginal opening. I went to my OBGYN and she confirmed that I not only have a cystocele but uterine prolapse and bowel. I do not have incontinence, only urgency and and sometimes incomplete bladder draining – this is getting worse. My doctor has recommended that i have a laparoscopic sacral colpopexy. I will be examined by a urologist on 1/10/17 in preparation for this surgery. I am not sure what to decide about hysterectomy and ovary removal and after reading/hearing your concerns I would like to know more. I have a family history of cardiovacular disease, but not personally (BP is 110/60 and slightly elevated cholesterol which I can keep down with weight loss). If they remove my uterus and leave ovaries will I have more protection from cv disease and cognitive loss OR do I need to keep uterus AND ovaries? I don’t think with this surgery that keeping my uterus is an option. One further note, I have been a nurse in the area of maternal / child nursing for over 40 years and am finding that I am going through grieving over the thought of loosing my uterus even though I have been in menopause since my mid forties. Any thoughts you have are much appreciated. Thank you!

  38. Michele Roberts
    7 years ago

    I’m having surgery to remove both ovaries this Tuesday. One is healthy and one has a cyst. The doctor recommends having both out . After reading this and hearing that at age 62 my ovaries are still producing hormones I’m changing my mind about having both out. my doctor and my surgeon both young bright women have urged me to remove both but say its obviously my decision to make. I’d like to keep the healthy one now. But I worry about having another surgery in ten years and regretting i didn’t get it over with now. Any Advice?

    1. Diane
      7 years ago

      What did you decide to do? I’m 53, with a cyst on my left ovary, & I’m scheduled to have both ovaries removed in 3 days. My doctors have me the same advice. My CA125 was only 7.2, well below the 35 that usually signals cancer antigens. I’ve had cysts in the past, & other than the one I had removed in 1990, they’ve all disappeared after awhile. I still get regular periods at 53. My gut says not to do the surgery, bit I’m afraid to make the wrong decision. Please advise?

      1. Cindy
        7 years ago

        What did you end up doing? I am scheduled for surgery next week. I am menopausal with my last period 2 years ago. I have a 1.2cm cyst or something (solid) on one ovary and the doctor recommended to take out the other ovary too. Then I thought that taking out only the tube associated with the “good” ovary, but now read that the blood supply to the ovary can be affected, perhaps rendering the ovary non-functional anyway. Not sure what to do. I’m thinking just to remove the bad ovary and tube and leave the rest (of course unless they find cancer, in which both should come out).

      2. Julie
        7 years ago

        Thank you for alerting me to the ovarian cancer blood test.

        1. The thing is a CA-125 is not foolproof, it can have false results. If you have ovarian cancer then it is used as a baseline.

      3. Christina
        4 years ago

        Can you share the outcome?

    2. Kirtly
      7 years ago

      I want to know the outcome you decided on?

    3. deb
      7 years ago

      this is the same decision to make in two weeks ,, what did you decide to do .?

  39. Claire
    8 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup, I don’t know if you will see this in time to answer before my mother goes into surgery. She has a prolapsed uterus and chronic UTIs. After struggling with complications from these issues for over a year, including a stay in the hospital due to a reaction from antibiotics, she visited a surgeon who specializes in prolapses and pelvic floor reconstruction surgery. She is going to have a hysterectomy in 3 days. They are going to take her ovaries out during the procedure and placer her bladder in a sling. she was told to take her ovaries out to prevent ovarian cancer. We don’t have a history of ovarian cancer in our family. My mother is 76. It is hard to find information on whether or not you should keep ovaries for women this age. My thought it we don’t know what they are producing, so why assume it is nothing or not in enough quantity to be valuable. She has diabetes and high blood pressure. If her ovaries are producing hormones that can help prevent heart disease it is a better risk to keep them than remove them. Any thoughts on keeping ovaries for women in their 70s? Thank you! (I’ve been a big fan of yours since I first saw you on PBS.)

    1. B
      7 years ago

      Hey Claire hope all went well did ur mother end up having the op? My mother is also due to have her ovaries out but we are still unsure what’s best she’s also diabetic type 1

  40. Zoya Griffith
    8 years ago

    Hello Dr.

    I am 38 year’s old with two children. My husband and I don’t plan on having anymore children. For the last eight months or so I been experiencing severe abdominal pain.
    So I finally went to see my ObGyn and recently found out that I have a fibroid in my uterus the size of a twelve week old baby as we’ll as a cyst. My doctor suggest that I have a hysterectomy and to removal either partial or full hysterectomy. Also to consider removing my ovaries so that I may not run the risk of having ovarian cancer. My family only has only one cancer related case’s and that was my great great grandmother who died of Cancer. I have a pretty large family.
    Her cancer was not ovarian cancer. So my concern of course would be is it best to have a full or partial hysterectomy. I’m concerned of Cancer and early menopause also vaginal dryness. I been in so much pain and I’m not sure if I can handle a second surgery should this come back again. I just really don’t know what to do. … I’m not even sure if this pain could also be coming from more of the cyst as we’ll. I’ll know at my next follow up. Please any suggestions on cause and effect of a full hysterectomy or partial. Just nervous and slightly afraid of what might be best.
    Thank You for you’re time and effort.

  41. Bel
    8 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup,
    Thank you for this.
    I’d be interested to know what your thoughts are with regards to removal of the ovaries in BRCA people? I have a BRCA1 mutation, and at 46 years old feel a deep resistance to removing my ovaries (at strongly recommended by conventional doctors), at least until I’m in the menopause. It feels like it’ll have such an impact on my whole system, and I don’t want to go into early menopause. I have ultrasounds & CA125s every 3/4 months (I realise of course early detection is known to be challenging in OC), and have not to date had any issues with my ovaries. I lead a very healthy lifestyle, with a great diet most of the time, practice yoga & meditation daily, am a perfect weight etc. But I still do sometimes worry that I’m deluding myself that I’ll be ok.

    1. Sasha
      7 years ago

      What did you find out? I am in the same position, but 50, and have not started menopause. Thoughts? Resources?


      1. Raquel
        6 years ago

        I was in your same situation. I just had my ovaries removed at almost age 50 and glad I did it. Being BRAC 1 you have a 40 percent chance of getting ovarian cancer, do you really want to take that chance.
        I went thru the surgery fine and came out the other side feeling the same but for the usual things like pain in the area of the surgery. I do not think you should take a chance. Also every year your risk increases by you deciding not get them removed. I waited till almost 50 because I to did not want to go thru early menopause as well as hormonal side effects. But the day comes you have to really just do it and not think any more. I wish you peace and happiness to whom ever reads this. I know how hard this decision is.

