117 result(s) for “Breast cancer” found.

91. Discovered in Sicily: The Secret of the French Paradox and t...


I recently went to Sicily with a good friend. She lost her husband a year and a half ago, after going through his three-year ordeal with cancer, and decided that it was time to rediscover the world of joy and pleasure.

92. Help For Gardasil Side Effects


Vaccines are full of materials that can be toxic, especially to the central nervous system. My colleague Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an expert on the adverse effects of vaccines and why, in some individuals, they can be harmful.

93. Stop Circumcision


In the weeks ahead, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are likely to publish a recommendation that all infant boys undergo circumcision.

94. Thrive in the Future by Understanding the ACE Study


The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study scientifically validates something many physicians, including me, have experienced. The environment that you are raised in can have a significant impact on your health and habits for a long, long time.

95. Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?


So how do you know you have adrenal exhaustion? If you are experiencing relentless, debilitating fatigue, which is accompanied by depressed mood, irritability, loss of interest in life, low energy, and the inability to carry out your normal day-to-day activities you may have adrenal exhaustion.

96. Whole, Complete, and Lacking in Nothing


A couple years ago, I took a workshop with Jill Rogers called the Seven Sacred Steps. Jill started the workshop with a ritual in which she looked deep into each of our eyes and said, "You are whole, complete, and lacking in nothing." Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt the truth of this statement from both a soul perspective and as a deep sadness because I still hadn't found the love (spelled MAN) I was looking for in my life. Fast-forward a couple years. I now feel "whole, complete, and lacking in nothing." And guess what? This is NOT because Prince Charming finally rode up to my doorstep. Nope. It is because I have internalized some key things about independence and true love.

97. Newsflash! Saturated Fat Is Good for Your Heart


A recent article in the British Medical Journal puts to rest a decades-old myth: Saturated fat is NOT bad for the heart. This is news I've long suspected! And we now have science to prove it. Fat is not the enemy when it comes to cardiovascular disease, weight gain, brain health, and so many other issues. It turns out that sugar—in all its many guises—is the real culprit for making you fat.

98. Blood Sugar: Your Key To Vibrant Health


As you know, I have been counseling women to lay off the sugar for about twenty years now. When I talk about sugar, I am referring to refined sugar, the white stuff. I first started talking about the negative effects of sugar in all it’s forms – bread, potatoes, alcohol, rice and even beans — at […]

99. How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication


Blood pressure fluctuates all the time, hour-by-hour, and day-by-day, and there has been extensive over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of millions of people because of this. In fact, it’s not uncommon for blood pressure to rise simply in response to a doctor’s visit! This is called the “white coat syndrome” and I’ve seen it repeatedly. On […]

100. How Healthy Is Your Poop?


Yep! I’m goin’ there!  Despite the fact that we all poop, it is probably one of those subjects that you don’t talk about – even with your health care practitioner.  I want to change that because your bowel movements are your body’s natural way of detoxing, and your poop can tell you a lot about your health. In fact, it’s is one of the few reminders you get about your health on a daily basis.