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Is Diet Soda Safe to Drink?
Diet sodas, are any of you addicted to diet colas? Here's why it's so addictive.
The Hidden Cause of Obesity
From 1993 to 2008, the number of obese people in the United States rose by a steady 85%. Find out what's actually behind this epidemic.
The Importance of Preconception Nutrition
If you are thinking of having a baby at any time, you start to feed your baby right two to three years before he or she is born.
The Benefits of Walking
Today’s topic is walking. Is it still the best exercise for overall good health? Well, I think it is. It’s the easiest! The famous cardiologist, Dr. Paul Dudley White, who was responsible for those wonderful walking paths along the Charles River and also the inventor of the EKG, said, I have two physicians: my left leg and my right leg.
Over the years, from the 1970s until now, processed food has had more and more sodium added to it and so our taste buds have become acclimated to fast food that’s really high in hidden sodium. So we have this preference for salty food.