  42. Denise
    8 years ago

    I am 62 years of age and my mother passed from Ovarian Cancer at age 61….young in my book! No other history, not her mother not her sisters. Although we do not know just what her mother died of at age 40…abdominal issues.
    I was told years ago to remove my ovaries by age 40 by another doc. I have not. My current doc speaks the language of removal as well. Instead I have two pelvic exams a year and a pelvic ultrasound annually as well as the CA 125 test. This all seems thorough to me. Today my Gyn doc asked why we are not getting these out to remove the cancer risk. I have not ignored her advice and I have not embraced it. I feel quite neutral about the surgery. And what happened today? I came across this website. Maybe this is my affirmation that not doing the surgery is better for me….maybe not better for my doc and her recommendations, but plain old better for me. I usually follow medical recommendations, but have dragged my feet on this one for years.
    Thanks, Dr. Northrup for your enlightening perspective. I still feel like I am on the fence, but your viewpoint was highly educational.

  43. Daisy
    8 years ago

    I am 59. I stopped menstruating a few years ago. I don’t feel that I ever had any menopausal reactions – no hot flashes or anything like that. But I have a huge ovarian cyst (13 – 14 cm). The ca125 test was completely normal. But I can’t quite understand what sort of cyst it is. It seems very difficult to get a clear understanding of everything from the gynecologist I had an ultrasound and a CT scan. I’m nervous because the gyne’ seems to be treating it as very serious. He wants to remove everything and part of my omentum – uterus; tubes; ovaries. I’ve never had an operation or even children. The operation is in about 3 weeks away and I’m afraid a second opinion won’t give me any alternatives. But I guess I have to get one. I have no regular doctor and I live “out in the sticks.”

    1. B
      7 years ago

      Hey, hope all is well. My mother is also going through the same thing. She has has scans and is due to have a ct scan as she was too afraid of having a MRI as she suffers from panic attacks. What does the ct scan intale if you don’t mind me asking did you need to have a injection or drink fluid, it’s all really scary as we’ve had several letters and phone calls home the doctors seem to take it all very seriously and are very keen on getting everyone’s ovaries out she also had the ca125 test which came back normal thank god but her gyno doctor is still pushing for ovaries being removed any feed back would be much appreciated thank you

  44. Loura
    8 years ago

    I am 33. I’ve had 4 c-sections from ’03-’11, followed by a hysterectomy (uterus only) in ’13. Before and after my hysterectomy, I had been having single ovarian cysts that ruptured every month. They were very painful, expensive (ER visits) and associated “cyst sickness” as I call it, was also disruptive.

    I want to keep my ovaries, but I am so tired of the pain and sickness. I’ve tried Progesterone in doses large enough to shut down the ovaries, but that in turn disrupted my thyroid, which caused weight, energy, and other various issues. So I was switched to estrogen patches, but I can only tolerate the lowest doses, too low to shut down the ovaries and stop the cysts, though it has lessened the severity and duration of both the ruptures and sickness.

    My doctor has said my only other option is surgery to remove at least one. He suspects there is scar tissue from all my previous surgeries squeezing the Fallopian tubes. I generally have far more issues on my right side than my left. I know women can live with one ovary, but I don’t want to undergo yet another operation if the left one fails too. What are my options? Can the Fallopian tubes be removed instead?

  45. suzanne m. mcdermott
    8 years ago

    god bless you for your expertise and sharing all your years of knowledge , medical and mental and spiritual. I am 66 years young and old and as a young teen I had extremely long and heavy periods and at 15 hypothyroidism and then into my 20s multiple ovarian cysts on both ovaries which to me were all very physically painful. At 21 God blessed me with my 1st child and another at 22 and another at 23. The problems I had left me wondering and fearing that I would never conceive a child which from a very early age of 3 or 4 I new I wanted most to be a great mother and nurse. God through much pain heard my childhood prayers and eventually blessed me with both desires of my heart. After I became pregnant with my 2nd child my hypothyroidism became much worse and after her birth and we were home from the hospital I suffered my 1st hemorrhage . I believe the medication they were able to stop the bleeding was called ergotrate. I can not spell it. I then had my last child the following year and then due to financial reasons my husband and I decided not to have further children although I had always had my heart set on 5. I then had terrible PMS and depression and painful ovarian cysts which I was given a pain medication called Darvocet which only helped lower the pain. At that time in my life my wonderful loving husband got a loan and sent me to nursing school when I was 30. Then I was put on a progesterone medication which helped the PMS immediately! At age 32 while working at my 1st nursing job I was awakened in bed and was hemorrhaging and was taken to the hospital and had my 2nd D & C . An ultrasound revealed multiple large fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts. Shortly thereafter on December 31st of 1982 I underwent an abdominal hysterectomy and just the puncturing release of the ovarian cysts. Later that night my Dr. and a lot of people were at New Years Eves parties .I was brought to by a wonderful nurse who found me hemorrhaging profusely . I remember no pain just a wonderful sensation of kind of floating away and the music I was listening to. Then all of a sudden there were nurses all around me and a really gentle nice doctor . needless to say they stopped the bleeding and proceeded to give me 5 pints of blood which saved my life. Now after really good and long years at age 66 my ovaries are still working and I am still sexually active with an occasional ovarian cyst. I though have continued to have some thyroid and ovarian and some mild coronary artery disease and am still on 2 antidepressants. All of my relatives except my older sister of 1 year and an aunt and 1 uncle are diseased of massive heart attacks . Thank you for this mornings spiritual advice as I now suffer with a lot of spinal problems and was just on the computer looking for more updated medical information on these issues. I did take a slow deep breath and said ‘ I accept divine{ Gods } love throughout my body ‘. My sister has been praying this for me all my life and just yesterday over the phone ! I felt a wonderful sensation of relief and finding your website has been a great gift for me from God through my blessed savior, Jesus Christ. I fully now know that you are right and I expect my ovaries and overall wellbeing to continue for many years to come as God permits me to tell many stories of His miraculous blessings yhat have occurred over my 66 years.

  46. Olivia E.
    8 years ago

    I had my ovaries removed 14 years ago, but not my uterus. My mother died of ovarian cancer at age 40 and this was the advise I was given. After surgery, I elected not to take hormone replacements. I am now 51 years old and experiencing hair loss. If I begin HRT now, will the hairloss reverse?

  47. Ellen
    8 years ago

    At 50 years old I had spotting for two weeks after my period ended in late February. The doctor did an endometrial biopsy and a saline ultrasound. As a result a hysteroscopy with D & C was performed in late May to remove a polyp. The doctor removed two polyps and one fibroid ( about 4cm). All went well until I began my period on July 3. The flow was extra heavy and flooding on days 3 and 4 while I was away on business . I went to Urgent Care and was given 10 mg progesterone which I took for only two days. I returned and went to my obgyn as I was concerned about the heavy bleeding. She said that I now need a hysterectomy because I have 3 smaller fibroids. There was no pain, simply discomfort and fear of embarrassment. At this point I am very disappointed and want to try acupuncture and herbs prior to surgery. As someone who has never had children, is it better to have the surgery to reduce the risk of cancer? I eat no meat and no dairy and thought that this might assist my health at this time. I feel uneducated in this area and have no gauge. My mother bad a hysterectomy at 35 due to fibroids. I thought that eating healthy, and being active would lessen my risk. Would the surgery be my best option or should I try a more holistic approach? Will waiting and doing this increase my risk of cancer? I keep thinking that this last experience was my body’s way of slothing and purifying after so many procedures. Period ended after day 6 and I now have a slight mucosy discharge. I went cycling yesterday and back to work today. Your thoughts?

  48. So Confused
    8 years ago

    At the tender age of 47 I have fibroids the size of a 5month pregnancy. My thoughts are to have a myomectomy to remove only the fibroids. My doctor think it would be best if I have a partial hysterectomy (meaning my ovaries will remain) to prevent ovarian cancer down the road. My mother and aunt had Ovarian Cancer in there late 40’s. My appointment is at the end of this month. If I keep my uterus what % of any new fibroids appearing? If I have the hysterectomy what are my chances of facing menopause? early?

    1. Gail
      8 years ago

      If you have a “partial hysterectomy and keep your ovaries, you will Not Prevent ovarian cancer! You have a very strong family Hx of ovarian cancer so reconsider your options.

    2. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      This doesn’t make sense! You don’t remove the uterus to prevent ovarian cancer, you remove the ovaries. And that doesn’t always work. Please
      Read the section on hysterectomy in my book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and then tune into your inner wisdom on this. There is a still small voice in all of us that KNOWS!! And bless you. Many many women are confused about these things. And I have spent a lifetime trying to help women understand their bodies and their
      Choices. Removing just the fibroids is possible. And not a difficult surgery. However many women opt for removing everything. Ask more questions, do more research. This is not an emergency situation. And fibroids shrink after menopause!!!!

      1. Annie
        4 years ago

        Yes they do shrink but they can resurrect after HRT therapy which happened to me causing me much misery for 6 mos every time I started exercising vigorously bleeding would start. Uterine lining was 5x thicker than it was supposed to be and very large fibroids. Had pain on right side and having to pee alot and got a bad UTI and bowel probs from the fibroids and a gross smelly discharge also from them.

        Opted to have a hysterectomy to make sure they never come back because my experience with them was so horrible. ugh. I’m recovering quickly and glad I did it. Needed relief. I’m 61 and menopausal so I let her take everything the ovaries were not helping me anyway had bad hot flashes and night sweats and insomnia which is why I tried the FDA approved natural hormone therapy made from wild yams. Didnt’ agree with me and blew up old fibroids that I didn’t know I had or created them. Ugh. 🙁 Better off with my hot flash pillows. also I think I had cysts maybe too on the ovaries not sure. did laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Hope this info helps someone to make an informed choice. Wish Ihad researched more before I did the natural HRT pellets. Toio strong. No cancer thank God just the evil very large fibroids. My grandmother did have ovarian cancer maternal I think so I opted for her to take them. her mother died of uterine cancer. My mother had no probs though. Died of heart disease and died with her ovaries in place. So, not always a factor.

  49. Karen
    8 years ago

    Hello Dr. I am 53 and had my ovaries removed. What should I take to help me not age so fast without my ovaries?

    1. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      I highly recommend my product Pueraria mirifica Plus. It keeps everything moist and lush!!

    2. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      Take the herb Pueraria mirifica. It keeps everything moist! And I started a company to et everyone know all about the wonders of this plant. Check out

  50. Karen Zeughardt
    8 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup, I’m a 2 year b/c survivor. I recently started taking Tamoxfin and so far so good. With the side effects. I still have my ovaries, now that understand we should keep what god gives us (I believe that) but what about me? I go see my GYN in sept, please save me a little stress till then. THANK YOU !!!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      Take a slow deep
      Breath.,Say ” I accept Divine Love throughout my system”. Breathe in through your nose. Hold it. Now pulse your breath out through your nose. Now you are connected
      To Divine Love. Now ask your inner being ” should I keep
      My ovaries?” Listen for the answer!!!

  51. Helen
    8 years ago

    I have a 4 cm cyst on my right ovary. It was 3 cm about 6 months ago but is continuing to grow. My onocologists wants to remove my ovary, then do a frozen biopsy. If it’s cancer she wants to remove everything. My c125 is normal or at 4. My question is, why do I have to lose my ovary in the first place? Is there another way to test for cancer. I am 56.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      Ovaries make cysts. Most are NOT cancer. Ask your doctor to just follow this along. I also recommend Divine Love . Check out Wonderful results! Read the healing testimonials!!

  52. Ava
    8 years ago

    Thank you Christiane for your insights and great wisdom. I have held on to my lady parts due to your knowledge. I do feel at a loss at though, I have a cyst on my ovary, a fibroid on my uterus and some end endometriosis. I have been told by several doctors that my options are to try birth control to help with the hormones. What are your thoughts on this? I know birth control options can contribute to cancer, yes? Also, my experience with this was never a good one.
    One doctor told me that my uterus is a “ticking time`bomb”. Of course the general consensus was to remove everything.
    The pain is overwhelming, to say the least. Totally debilitating. I take rounds of 800 mg of Advil to somewhat control the pain. This cannot be good long term. The bleeding is uncontrollable as well. If there was a Red-Tent I could camp out in when my Moon strikes I would. My life is blessed and full with 3 boys and a Loving husband (who frequently washes the blood-stained sheets.) Running off to the Red-Tent is not a possibility at this time.
    I did see a few acupuncturists. One gave me herbs which stop the bleeding. I take that after I have had enough, and 12 days of gushing has taken its toll. Unfortunately our budget is at an all time low. We are doing our best to get back on our feet. In the mean time I am truly suffering. I am at a loss in terms of handling this in an organic, respectful, natural way. I have been working on second chakra “issues” for a year now with much progress, though the pain comes and feels like a failure to be honest.
    I trust your wisdom and wish so bad to be able to find a way for myself within your teachings. I am 43 and live in a rather large city. I imagine my options are wide, though I have not figured out how to organize my healing. Your help will be greatly appreciated. It is my will to take care of myself. Not let my financial situation determine my greater health.
    Thanks for listening.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      Try castor oil packs and also Divine Love.

  53. Dawn kohlbrenner
    8 years ago

    Sadly my healthy overies where removed 11 weeks ago. Please help me and let me know how to feel better and stay healthy. I was never able to have my own children, and now at 49 I am adopting two boys. My dr talked me into removing my overies and I thought I was doing the right thing after he said I wouldn’t have to worry about ovarian cancer. And I would be here longer to see my boys grow up. Biggest mistake I’ve ever made. Please help me to stay healthy so I can watch my dream come true grow into two wonder young men.

  54. Allison Jucevic
    8 years ago

    I have a ovarian cyst on my right ovary. The doctor that I just went to said I should have both of my ovaries removed. I asked why can’t they just remove the cyst? and leave my ovaries in tact. She told me that I would have a higher risk od cancer then. It this true? I’am so confused and worried about what to do.

    1. Helen
      8 years ago

      Did you get an answer to your question? I have the same problem.

    2. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      You can easily remove the cyst on your ovary. You don’t need your ovaries removed!!!

  55. Darla
    8 years ago

    I was forced to have a hysterectomy for bladder repair. I’m small, so having 2 children ruined my bladder. In the meantime, someone I knew died an agonizing death from ovarian cancer. She was in her 40’s much younger than typical. I told the doctor to take “everything.” Maybe not a good idea. This turned my homeostasis upside down, I’m talking really bad here. I lost 80% of my pubic hair and most of my body hair. Also, this resulted in 1 hour of sleep and 24 hot flashes a day. My vagina was too dry for sex and a perineum so dry, urinating set me on fire. I was given drug company beta estradiol which is too strong and my body cannot tolerate. I promptly gained 30 pounds and developed insulin resistance and no, diabetes is not in my family. I have Hashimoto’s since my surgery. I can only tolerate compounded hormones, including testosterone. Hope my experience can help someone else.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      8 years ago

      Try Pueraria mirifica.

  56. Elena
    8 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup, I would be ever so grateful for information on how to rebuild the immune system after chemotherapy. Apart from making healthful choices concerning my lifestyle (positive thinking, fresh air, clean water & clean eating, meditation, exercise and rest), what else would you recommend after chemotherapy in order to help regain energy, strength and vitality? What is your opinion on hyperthermia treatments, Vitamin C infusions, alpha lipoic acid, Reishi mushrooms, the dosage of Vitamin D and Vitamin E (apparently not the synthetic tocopherol but tocotrienols are supposed to have enormous healing properties – maybe you have access to the latest research here)?

    As I commented below six months ago, I lost my ovaries due to ovarian cancer in 2013. Recently, I went through another four cycles of chemotherapy due to enlarged lymph nodes.

    1. Christiane
      8 years ago

      All of those things are FINE, But the very very FIRST thing I’d do is learn how to have a direct connection with Divine Love. Go to and read the testimonials. Also do one of Bob’s webinars. Then you will have the inner means to get the answers to ALL your individual questions. Great question. And sending you Divine Love!! Christiane

      1. Elena
        8 years ago

        Thank you so much, Christiane! Very grateful for this! I will check it out and let you know how it went.
        Love from Munich, Germany

  57. Diane
    8 years ago

    I am 62 years old, and have a 5 x 7 centimeter dermoid on my left ovary. The doctor is strongly recommending surgery to remove the dermoid and the ovaries. She said that removing the ovaries is the only way to ensure there won’t be any more dermoids. When I asked her if that would have any hormonal effects on me, she said no. Seeing this video and reading the other comments has me greatly concerned. She is considered a local top in her field of obgyn oncology, so if she is not informed on the information in this video, I find that downright alarming. I am not sure what to do and would welcome any suggestions. I don’t know if getting another opinion would be useful or not since it appears mainstream medicine seems to be ignorant of the facts. How do I find a doctor who is “in the loop”???

    1. Christiane
      8 years ago

      Such a fascinating question. I personally followed women with dermoids in their ovarieds for YEARS!! No problem. But again, what this comes down to is YOUR RELATIONSHIP with your ovaries. You have the inner wisdom to KNOW– deep within– what the RIGHT THING is FOR YOU. Go to Learn the free healing program and how to connect with the Creator directly. This is such an important thing to learn. Bless you. Christiane

  58. Raine
    8 years ago

    My mum, really never took care of herself. She had been sexually abused as a child at age 4, raped at 15, grew up in a household where there was violence. She then married my stepdad, who, for lack of a better word, is still a psychopath. My mum developed diabetes, fatty liver, in 2009 she was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer, stage 3. She had also started to have mental decline. She had a hysterectomy at age 29 due to heavy bleeding, they left her ovaries in. When she passed in April of 2011, an autopsy was done, and not only did they confirm that she had Ovarian cancer, stage 4+, she also had early onset Alzheimer’s. (she smoked most of her life, quit in her 40’s and basically was overweight)

    Before all of this, when I went to my doctor, I kind of sped through the appointment. They would ask about my parent’s history. (I only know my mum’s) and everything was normal. Now, when I go to the doctors, they raise their eyebrows, and ask more questions. My youngest half sister has had the blood test, BRAC 1 or 2, to see if she has the gene for Ovarian/Breast Cancer (Her father’s family, specifically his sister, died of breast cancer in the 1980’s at age 35) my sister’s results were negative, but she developed thyroid cancer and had her whole thyroid removed in 2010.

    I wonder about my own risks. I have had 3 polyps removed from my uterus, I’m 48 and still have my ovaries, and my period shows up every 24-28 days each month. I really wonder about the test, and whether or not I should get rid of my ovaries. I do realise that there is half of me I know nothing about. I also grew up in an incredibly, dysfunctional home where there was violence, I was sexually abused at age 4, I’ve had multiple (26) reconstructive surgeries due to birth defects, It’s no wonder that I score a 7 on the ACE inventory. My question is, should I have mine removed?
    The women in my Grandmother’s family, and Grandfather’s family, outlived their husbands, had NO OVARIAN cancer. I’m sorry this is so long, I was wondering what your views on this might be.
    (I also have a middle sister who had a total hysterectomy at age 39 due to her having pre-cancer cells in her cervix, (she tested positive for HPV)

  59. Donna
    8 years ago

    I had one ovary removed at 29 and another at 41 due to endometriosis. I went on premin but found that it gave me swelling and mood swings. I stopped after 5 years taking this hormone and now use vaga femme. Since using vaga femme I feel better and don’t get as many infections as before and now more sexually comfortable . Having my overies removed was the worst mistake of my life!

  60. Kathryn
    8 years ago

    RE: Ovaries/Hysterectomy
    At age 39 & with gratitude to a wise husband,
    who insisted the surgeon not remove my ovaries
    (where he came up with this idea 33 years ago is still a mystery to me).

    No problem to date, and with your continued uplifting guidance
    Dr.Christiane and excellent info and insights I look forward to
    the years ahead!

  61. Cathy
    8 years ago

    When in. My late twenties,I was told that I should have a hysterectomy. I was told that I would never be able to bear another child. I promptly said no. A wise decision on my part, as I am sure my son would also agree.

  62. jen
    8 years ago

    I have a 2.1 cm dermoid cyst on my ovary and the dr. wants to remove the one ovary and the fallopian tubes. I am worried about losing my ovary because I already have so many hotflashes during the night. But the dermoid is more solid than it should be and it has internal blood flow (although the resistive index is low).My gyn oncologist thinks it is benign, but could be heading in the direction of malignancy. Only 2% of them are malignant for most ages, but after 45 14% are. I hate to cause the risk of all of these things that dr. Northrup outlines if the dermoid is not malignant. But there is no way to know without removing it. They do not do needle biopsy if you are over 50.

  63. Fran
    9 years ago

    I’m now 77, but in my late 30s I had my ovaries removed. Initially, one ovary was found to have a dermoid cyst, and the doctor said it was easier to remove the entire thing rather than to try to separate the cyst from the ovary. However, this surgery led to extensive painful endometriosis plus many adhesions . . . which in turn led to the need for a hysterectomy, including removal of the one remaining ovary one year after the dermoid ovary removal. I was on Premarin for a few years and then switched to another form of estrogen. Until 3 or 4 years ago I took a low dose of Estradiol every day, and then under orders from my primary doctor I tapered off to where I have taken none for the past couple of years. Since I have no ovaries, and presumably no production of female hormones, was this an unwise decision? Would there have been any danger in continuing on a low dose of estrogen for the rest of my life?

  64. Kate
    9 years ago

    When I was 45 (9 years ago) I had surgery to remove my ovaries due to a growth. I kept my uterus. Am I still producing hormones?

  65. Charlotte
    9 years ago

    I was in EXCELLENT health and life was great, when six years ago against my better instincts and under pressure from a male gynecologist, I agreed to the removal of my perfectly healthy ovaries in a hysterectomy procedure. It was the worst mistake of my life! Since the surgery, the quality of my life has been diminished because of the many physical problems that began within two weeks of the surgery. The worst part is the loss of cognitive function and low energy, even with hormone replacement. (I’m 63 and struggle to remain employed.) As a result, I’ve completely lost my trust in our health care system. Dr. Northrup is right in her advice to keep our ovaries!

  66. Belen
    9 years ago

    Dr. Northrup congratulations on become a grandma and thank you for this wonderful video. I had my ovaries removed last year after being diagnosed with uterine cancer and I have been experiencing mild hot flashes and no discomfort what so ever. What I have been experiencing is joint discomfort especially my hands and at night. When I wake up my hands are stiff and it takes a few seconds to get my fingers to move. I thought it might be rheumatoid arthritis but my Dr. has confirmed that it’s not. I’ve also noticed that my mood changes quickly and more often and I feel more emotional. I don’t know if this all has to do with the lack of estrogen and testosterone but after reading the comments from the women that have shared their experiences and also what you shared around heart disease I’m concerned and would greatly appreciate more information on ways to prevent the diseases. I am not on any medication nor on any bio identical hormone replacement. Look forward to reading your response.

  67. Cecelia
    9 years ago

    At age 32 I suffered from uterine prolapse. Of course, the solution was hysterectomy. I knew at that age I was not ready to go through menopause. I had to go to over a half a dozen doctors before I finally found one that would agree to not remove my ovaries. Now, at age 53, I’m just now beginning to experience menopause symptoms. I’m glad I did not just accept the “standard procedure” and kept looking till I found a doctor who understood and agreed to let me have some say so in my health care. Thank you, Dr. Northrup for sharing your wisdom.

  68. Eileen
    9 years ago

    Yes I too was told to have a hysterectomy for a fibroid. I refused and had tubal ligation instead. I still have a fibroid and so far so good. I recently started bio hormone Divigel for the night sweats. I am 66 years old. I will start the progesterone in November per my doctor. I am a believer in keeping my body parts as long as possible.
    Are you a proponent of biohormones?
    Your granddaughter is beautiful and so lucky to have you.

  69. rayna
    9 years ago

    i am one of the many women who were advised to have my ovaries out due to fibroids and later found out that they were fine. i was 45 and not in menopause and have suffered horribly ever since ( for 3 years so far). bio identical hormones are not identical to ovaries as most women learn to find and are challenged continually. i do find your videos helpful but for the thousands plus women who can’t go back and keep their ovaries, it’s very heartbreaking and discouraging to hear how bad it is to do it. can you offer any help or books or videos on what women can do if they were pre menopause when they had them removed to help them be healthier as we age. it’s crushing to always hear what a big mistake we have made when usually we were advised by our doctors to do so and can’t fix it now. please help us. thank you, your wisdom and advice is appreciated so much!

  70. Anne
    9 years ago

    I, like a few other women here who have the same issue, would love the answer to the big question “to remove or not to remove the ovaries” after having been diagnosed with breast cancer – ER PR positive and HER 2 negative – the kind of breast cancer that is fed by estrogen. I also have fibroid tumors that I think are worsening as a result of being on the drug Tamoxifen for 9 months. So now my doctors are recommending a full hysterectomy. If I keep my ovaries they will still produce estrogen, so I would still need to take the Tamoxifen and if I have my ovaries removed, they may still want me to take the Tamoxifen or switch me over to another drug that has an entire new set of scary side effects. I am open to any recommendations or opinions! Thanks!

    1. Shannon
      9 years ago

      I have your same question, Anne. I’ve had breast cancer twice (age 30 & 50). With this last bout I decided to do the genetic testing and found out I am BRCA2 positive. Because of that, my cancer “partners” at my medical facility recommended mastectomy and oophorectomy (removing ovaries). It’s the “standard of care,” they keep telling me. I had a mastectomy at age 30, so I knew what I’d be in for. Against their recommendations I chose to not have a mastectomy or oophorectomy. I did have a lumpectomy and radiation. Chemo was not called for. I tried Tamoxifen for 5 months and couldn’t stand the deep depression that accompanied it. Again against recommendations, I stopped taking it and declined other estrogen blocking drugs. Every time I go in for follow up visits, I feel pressured to defend my decision about no oophorectomy. It just doesn’t seem right. I’m 51 years old with the vitality of a puppy and the resilience of a cockroach! – why mess that up with drugs and surgeries?!

  71. martha
    9 years ago

    Learning that my 64-year-old ovaries are still producing some hormones and keeping me healthy made me feel ELATED! That is just so cool!!!

  72. Gail
    9 years ago

    In 1996 at 39 I had a partial hysterectomy done by laparoscopic surgery for uterine fibroid the size of a grapefruit and also had an ovarian cyst golf ball sized removed. I was bleeding to death and hated the horribly painful periods I had every month for almost 30 years. I wanted the doctor to ‘take everything out’. I am so lucky because he refused to take out my ovaries. We fought about it repeatedly but he would not back down. Late 40’s I went through my menopause. Started with hormones but hated the weight gain and how they made me feel so stopped everything. Continued menopause without anything but true grit. Allowing the hot flashes, etc. I churned and burned into a different woman with a new kind of strength in body and soul. I’m so glad I let nature take her course and experienced her power this way. I became empowered.
    Two years after my hysterectomy I grew another ovarian cyst! I’d moved and went to a new doctor who didn’t have the skill to remove it laparoscopically so I refused to schedule the surgery. I got your book, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and looked up ovarian cysts. I did what you suggested and quit eating cottage cheese. I LOVED it and ate a lot up to that point. My cyst immediately began to shrink. One month later it strank to 1/2 its size and was gone a month after that. I have never eaten cottage cheese again and am eternally grateful for your advice that saved me from another surgery. Thank you Dr. Northrup!

    1. Elena
      8 years ago

      Excuse me please, but this leaves me confused. Could you give us more details on why exactly one should quit eating cottage cheese? In the link below, Dr. Northrup recommends cottage cheese and other fermented foods such as yogurt, Sauerkraut, soy bean products, sour dough etc. to be helpful probiotics:

  73. Robyn
    9 years ago

    Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter Dr Northrup. Amazing what ovaries can create! I am now 60years old and have you to thank for retaining my ovaries when two years ago I was advised to have a full hysterectomy due to some ‘misbehaving cells’ in my uterus, aka ‘diffuse complex endometrial hyperplasia’ in medical terms. I too was presented with the fear scenario of the probability of ovarian cancer and told that at my age they have no value (ha!!), so initially I agreed to the full hysterectomy. I became increasingly angry, yes angry, with the thought of removing them as my surgery date approached. I researched and educated myself on this subject, turning to your books and other enlightened information. Most importantly I also checked in with my body by asking my uterus what was this all about as I had been focused for some time on optimizing my health through wiser lifestyle choices. My uterus immediately responded to my question with – “you have been ignoring me, so I am going away!” I was shocked. Yet I then instinctively knew this was true. While I had been focusing on my health and empowering my feminine (so I thought), I had ignored my lifelong inner impulse to create through art and painting. All this had been on hold for the ‘more important things in life’ – including family, work, even personal development. How could I have missed this for so long?! So, I spoke with my surgeon one week before my due hysterectomy and insisted that unless he could find clear evidence that my ovaries were compromised during the surgery, they were to be retained. While he had an obvious different opinion, he respected my wishes. By the way, the final pathology on my removed organs (uterus, tubes and cervix) all came back clear! Within 2 months following my surgery I was enrolled in a painting course which focuses on the divine feminine. This helped me move through many challenges around my connection to my body, my creativity and my feminine that I would never had thought possible. So I am now honoring my sacred ovaries, and ever thankful to you Dr Northrup. Blessings to you, and all.

  74. kathryn
    9 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, what kind of estrogen should I be taking? No one has said anything to me about that. I had uterine cancer, a full hysterectomy (robotic surgery with the DaVinci at UVM) at age 62. I have never had a child and I have a lot of abdominal fat so I was told I got cancer probably because of too much estrogen there.
    That was in May of 2014 and I have a lot of pelvic pain since the surgery. I had another CTScan…everything seems okay. They can’t tell why I’m in so much pain. I was advised to go to the bladder/incontinence center and I had 6 installations with heparin, etc and that helped the burning urethra but not the pelvic pain. I never had any kind of problems before my surgery, Nothing.
    I have no cancer history but do have a lot of heart stuff so now I’m really concerned. Can you please write a little more about taking estrogen in your blog? What do I ask for?

  75. Lynn
    9 years ago

    Just had my ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and removal of polyp on uterus done last month at age 67. This has been on my mind to do for the past 20 years due to losing my mother to ovarian cancer when she was 76. Of course this has been a black cloud for my sister and myself all these years. Now I will wonder if heart disease or Parkinson’s disease will replace the ovarian cancer fear!

  76. susan
    9 years ago

    Love your books and beliefs! About 3 years ago I had blood clots on my lungs and while hospitalized they found a mass in my belly. I went to a wonderful young ob in Kingston Ontario who told me that a blood test for ovarian cancer registered at 1600 and was only supposed to be at the highest…35. Because I was over 70 I was not to have the chemo they put in my belly but I wanted it as well as the pics in my arm to send it through the rest of my body…to be on the safe side. A few weeks after I started treatment she called me to tell me that the blood test was at #14!!! My lucky #. My cancer was stage 2 which was not as serious maybe as a higher # but she took out all my ”lady parts” and has kept me in her patient list since then. At one point I almost died because the chemo was too strong that went into my belly and took away all my electrolytes so I ended up in the hospital for a time but again…my life was saved. I have 8 wonderful grand children and hope to live to see them all grown up and married. My husband is a nurse and took the best care of me ever. One specialist at the hospital felt that the long years I kept taking HRT maybe had caused the cancer. I haven’t missed my ovaries and feel great. Don’t see any wrinkles yet and keep busy with lots of friends and support. …and…. got to Curves!!!! Lucky me to be in Canada…. not a cent spent through all my surgery or treatments except for parking at the hospital. Do you think the blood test is helpful? It may have saved my life.

    1. Tonya
      8 years ago

      I came across your post, and I was wondering if you were talking about the blood test CA-125?
      I went to my a few weeks ago, and he found some fluid in my left fallopian tube, and then he also found something on my right ovary.
      So he did the test that that showed my CA125 level at 74,
      Which he said is extremely high.
      He sent me to a GYN oncologist.
      Which he just did a pelvic exam, and now just am scheduled to have my uterus out on February 24the which is in a week.
      He is going to also remove my ovaries if he needs to, but he won’t know until he goes in to take my uterus.
      I am concerned and now I am wanting to get a second opinion, but I don’t want to out the surgery off bc if it is cancer at all, the sooner it is found the better.
      But I was curious as to why he did not suggest that I have a biopsy first?,
      Once I have my uterus removed and or my ovaries, then it’s to late to think about what if, as you know.
      And if it’s cancer they can take it all bc I am a single mom and I can’t take any chances on it being cancer and I let it go.
      I am 43, and I wound appreciate any info or advice you may have to provide.
      I am so glad that you are doing well after you had your surgery.
      Thank you sincerely Tonya.

  77. Patty King
    9 years ago

    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful grandchild, Penelope! At age 47, I had a “complete” hysterectomy due to borderline malignancy. Immediately afterwards, I suffered with horrible hot flashes, headaches, etc. I did not need further treatment, but my dr. would not prescribe estrogen until a year later. When I finally began using the estrogen patch (Estradiol), I got much needed relief. However, my present gynocologist wants me to stop using the transdermal patch because it can cause heart disease and breast cancer. Progesterone/testosterone was not prescribed. I have made several attempts but cannot tolerate the return of awful hot flashes, headaches, etc. I feel so guilty still using estrogen now at age 71. Doctor does not believe in bioidentical hormones. I don’t know where to turn from here? Am I really putting myself at risk?

  78. Mary Kratt
    9 years ago

    Eleven years ago at the age of 52 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I was told by the doctor that when they do a hysterectomy because of uterine cancer they ALSO have to remove the ovaries! I didn’t question it so I had a TOTAL hysterectomy as they called it! Fast forward to January of this year, 2015 where I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, AT THE AGE OF 62, and had to have 2 stents put in the right side of my heart! At this point NOW WHAT! ?? The damage has been done Dr. Northrup!!!! Insert many sad faces here!!!!! I’m not understanding from the video what I could possibly do about it at this point?! I’ve been fighting my weight since 1995 when my thyroid was removed! I’m so tired!

  79. Nidhi Gupta
    9 years ago

    I am a 37 year old female who was detected of breast cancer ( ER PR positive and HER 2 negative ) last year. have undergone a lumpectomy , chemotherapy and radiotherapy. most of the doctors have advised me to remove my ovaries to control the hormones which induced cancer in my case.
    I am not ready to do any surgery at this stage but have started Zoladex injections to control the hormones.
    Please advise what is the best thing to do.

  80. Linda Kirchen
    9 years ago

    Years ago my mother told me that a complete hystorytomy can cause a heart attack in future years.
    I know this to be true from several women that I know who died because the ovaries were removed.
    They did not realize it at the time so obviously the risks of this operation was not discussed.
    I for one, when hormones were offered to me years ago, I told my doctor that my grandmother nor
    my mother took hormones so it is not in the cards for me. I am now 71 years old. I take no drugs.
    I do take a multivitamin and vitamin D-3 supplement. Those are my drugs of choice. I feel totally blessed.

  81. maria
    9 years ago

    Excellent video! Thank you Dr. Northrup. Unfortunately, I lost my ovaries when I had uterine cancer. I am on bioidentical estrogen replacement but am wondering if there is any other avenue to keep myself healthy besides or other than the estrogen replacement. I am thinking of getting off the replacement therapy because I am afraid of breast cancer….. can you help me with alternatives?

  82. Patricia
    9 years ago

    Hi There:
    I got the DCSI stage 0 and someone told me that if I remove my ovaries I can control the estrogen and avoid recurrence. because I am Positive receptor Estrogen

    Any advice will be great

  83. Latonia Boudreau
    9 years ago

    I had stage 1 Unterine cancer and had a complete hystercomy my Gyn/oncologist removed my ovaries was it wise for her to do so? It has been since 2012 when it was done. The only thing I have side effects from doing this is some menapause symptoms like hot flashes and sleepless nights and weight gain. I am 59 years of age. The doctor will not give me any hormone therapy because I had cancer. The doctor says to just excerise and watch the food intake. What else can I do? Any feedback would be useful. Thank you.

  84. Deanna
    9 years ago

    I was postmenopausal, and had large cysts on my ovaries and my gynecologist recommended removing them. I was reluctant, but also discussed it with my primary care doctor, who agreed with the recommendation. They both assured me that since my ovaries were “quiescent” due to menopause, I would not notice any difference. And that was a LIE. I noticed almost instantaneous changes – a layer of subcutaneous fat in my belly area, fine lines in the skin on my face. I felt like I turned into an instant old lady. I asked both doctors about that, and was brushed off.
    A couple of years later, I had some abdominal pain, and they did a scan. I was told I may have a cyst in a fallopian tube. I laughed (since supposedly they had removed those when they took the ovaries.) When I talked to the gynecologist, he said, “Oh, yeah, by the way, we were not able to remove your entire right fallopian tube because it was adhered to your colon.” Oh by the way???!!!! I wasn’t surprised that they found adhesions – I had 2 C-sections (24 and 30 years ago) and long suspected I had them. But I’ve lost confidence in that doctor – I really think he should have told me about that during the follow-up after the surgery. And I really wish they would quit telling women that removing menopausal ovaries has no effect.

  85. Elena
    9 years ago

    I had to have my ovaries removed after I turned 55 two years ago, due to Ovarian CA stage IIIc. Extensive surgery successfully eliminated all visibly affected parts and after six weeks of recovery, I underwent 6 cycles of chemotherapy. Last year I needed extensive abdomen surgery again due to an adhesive ileus. Everything healed well and I keep confident, thanks to a healthy life-style with natural food, exercise and meditation, plus (last but not least) the love and support from my husband, daughters and friends. However, due to enlarged lymph nodes and increased tumor markers (171) my oncologist recommended another slightly modified chemotherapy, which I began two weeks ago.
    I try to ignore all the negative prediction found on this illness but must admit I would be ever so grateful to read about POSITIVE examples of other women who successfully won the battle and who share their knowhow, tricks and experience of what helped during the process. (Such as for instance, drinking lots of hot water with freshly grated ginger root as a natural and effective remedy against nausea.)
    Thank you for being so encouraging and for transferring your wisdom, passion and spirit to us, dear Dr. Northrup! Bless you and your family with the new born little girl!

    1. Tatiana
      4 years ago

      There is a documentary worth watching called the Science of Fasting. It is free on Youtube and also available free on Amazon Prime (if you are subscribed). It shows a study by Dr. Valter Longo with USC on how fasting protects patients from chemotherapy and also making the chemo more effective. Fasting puts the body in a protective state. I did do it through almost 6 months of chemo. I fasted 24 hours before chemo and 24 hours the day of chemo and then ate the following morning. I had excellent response to treatment and less side effects. For the later stages where I had some neuropathy, I used red light therapy to stimulate and regenerate my nerve endings. It worked. I used a red light and lamp bought from Amazon. I clamped it next to my bedside. While recovering from surgery I placed my hands under the lamp. My oncologist cut my chemo by 2 treatments since I was having the neuropathy side effects which happened since during the second phase of chemo I could only fast for 24 hours. First phase of chemo was every 2 weeks. Second phase of chemo was every week. Now I am being advised to have my ovaries removed along with the uterus and cervix. I am a BRCA2 carrier, but no one in my family has ever had ovarian cancer. We do have a history of breast cancer. Fasting did help me tremendously. The documentary is worth watching. It saved my life.

  86. Alicja
    9 years ago

    I was scheduled for hysterectomy due to my fibroids in my 50-ties. I was bleeding and the doctor at the very well known Boston hospital ordered hysterectomy. I always seek second opinion especially in radical treatment. I went to Poland, my country of origin, and the doctor at Poznan hospital said it was not necessary to remove my whole genital tract. He said I was in menopause and the fibroids will shrink. Shortly I stopped bleeding and now it is 15 years later my ovaries still produce hormones.
    Thank you Dr. Northrup for educating us, women.

  87. Lynne Gray
    9 years ago

    I had my healthy ovaries removed during a hysterectomy back in 1990 when I was 51. I started to use natural progesterone (Emerita) then and in 2007 started to use natural testosterone cream (transdermal). I had trouble with natural estrogens and only used for a short while. I wish it was easier to get the testosterone cream without a zillion blood tests etc. I can no longer find a physician who will write the script without exhaustive tests so I haven’t used it for about 5 months now -:(

  88. Liesa Hyldig
    9 years ago

    8 months ago I had slight postmenopausal bleed..biopsy showed clear cell and other cancer cells in endometrium….mother died of ovarian cancer…urgent total hysterectomy put in motion…I put my defenses in motion during 1 month wait…I’m 63..had easy menopause..never thought twice about total hysterectomy…and relieved to have all with lymph nodes out and only found stage 1 endometrial with minimal invasion…no other rx. So very relieved..never did I ask or get any info on my choices fir what to remove nor info on ‘surgical menopause’ . I now have symptoms. .feel like my skin is turning into raisin, dry vagina, losing hair by handfuls, foggy head, hot flashes(which I never had before), joint pain. So here’s proof of the need for ovaries. I feel grateful that I didn’t need chemo or radiation and don’t mentally miss those parts…BUT my physical body obviously is missing something. The docs say no to phytoestrogen even becausd if esTrigun based cacer. …but i may be making some headway suggested promensil which is red clover. ..they have not heard of pueraria mirifica…So my questions are…should I take it anyway? In all this I have never had any hormone levels checked. ..and is there any point now? Thank you.
    ps.I also hate the term ‘survivor’.

  89. June
    9 years ago

    I had a hysterectomy in my early 40’s . I had very difficult periods my whole life and displasia that kept coming back, so my ob said let’s take out that uterus. I can do it vaginally with no incision and it will be no big deal,and it wasn’t. She never even mentioned getting my ovaries out, apparently thank goodness! I do not think i would have done it any way because truly there was nothing wrong with them. It was the one of the best things that ever happened to me. She was my hero for many years after that 🙂 I was so glad to be free of that whole painful period thing and since I still had my ovaries, I had no hormone issues for many years and now take the herb you sell for it. I am in my sixties now .( am not even going to try and spell it without the bottle) .It helps immensely .Thank you Dr. Northrup. June

  90. Nava
    9 years ago

    Unfortunately, a the age of 44 around 24 years ago, I had my ovaries removed against my wish during hysterectomy surgery (due to fibroids). The ovaries were removed a to prevent any chance of cancer. This procedure (open surgery), caused me to experience complete and severe symptoms of menopause as of the following day of my surgery.

    I was not happy about that procedure, feeling forced to go through a procedure done against my inner knowledge and intuition.

    Ever since then, I have helped not only myself but other women on similar situations to take control of their own health. I have become a complementary therapist.

    I am in a good state of health, being achieved through adequate nutrition, physical exercise, and mindfulness.

    I must admit though, that reflecting upon that day, still brings tears into my eyes. I have not overcome completely the loss of my uterus and ovaries in particular, let alone the attitude of the male physician who performed the surgery.

    Thank you for all your precious advice. I have been following your newsletters for the last 16 years.

    Yours sincerely,

    Nava, Israel

  91. Chaitanya Nolan
    9 years ago

    This April I underwent surgery to remove my uterus and fallopian tubes due to several precancerous cervical biopsies and procedures to convert the cells to normal were unsuccessful. The gynecological oncologist that I went to for a second opinion as to whether to have surgery said that I should also have my ovaries removed. However, as a veterinarian, I am of the opinion that we do not know all of the functions that an organ provides and if the organ is healthy it should not be removed. My gynecologist agreed and, since recent research has shown the Fallopian tubes are the area likely to have uterine cancer ( I had read that and so had she) we agreed that they should be removed as well.
    So, I kept my ovaries and I am happy to see your supporting statements that they do indeed still function at my age of 61.
    Dr. Chaitanya Nolan

  92. Linda Henderson
    9 years ago

    I have followed your teachings for many years. First the monthly newsletter and now online. Thank you for this enlightment about our ovaries. I have always believed my ovaries were an integral part of my body, therefore provided homone support. Your teachings have supported my body wisdom thru the years. THANK YOU!!

  93. Susan Raja-Rao
    9 years ago

    I have no personal experience with this issue myself, but I do have experience as a nurse in a small town hospital, working there in the 70’s. I was an emergency room nurse and when any woman came in with vaginal bleeding ( they would be frightened about the bleeding ) they were whisked into the operating room for at least a hysterectomy. They asked no questions and were given no explanations. I do not remember if they had their ovaries take out but I imagine this was also done.I remember being shocked by this and was aware that this one one of the hospital’s most expensive surgeries.

  94. Mary Ann Grassia
    9 years ago

    Congratulations on becoming a grandmother. It is the best role you will ever experience!
    At the age of 52, I experienced frequent severe bleeding. I was told it was due to fibroid tumors that were so invasive that my ovaries could not be found during ultrasound screening. I was given a chemical therapy, I believe it was called Impron – 2 shots six monte apart to create a false menopause to stop the bleeding and iron replacement for anemia. Treatment was followed by a hysterectomy. After surgery I was told that my uterus, the fibroids (one as large as a melon), my ovaries, and endemetriosis (which was never diagnosed and quite invasive) had all been removed. I never took hormone replacement which made my doctor furious. I stopped seeing her, lived on a diet rich in plant-based estrogens, have never had a hot flash or other symptoms related to menopause. I am now 67 years old and going strong. I bought and read cover to cover, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom after my ordeal and wished I had the knowledge it gave me from the start. Thank you for being a champion for alternative health choices. I have given your books to many relatives and friends over the years now. Keep the wisdom coming.
    Mary Ann

  95. Aletha
    9 years ago


  96. Gerry Price
    9 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,

    At the age of 38 I had an ovarian cyst the size of a honey dew melon according to my gyn. I had surgery and my doctor removed both ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix, an oophorectomy. I just turned 80 years in August. Do you suggest anything I should be doing. I took estrogen for several years after my surgery, but decided to stop after all the bad news about estrogen. I consider myself a lucky woman, being in relatively good health all these years.

    I have great respect for you, reading your books and enjoying your website.

    Thanks for any help you can provide me regarding how I should carry on.

    Congratulations on the birth of Penelope Ann. I hope to see more pictures of her in the near future.


    Gerry Price

  97. Wendy
    9 years ago

    I understand about leaving your ovaries, but what’s one to do if they were removed 10 years ago during hysterectomy?

  98. Catherine Demerly
    9 years ago

    Wow! I had a hysterectomy about seven years ago in conjunction with pelvic floor repair for a cystocele. I opted not to have my ovaries removed, even when encouraged to do so to possibly prevent future ovarian cancer. I somehow knew that I should keep those body parts of mine, even though I wasn’t aware of the hormonal and physical benefits. Thank you, Dr. Northrup, for sharing your wisdom.

  99. Sandy
    9 years ago

    I wanted to share my story, it’s longer than I will make it but my hope is it will help and inspire another like me before its to late..
    I suffered with Fibriods my whole like. I did as much research as I could to find out what I had them and how to prevent them.. This was a few years ago and so much more can be found now! All I was ever told was you should have a hysterectomy! I’ve been a health conscience person for over 25 years and that just was not in my DNA.. Until I started having some what I call “very painful stomach aches” little did I know is it was overly large fibroids (small cantaloupe size) attaching me causing extreme pain.. I was uninsured and other than that as they say healthy as a horse.. I worked very hard at that part! I ended up having a to get them out through hystorectomy and was told that with my health there would be no reason to take my overies out. Once they got in there they found them so deformed ( monster looking) and voted to remove them. I saw pictures and indeed they were scary looking! UGH I cried when I came out of anesthesia and could not believe my ears.. Not ME! No way!!! At that point in my life 53 I had never had a hot flash, night sweat ever!!!!! I hadn’t had a cycle in over a year so I was mid minapausal.. I started having hot flashes, night sweats galore.. I found a wonderful Doctor that helped me get balanance with bio identical hormone replacement and he told me that if I had been given bio identical progesterone through out my cycling years I could have prevented it all.. So for a few dollars a month and a little bio identical progesterone cream I could have prevented that!! No surgery, no removal of my uterus, kept my overies and save a whopping $40,000. I was in the hospital less than 18 hours and my bill was that much.. OHMYGOODNESS that would buy a boatload of cream.. So if you suffer please do yourself a favor and spend a few $ a month and save yourself from the fibroid misery.. And PLEASE look for. Dr. That will treat you with bio hormones and not synthetic..
    I am happy to say that at age 57 I’m balanced and healthy as a horse.. Going strong and don’t plan on stopping! Life is good, so take care of you so that you can help others more effectively.

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